Zhan Long

Chapter 1259: It’s going to have an accident!

In the afternoon, a ringtone echoed in the sky above Tianzhu City, another player flew up successfully, and is still a player in the Chinese theater -


System Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Flower Guns and Pots of Wine] (China) successfully ascended to [Lower God] (Juyan), as the second player to fly to God, earned a reward: Level 3, Charm value 200, Gold Coin 500000, After the ascent, the total hidden property is greatly improved, the strength growth is increased by 70%, the physical growth is increased by 60%, the spiritual growth is increased by 30%, the agile growth is increased by 20%, all the skills are broken through 20, and the practice proficiency can be raised to the **** level. Level 7!


The gun has soared?

Sure enough, it is a pragmatic and unrelenting guy. A gun and a jug of wine can be described as a unique show in Longxiang. It is almost impossible for him to get more help from his companions in the realm, so he will kill a goddess and fly above 235. Level limit, this mentality is worthy of praise, the original Dongcheng month also think so, but I got a better chance after Xue Sha's median **** god.

In this way, the Chinese region is truly unique in the world. We already have two god-level players. In contrast, the servers such as the Iron Cranial City, Jiuyi City, Zeyuan City, and Qiqi City have not yet completed the flight, and about Because the players who reach level 235 at this stage are very limited, and the total number is no more than 100, so they can't join hands to challenge God, God, and even the Emperor. The chances of entering the realm are not great. If you are not careful, you may be directly The second is killed.

Fang Gelhao and Sky Rose are good examples. Most of the success of future generations is based on the experience of predecessors.


I continued to swim in the city of Tianzhu, while waiting for the news from Lin Biaoer. Dongcheng Yue told me that her child had arrived in the human space an hour ago. She could sneak in stealth. The whereabouts of the gods should be very secret, that is, no. Knowing how long it will take her to reach the Turin empire in the realm, I left the middle **** of the winter scorpion, and the sacred frost two rules are good enough to let her fly.

A close look at the rules of the player's ascent, found that these restrictions are not extremely harsh, players who have already soared can still enter the realm of God as God after 30 days of flying, killing a higher level of God can get A stronger godhead is flying, and of course, there is also the possibility of being killed to capture the godhead. Everything is in the midst of wealth and danger.

Soon after, the moon was sent to Yi Jingdan, I gave her 10W, but she bought me 2 Yi Jing Dan, and asked me what is the use of Yi Jingdan.

Its practicality is very simple, and only I am useful. When I was killed by the Emperor Yun, I was found when I was forced to withdraw from the realm. My original experience value was 235 99%, killed. I lost one level at a time, the experience value is 234 level 99%, as long as one Yijing Dan, I can rise to 235, will not be subject to the 234 level of forced transmission of disciplinary, so I can have Over 30% of the total attribute of Overlord Rebirth, plus the 50% of the infernal ghost will be immune to lightning damage, there should be a chance to fight with the Emperor, and this is my only chance, if not, I am afraid I will never have a chance to hand over the gods.


Put the Purgatory Ghost Card and Yi Jing Dan into the warehouse, and then go to the magical territory to level up, and kill some sporadic demon riding, barb wolf riding in the mountains beside the Tulong Fortress site. They are all 8 levels of different demons, and the experience value is much more. In the evening, they will help the first weapon casting artist Nangong Ling MM to pass the copy of S6. The experience value has reached 235 level 87%, and the next few days practice. A little experience value is more than enough.

However, nearly 7 hours have passed, Lin Biaoer still hasn't soared, and I don't know what happened. I can only do it with Dongcheng Yue, and I can't wake her up outside the game. If she is fighting in the game, then it won't. All right.

Fortunately, my nephew never disappoints. Until late at night, at 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, a ring of bells reverberates over Tianzhu City. The third player who has soared has appeared, and the nephew has successfully promoted to the median god!


System Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Cangwu] (China) successfully ascended to [Midage God] (Holy Frost), as the third player to fly to God, received a reward: level 3, charm value 150, gold number 300000, After the ascent, the total hidden property is greatly improved, the agile growth is increased by 100%, the physical growth is increased by 50%, the strength growth is increased by 40%, the spiritual growth is increased by 30%, all skills are broken through 20, and the practice proficiency can be raised to the highest level. Level 7!


The children also reached 238 grades, and ranked first in the world with Dongcheng Yue, Huajuan and a jug!

However, the ranking will change soon, because Dongchengyue has been brushing the experience, and will be able to rise to 239 before tomorrow. By then, it will be the first person in the full-server class.

It didn't take long for Lin Biaoer to appear in Tianzhu City and chose to go back to the city.

Dongcheng Yue also returned from the leveling place to replenish and meet together on the East Gate Bridge.

I took the butterfly and stepped on the breezy bridge. After a few minutes, Lin Biao appeared, and the golden ID on the top of the head -

[瞳瞳]LV-238 Shenyin

God level: median god

Main City: Tianzhu City

Guild: Xiaolong

Position: Deputy Master


At the same time, I can also see that she opened a pair of invisible wings behind her, and God can fly. Besides, she inherits the median **** of Dong Yu. According to the shallow clouds of the Emperor, the winter scorpion should be the realm. There are only a handful of strong people in the median god, so this godhead of Lin Biaoer is not a general power.

Dongcheng Yue soon came over. After seeing Lin Biaoer, he immediately looked surprised. He looked at the golden luster on the set of the moon, and then looked at the snow-white peaks and deep gullies on the chest of his nephew, saying: "The nephew is so beautiful!"

Lin Yuer looked at Dongchengyue and laughed: "The same is true of Dongcheng. After the ascent, the overall appearance has changed. Now it is about to become a little fairy..."

The two MMs are smug together, I look at them silently, but I work hard, and a few godheads are all played by me, but in the end I was only smashed by the gods.

My nephew was careful and I saw my discomfort. I smiled and took my hand and said, "Okay, thanks to you, we can soar quickly, come, one!"

Looking at her cute look with a small mouth, I almost laughed, and my heart was drunk. The players who bypassed the North Gate Bridge all cast their envious eyes. There are few people in Tianzhu City who don’t know us. Lin Biao’s In the eyes of everyone, the goddess of the sky, the little daughter with a small mouth at this time also makes everyone drunk.

Reaching out to the waist of the little girlfriend, a little kiss on her lips, said: "Okay, we can't be too arrogant in the game, otherwise it will be chased by the FFF group."

"Yeah, what are your plans for the next time?"

"There is no plan, first try to get the level experience back, and then wait for the next opportunity to enter the realm of the gods. This time, it is necessary to kill the heavens once and kill one of the gods!"

"it is good."

Lin Xiaoer smiled and said, "When we have reached a level high enough, we will enter the heavens together and challenge the Emperor. How about?"

"Okay, but I might fly to the Emperor first!"

"Hey, come on! I am so hungry, let's go offline and eat?"



Not in a hurry, anyway, there is still time.

Going offline to eat, late night to force a few chefs to scream, let them make a big meal, in the face of our very irregular ancestors, they are also helpless, but fortunately we are paying a high enough, than the five-star hotel The salary of the chef is several times higher, so they are not complaining.

Hit Tang Qi's phone, showing no one to pick up, it seems that Tang Qi also entered the realm of the gods to find the gods, and temporarily do not bother him, I am eating this late dinner with my nephew, Dongcheng.

Lin Biaoer tasted the dessert. Dongcheng Yue fought with a plate of white, and I held a big elbow. I felt that I was constantly challenged with the gods and gods at the BOSS for a long time. It was also a great test for my physical strength. You must eat more flavors and high-energy things to replenish your energy. The longer you stay in the game, the more I feel the power of the body's yang in the day is full and powerful. This phenomenon is fundamental. It can't be explained. Maybe the old man was thinking about the benefits of this game for the practitioners when he participated in the development of the game. But he can't explain why the Yangyan class is also benefiting.

My nephew ate the cream on my lips and looked up at me and said, "I suddenly thought of a point that would make you sure to kill the Emperor."

I am happy in my heart: "Oh? What?"

"It's very simple. You first kill a **** or god, and then fly up, go outside, continue to level up, practice to level 245, and then enter the heavens again after 30 days, then challenge the **** king, fall to 235 The following will not be forcibly transmitted, so you can stack up to 300% of the attributes, even the 沧澜 may not be your opponent, let alone a district god?"

I can't help but laugh: "Well, what you said about this is really a good idea, but you also know that my heart is more urgent, I can't wait for that long, 30 days, when I enter the heavens, I say Unexpectedly, the seven great emperors have been killed, and when I am repented, it will not help."

Lin Biaoer wiped his mouth and smiled and said: "Well, this is also true."


After eating something, go to bed early, and continue to go online to level up tomorrow, in preparation for entering the realm again.

But things are never as smooth as I imagined. Just when I was about to go to sleep, the phone suddenly rang, showing the number of Ouyang Yanyan, the president of Tianming China, and it was going to happen!

"Happy, have you slept?" she asked cautiously.


"are you free tomorrow?"

"See me?"

"Yeah, tomorrow morning, about?"

"it is good……"

As soon as the end of the month, the moment of passion for the monthly ticket list is coming. I will donate more than 2 monthly tickets to the Dragon Awards, but it is cash on delivery, haha, 4 or more 包邮, 5 monthly tickets, and a 斩龙 poster, After the completion of the monthly ticket, add the cold leaf alliance to find the beauty star to ask for the medal, the cold leaf alliance group: 213517779, the monthly vote can add oh, very lively official VIP main group ~ remember to enter the group verification message to fill in the monthly vote.

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