Zhan Long

Chapter 1266: God form deterrence

When I came to the realm, I felt much safer, because there are not many people in this plane who are my opponents. After all, I used the **** of the upper **** to fly up, and the attributes of my own have been added a lot. God hides the crushing characteristics afterwards, so most NPCs and players should still give me a little face?


"Mountain pig brother, slow down..."

Lancome has just become a god, and I can't accept my violent flight speed. I have a red face and said: "We forgot one thing and didn't bury the bones for Grandpa."

I said, "Don't worry, I killed the Emperor's cloud. This thing will definitely spread out soon. The shallow door people are afraid that I will clean them up. Naturally, I will bury Grandpa Lance. You don't have to use it at all. Worried, after you have cultivated, you will return to the broken gods to pay homage to Grandpa."

"Yeah." She nodded hard.

Going on, looking for the entrance to the human environment, I opened up the upper realm of the gods, and the sea of ​​thought spreads out. The space immediately becomes the shape of the map. I can see every power gap. The nearest crack is far away from us and requires a section. Flying remotely.

I can only stay for another 120 minutes in the world of broken gods, so I can't stay, I immediately flew with Lancome.



After flying, the flight speed has been greatly improved. The whole person flies through the sky like lightning. However, when I fly less than ten miles away, suddenly there are several streams of flying on the ground. Straight to stop in front of me, but it is a few strong men in the armor, eyes swept away, two gods, three gods, one by one unscrupulous.

I suddenly stopped, and the right hand lifted out the butterfly sword and smiled and asked: "What is it?"

A king of gods wearing purple armor holds the blade of fire, and smiles faintly: "Kid, it is not bad to see you, but please put down the girl in your arms, we must set this **** god!"

"Why?" I asked, thinking about it. Is it that I am a player and hide the breath of God? Can this group of people not see that I am a superior god?

He snorted and said: "Just if you actually broke into the sky above our Lanrot Empire, the geese have plucked hair. Isn't this simple truth unclear? Kid, don't think about being a flower ambassador, just let go In her arms, she is just a rising god. She is only a weak woman. There is no need to protect you. You must know that women are the same after taking off their clothes."

"is it?"

I couldn't help but sneer and said, "Let her this godhead, even if it comes over!"

In fact, I really want to try to reach the point where the attack power after the ascendant **** is reached, especially in the 30% attribute bonus that I still have the rebirth of the Overlord, and use a card with an attacking power. Ready to fight! Flying up to the upper god, the most significant improvement is the attack power, the defense power has not changed, but I know that the hidden defense power after the ascent is absolutely a surge, can be a battle!

The three gods are eager to try. One of them, with the warhammer, smiles and smiles: "Big brother, let me go to the meeting. If I can kill him, give me this woman, I will refine her." I enjoyed her body before the godhead. Hey, I have played many women, but I have never played God!"

The **** of purple clothes smiled slightly: "Go!"


I have a chill in my gaze, and I have already killed my heart. This **** of warhammer is simply looking for death! Taking advantage of the trend, Lancome pushed back. I said, "Sit quietly, wait for me to kill this person and say it!"

"Good!" Lancome nodded hard. She now has absolute trust in my strength. Because I know that I am a god, the two kings and three gods in the district certainly can't help me. The difference in level can be not a small amount. Make up.

Just when the gods wielded the warhammer and rushed over, I slammed the purple thunder and the flames and danced, and actually formed a thunder power field, killing the enemy targets around me, and opened a pair of shining sky behind me. The wings, the tyrants are plated with a layer of **** light, which is the way the players who fly into the gods enter the battle state, and are called "the **** form" by Lin Biaoer, Dongcheng Yue, Hua Gun and others.

And I am flying up to the superior god, the miraculous form of the gods, almost at the moment of transformation, let this **** respect to be shocked, the pace suddenly stopped, but I rushed to the front of the double sword slash, ride the wind The skills such as 斩 迅速 迅速 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 这次 这次 这次 这次 这次 这次 这次 这次 这次 这次 这次 这次 这次 这次 这次 这次 这次 这次 这次 这次 这次The output speed is not as good as they are, even I have been shocked by myself, and the power of the upper **** is too absolutely crushed!

"Rescue the third brother!" The **** of the purple coat was shocked and rushed to rush out of the blade.

I am not afraid, I will slam the sword, and the sword will shake the two gods out. The butterfly sword will erupt once, and continue to lock the unfortunate output of the gods. In the twinkling of an eye, this **** of the warhammer has already lost his blood, sobbing and dying under the butterfly sword, bursting out a sparkling godhead.


Reaching out and grasping this lower **** god, I will raise my gods and sigh at the other two gods and two gods: "Do you want to continue fighting again?"

The body of the **** of purple clothes trembled, and the eyes were unwilling and fearful. "You...you are actually the gods? Why are the gods of the upper bound actually coming to the ground, are you not afraid of the punishment of the Three Realms?"

I looked at him with a stunned look and said, "I just passed by. If you stop me, I will be chased by me. Let me open a road. I have to go. You can't stay."

The king of purple clothes bite the steel teeth and slowly turns around. "Two brothers, let us let go. Since the Emperor wants to fly over the Lanrot Empire, we can't lose the number of gifts!"

I laughed and distracted. Their posture made me appreciate it. I reached out and grabbed the waist of Lancome. I quickly flew into the distance, suddenly passed through the cracks in the space, left the land, and came to the human world. I am even more here. It’s an invincible horror. Even when I was flying in the air, the gods of the big cities didn’t dare to stop, because this time I’ve been in the form of God, they can see one far away. The gods flew through the air and naturally did not dare to appear.

The emperor's arrival in the human world is largely to clear the gods and refinement of the gods.


I have less and less time left, and I immediately opened the crack in the space of the human world. I took Lancome to the ground surface of the broken gods. It took less than 20 minutes to find a space crack to the world, but Before the leap, I stopped, and gave the next **** god that I just got to Lancome, saying: "The fastest speed refining it enhances itself!"

Lancome nodded, holding the gods in the palm of his hand and closing his eyes. The surrounding cyclone flowed, and I was guarding the law. There was a **** protector, and the process of refining could not be safer.

Less than half an hour, refining and chemical success, Lancome opened his eyes when a pair of show stunned with awesome look, the whole person seems to be completely different, do not think, if you give her some time, then refine 3-4 The lower **** god, you may be able to break through the realm of the median god, but we do not have this time, we must leave here.


Holding Lancome into the cracks in the space, the surrounding environment suddenly became cold, and the familiar chill, we appeared on the side of the ascending **** stone, not far away, a group of players around the ascending **** stone, there are also people who are dragons, the **** of death sings carrying the town Knife, Zema walked on the frosty channel of the foothills, haha ​​smiled: "Lord, do you fly to the upper god?"

"Yeah." I nodded and smiled. "How are you here?"

"Wait for Li Mu and Wang Hao, they have also entered the world of broken gods, so we are here to protect the law, and the bad guys next to the rising **** stone are not too small."

My eyes swept away, far away, the sun was like blood, the tyrants, the rushing and the like, and other guilds were sent here. The ascending **** stone seemed to have become a must-have copy of the entrance, everyone is limiting each other's players. Entering the illusion?

"Lord!" Death elegy looked at me with excitement and smiled: "Let the brothers look at the form of God. We have seen the shape of the middle gods of the two beautiful women, but they have never seen the upper body. God's form of God, let the brothers open their eyes!"

I nodded, took a deep breath, and there were countless purple thunder surges. I had already entered the form of God. Even the thunder and flames in the air danced, echoing my transformation, and the snow on the ground was transformed by me. The airflow blows away, and even the ascending **** stone sizzles in response to the power of the gods.

The transformation only lasted for 5 seconds and I closed it. He smiled and said: "OK, you continue, I should go!"


Death elegy nodded, carrying the town knife to continue to carry dozens of dragon players here, like a door god, as long as he stayed here, no one dared to ignore the dragon.


Next, the arrangement of Lancome to stay, I said: "Lan Lan, there are two places in the world for you to live, one is the cold dragon city, but the cold dragon city is at the border, vulnerable to attack by the demon, Too dangerous, the other is the Book City, where is my possession, and also the residence of the Royal Forest Army that I am in charge of. Where do you live?"

Lancome blinked and said, "Which is closer to the mountain pig brother?"

"Where the book city."

"Nalan is living in the city of Fanshu."

"Alright, but before that, I will take you to see someone."


From now on, the book city will be a real **** to come to the town, but before that, Lancome must see the real god, not seeing the true gods of the frost, Lan Nasir, Lancome can not know the real power is What kind of, since I brought her out of the broken gods, I must let her live well, instead of being the dead soul under the claws of the demon king, I don’t want Lancome to be the second Vulcan cover. Ya.

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