Zhan Long

Chapter 1275: Daqin Ruishi

The sea breeze blew the cloak and hunted. I relied on the flagpole of the Eight Desert City troops stationed in the harbor. I looked at the beach far away. A single armored turtle was slowly crawling here. The 7787 players were carrying long swords. The bows are killing the turtles. The shells of these turtles can be used to make medium shields. They are good raw materials. One turtle can be sold for about 1RMB, and the turtle meat can be used to control the turtle's soup with 2% life recovery. Many 200-230 players have been staying here to kill the Iron Turtles to make money. If they start from the team, they will not be killed by the turtles. They can earn a 100-200 RMB in one day. The subsidy for network and living expenses is enough. And it can be upgraded. This group of people is called a money player, and many studios are doing these things.

In fact, when I set up Xiaolong Studio before, I also thought that we would mix such awkward maps, and spend money every day, but I didn’t think that all of us would improve so fast, we no longer need to do these repetitions. The boring thing is gone.



Not far from the seaside jungle, a few MMs came out, and the tall and beautiful Lin Biaoer walked in the forefront, with a deep red cloak. The moonlight suit was covered with bright moonlight, wrapped in the attractive body of Miss Beauty, her hands. Playing a dagger, it is the epic artifact-level dragon tooth blade, Dongcheng month is next to the child, the god-level wizard, Lin Xiaowu, and Lishui are also coming together, the four beautiful women are coming together!

"You can leave!"

I pulled them into the team one by one and said: "Because I am not sure about the specific location of the emperor's mausoleum, I have to rely on the star position to judge, so we will not fly over. We will use a warship of eight deserted cities to drive over. Looking for, how?"

Lin Xiaoer smiled lightly: "Well, going to sea and sailing together, it sounds very interesting."

"Let's go!" Dongcheng Yue took Elsa's scepter, and the pretty face was full of expectation. He smiled: "The map of the first emperor should have a high level of monsters. I just rushed to the level, let's cheer, sweep. This map!"

"You can find this map first!"

I glanced at her level, 244, this madman, now is the highest level player on the server, I am only 239, the next round of the national war Dongcheng month is sure to shine, with her This kind of momentum, may become the first player to promote 255 full level?


With four MMs entering the harbor, I was quickly requisitioned to a warship in the Eight Desert City, a medium-sized warship. The defender would have sent a 200-strong army to **** us. But I refused, as long as 20 sailors, a few minutes later, the warship slowly sailed out of the harbor, pointing to the deep sea!

I lay on the crossbar of the bow of the ship, with my arms folded and looking at the stars in the sky. Now the problem is coming again. Which seven stars can point to the seven-star dragon?

Behind him, the four MMs, such as Deer and Dongcheng, also opened their eyes, and the four pairs of eyes looked at the air together, but they quickly changed from looking for the Seven Stars to watching the Meteor.

After watching it for nearly half an hour, I found that the stars did move, and the speed of the movement was not slow. Just near midnight, seven of the stars actually slowly joined together and became a line. Then a tiny brush is poured into the sea, just in front.

I hurriedly stood up and pointed to the distance and said to the captain: "Hurry, over there, speed up!"

"Yes, Big Tango!"

The sailors struggled to slide the sculls, and the warships screamed, but apparently on the sea, this is also the rhythm of watching the dead horses. The warship has been dying for nearly 20 minutes, but the light column is still not far away. The place seems to never be able to reach the general.


A dragon, Lin Biaoer has summoned Yinlong Xiaobai, do not want to endure: "Let us fly directly!"


I also summoned the girl's raspberry of the dragon god. Dongcheng Yuefei jumped on the back of the raspberry. I wanted to take my ride. Lin Biaoer flew out with the dragonfly and Lin Xiaowu. The two dragons screamed. After leaving the ship, he flew straight in the direction of the light column.

The night in the game can only last for 8 hours, and it takes 2 hours to convert to real time. It has been more than half an hour, and the time left for us is not too much.

Ssangyong flies against the surface of the sea. From time to time, there are huge sharks jumping out of the sea to try to bite. Unfortunately, this is looking for death. The raspberry just evaporates several sharks together with a small range of seawater. It is.


About 100 meters away from us, we have already arrived. Seven stars are connected in a line above our heads. They are moving slowly, so the light beams that lie on the water are moving slowly.

I started to cancel the state of the raspberry mount and said: "All enter the form of God, we have to dive, and the form of God allows us to stay longer in the sea!"

The four MM nodded, and entered the form of the gods together. I suddenly followed the sea, and I followed them together. Then the five falling water figures of the "噗噗噗" entered the sea with a long sword, opened their eyes, and the lower form of the gods. A shield was formed in the week, the seawater could not be invaded, and the eyes were opened and unaffected. With four MMs, they swam deep into the ocean.

On the sea, the stars and light beams are shot into the ocean, and they are still moving rapidly. We are chasing the light column and flying forward. Fortunately, the flying players are moving fast, and everyone’s flight speed can keep up, but we also know Although the form of God is not consumed, it cannot be maintained for a long time. In that case, the player will have a sense of fatigue. This official does not give an explanation, but everyone understands that the form of God should last for a few minutes for up to 60 minutes.

"Look, the entrance has appeared!" Lin said, pointing forward, excited.

Everyone looked at the past together. Sure enough, the starlight column moved on the bottom of the sea, but the magical power actually shredded the space directly on the bottom of the sea, and hardly created a moving entrance. I rushed in for the first time!


Crossing the space plane, the next moment my body has been floating in a dark space, and a ring of bells came from the ear -


System Tip: Please note that you have entered the sinister map - [First Floor of the First Emperor Mausoleum]!


Arrived! Judging from the rating of the map, there are a total of 7 stars in the First Emperor's Mausoleum. It is only a little less inferior than the Devil's Well. There are certainly countless crises hidden here, but this is also good. Come to explore, the more dangerous the better!

The light behind it flashed, Lin Biaoer, Dongchengyue and other MMs entered one after another, stepping on the steps on the first floor of the First Emperor's Mausoleum, I also slowly fell, entered the effect of the thousand frost wings, began to explore this map.

"It’s so dark!" Dongcheng month muttered.

It’s really black, I can’t reach my fingers, I can only rely on the light of the equipment to illuminate, but Lin Xiaowu, who is an archer, is very sensitive. She stretches her hand on the stone wall and pulls a handle. The "brushing brush" over the tomb of the tomb has cast a starlight, which reflects it here.

"It’s amazing, is the light in the ocean concentrated?” asked Lishui.

Lin Xiaoer nodded: "Well, the pattern looks really awesome. Designers must have thought a lot when designing this map!"

I clung to the double sword and slowly walked forward and said, "Don't talk, the monster appears!"

In front of you, an ancient soldier sculpture with a long sword and an iron shield appeared. No, it should be said that it is Qin Yu. This map is indeed a prototype of the Daqin Empire. It belongs to the Luming Cave that we brushed before. A series, only the last BOSS of Luming Cave is a deer, and the final BOSS of this map of the First Emperor's Mausoleum must be Qin Shihuang, and the map level is obviously far better than Luming Cave.

"It's a 251 monster." Lin Biao squinted.

I grinned and said, "Oops, my level is too low, I can't see the monster's attributes..."

Dongcheng Moon screamed: "I am coming!"

God level players can detect the level of the level does not exceed their own level 10, this Qin Hao level is higher than my level 12, can not see is normal, but Dongcheng Yue with the full advantage of his full service level list can still see After a few seconds, the attributes of this Qin dynasty appeared in the team channel -

[Iron Eagle Sharp? Sword] (Ancient Fighter)

Rating: 251

Attack: 57200-84000

Defense: 36000

Qi and blood: 8000000

Skills: [Beat Technique] [Beat Technique] [Beat Fight]

Introduction: Iron Eagle Ruishi, the most elite of the Daqin Empire, the ancient cloud "Qi Zhigong can not encounter the Wei's martial arts, Wei Zhiwu can not meet the Qin's sharp", it can be seen that Daqin Ruishi has been able to cross the world, Sweeping Liuhe, and the Iron Eagle is the leader of the Daqin Ruishi. He is familiar with all kinds of combat skills and has a strong explosive power. These Iron Eagles will become muddy after death and loyal guards in the Imperial Tombs. In the middle, please stay away from them, otherwise you will become the object of being killed by the Iron Eagle


"It's a very exaggerated property!" Shui Shui slammed his mouth and said: "Before Stella has no such attack power? This is too exaggerated. The basic attack is on 84000, which is more than the king-level BOSS attribute. Still stronger!"

I smiled a little: "It's a good explanation, the version has improved, the players have already soared to God and greatly improved the attributes. If the monsters don't strengthen, then there is no way to mix them. Besides, this map is close to the top map. The monster won't be so good! Give me a buff, BUFF, on!"

凫水囡囡 raised a hand and added a hundred battles to me, which improved my attack power and spiritual attack power by 44.3%. This skill is measured by the amount of treatment of the hanging pot, and the equipment strength of the water is improved. 44% has already been second to none in Tianzhu City. It is also the same as the chief hanging potter of mythology. It is the second place in the blue color of the chief hanging potter of the Scarlet Contract.

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