Zhan Long

Chapter 1277: Double boss lineup

On the second floor of the First Emperor's Mausoleum, a gloomy, cold wind blew across the skin, giving people a feeling of goose bumps. Dongcheng Yue raised his hand and fired a ball of fire, lighting up the torch on the front wall, the torch. The smoldering oil has been ruined for thousands of years, and it can be ignited even if it is good, and it will make a squeaky noise.

Stepping on the ramp, the front is dark, nothing can be seen. Suddenly, "the wind" comes and the torch is blown and the fire is almost extinguished.

"The person lights the candle, the ghost blows the light."

Lin Biaoer said with a mysterious smile.

Dongcheng Yue immediately snorted and grabbed the arm of the girlfriend, apparently she was the one who lit the candle.

"How do you not display monsters on the map?" Lin Xiaoyan wrinkled his eyebrows and asked, but no one answered, because I don't know why the monsters are not displayed on the map.

The next moment, the answer appeared.


The air is invisible, but the sand on the ground sends out the sound of being trampled. It is obviously an invisible monster. I don’t hesitate to judge the position. When I raise my hand, I throw the sword out in the form of a sharp-edged sword!


The fire splattered, and the dry would repel the invisible man. The original empty squat also appeared in a muddy hand holding a dagger. The hard shell of the body was dissipating quickly. His hair was combed from the middle and then tied into a bun. It’s on the side, it looks exactly the same as Qin, but the name on the top proves that he is not a Qin person.

[Yanguo Assassin] (Ancient Fighter)

Rating: 252

Attack: 57000-82000

Defense: 34000

Qi and blood: 8000000

Skills: [Invisible] [Blasting Chains] [Residual Rainbow Strike] [Ghosts and Dances]

Introduction: Yan State Assassin, the warrior of the country, Qin State successively annexed the five countries, seeing that the army is about to enter the Yancheng City, a large number of Yan State assassins are willing to sacrifice their lives, to assassinate the Qin army, these assassins sneak in hiding Dao, holding a sharp dagger, and entering the Qin State camp, countless meritorious deeds, but after all, they were outnumbered, and eventually they were killed by the Qin army. Their bodies and ghosts were conquered and became a squad of the Tomb of the First Emperor.


One repelled, but forced three Yan national assassins, their attack power is not much less than the upper level of the monster, and the attack routine seems to be more changeable, can not let the crispy behind them be directly attacked, I hold the hand The butterfly sword fluttered, while controlling the dry sword to continue the blade, and instantly attracted the hatred of the three Yanguo assassins.

"Revenge for the king!"

The three assassins rushed over and rushed over. At the moment they approached me, they raised their daggers. They were blasting skills, similar to the assassin's professional chain strikes. A series of intensive skill attacks broke out in an instant. Fortunately, my speed was not. Slow, the left hand grabs the dry sword and lifts it up. The starlight around the blade gathers, forming a light curtain with the blade as the axis. It is the shield of the stars, almost perfect to block their attacks, the butterfly wave, the sword A fierce storm rides as a thousand.

But the three assassins did not retreat. Instead, they danced the dagger and launched the next blow. It was a slashing of the rainbow. Their daggers were deformed, and the rainbow was soaring. They fell on my armor and instantly the three damage figures flew up—




It hurts! I hurriedly looked behind me and said, "Everything is avoided. The assassin's wreckage is too high to break the defense and increase the attack power!"

The voice has not fallen, several assassins have been swept by Dongcheng Yue and Lin Xiaowu, and only less than 30% of the blood is left. The ghosts and gods dance skills are launched, the ghosts of the whole body dance, and the daggers attack me crazy, just a short moment. My blood actually fell below 50%, and my face was almost blue, and I quickly walked away. I turned around and took it all by the wind. The blood also sucked back a lot, too scary!

Lin Biaoer took the dragon tooth blade and walked up to the front, spit out his tongue and smiled: "This ancient warrior has a terrible attack power..."

I nod: "Yeah."

Lin Xiaowu said: "In fact, it is very well explained. Their break-proof characteristics are much stronger than the upper layer of the Iron Eagle. In addition, after all, our level is too low, the league is only 240, which is 15 times lower than them. Level, in fact, if it is not equipment crushing, they should not be a problem for the second time."

I clenched the hilt and said: "The next step is to be cautious. After all, I am a swordsman with a double sword flow, not a knight. The lack of shield defense and block damage is very detrimental."



Continue to explore forward, and after killing a few Yan State assassins, he slammed a card and was a card of the Yan State Assassin.

[Yanguo Assassin Card]: Increases the user's attack power by 50% and the attack speed by 30%. At the same time, it provides the user with a 30% defense effect regardless of the target. It lasts for 120 minutes and requires a level of 230.

Sure enough, the main characteristic of the ancient assassin of Yan Guo assassin is to break the defense. It is no wonder that it can hurt me so much. It is definitely not the case with other monsters.

Along the way, there was a stunned killing, and the experience value also soared rapidly. When I finished the second layer, my experience value was already 240% of 240. Killing BOSS should be able to rise 241. Here is In the upgraded fairyland, the experience value is increased much faster than the S7 experience.

Soon, it was the end of the second-floor map. Far away, there was a small army waiting for us. This time, there were more people, and a total of 50 iron rides, plus 20 Yanzhou assassins. The commander-in-chief is a general with a long sergeant. It is one of the famous monarchs of the Qin State, and the commander of the 30W army guards the Hetao area.

[威武侯蒙恬] (God level BOSS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★)

Rating: 255

Attack: 100400-127000

Defense: 60000

Blood: 450 million

skill:? ? ?

Introduction: Meng Yu, after the gate, one of the famous Qin dynasties, once led the 30W iron army of Qin State to break the Xiongnu, recover the Henan area, use the Great Wall to deter the northern Xiongnu, guard the county for more than a decade, the Weizheng Xiongnu, and later to chase the Weiwuhou. It’s not a historical fact, it’s a leaf.) After the death of the monk, the soul is not destroyed. Qin II ordered his soul to lead the second floor of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.


The ignorant property is very strong, but what worries me more is behind him.

"Hey, the monk holds the long shackle in one hand and the chain in the other. What is the situation?" Lin Biaoer opened his mouth and said that he was puzzled.

I said, "You look at the chain, not just the obscurity. There are two BOSSs in this level, and there is another person controlled by the obscurity, just behind the horse."

A few MM looked at the past, and sure enough, the chain in the hands of the monk also held a man, the man was chained to the neck by the chain, the whole person was like a beast that was clamped, but he was not a normal beast, wearing it. The leather armor, gaze, holding a dagger with a rainbow of light in his hand, you can see it at a glance, and the name on the top of the head is even more shocking -

[Assassin Jingjing] (God level BOSS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★)

Introduction: Yan Guo assassin leader Jing Hao, holding the disabled rainbow hit the first imperial, not killed


"This time is a bit tricky..." Lin Xiaowu spit out his tongue and smiled: "A six-star BOSS plus a five-star BOSS, and another 70 mobs that can't be ignored, what should I do?"

I thought about it and said, "It’s time to put on stunts."

Taking a deep breath, I continued: "I will open the eternal realm for the first time, and I will release the eternal stunt for the first time. For 10 minutes, we will definitely not be killed. Then the strategy remains, first kill. Drop the mobs, and then clean up the Jing Yu, the last one to solve the problem, everyone sees the opportunity to act!"

"Well!" Several MM nodded together, the war is high, can challenge the two major BOSS at the same time, presumably these guys are quite excited.

I forcibly suppressed the excitement in my heart. I held the sword and rushed up. I waited for the hatred of us to trigger the hatred of us, and turned the ring of order to keep the eternal power, and then poured a bottle of wine to restore the anger. Breaking through the thunderstorm and the storm, they broke out in the monsters, and they slammed into the earth. The "Peng" burst out of the ice effect and frozen most of the 70 mobs. But this time, the shackles have already rushed over and long. Raised, "嗖" slammed down with a cold wind!



Good guy, I have blessed the eternal effect of the defensive power of 150%, but I can still play so much. If there is no stunt BUFF, at least 40W of damage, right? I can't see it. Although the attacking power does not look very good, the understatement is so deadly, and the attack power is almost comparable to the **** of heaven.

Fortunately, my life is also recovering quickly. The boots are stepping out of the ground and looking for the best angle in the form of God. Suddenly stopping is a wind attack, and the attack output by the wind is too embarrassing. Going straight down and killing nearly 40 mobs, plus Lin Xiaowu, Dongchengyue, Lin Biao's attack, in the blink of an eye, 70 mobs are already running out.

In the whole process, I have maintained a very fast moving speed. It is absolutely crazy to stand this kind of thing here. The four Yan national assassins are dancing together, and the attack of ignorance is enough to kill me. I can't be so stupid.


"call out!"

The direction of the back of the brain suddenly turned cool, I hurriedly turned around, and swept the sword away. "嘭" slammed on one body, and a pain in the neck, a blow in Jing, 30W, plus a blow The blood began to bottom again, and the rushing rain and blood bottle, the treatment of sputum sputum was also very timely, but still scared me a cold sweat, a ride suddenly became a thousand, and the body of Jing Jing was "punched" Retreat, NND, let you stab the emperor, you are not allowed to stab, stab me, it is fast!

"First kill the ghosts!"

While I was free, I raised the output of the two swords. In fact, my position at this time is the most basic way around. The tactics are also simple to walk around, and walk around Jingke, avoiding the blindness of the blind, while not affecting For Jing's output, when the value of the hatred of the obscurity is more than 50%, give him a set of skills and continue to hold.

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