Zhan Long

Chapter 1279: Dragon sniper

The First Emperor Mausoleum, three floors underground.

The gloomy wind blows in, the three layers of the First Emperor's Mausoleum are still the same, far away, the row of chariots are shaped into the Qin dynasty standing proudly between the ramps, each chariot has two horses, the car A groom, two soldiers holding bronze scorpions, and two guards with bronze swords, the center is two soldiers holding longbows.

The Qin people are good at riding and shooting, and the archery above the chariot is naturally worthwhile.


"This time, the chariot is a combat unit. There are 7 people in each chariot, and it is best to kill one. It may cause us to be too busy."

I clenched the butterfly sword, calmly judged, let us destroy the group, but if there is a flash that does not pull the monster, Lin Xiaowu, Lishui is very easy to be attacked by 3-4 ancient fighters. Off, the level is too important for them, so try not to drop the level without falling.

Lin Biaoer clasped the dragon's sharp blade and the residual rainbow, and smiled: "The pig's head is going to blame, the little dance is stunned with a seven-star arrow, so that the chariot loses the quasi-head run, so it is safer to kill."

Lin Xiaowu nodded.

I rushed out of the sword and swayed the blade far away. The sword slammed into the chest of a groom and a bronze swordsman. The muddy shell collapsed, revealing a sly look, and the horse screamed. With the power of death, the chariots are rolling, and we are heading for us to come quickly, and the speed is fast!


Lin Xiaowu just took aim at the shooting, directly shocked the groom, suddenly lost the control of the reins, and did not come in our direction, but with the chariot hit the stone wall on the side, the opportunity is just right, I am a seven-star The broken Yuelu covered the smashing, and in conjunction with Lin's sorrowful moon dance, almost instantly let the 7 people on the chariot fall into a paralyzed state. Lin Xiaowu's meteor arrow breaks through the crowd, and then another multi-arrow, wait until Dongcheng When the Thunder of the month pointed out that they were raging in the monster group, the seven ancient Qin soldiers would fall down in a miserable manner.

The experience value of the faint slaps is flying, and at the same time, three pieces of equipment are exploded. They are all spread out of the goods. They are picked up and thrown into the package. It is really a poor one that is directly decomposed into a **** soldier.

Continue to move forward. At first, it was the killing of a chariot. Later, I found that I could attract 2-3 at the same time. I didn’t have any pressure. It also killed faster. It just hurt me. I have to use the shield of stars to block. Multi-faceted attacks, try not to let the blood fall below 40%, which is quite unsafe.

The process of brushing monsters is a bit boring, but everyone is used to it. Looking at the experience value has been growing. This joy is still very enjoyable. In just 3 hours, I brushed up the three-layer monster, and I also rose to 242. level.

The final point of the three-layer map, and then to the BOSS's defensive land.

This time it was an acquaintance. A group of Qin Yu, armed with a knife shield, stood quietly at the end of the third floor. There were a total of 120 people, and they were densely packed. On the back of them, they stood a general who rode a horse. Holding a long knife, although the whole body is wrapped in mud, you can still see the fearless and incomprehensible look.

"Sure enough, it is the turn of the king." Lin Biao's pear vortex smiled: "Fortunately, I didn't bring Wang Hao together, otherwise he might not go to this scene..."

I nodded: "Well, Wang Hao and Bai Qi are all famous Qin dynasties. They should all be met here. Li Mu and Lian Po are all famous Zhao Guo. It is ok to bring them two people, but I am worried that I can’t find the Mausoleum of the First Emperor. I will throw them up, I will not ask them to come together..."

Dongcheng Yue is holding a small crisp chest, and he joked and asked: "So you are not afraid of us being disappointed?"

I laughed happily: "It doesn't matter, you are a girl, really flying at least to come to the East China Sea to enjoy the sea view, what is wrong, well, ready to open BOSS, I will go first, drowning to add me Hundreds of battles, try to improve my defense power, and I will directly come hard. I will use the large AOE skills of the wind, thunder and nine days, and the dragon's nine days to output together. You don't have to keep it. You must kill this 120 in 10 seconds. A small soldier, or don't say killing the king, we will be fortunate if we don't kill."

"Well!" Several MM nodded together, and the battles quickly fell on me. The armor uploaded a feeling of honesty and the defense was greatly improved!

A pair of swords, I have already rushed out, and it is driven by the shield of the stars. As soon as I approached, 120 Qin dynasty began to peel off the case, screaming and smashing with bronze swords and shields, far away. Lin Xiaowu shot multiple arrows at a time. Their shields were actually "squeaky" and rebounded. Lin Xiaowu was instantly bloody, and his face was green. He said loudly: "Dr., don't treat me." I want to keep the state of 14% blood to kill BOSS!"

It seems that the little dance is going to kill.

I quickly moved to the position and took the opportunity to launch the wind. The sound of the "噗噗噗" blade penetrated the shield, and it was almost destroyed. Immediately, more than 50 bronze swordsmen were killed, but the remaining 60 People are also madly rushing, and there is a death force on the blade. They can't let them launch their skills, otherwise my life will be hard to protect.

At this moment, Lin Biaoer suddenly descended from the sky, opened the **** form, pedaled a demon lotus phantom, the moon storm broke out, followed by a city dance, perfect control, more than 50 soldiers could not move, I raised my arm The power of thunder and lightning surged, and the power of the sacred four-fold rule of the thunder and lightning flames of my superior **** god spirit was launched. The thundering nine days itself was mixed with the three sets of power of lightning, frost and flame. The attack damage was increased to the strongest. In the realm, countless thunders are wrapped in ice cones and flames raging on the earth. They have not yet been raged. Longteng has risen again in nine days. Numerous dragon shadows are hovering and killing, causing sacred damage once and for all, without Dongcheng Yue and Lin Xiaowu’s shots. My nephew and I have already killed most of the 120 soldiers!

Lin Xiaowu is using the squat bow displacement technique to get rid of the two small soldiers while killing them. At the same time, Dongcheng Yue also opened the **** form, and killed several other small soldiers. The next step is Wang Hao.

5V1 singled out, there is no problem, Wang Hao will have to die here.


When the sword stepped forward, when I was close to about 20 yards, Wang Hao’s body trembled fiercely, the shell muddy and flaking, and suddenly the arm trembled. A dazzling long knife flashed in front of our eyes. It was about 35 years old. Wang Hao, at a time of primedom, a face full of domineering anger, a broken drink: "Er and other generations dare to invade the mausoleum, it is unforgivable!"

In a hurry, Dongcheng Yue read the BOSS attribute sharing in the team channel -

[Wu Cheng Hou Wang Hao] (God level BOSS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★)

Rating: 255

Attack: 110000-142000

Defense: 70,000

Qi and blood: 600 million

skill:? ? ?

Introduction: Wang Wei, the famous king of the Qin Dynasty in the Warring States Period, the Emperor of the First Emperor killed the six heroes of the country. Wang Hao’s life was countless, wisdom and not violence, courage and conspiracy. In the Warring States period filled with desire and killing, it was unique, even the First Emperor respected it. Teacher, you can see that Wang Hao has passed away. After his death, the soul is not destroyed. He is willing to continue to guard in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.


"Be careful, the seven-star god-level BOSS." I looked at Wang Hao's appearance and said: "On the appearance, it is not as good as the dragons of our dragons, but on the power, it is sure to burst our king, the 14W attack power is so horrible. Everyone is careful, I am opening BOSS!"

In fact, I can't help but let me go. Wang Hao has already smashed the knife and smashed it. The mouth screamed: "Dragon sniper!"


The long knife actually smashed a scythe, and suddenly I and Lin Yier were affected by the knife, and two horrible battle tips came from the team channel.

Combat Tips: [Wu Cheng Hou Wang Wei] Launching Skills [Dragon Sniper], causing a power difference of 27542×10 for the player [Happy]!

Combat Tip: [Wu Cheng Hou Wang Hao] launching skills [Dragon Sniper], causing a power difference of 65172×10 for the player [Cangwu]!


For a moment, my nephew is almost bloody, and the power gap is too big!

I opened the Star Shield to block Wang Hao's next hit. The loud voice: "Be careful, don't be hit again by this dragon, you will be spiked!"

It is true that the child is a strength, agile double assassin, because she has been smashed so much blood, and her blood limit is shared with the silver dragon, more than a million, otherwise replaced by a small dance, Dongcheng, If you are drowning, I am afraid that this skill damage will have been killed in a few seconds!

Wang Hao’s strength is nearly 3W higher than me, how terrible, and this dragon sniper skill is the fixed damage multiplied by 10, if you really throw Wang Hao into the player’s crowd, a dragon slams I am afraid that I have already been ruined!

The cloth player is super-fear of this skill, and this skill is also the ascetic sorcerer of the main resilience, the natural enemy of the iron plate knight, let your defense power be high, and a strength difference blow can teach you to be a man!


While fighting, I observed the skills of Wang Hao. The second time the dragon sniper started was 30 seconds. It also means that this skill is a 30-second CD. This is easy to handle. Lin Biaoer’s skill on the CD is very good. Accurate, avoid this time, and Lin Xiaowu, which is less than 20% of the blood, has been struck by a sharp arrow in the distance. Under the ugly attack of the Japanese arch, Wang Hao’s blood bursts straight. Off, in this case, as long as he can't stop me, it will die.

Twenty minutes later, Wang Hao's qi and blood was less than 10%, and it really launched an attack. The continuous dragon slammed the attack, and almost every 5 seconds was a dragon sniper strike!

In this case, there is nothing to say, my god's field comes in handy, 10% of the blood recovery every second, enough to face the continuous dragon sniper.

Finally, a few minutes later, in the horror of Wang Hao, the first seven-star God-class BOSS fell under our sword.

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