Zhan Long

Chapter 1281: Jiangshan picturesque

Directly driving the shield of the stars forward, I am a hand in the distance, the wilderness is locked in white, and the "Peng" is launched. The shell around the BOSS suddenly collapses, revealing the image of the mighty underneath, unlike the general. The family, like Wufu, who slashed with a big axe, looks more like a generation of killing gods. It uses a long-sworded sword, and the body of the horse is dark as lava, and the eyes are glowing. If you look at it, you know that it’

"Come on, the Daqin three army, with the coach to attack!" Baiqi up the sword and shouted loudly.

Behind him, a group of Qin dynasty was summoned, one by one peeling off, carrying a spear and marching forward, and rushing toward me with Bai Qi, the hooves shocked the entire four floors, which is really shocking.


Lin Biaoer raised the dragon's blade and the stunt launched. The air suddenly smashed the figure of the black dragon king Yin Ge. Then numerous swords landed from the sky and intensively attacked. One iron cavalry immediately attracted the hatred value. Lin Biaoer’s long legs squatted on the ground. Flying up, in the form of God with 300 iron cavalry flew to the distance, Lin Xiaowu also flew together.

I once again controlled the hateful value of the white with the blade, the top four of the Warring States' famous generals roared and killed, while Dongchengyue shared the white data in the team channel, the whole team She has the highest level and can read the attributes of BOSS -

[Wu'an Junbaiqi] (God level BOSS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★)

Rating: 255

Attack: 114000-147000

Defense: 70,000

Qi and blood: 650 million

skill:? ? ?

Introduction: Baiqi, the hero of the Qin Dynasty, ranked first among the four famous generals. He has led countless battles in his life. He led the army to attack Zhao Guo and Wei Guolian to rescue South Korea, surrendering more than 130,000, and attacking South Korea nine years later. Daggers more than 50,000, the battle of Changping, the killing of Zhao Guo, the 450,000 deaths, a total of 1.65 million killings in a lifetime, the achievement of the name of killing the gods, since the death of the self, the soul is endless, willing to stay at the beginning In the Imperial Tomb, driven by the First Emperor


"Hey, this introduction is really a bunker..." I was sincerely amazed.

"What's good..." The children flew in the air, Nunu said with a smile: "Almost every big historical game will design a map of Qin State, and then kill the gods and whites are brushed over and over again, for others. I have been crying for a long time."

Lin Xiaowu smiled and said: "It is also said that the lord is careful, the attack power is so high, you must not be spiked."

"Yeah. I know."

I raised my hand and used a monk's famous card because I felt that I had to use it. Otherwise, this level may not be able to pass. The property of Baiqi is even stronger than Wang Hao. I have to prepare early, even though I have a fighter. Rebirth special effects, killing BOSS is affirmative, but now everyone is rushing, but I am downgrading, it is simply too illegal.

Just thinking, the white sword has been hit with a spiral fire dragon on my star shield. This is his third attack. The shield of the stars is broken, and I also replied once and once. Even the move, flip the fate card, it is actually a green card, it does not matter, 3 seconds CD, then flip again, red card, open!

Under the vindictive wall and the frosty ice armor, although Baiqi can break the defense a lot, it is almost impossible to kill me, and I have blood and blood in my back, and my attack can be quickly absorbed. The blood and blood are floating between 50% and 80%, but they do not fall below 50%.

About three minutes, the nephew and the little dancer solved the 300 warriors and returned to help!

They didn't come back. After they came, they began to take off their powers. The flame above the long sword became more and more intense. They suddenly roared and shouted: "The sword broke!"


In the roar of the roar, the smoldering sword is actually beautiful, just like a paper scroll, stretching like snowflakes, rivers and mountains, but in the next moment, the picture suddenly breaks, the snow becomes a biting ice blade, landscape Broken into a murderous rock blade, rolling away, stretching nearly 100 meters, and I was on the attack track, the body was blown off 40W of blood, the bottom of my heart is tight, BOSS chose the angle is too accurate, Lin Biaoer and Lin The little dance is also on the attack path of the sword!


The iron umbrella was slammed open, and Lin Biaoer launched the block of racial specialties. However, the attack of the sword broke through the mountains and the attack was too fierce. She still destroyed her blood of more than 30W, and the blood shield effect on Lin Xiaowu behind her was instantly Was beaten, blood and blood brushed straight down, thrilling to fall to less than 10% of the blood, she stood in the same place, the whole person is about to solidify.

"Quickly add blood!"

I hurried, but late, Bai Qi has locked Lin Xiaowu as the target of attack, and there is another hand in the distance, laughing and laughing: "killing the gods again!"

A **** purgatory shrouded, Lin Xiaowu was immediately killed by the second, and Lishui squatted and retired. At the same time, he raised his staff and gave Lin Biao a milk. Otherwise, Lin Xiaowu would also be in the light of killing the reincarnation. I am afraid It was dropped by the second.

"Resurrection..." I am speechless.

The two swords picked up, struggling to cut down, and quickly pulled back the hatred of BOSS, while the scorpion screaming in the distance, releasing the skills to guide, the next moment, the success of the return to life, Lin Xiaowu resurrected. Fortunately, the East City month is smart enough, three times in a row to use up the light, hard to escape the deadly blow of BOSS.

"The screen of the attack just was so beautiful..." Lin Biaoer looked for the attack position while adding blood, but there was still a leisurely attention to the skill picture of BOSS.

"The feeling of Jiangshan picturesque..." Dongcheng lost his skills, and said with a smile, the girls are really emotional, and the attention to the skills of BOSS is far more destructive than the destructive power.

In fact, the picture is really beautiful, a sword is thrown out, and a picture is rolled out like lightning. Then it is like a picture scrolling in front of it. It will be broken into the horrible lethality in the next moment, and the skill spreads nearly 100 meters. The attack width is also enough, it is simply an AOE killing **** level skill.


"Everyone crosses the angle and can't be in a line." I yell everyone: "Small dances should also pay attention to the fact that the killing time of the sword breaking the Jiangshan skill is the moment when the scroll is broken. You catch the short moment and die. enough."

"Yeah!" She nodded hard, the so-called suspended animation, is Jinghua, this is the nickname of the archer player for this skill.

After 60 seconds, the second time the sword broke through the mountains.

And what makes us all surprised is that after the CD of the sword broke through the mountains, Bai Qi did not follow the hate rules, forcibly removed from my clamps and moved, right! BOSS is actually looking for angles!

Suddenly the horse stopped, the sword raised, and it was a fatal attack. The BOSS strong walking position locked the two crispy players of Dongchengyue and Lin Xiaowu, and they didn't break!

"Be careful!" I only had time to greet him.

Dongcheng month is okay, too wit, and made two consecutive leaps. It left the attack range of the sword and the mountains. The forest dance was not enough to walk. The jump was not enough to break away from the attack range. The Japanese bow does not stop the attack, "嘭" will hit the BOSS, but the sword will break the same damage.

At the crucial moment, Lin Xiaowu’s accurate judgment ability finally came in handy. At the moment when the scroll was shredded, he entered Jinghua’s state. For one second, it was enough to save his life, so that this time the skill of breaking the Jiangshan was perfectly solved. This, I can't help but secretly rejoice, fortunately, several MMs in the team are more powerful, otherwise it will easily be destroyed.

It is precisely because of this that when BOSS’s next sword breaks the Jiangshan CD, I let the water squat back to a hundred meters before, otherwise the hanging pot will die, no one will give it back to life, then it will be destroyed. Mission.


On the fourth floor of the First Emperor's Mausoleum, a lively picture of a chicken-flying dog jumped, and it was white to go back and run to try to kill, but we did not give him such an opportunity. It has been fighting for nearly 40 minutes and finally put this seven-star god-level BOSS. The blood has been grinded to the last point. Dongcheng Yue asked: "Who is the last knife?"

I asked: "Dongcheng, how much is your charm?"

"1900, what happened?"

"Enough!" I nodded. "Your charm is not much worse than me, and you need a lot of experience to maintain the status of the first person. The last blow of this BOSS is coming!"

"Well, that happy brother will help me with the damage!"


So, I control my own output, just use the binding of the beast lock, the wilderness world, this skill to greatly increase the damage value, and Lin Biaoer also used the backstab to sneer a few times, let Dongcheng monthly safe output, when the BOSS's blood is only At 0.5% of the time, we stopped the output. The performance time of Dongchengyue, the Thunder fingers, the flames of the stone, the beasts of the beasts, the walls of the flames, etc., the advantages of the thunder and the law of the **** of the flames are undoubtedly revealed. The damage is terrible.

Finally, in a roar of ice and fire, the white screamed and fell to the ground, hung up!


Dongcheng has been upgraded, and I have only scored 12.5% ​​of the experience, and I have upgraded to 244, which is getting closer to the peak height of 255.


White smashed a burst of equipment, and at the same time, there was a tea-colored skill book that made me very valued, but she went to see the equipment. She picked up a majestic helmet and watched it. After I saw it, I threw it directly to me and smiled and said: "Come on, give your good brother, luck is good, about the relationship with you carrying dragons, actually triggered the explosion of the dragon helmet!"

Sure enough, it was a dragon helmet. This time, Wang Hao was really making a big profit. About him, he still didn't know that he had been ordered to get so much equipment.

It stands to reason that this kid should not be short of money. After all, as one of the leaders of the 斩龙忠烈营, brushing the map, killing BOSS or not, is also divided into a lot of good equipment, usually sell some equipment, the value is at least 2000W On the up, this is the value that the first-line players of the Snapdragon must have, otherwise it will definitely indicate that the strength of the dragon has water.


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