Zhan Long

Chapter 1288: Wolf smoke

"Li Xiaoyao..."

Lin Tiannan sat on the bench next to the flower garden and said, "Come and sit down?"

Zhou Yang and Tang Qi are discussing the cultivation. Lin Biaoer and Dong Chengyue and Qin Wen are cleaning up the tableware. I walked over and sat across the bench and looked at Lin Tiannan. Obviously he had something to say to me.

"Buster's thing, I am sorry." His pair of scorpions is like a dark universe. He can see through everything. Then he said, "I was too big for you. I thought that Wang Zecheng was a makeable material, but I didn't think of Wang Zecheng. It is this kind of beast that hides the disaster. Thanks to your appearance, otherwise I can't imagine what the consequences would be if he approached Wang Zecheng."

I smiled a little: "In fact, you don't have to worry, my nephew is a very smart girl. She can distinguish between right and wrong. She can see what kind of goods Wang Zecheng is. Even if I don't appear, Wang Zecheng will never be close to him."

"Haha." Lin Tiannan suddenly smiled: "What you mean is that you can distinguish between right and wrong, and my father is blind, but I can't see Wang Zecheng?"

I hurriedly said: "No, I don't mean this!"

Lin Tiannan laughed happily: "I know, but there is something I have to tell you."

"Well, what?"

"Three days ago, a group of colonists dressed as staff members entered the Tianzhu Group's experimental base in Xiaoshan District and seemed to want to steal our Oracle defense system."

"Ah?" I said awkwardly, "Isn't they still dying?"

"Yeah." Lin Tiannan nodded and said: "Although Wang Zecheng did not appear directly, the owner of the consignor must be him. They killed more than 30 staff members and stole the Oracle system template, but they will never I thought that this template had a self-destruction program, and their car was detonated on the highway. This is the reason for the explosion on the Shanghai-Kunming Expressway three days ago."

Me: "So, is there a fall of Wang Zecheng?"

"I haven't found it yet. He hides too well. We use all means to find him temporarily. I think he must be hiding in a corner. Don't worry, as long as he dares to take the lead."

"That should be careful." I said: "Wang Zecheng's own body is also infused with fortified pharmacy, but the priority is higher than the A-class dragon blood warrior, he can even control part of the Yangyan power."

“Is it?” Lin Tiannan frowned and said, “If this is the case, it would be too much trouble. What can I do to kill him?”

"The nano-bullet has been unable to penetrate the outer shell of his body. The pulsed ion cannon may have a chance, or a laser can be tried. It has not been verified yet."

"Yeah." Lin Tiannan nodded and said: "In the ruins of the battle of the West Lake, we have collected some scales of the Dragon Blood Warrior. We are using various weapons to test the destructive power of this scale, and soon Should be able to come up with a plan to deal with Wang Zecheng, regardless of whether the animal is a S-class or a level of the colonizer, but as long as you dare to move the Scorpio group, I will certainly let him regret!"

"You have to be careful." I looked at him and said, "Wang Zecheng's intention to get Oracle is too obvious. Maybe he won't get Oracle's cracking code. He will directly work for you."

Say, I look at Zhou Yang from afar, saying: "Zhou Shu’s strength is good, but when he meets Wang Zecheng, the odds are not even enough. Maybe... I left Hangzhou to protect you for a while?"

Lin Tiannan couldn't help but smile, patted my shoulder and said, "Good boy, you still stay here, protect your nephew and Dongcheng month well, I don't want them to do anything, Wang Zecheng is doing it for them. The odds are much better than me. Besides, how important it is to me, you should know."

I was silent for a few seconds and said, "How important are you to your nephew, and you should know."

Lin Tiannan was shocked. After a long while, he smiled and said: "I know, I know... you are all good children. You should not be threatened so much. Don't worry, I have joined the military region and become a member of the organization. The military will also send people to protect me, and we will also bring out Wang Zecheng as soon as possible!"

"Well, be careful."

At this time, Zhou Yang came over and shot my shoulder and smiled: "Reassure, Mr. Lin has agreed to join the Chinese military and was officially awarded the rank of lieutenant general as a technical consultant two days ago."

"Ah, Lieutenant General?" I couldn't help but smile: "Congratulations to Lin Shu!"

"What's so congratulatory?" Lin Tiannan looked like a wild crane, saying: "If it weren't for Wang Zecheng's appearance, I wouldn't join the military in my life. I would rather fish than I would like to fish every day. Bubble tea, look at the newspaper, that kind of life is what I really want."

I smiled a little.

Zhou Yang said: "If Mr. Lin insists on non-partisan status, I am afraid that it will be awarded more than the rank of lieutenant general. After all, his Tianzhu Group is a strong shot for China's national defense!"

"Okay." Lin Tiannan said: "Old Zhou, don't hold me like this, I won't give you a salary, let's go, we should go to Shanghai, and there is an important meeting in the afternoon."

"Well, let's go!"

I and my nephew sent them out, and there were a total of 5 cars parked outside, all of them were Lin Tiannan, and I can see that these commercial vehicles are specially made, bulletproof glass, and there are also pulsed weapons in the car. Lin Tiannan The identity does need such protection, and there are a lot of bodyguards, so I can rest assured that if you have a sophisticated weapon in your hand, even if you encounter Wang Zecheng, you should have a fight.


Looking at Dad's car gradually drifting away, Lin Biao's lost eyes blinked, the autumn wind blows her skirt, it seems a little cold, shivering, I grabbed her shoulder and said: "Go, go back to the room Going, it’s too cold outside.”


Although Lin Biaoer did not say anything, I know that she must be very worried. The emergence of the colonizers has caused a turbulence in China’s decades of stability. It can be said that the emergence of this group of colonizers is gradually changing the national pattern. Everyone sees that society is not as stable as we think. The war may not be too far away. We think that it is now a peaceful life, and it may turn into a troubled world in a blink of an eye.

Lin Tiannan is the hero of this troubled world. Perhaps in the eyes of everyone, I am also Buster, who dare not offend others. We dare to swear, but this also bears enough price, life is threatened, this is one of them, I am worried Lin Tiannan’s safety is also worried about the safety of the children. They are very important to me.

Perhaps my identity is too special, so the guardian base also sent people to protect my important people. Among them, Meng Yao, who was studying at Xiamen University, was protected, and he was also secretly guarded 24 hours a day, although Wang Xin It’s a little tricky, but it’s done very well in these areas, especially after Shen Bing’s dismissal, Wang Xin’s whole person seems to have changed and become silent. In fact, everyone knows that Shen Bing’s personality is the one that is not afraid of fear. Wang Xin often made a joke about disregarding the relationship between the superior and the subordinate. Wang Xin almost regarded Shen Bing as his half daughter. The death of Shen Bing will not be much less than the blow to me.


Time is like running water, and four days pass in the blink of an eye.

Everything is as usual, Wang Zecheng still does not reveal any clues, and the cooperation between the guardian base and the military is more intensive. I also went back to the base once and executed the “waiting for the rabbit” plan. Unfortunately, the customs kept the whole day and night and still did not wait for Wang Zecheng. The emergence of only the failure of the mission.

In the game, you fight for me to win more sharp.

Moreover, the second player who has risen to the upper **** has appeared. It is the first master of the Indian theater, Feng Lin is drunk, and it is also the person I have repeatedly confronted. Feng Lin’s second time into the broken **** world will not come out again. After the talents of 15 Indian theaters were brought together, the challenge to the Emperor was launched. The **** was killed at the cost of 12 people, and the **** of the three laws of the Frost and Fire Rock was obtained. Godhead, also officially became one of my strongest opponents.

However, in the past four days, no one has soared to the median god. It is said that there are dozens of median gods in the territory. Among them, three people have been killed by me, and then by the sky rose, Lin Xiaowu and others. Killed 10, the player's constant invasion led to the war of the gods, the middle gods attacked each other, swallowed, according to incomplete statistics, a person who claimed to be a river and lake Bai Xiaosheng said the median **** in the broken gods The total number has been less than 10 people. It is difficult to find it, not to mention the killing of the median **** godhead, and the only remaining median gods are swallowing each other, the power is constantly increasing, and the strength is no worse than the gods. It is also too difficult to kill.

Therefore, many people go directly to the heavens beyond the realm, and hope to directly challenge the success of the Emperor, but most of them have failed, and the frost has already captured another episode of God in the realm of Lancôme, so... The seven great emperors, the result was killed by me, killed by two frosts, and was drunk by Fenglin, only three, I am afraid that I can’t wait for the children to wait for a month’s CD. In the world, these gods will be killed!

Now think about it, what gods, gods, in fact, for the players are like pigs, as long as the number of people has been enough, they can overthrow the rule of these gods and gods.

No one is flying up the median god, but the lower **** is still a lot of people flying up. In a Chinese region, more than 20 people have soared in these four days. The server-level lower-level player has 117 players. There are 47 Chinese players, which shows that Chinese players have mastered the game in this game.


At night, on the line, the level has reached 248 in a few days of hard training, this night is very quiet, there is no going out to leveling, just stroll around the city, is strolling, suddenly there are players on the wall Pointing to the distance, said: "Look, there is smoke coming up there, and there is a horn!"

"Ah? Is there the direction of the Book City? Is it a fire?"

"Well, the base of the dragon has caught fire!"

I don't know what they are doing. I jumped into the city and looked far away. It was indeed smoking, but it was not a fire. It was a wolf in the direction of Vulcan Mountain!

A bunch of wolf smoke penetrates the clouds and can even see the faint flame.

This is the border defense of the border, and the war is coming!


Is it... Is the third round of national war finally coming?


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