Zhan Long

Chapter 1294: Steel shield wall

The dragon is in the ban, this is a very old map. We have been fighting here with Wang Zecheng and Moshan for a long time ago. Today, the dragon crystal veins in the dragon's extinct ground are almost completely excavated. There is an empty mountain. The terrain of this map is very strange. There are many mountain peaks and many trails in the mountains. But each road is very narrow. It penetrates into the mountains and forms a line of heaven. It is a husband and wife. Open terrain.


"Push hard!"

Han Yuan took a long knife and turned over the dragon's dragon's back. He bent over his shoulder and grabbed the base of a dragon crystal cannon. He shouted: "What about his mother's not eating? Force, our time is running out. The heavy gun must be placed on the mountain quickly, otherwise the people of the Iron Crest Empire will not watch us set up the position but will not attack!"

He is right, our time is not too much.

Fortunately, the **** of the dragon's extinct ground is not very exaggerated. A door dragon crystal cannon was quickly pushed up the mountain, and it was erected on the flat ground. In addition, a frame of the car was spread out at the foot of the mountain. Leading a group of elite Yulin army heavy cavalry is already on standby. Before the arrival of the Scorpio and the ban, they could only rely on them to resist.

At the foot of the mountain, the team of players led by Xiaolong and Appearance Association has already assembled rapidly. The total number is about 100W. But with this point, the 1000W people who want to resist the sky rose really seem to be stretched. There is no way, they must hold it. Otherwise, let the sky rose soldiers come to the city under Yuncheng City and everything is late.

The war horse is long, and the 10W rock dragon iron ride is also brushed on the plain at the foot of the mountain. The pool feathers are cold and the sword is ready to go. Look back at me from time to time.

I naturally can't be as eager to fight as he is, I will continue to wait.


The sound of the dragon flapping its wings came from the air. Lin Biao drove the silver dragon and white from the clouds, slowly stopped in front of me, jumped out of the dragon's back and said, "Come, no more than 10 minutes. Will enter our field of vision, the first batch of at least 100W people, similar to our current number, did not see the specific location of the sky rose, the first batch of people are mostly Western Union covenants, the majority of English and French players."

Me: "How long will the next group of people arrive?"

"After an hour, the distance is far, the first group of people are almost all-in-one riding warriors, so the speed is faster."

"That's good!"

I suddenly pulled out the long sword and turned back to look at the players behind me. "They are not eager to march with us for the first time. They don't have to wait for them. Once they appear in our field of vision, all the riders will be with me. Rushing out and killing them is a surprise!"

Everyone has pulled out the blade, especially the 1W melting **** iron ride, one by one, and has been eager to try.

There is nothing moving in the appearance of the Mukai, but the two beautiful deputy leaders have turned over. The Shenyu and Luoyan are the best players in the Chinese theater melee players, and all of them are ascending to the lower gods. The Appearance Association's nearly 4W riding game player is perfect.

Not long after, the horseshoes in the distance shook the plains, and there were dense players on the horizon. Looking at them, everyone’s shoulders had a blood-red emblem, which was the mark of the Western Alliance Covenant. They are the people of Wangyuecheng, and some are the players of the sub-main city such as Hanyancheng and Qingyancheng. They are all homeless after being conquered by the Chinese theater. Now they form an Avengers Alliance attempting to revenge China. The battle, unfortunately, the disparity in strength is there, and it is hard enough to look at the fists for revenge.

Behind the drums of the drums, a 10,000-year-old prince of the Yulin army was screaming in the air, and Jingyin turned over the horse. A pair of beautiful eyes looked at me. With the inquiry, I did not hesitate to raise the butterfly sword and shouted loudly: Go to war!"

Hundreds of thousands of troops under the mountain began to move, the speed is getting faster and faster, the player's riding team accounted for about 40W people, the rock dragon iron ride 10W, the Yulin army 5W, the air also has 10W Yan Ying riding shooter army, a total of 65W army Going straight, the opponent is a 100W Western League Covenant player, the time to win the battle is over!

The little dragon girl is flying faster and faster, and it is almost a light and shadow. "Brushing" is a illusion. Only one person is left. The form of God is open. The direct impact of the double-swords is in the other's crowd. More than a dozen British Cavaliers players, one seems to know that I am so powerful, suddenly stopped, the shield slammed to the ground, one of them loudly: "It is free! With the steel shield wall to block him, brothers, come out Your courage must not allow this person to overcome our barriers!"

Sure enough, they didn't play against the British for a long time, and their morale seemed to be stronger than before.

I didn't stop at all, and pushed the power to the extreme. "嘭" slammed into the shield wall, and suddenly there was a dull anti-shock force in the chest. The British shield wall was not only simple, the rear players used shields against the front row. The player's back almost played the power of the group to the extreme, but unfortunately, the strength value is too bad, I was quickly broken through the three layers!

"Block him!"

A swordsman whispered and waved the sword. It was a flames and combo skills. I simply ignored such an attack. The butterfly sword was raised. The general attack hurt his chest and the arm was hot. 10 times the damage of the star burst effect, a big damage number flying up -


This is definitely a direct second! A group of British Cavaliers players looked at me with a stunned look. About they didn't think that the hard-working steel shield wall would be so vulnerable under my sword? The offense was in full swing, and they ignored their horror. I sighed and shouted in the golden light. The surrounding maps were discolored and the god-level skills were launched. The wind was directly smashed in the crowd, piercing dozens of people, causing a small Range spike effect!

At this time, the rear row of Fushen Iron Rider, Yulin Army, Rock Dragon Iron Rider, etc. also hit the shield wall, some can break through, and some are bounced back, can only fight melee, this time everyone can not Not looking at the opponents in front of us, these British players are actually the elite of Wangyuecheng. The 1000W people selected by Sky Rose are not weak at all, all of them are elites of major theaters, and no one is to be slaughtered.

"Don't go back, kill!"

The voice of Li Mu came from the air. He drove the dragon to slash the sword into the crowd. He ordered the dragon to attack the ground with dragon claws, and Matcha, Lin Biaoer and Wang Hao were the same.

In the other direction, the long sword of Chi Yuhan turned into a stream of light and sheds in the crowd, causing 40W damage. The level of Chi Yuhan is now at least five-star gods, otherwise it will not be able to do such damage. The rock dragons he dominated were even more brave. They waved their swords in the crowd. Each sword had at least 35W damage. They shared my scale attribute, but they didn't have my equipment and skill effects. So the output will be inferior, but it will not be too much. The powerful attack and defense are enough to make the English and French players in front of you burst into tears.


On the right wing of the position, the beautiful generals did not say a word, and led the martial arts heavy cavalry to make a strong impact. They shattered the opponent's defensive positions and then continued to enter.


The fierce winds swept around, and the Weimang brought out by the sword and the storm swept the surrounding players. My side had already formed a death zone. There was no player who dared to approach me because it was close to death. However, my movement speed is fast, I can't let them, suddenly a shot to the front, the butterfly sword rises, the sky shines, the sword breaks the river and falls in the crowd, the crowd is instantly shredded, one second hero, Mengyao The moon demon and other people followed the rushing forward, destroying the opponent's defensive line.


In the crowd, a player at the ally level is already crying. It is a smile. The first person in the British theater, the first player in the EBN battle network, once a god-like player, can be reversible in the situation, and the smile will no longer be the courage of the year. Especially in the face of this steel master of Xiaolong, the smile can not make it out, the whole person is almost violently gone, the spear shakes, and the continuous damage effect of the eternal star field is interspersed in the dragon dragon melting iron ride In the crowd, he calmly looked at everything around him, escaping the stun effect brought by the galloping of the melting iron rider, opening the shield of hotness on his chest, turning his wrists, and taking the speed of the spear with the spear Breaking the wind, directly riding a melting iron to the spike, the spear suddenly slammed, and shouted: "Flame surge!"


A piece of flame is rushing forward with its core, causing great damage to a large group of Snapdragon players who are hitting.

"No refund!"

Smiling and holding the spear, continued to bless the effect of the flame surge, while shouting: "If we can't keep the first wave, why do we let Sky Rose believe that the British server can come back? Brothers, we are the English Channel The brave, can not easily be defeated, even if all the war is dead here, at least we can not be humiliated and killed!"

Perhaps the smile has played a role, and many players who have already been defeated have made a comeback, making the battle more confusing.

At this moment, suddenly the Dongchengyue in the team spoke: "Small dance, open your range effect, I will attract a smile, you come to kill!"

"it is good!"

Dongcheng Yue and Lin Xiaowu are all following the players who are riding the warfare. At this time, they have already entered a fierce battle. The cooperation between the two remote systems is very bright. Dongcheng’s palm is raised, and the Thunder refers to “噗嗤”. A bang, broke the smile of the hot shield.


Smiling biting his teeth, pulling the spear from the chest of a melting iron ride, quickly rushed to the Dongcheng month, and Dongcheng month is not anxious, Zhang is a flame wall to block the smile of the sudden, followed by a beast attack Baptism, smile and horrible blood is already under half, hurriedly poured a large blood bottle, the spear is raised, the green light falls, adding 70% of blood, it really is a high output, high recovery of the Cavaliers The leader.

Unfortunately, the person to face the smile is not only the Dongcheng month, but also a little dance!


A cold arrow passed through the crowd of the melting iron, directly slammed on the smiling shield, followed by several fast and fast arrow attacks, and the "beep" triggered the sharp effect, smiling with people The horse was stirred up and stayed in the air for a little while for 1 second. It was a flying effect. How could a group of melting gods and iron rides be able to let go of such a good opportunity, quickly rushing to the past, one by one to launch a sharp-edged sword, and the sword edged in, blinking and smiling. It was late!


System Announcement: Player [Wang will] (China) successfully killed the next level player [Smile] (UK) and earned 10% of the national war points!



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