Zhan Long

Chapter 1316: Unfair war

Then there was a five-star artifact armored wristband, which was taken away by the Jianfeng cold ROLL. There was also a five-star artifact cloth shoes, which added a lot of spiritual penetration effects. It was taken away by the 萱 萱, and the king-level BOSS was a big shot. The lowest is also a five-star artifact, far more generous than those star BOSS.


In addition, the fire broke out a famous card, which is the famous fire card, Fang Songyu directly threw it to me, said: "Happy, you come to be the captain, take us all to kill Darren!"


Looking at the cards in my hand, I couldn’t help but be a little surprised. It’s a good thing –

[Famous card card fire] × 2: Increase attack power by 200% and 60% control effect (the team's defense power is 120%, the blood volume is increased by 30%), lasts 120 minutes!

I used the card directly, then opened the team, let the party songs, simple, Ye Lai and others join my team. After a while, nearly 500 teams formed, and the most horrible thing is that the team almost gathered. More than 80% of the gods in the Chinese theater are the top teams in the world.

Not far away, roaring and screaming, Dalen carried a long sword in the crowd to kill, a sword broke away, directly a large group of players and NPC smashed together, the ball is not stupid, goodbye It is also the tears have been beaten into blood, can only carry the shield to escape, Nai Darun's moving speed is too fast, suddenly came to the ball is not stupid, and sighed: "Bad boy, you 捅I am so much, do you want to live alive?"

"I am yelling at you, that is to live alive!"

The ball was not stupid and unbelievable. The spear was sent to Darren’s chest again. Then the shield trembled and the golden shield appeared around it. It was necessary to drive invincible skills to escape, cow!

Darren was furious, and the seven killing swords violently left. The goodbye after the ball was not stupid was also a tear to a sword, and continued to follow him, seemingly waiting for the invincible disappearance.

"Going to save the ball is not stupid!"

I rushed over with the sword, Jianfeng Han and Matcha. The four of us are the strongest heavyweight masters in the Chinese theater. So the gorgeous lineup is still not rescued, the ball is not stupid, just in him. At the moment when the invincible shield disappeared, Darren’s sword was worn by the chest to kill it, and my set of rides was on the chest of Darren, bringing out a violent fire.






The number of the last hit is very bright, it is actually ten times the damage of the star burst, it is also Darlen is unlucky.

"It's you, Li Xiaoyao!"

Darren’s face was very embarrassed, and he laughed happily: “You can’t kill you, Xifu can’t kill you, and Pei’s adults can’t kill you, but today, Darren wants to take your head. Go back!"

The left hand raised the shield of the stars, blocking the two attacks of Darren, the butterfly sword swayed, and the shock effect of the "chick" of the champion's blade was triggered. The Darren was shaken back a few meters, asking for swords and matcha. To hide the past, a set of skills output, while the sword front cold whistling, the sharp edge of the wind sweeping the chain to attack, and then put a flame over the ground skills, so that BOSS suffered continuous damage.

At this time, not far from the air on the paper, the fascinating alarm: "A sister, not very good, and two king-level BOSS, is Shifu and Kate!"

The female **** of war and the hurricane came, and people couldn’t help but feel the feeling of suffocation.


The defense of our coastline is almost broken, and the five major BOSS are culled with thousands of horses. In less than 30 minutes, at least 500W Chinese players have been slaughtered, which is never seen in previous versions of the event. According to this momentum, I am afraid that the people we stay here will be washed all over to get back to the city.

Let the sword and matcha block the BOSS first. I pulled back a dozen meters. A whistle called a war eagle to ride. He held a pair of fists and asked: "Da Zhige, what order?"

I whispered: "The coastline will soon be unstoppable, let all the troops retreat back to the city. It is necessary to transport all the dragon crystal cannons back, set up on the outer wall of Tianzhu City, and bring a message to his majesty to arm him. Scorpio City, not long after, the alien army will come to the city of Tianzhu, we will not be defeated, know?"

"Yes, Big Tango!"

Instead of letting the NPC army die in vain, it is better to leave their strength to defend the city. I initially underestimated the attacking power of the demon territory. I thought they were only tentative attacks. The main force is still the player, but They gave me a surprise, even Shifu, Peier, Qinqin came, and the magical territory is obviously in full force!

When I was about to return and go back to help, suddenly there was a dragon scream in the air. It was a dragon knight. A silver dragon knight from the cold dragon city swooped down and found me. Respectfully: "The dragon rides will be an adult, the frost The adults let me bring you a message."

"When is she coming?" I eagerly asked.

"The creamer will not come to the sea."


I was amazed: "Does the frost not care for us?"

"No, adults, Frost Master has led the dragon rider and the main force of the Dragon City to go deep into the demon territory, and the Queen Shu, Queen Lanner, and Otilia have also gone with them, she said... ..."

"What did she say?"

“She said that she would challenge her when she fully understood the power of the star field. In this line, she must kill and settle the entire northern field.”


It turns out that the frost is going to find the suffocating suffocating. In fact, this is also a good way, but I am worried about her. The last time I met with you, I didn’t take a little bit of money. Now I’m going deep into the devil’s territory. How can I not leave some minions, the party whose overall strength is on the frost is still at an absolute disadvantage, but what I can do now is to pray that she can return safely.

"grown ups."

The dragon knight’s eyes are red, saying: “We got the latest news, and we reopened the cracks in the purgatory and summoned the ten devils who slept. It is said that these demons each surpassed the strength of the king, and the frost adults entered the war. The magical territory is just to drag the shackles and the top ten demons, so that you don't have to face the demons headed by you..."

My nose was sour and said, "Okay, I know, you are going to reinforce her. One more person!"

The dragon knight is holding a fist: "Yes, the frost man said, if she can't come back... you are the owner of the cold dragon city, let us loyal to you."

"Don't say it, go!" I almost shouted this sentence.


Looking at the dragon knight to go, my heart is full of miscellaneous, if the frost really can't come back, what should I do? 10 opponents stronger than the king, plus a slap, how can frosts win this war?

The heartache is almost suffocating. The hateful thing is that I can't leave. This battlefield is also needed. The entire Tianzhu City needs my big fort to manage. If I am not there, they will have no one to look forward to. After all, the war of losing the coach will change. Very dangerous.


Behind him, a screaming scream is Shiv, and Shiv is finally here!

On the sword of Xifu, the destructive power emerged, directly killing the defense line composed of a group of melting gods, and screaming out, screaming out of the sword, and screaming on the back of the sword, loudly: Go to hell, kid!"

Asked the sword's blood suddenly fell to a large and a half, Darren turned back to a sword, "嘭" caused a flying effect! Under the effect of flying, the player can't perform any behavior, which means that even the opportunity to open the invincible is gone. Hef lifted his palm, and the blood of the power of destruction in the palm of his hand skyrocketed and suddenly fell, causing 100 yards. The AOE injury, Li Mu, Wang Hao and others have retreated, and the sword in the effect of flying is actually spiked! Before he hanged, he said loudly: "You are careful, split them apart..."

Xifu rushed forward, and the war shield appeared in his body. Lin Biaoer, the shallow moon attack could not attack the real blood, and I also rushed over, a set of combo seven-star broken Yuelu strangled on Xifu. , Loud: "Fang Ge, Jian Feng Han, you look for opportunities to lead Darren, we are responsible for dragging Xifu!"

However, everything went too badly. Xifu took a long sword and was a sudden attack. He killed the cockroach and didn't even give him the chance to use it. It was the second.


Darren's blade was lowered and turned into a pointed cone to attack the lower plate, and the sword was again blown.

Xifu's mouth flicked a smile, and the blade went straight away.

"Treat the sword and cold, fast!"

When I shouted out, it was already late. Jianfeng Han was pierced by Xifu’s sword and his blood was raging. He looked helplessly at the sky and closed his eyes. Yes, what else can he do? When Fu and Darren were together, there would be a combination of skills. It was simply impossible to stop. The most important thing is that Shiv’s war shield is almost always open. We can only get rid of her skill resilience, but it can’t cause real damage. This also means that skills such as dizziness and deceleration cannot be launched on Xifu, which is the reason for the failure.

"Boss, can't be separated, what should I do?" Matcha asked helplessly.

I quickly followed the sword and followed Shifu’s attack. “Keep your strength, look for opportunities to get out of the battlefield. I am dragging them here!”

"What do you want to do, happy!?" Fang Ge asked sharply.

"Reborn with Overlord!" I grinned, quite fierce: "Mom, what can we do if we don't have to be born again? We don't have the choice, someone must sacrifice, someone can resist the attack of the evil king." ""

Fang Ge阙 clenched his proud stick, the pain of his face: "This...mother!"

This is the first time that everyone has seen Fangge swearing. The person who is known as the first person and the **** of rudeness is swearing. How helpless this is!


Yes, this is an unfair war, but it is also a war that we must go through on the road to becoming king.


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