Zhan Long

Chapter 1365: Yimeng

"what happened?"

Seeing my face is not very good, Lin Biaoer asked beside him.

"There is another incident in the game." I said without a word: "It is even more troublesome after the unification. It is really a headache."

Lin Tiannan smiled and said: "Since ancient times, it has been difficult to fight Jiangshan and defend the river. Moreover, there are so many people in this game. After all the main cities are unified, it means enemies with the whole server. The people who are against you will only More will not be less, take the child back early, solve the problem in the game to concentrate on accompanying her."


I nodded and stood up and said, "Then I will invite some elders to eat next time. I will treat you next time."

The old man said, "You kid will be generous to treat, it is the sun coming out from the west."

My hand is very innocent, Tang Qi has packaged a fish soup to bring back to the night to do a nightingale, claiming that after all, this is a hand-fishing fish, eating more fragrant.


At 8 o'clock in the evening, arrived at the residence, went upstairs and sent the nephew back to the room. After the kiss, go back to the room and do business!



Appeared in the Scarlet Mountains, the army of the Yulin Army, the Scorpio Army and the Cold Dragon City has been retreated. The wounded battalions of the Royal Forest Army have all been rushed to the camp. Instead, a group of strangers are busy setting up a new one in the Scarlet Mountains. Stone Fortress, these strange devils are the army of Peer, but they are not very friendly to me, and the distant teeth are snoring.

I didn't care about it. It was impossible to tame the original demon. As long as they obey the order of Pei, they will no longer be enemies with Tianzhu City. The empire is now enemies with the forces that want to be alone all over the world. It is really powerless. Then go to deal with the magic of the North.

Viewing my friends, I sent a message to Yan Zhao Wushuang: "Uncle, what happened?"

Yanzhao unparalleled reply: "Let's go back to Tianzhu City, don't walk from the ground, fly directly in the sky, we meet in your happy palace, I will bring people to the past."


When I returned to the city scroll, the white light flashed at the moment I returned to the city, but there were not many players on the East Gate Plaza in Tianzhu City. Instead, I poured in countless NPC civilians from outside the city. I can’t help but be surprised. These civilians are not Should they cultivate in the outer fields? What happened to all of this going to the city?

From the ground up, the form of God turned to the house that Luo Shulin gave me. This is the most luxurious residence in the city except the palace. Even the number of maids has expanded from the original 20 to 50. The guards of 300 Yulinjuns are indeed impregnable... It’s not right, it doesn’t seem to be a solid soup. It’s just for thousands of civilians outside the palace, one face is red, and the face of resentment is throwing stones in the house. And cursing loudly.

"what happened?"

My heart sank, and I squatted down and fell directly into the courtyard of the mansion. Sure enough, Yan Zhao was unparalleled with two commanders, including Lin Biao and Yan Taiyu, and dozens of soldiers standing in the courtyard. In addition, there are more than one hundred Yulin army swords shackled out of the gate, guarding against the civilians breaking into the door.

"What the **** is going on?" I asked after the fall.

Yanzhao Wudao said: "You haven't seen it yet? We were attacked... and it was attacked by the imperial civilians, and it was powerless to fight back. It was really mad."

"What about the situation?" I continued to ask.

On the side, Jingyin hugs his fist: "His Royal Highness, since you led the Scorpio Army and the Yulin Army to the expedition to the Scarlet Mountains, there has been a force called "Yimeng" in the empire. They are born with equality and everyone is the master. The slogan of the empire has incited the civilians to rise up against the aristocracy. It is said that there is only one emperor in the world. The rest of the nobles are mean and small. Moreover, their main goal is to resist violent rule and demand the disbandment of the army. The 'brutal warlord' that they must overthrow in their eyes..."

"The brutal warlord?"

I can't help but smile: "Mom, if we are really brutal warlords, we have already sent Yulinjun to suppress it now? Lin Biao, do you know this thing?"

Lin Biao and his fist: "His Royal Highness, His Majesty has already learned about this, but he is helpless. These civilians are doing these things under the banner of the Emperor, and they are just a group of incited civilians. They are all said to be empire. The people cannot hurt their lives, so we have no reason to suppress them at all."

On the side of Han Yuan’s fist boxing: "In my opinion, it is better to directly assemble the 100,000 Yulin army outside the city, and throw the army into the city, killing these mobs!"

I glanced at him: "No nonsense, your majesty ordered that you can't suppress it by force. How dare you?"

Han Yuan hurriedly bowed his head: "The end will be lost, and your Highness will forgive me."

I patted him on the shoulder and said, "Is there any other way? Uncle Yan Zhao, you are a big singer, will you really be helpless?"

Yan Zhao's unparalleled shrug: "What can I do? I am now wondering, who is the dog behind the scenes of the P-Community, who is it, is it the current emperor?"

"It shouldn't be..." I sighed: "The last time Shallow Lin almost tore my face, I will never be so confused and confused. Now, almost all the tigers of the major army are handed over to The Ministry of Military Affairs, the Ministry of Military Affairs is also a confidant of His Majesty. It is equal to the fact that the military power of the whole world is almost in his hands. He does not need to disband the army at all. This is to destroy the Great Wall."

Yan Zhao nodded unparalleledly: "It is also..."

Jingyin smiled and said: "I got some news. I heard that the official launch of the Yimeng was in a sub-primary city."

"Oh, which sub-main city?" I asked.

“Beihai City, a coastal city in the north of the Iron Cranial City. This city is guarded by a major of the Marquis. It is known as the first prince of the North. There are tens of millions of civilians gathered in the city. It is said that the first time When I heard the word "Yimen", it was in Beihai City, and there were some rivers and lakes in Beihai City. They appeared in the city of Iron Cranial City, Wangyue City, Huoyun City, Tianzhu City, etc. I suspect that Yimeng and Beihai City have Inextricable relationship."

I was a little surprised, I didn't think it would be Beihai City.

Yanzhao Wushuang’s sword eyebrows locked tightly: “This explains that although Beihai City belongs to China, the actual ruler is a prince, and it is possible to change the flag at any time, and the player leader of Beihai City is the sky. The original Iron Crest City player headed by Rose, the Americans will certainly not let us rule the world so easily. It is strange to not give us some surprises."

"Yimeng...Yimeng..." I chewed the word a few times in my mouth and said: "First of all, you must never do this NPC civilians, or you will definitely lose the hearts of the people! I have seen the management of the city management of Xiaoyao Wang, Tianzhu The mentality of the city people is 97%, and now it has fallen to 82%. If we send troops to suppress, the people's hearts will drop again and again. If it reaches 70% or less, it will result in population loss, army dispersal, and disrepair in the city. The city is now the first city in the world, we must be careful."

"This way..." Yan Zhao was uncomfortable. He did not expect to have such a subtle relationship. He touched his nose and said, "Why can't I see any data about the people's heart in my big-go-go interface?"

"Crap, you are the main military, my happy king is the ruling."

"Well, after all, is there any way?"

I browed: "No!"

"There is no way you are still so arrogant, I really served you!"


At this time, suddenly "squeaky", there was a loud noise coming from the gate of the house. It seems that someone is slamming the door, but the iron gate is very strong, and it is impossible to break the door in a short time.

On the face of Long Hao, she passed a hint of killing. She had already put her hand on the hilt, and her face was chilly. She sang to the dozens of Templars of the Templars. "The Happy King is the supreme world, who dares to collide with the palace, immediately Do not kill!"

I waved my hand: "No, dragons don't be impulsive, they shouldn't rush in. In short, these civilians can't be injured, and then they will be very serious."

"Yes!" These generals of the Royal Forest Army are really too loyal, and listen to me.

"There is no way to hide, and I can't hide for a lifetime." I sighed and said, "Come, come open, I want to talk to these civilians and see what they want."


Several Templars quickly went to open the door. Just at the moment when the gate opened, the civilians outside had raised their torches. One face with anger, the one who took the lead shouted: "This group of turtles finally dared to open the door. And rushed in!"

The man was dressed in a white coat and held a fine sword in his hand. It didn't look like a civilian. I frowned. The power of the heavens was launched. I suddenly rushed out of the palace. The invisible power of a group of civilians. All pushed outside the door and couldn't move, but the holy light shone in my body. Looking at a group of people outside the city, I said faintly: "I am Li Xiaoyao, what do you want to do?"

"Ah, is he a happy king? Once a big gotho?"

"It’s Li Xiaoyao, it’s His Royal Highness..."

"His Royal Highness is here!"

Many people have been unable to control and want to kneel down, but the white man has a low-looking brow: "Remember, you are the same as him, born equal, we are not a public, only the emperor is worthy of you all over the world. Hey, give it all!"


A killing intention rose from the bottom of my heart. At this moment, there is no more thought than a sword killing the white man.

However, I still resisted and said: "You are all the people of the Scorpio empire. They are all part of this country. What are you going to come to the palace today?"

A group of civilians were stunned and arrogant.

However, this white man’s eyes are clear and clear: “Burn the palace, crush your kingship, disband the Yulin army, and still have a clear and peaceful peace!”

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The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!


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