Zhan Long

Chapter 1378: Sneak attack

"Use the thick cloth to cover the lead parts of the Shenwei gun and the dragon crystal cannon, you can't get wet, hurry up, all the orders go down, don't delay!" Yan Zhao unparalleled orders.

Dozens of war eagle riders took off quickly and sent orders to go. The nearby Yulin soldiers looked for things that could cover the rain. The army had some thick cloths for setting up tents, but it was not too much. It was burned down during the war. Now it is even more scarce, so many The soldier took off the armor directly or covered the heavy artillery with a shield, and then walked shirtlessly.


"Archers, ready to shoot their eyes!" I carried a butterfly sword, a loud command.

The drums were strong, and the sky was swaying and swaying. In the rain, the densely proud Aotian soldiers returned and their drums became dense. It was just waiting for the right opportunity to attack.

We must block this attack, otherwise we will not be in the future.

My heart is cold, loud: "Go war!"


Shenwei cannons and dragon crystal cannons can still be launched. The proud Tianzu seems to have stunned our IQ. We did not expect that we would guess their plans in advance and be prepared.

"Keep the gate!"

A second hero jumped down the wall with a spear. More and more dragon players and martial arts heavy cavalry walked out of the city, forming a defensive line outside the city. Someone must sacrifice, otherwise the wall will be attacked.

"Be careful, their beast cavalry!" Lin Biao loudly.

Heavy hoofs came, and sure enough, hundreds of beast cavalry launched the impact together, the speed is very fast, the Yulin army's dragon crystal cannon is difficult to aim, aiming at it is also difficult to kill immediately, directly causing these beast cavalry to quickly approach the city , strangled with the players of Xiaolong.

I hurriedly pulled out the double sword and rushed down the city, rushing to a beast cavalry at full speed like a meteor!


The shoulders hit the nose of the beast, and it screamed back, but the Aotian cavalry on the beast was a spear of a spear. The spear pierced the rain and went straight to my chest!

The Shield of the Stars quickly launched, and the "Peng" slammed it back directly. I flew up and it was a continual move. I cut him back and forth again. One second of heroes took dozens of Snapdragon players to kill them. I rushed to the second one, slowing down my impact with my own body, and then rushed to the third beast cavalry. In the blink of an eye, I had a direct conflict with more than a dozen beast cavalry, greatly alleviating the players behind me. The pressure, but only one third of his own blood.

Not far away, an orange glow, is a big BUFF stunt, and then Li Mu also raised a long sword, launched a roar, greatly improved the attack power of players around 400 yards, ask the sword, Jianfeng cold, etc. People have also rushed down the walls, each shouldering their own missions, and everyone must play together, otherwise the wall will certainly not be able to keep.


In less than half an hour, the city has already flowed into the river, blood and rain merged together, flowing freely, dyed the dead grass outside the city, and also dyed the armor of everyone on the front line.

The Guards of the Royal Army did not retreat, killing a beast cavalry at the cost of life, and the soldiers of the camp rushed out of the city with a butcher knife, and began to cut the body of a beast, and the beast was like a hill. In general, it can provide a lot of meat.


A centurion-class beast cavalry saw someone cutting the body of the beast and screamed: "Give me kill them!"

Immediately, a group of proud heavenly warriors raised their spears and projected them in the past. In the voice of "噗噗噗", the soldiers of the Yulin Army camp were smashed through the body with huge spears, and the blood flowed to the ground.

Everyone seems to have no time to manage too much, the only thing that can be done is to kill the opponent in front of you.

At this moment, suddenly Jingyin stood on the wall and said: "His Royal Highness, the West Gate is broken..."


I was dumbfounded and asked the sword to come to the real-time picture. The wall of the Xichengmen was completely smashed. Many Aotian warriors rushed into the wall and slashed them with guns everywhere, such as entering no one, and the process of pride. At least a thousand troops have been blocked, and they can’t stop it. The ghost town has fallen, far more than I thought!

The blade flapped and penetrated the neck of an Aotian warrior in front of me. I flipped his body and flew back with a long sword. The loud voice: "Uncle Yan Zhao, taking people to block the gap!"

Yanzhao Musou had already opened the form of God and had to leave. He gathered a group of Prague players and about 2W Changfeng Army, and went to Ximen along Chengchi Avenue, but it was definitely unable to withstand it, and at most it was delayed.


More and more human beings died in the city, and the city walls were also seriously damaged. They were even driven by a beast cavalry to a section of about 50 meters, which became the target of their care. A large number of melting iron horses were defended to death under this gap. It’s too fierce.


A message came from Fang Geling: "Happy, good news!"

"What news, old party?"

"The flow of frost came with a few god-level powerhouses from Beibei, saying that it is necessary to use force to forcibly open the sky enchantment, but the duration is no more than one hour, about one hour begins, you hurry, after 1 hour It is bound to bring everyone to the position where you entered. We are waiting for you here. The time is tight, and our people will not enter the new map, and the savings will not come out."

"Give me a countdown!"

"it is good!"

A countdown from a friend's share appears on the interface, counting down from 59:59 seconds.

At this moment, Lin Biao took the long sword and killed it. The loud voice: "His Royal Highness, we found the position of the Aotian War Emperor, just in our north, but there are more than 2W proud warriors in the world. Protect him, what do we do?"

My mind has been fixed, loudly: "Open the Dongchengmen, everyone rushes out from the Dongchengmen, the soldiers are divided into two roads, Lin Biao, you lead the Yulin Army, the Scorpio Army, the Changfeng Army, the Autumn Harvest Army, the rest of the ban, and Situ’s salary and others went back from the West, and then went to where we came in... Well, I let Dazhang take the road!”

He sent a message to Yan Zhao, and asked him to lead all the NPC troops out.

Yan Zhao's unparalleled instant was anxious: "No, I am running with the NPC army. What do you do?"

Me: "Nothing, we will fall 1 level when we die. You will go back to Tianzhu City with NPC. Next will be a very big war. We need these NPCs to live. Uncle, don't say, you take NPC. I took the player to attack the Avalanche!"

"You kid is crazy? Sneak attack on the proud king?"

"If you don't, how can you attract more Aotian troops, so that you can break through? Don't talk nonsense, you have to go to Xichengmen and Lin Biao, Stuart."


I ordered, all the players began to gather at the North Gate. After a while, the 4W players appeared in the north of the city. They were all absolutely elite in the players. We came in 50W people, but now only the people are there. It’s really sad.

Once we learned about our final mission, a group of people was very excited.

Li Mu smiled and closed his mouth: "Mother's, let us sleep here, no one is not a ghost, so long, I really want to see what this Aotian War Emperor is!"

A gun with a jug of wine: "Nothing to say, go do it!"

A group of people have raised their swearing words: "Dry his mother!"

Everyone is sighing and waiting for the present.

I opened the form of God and carried a pair of swords in front of the crowd, saying: "The soldiers who meet the Aotian people on the road do not have to entangle, and by virtue of the speed advantage of moving, we go straight to the Chinese army of the Emperor, and can kill Best, most of them can't be killed, but at least one hour is delayed, so that the remaining 20WNPC troops can safely retreat."


"set off!"


4W people rushed to the north, far away, the densely proud Aotian army is already welcoming us, all kinds of clumsy and huge soldiers are falling, killing one player, but more The people quickly rushed through the gaps and used my first road to penetrate the Chinese army in their distance.

The heavy rain blew through the whole body, and it was a cool feeling.

There are more and more Aotian soldiers in front, and the children are on the left and Matcha is on the right. They form the strongest broken sword of the dragon. They penetrate all the way, and they can see a huge blood red flag. It was rolled up in the rain.

"It is the proud king!"

The nephew stared at the eyes: "There is a royal character on the banner!"


I stormed ahead of time, but there was a “heavy shield camp” in front of the Aotian people. These giants held a few tons of “heavy shields” and formed a row of defensive lines, which must break through them!

In the hands of the butterfly sword gently flipped, the power poured in, I raised my left hand, the land of the heavens launched, the focus gathered on all the heavy shields, but it seems that the power is not enough, they will bet all the power, and the surrounding areas quickly fluctuate open a field Glossy, seeing the children and matcha are stunned. The next moment, the shields of these Aotian heavy shields have risen, out of their control, and some soldiers are desperately holding shields, but they are still flying with them. Even the person with the shield was taken to heaven.

"go with!"

The Tianjun Emperor’s middle army account was 200 meters away. I raised a lot of hands and suddenly hundreds of shields with dozens of Aotian warriors quickly flew to the big account. The next moment, the violent crash The shield's flight speed is extremely fast, and many people in the military account are killed. Many of them are still senior officers.

"Fast people, kill!" asked the sword to raise a long sword, with everyone to hide.

In chaos, a giant wearing a blood-red trench rushed out of the crowd, holding a sword and holding his face with anger: "The despicable human beings dare to attack the camp, and they are desperate!"

Aotian war emperor, come!


Can't see the level and attributes, this is a BOSS beyond our cognitive field!

This is the penultimate piece of Xiaolong. Today is 12 o'clock at noon. It is the finale of Xiaolong. What are you waiting for? Let's vote for the new book "Refining the Field". Brothers TT, don't vote for Xiaolong again. God field book number 1075763, everyone goes to collect, ready to transfer positions ~~


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