Zhan Long

Chapter 187: Yang Weiling

"What's wrong, Li Mu? Calm down!"

"Well..." Li Mu opened the communicator and took a deep breath. He said: "This time it may be serious. Not long ago, the Judges Guild of Jiu Li City destroyed a coffin BOSS and broke a piece. Yang Weiling, do you know what Yangwei is? Are you happy?"

I groaned: "Yang Wei Ling... This does not know, I only know the construction of the escort, what is the use of Yangwei?"

Li Mu Shen Sheng said: "Yang Wei Ling is the challenge necessary to initiate a guild, a 10,000 guild showdown, the loser guild directly disbanded, the winner guild will receive 10% guild experience of the loser guild This Yangwei order is very rare, but there is a piece in Jiuli City, and we learned that ten minutes ago, someone has bought this unique piece of Yangwei from the trial guild leader Ye Lai, costing 400WRMB!"

I looked cold and said: "Li Mu, you don't have to say it, I can almost guess who bought this Yang Weiling, is Long Xiang's dragon in the sky, right?"

Li Mu gritted his teeth: "Although it is not a dragon in the sky, but it is Mutian, it will be able to reach Jiuli City in less than an hour. When you take this Yangwei order, it will definitely be a loyalty to us!"

I thought a little and said, "Wait, let me check the specific rules of this Yang..."



Open the search tool and find the Yang Wei Ling, and sure enough, the details are presented below -

Use requirements: players over 50, guild at least 3 or more, target guild at least 3 or above

Use loss: 5W gold coins trigger the use of Yang Wei

Combat conditions: The equal amount of players who have a maximum of 10 in the guild will participate in the battle. If the guild rank is not equal, the number of neutrals will be taken.

The result of the battle: If the challenger wins, the failure will be automatically cancelled and cannot be established again. The challenger will gain 10% of the guild experience of the failed party. If the challenge fails, the challenge will be automatically disbanded, and the failure party will gain the challenge experience. 50% of the value


"How, see if you understand?" Li Mu asked.

I nodded: "Not too optimistic, a loyalty, a dragon is a three-level guild, the upper limit of 1,000 people, divided by ten is 100 people to participate in the war, this is a confrontation of 200 people, but always better than the whole line will be on the line After all, a loyal number is not dominant. If you select 100 people, you can extract 100 elites. This is the best chance. Li Mu, the strength of you and Wang Hao, Bai Qi, Lian Po, etc. I know very well that even if Long Xiang has a pot of wine and a pot of wine, you will not lose!"

"I just worried that they would have another reinforcements..." Li Mu clenched his iron fist and said: "We can't afford to lose a loyalty. Once the guild is dissolved, our brothers will have nothing, so I am happy, I am inviting now. You and the Wolf Totem, the Heroes, the Shui Shui, the Glass Fox, the Strawberry Matcha, and the Cang Lei 7 people joined us in a loyalty, helping us to finish the guild war caused by this Yangwei, and you can quit after the fight. Help me……"

I frowned and said, "As a friend, I will naturally help each other, but... But Li Mu, I must first affirm that I have no absolute confidence in the battle of this Yangwei. After all, I don’t know what the dragon will ask in the sky. People come to help, if it is only the level of dominance, it is okay to say, but once they ask the elites of the guild, such as myths, trials, and sharps, the six people of our dragons may not be enough to see."

Li Mu nodded and calmly said: "I understand that life and death have success or failure in the sky, we only want to do our best!"

"Well, you can continue to see if you can get the rest?"

"Know, you see... Can you please ask the two beautiful women in the sky?"

"I ask, but there is no guarantee that I can get it..."

"it is good……"


Open the communicator, apply for a conversation with Lin Biaoer, and turn it on after a few seconds -


"Well, is it a task, is there something?"

"Well..." I briefly narrated a loyalty.

Lin Biaoer thought about it, and some of them were embarrassed: "That... I am still a member of the heroes, and I am still a deputy leader. If I join a loyalty guild, I may shake the hearts of heroes, so..."

I nodded. "I know that this thing will definitely make you difficult."

Lin Biaoer smiled sweetly: "However, if you must ask me to go, I will take a few days of loyalty in the past, and it doesn't matter. When I went back, I was asked to bury a few words..."

I quickly shook my head: "Forget it, I don't want you to blame the sword, just like this, a loyalty is my friend, but not a friend of my nephew. I have no power to force you to help them. Let me fix it myself, 婉Happy to do tasks~~"

"Well, come on! Don't lose ~~"

"it is good……"


Responding to Li Mu, the unexpected thing, Li Mu went on to prepare for the elite players.

Unsurprisingly, less than an hour, the air echoed a ring of bells, and the Yangwei order worked.


System Announcement: Player Feilong successfully uses Yangwei Order in the day, the guild [Long Xiang] challenges the target guild [one loyalty], the two sides will each send 100 people to participate in the war, and the winner will receive a very rich reward, failure The person will also bear a heavy price - the guild will be disbanded, the formal challenge will start at 12 o'clock tomorrow at noon!


"Halo..." Matcha carries a long sword and stunned: "Long Xiang challenges a loyalty? This... this time is a bit big, the dragon is in the sky, this is the heart of the loyalty from the map of the Eight Desert City. Erase it..."

Song Han gnawed his teeth: "A loyal Li Mu is quite good. It is our friend, Happy Brother. Let's go and help a loyalty to fight this guild war?"

I nodded: "Well, Li Mu has already invited us, and the five people in Xiaolong Studio, plus Alei and Lishui, 7 people are ready to join a loyalty to win this guild war for them!"

The fox frowned. "I don't think it's that simple. Since the dragon is concentrating on launching this guild war in the sky, it must be a must. If you don't think, the dragon must be prepared in the sky..."

The matcha and the eyebrows are twisted and said: "The boss’s friendship with Li Mu and Wang Wei is so deep. Even if you know that you are losing, you will definitely face it. And... If we want to establish a guild, we have one or two friends. A loyal person is very loyal, I think the boss's choice is not wrong, we have to help a loyalty, even if it pays a heavy price!"

I smiled and said: "Well, I contacted Li Mu. We went to Beichengmen Square in the Eighth City, ready to join a loyalty. Have you learned any new skills for Matcha?"

"The expensive boss...the ones are all 100G new skills..."

"Nothing, learn it!"


After a few seconds, three golden lusters descended from the sky on the body of Matcha MM. He reached out and waved, and three professional skills were shared in front of us.

[Magic Light (LV-1)]: Concentrates infuriating, causing a magical attack on the front 15 yards, causing 110% damage, and the damage increases with the level.

[Phantom avatar (LV-1)]: Demonizes a phantom avatar, attracts the specified target attack avatar within 1.5 seconds, and the skill effect increases with the level increase.

[Fantasy Shield (LV-1)]: Demonstrates a Shield to protect itself, increases 5% of the defensive and Spiritual resistance, and the skill effect increases with the level.


Looking at the three skills, I slightly nodded and smiled: "The illusion, the attacking skills, the phantom avatar, the control skills, the illusion of the shield is the defensive skills, this phantom knight's career really did not turn wrong, matcha, What swordsman skills did you retain?"

Matcha chuckle: "Quick speed, a little use, can improve the attack speed and movement speed. Also, my growth has changed. The toughness has improved a lot. How can I add some bosses in the future?"

"What do you think you should add?"

"In my understanding of the Cavaliers profession..." Matcha red lips, said: "Anti-blood is a must, this is a professional specialty, but can not completely give up the attack, and I feel that in the later period, defense, gas Blood can be piled up on the equipment. The attack power can only rely on weapons. The attacking power of the long gun is not as good as that of the battle axe. Therefore, I will choose to add more attacks. Each level has 7 strengths and 1 toughness. Physique, do you think this is scientific?"

I nodded and smiled: "Very good, just add it. In fact, I am looking forward to the day when you are getting better!"


"Let's go, gather on the North Gate Square!"


Five minutes later, Eight Desert City North Square.

General Li Mu came from the dust, carrying a long sword of Zilin, haha ​​smiled: "Thank you for the great help of the handsome guys, a loyalty will always remember!"

I browed: "Don't say it's useless, add us to the guild!"


One by one into the guild, the next moment, a pattern of **** long sword appeared on my shoulder, that is a loyal guild emblem, Li Mu looked at me: "Brother, what position do you want, the vice lord has no problem! ”

I shook my head: "No, I don't want any position. I will listen to your assignment with the 7-member group of Xiaolong. Let us kill who we kill, that's it!"

"Okay, thank you!" Li Mu held a fist and said: "Thank you, friends!"

I looked at the jungle outside the city and said, "Well, Li Mu will continue to prepare. We have to take a break from the line. We will be online until 11 noon tomorrow, and we will wait!"



At night, at 9 o'clock, the school is light.

A cup of kiwi juice was held in the hands of Lin Biaoer, slightly swaying, she looked at me: "Long Xiang and a loyal thing, the forum is full of enthusiasm, you have the confidence to help a loyalty to defeat Long Xiang?"

I shot it on the table: "Which look at what opponent..."

"Without confidence, you still have to help..."

"Life is a challenge, and there will be real things that are really stable..."

"It's also, I wish you success, go to bed early at night, keep the best PK status at 12 o'clock tomorrow, don't go out to fight, don't drink."


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