Zhan Long

Chapter 208: Deportation

Without any hesitation, I chased the past, and at the moment when the earth dragon jumped out of the wall, I suddenly grabbed his long tail and took it back. The agility of the swordsman profession was not covered. Coupled with powerful power, the vacant earth dragon was pulled back by the hard life, looking at the stone pillar not far away, I circled the dragon's tail directly around the two circles, and took out a hand from the parcel. The 55-level silver rifle that was not sold, "铿" slammed into the ground, and did not live in the tail of the dragon, making it impossible to move. This time, even the sword-tailing skills can not be used, it is really impossible to live!

At the door, the frost seemed to smile: "Oh, it’s beautiful!"

It is rare to see the smile of the beautiful iceberg beauty of the Dragon City. After I swept it, I immediately rushed to the faucet of the ground, and slashed it in less than two minutes.


With the tragic sound, Dillon Jess officially left the world, the soul fire dissipated, and at the same time bursting out two equipment, a necklace, and a **** red cloak, purple light flashing, it seems should Not bad, it is very likely to be a purple lining!

Picking up the cloak and glanced at it, it was quite good -

[Disillusioned Cloak] (Purple Liner)

Defense: 270

Strength: 40

Physical strength: 37

Additional: Increase user's 125 defense

Additional: Increases user's spell resistance by 14%

Requires level: 55


Look at my ice fire cloak, 39-level gold, has been replaced, directly replaced, plus upgrade points, suddenly the overall defense and other attributes slammed into a big slap -

[Happy in the air] (Dragon domain Shouling people)

Rating: 59

Attack: 1707-2186

Defense: 1840

Life: 3484

Magic: 1366

Charm value: 45


The defensive cloak plus defense is so high that my defensive power has soared directly to the 1840 defense, which is almost the same as the astrology and the knight's defense. This is really awesome!

Continue, look at the second piece of equipment, it is a necklace, after the performance of the property, after the interest, NND, silverware ... spread the goods, about half a pot of pickled fish.

Packed up the 7 gold coins on the ground, did not burst out the pardon card and soul gems, this BOSS is really enough, but fortunately, after all, gave me a disillusionment cloak, this property is worth everything.

Standing up, I was about to go to the frost, but at this moment, I suddenly saw the blue bone luster on the tailbone of the bone dragon fracture. What is it? It seems to be... is it like a metal object?

Reaching out, "啪" grab it, this is a piece of glazed shiny metal, dragging hard!


The body of the bone dragon is shaking hard. I almost dragged the whole person on the ground, and the feet squatted on the body of the bone dragon, slowly pulling the metal out of the spine of the dragon. !


When I was completely dragged out, the corpse of the dragon was all broken, but in my hand, there was a long swaying gun with a glazed glaze. The property was blasted, NND!

[Dragon Glass Gun] (Purple Lin? Excellence)

Attack: 810-1070

Strength: 40

Physical strength: 38

Additional: Increase user's 8% attack power

Special effects: 5% chance to completely ignore target defense

Introduction: The keel of the ancient earth dragon was buried in the depths of the dragon tomb. The fineness of the heavens and the earth slowly gathered in the keel. When the earth dragon was resurrected, these fine scorpions condensed themselves into peerless soldiers, but this scorpion soldier may always be Imprisoned in the bones of the earth dragon, but under the occasional opportunity, the player was free to forcibly break open the keel, and obtained this masterless soldier, it is the dragon glazed gun

Requires level: 55


Looking at the equipment introduction, I am a bit confused, and actually have my ID mark, so great! Moreover, it is a superior-grade Zilin rifle, and its attack power even surpasses Lin Biao's scorpion's razor blade! (The attack level of the same level of weapons is: axe, cymbal, knife, sword, dagger)

Open the buddy list and see the level of Matcha MM, level 53. Under the leveling of Song Han, Yi and others, the level of Matcha gradually catches up, and the first knight of our dragon is visually matching Matcha. It is also time for her to replace her sword and become accustomed to the specialized weapons of the Cavaliers profession.


The dragon glaze gun entered the parcel. I stood up with satisfaction and returned to the scent of the frost. I smiled slightly: "Frozen, am I finished the task?"

Flowing cream nodded happily: "Well, it’s done very well... I really didn’t read it wrong. You are indeed the best warrior in the cold dragon city for decades. I believe that you will make a big difference in the future, maybe, can Let us the real cold dragon city really rise on the mainland!"

"Hey, what do you do next?"

"Let's go find the old guy in Carl, I have to see what kind of rhetoric he will give me..."



Followed by the frost, the dungeon came to the edge of the Dragon City, watching the endless snow sea, I took a deep breath, and it was time to go over the mountains...


Frosty gently grabbed my arm and said, "Are you ready?"

"what to prepare?"

"It's nothing……"

The voice just fell, the frost suddenly took me to go, and directly fell a high wall nearly 100 meters high, the cold wind whistling in my ear, the speed is very fast, I almost can not open my eyes, the frost is beautiful Round, a snow flake falls on her long eyelashes, and it flows infuriatingly, forming a shield on the body surface to withstand the cold invasion. This is also my cold shirt, and she is wearing a fine armor. The reason why the snow-white arms are exposed in the air does not feel cold.

The little man’s boots gently stepped on the ground, and it was a hundred meters long. The frosting repair was beyond my expectations. After several years of standing, I was firmly in the dragon’s tomb. Far away, the guardian of Karl's cabin is there.

The frost released and grabbed my hand, and my hands fell behind me, slowly approaching, and the voice sank: "Karl, I am a frost, please come out and see!"


Shimen opened, Karl pushed out of the wheelchair, a pair of dim eyes looked at the frost, and looked at me, suddenly smiled: "It turned out to be the dragon of the Dragon City, how come free to visit me this barren land? ”

In the frosty eyes, there was a glimpse of killing, saying: "Karl, you know that this kid is my person, so let him challenge the terrible power in the depths of the dragon tomb, isn't it? You still hate me, or hate it, right? ?"

Carl trembled: "There is a lot of people, what is the saying?"

The frost faintly said: "You hate me, I can understand, but you must remember, Carl, your son died in a battle with the Jedi Barbarian, not that I am going to kill him!"

In the eyes of Carl, there was anger, and he reached out and shouted: "Let NMD fart! Flowing frost, you know that Carter is my only son. You know that the patriarch of the Jedi is a sky-level powerhouse. But I still let my poor Carter take the troops to the battle. As a result, I saw Carter’s head being picked up on the long scorpion that night. Is this what you want? I know, this is you and Luo. Lin’s tricks, you’re a high-level repairer, and he’s stepping through the realm of the land, isn’t he?”

The cream took a deep breath, didn't say much, at least one knee, and bowed to Karl, faintly said: "Karl, I can understand your feelings of losing Carter, but be sure to believe that it is the purpose of King Rollin. General Carter helped us to resist the positive attack of the Jedi Barbarian during the day. Our late night raids will work, killing the barbarians and defeating them. Please be sure that King Luolin is for the future of the Dragon City, not the future. For your own sake!"

Carl roared: "Put P! You just want to ruin Carter's life, I can never forget Carter's eyes before death!"


After the frost rose, the long sword flying behind her volleyed across her white neck, and she looked at Carl with a faint scent. "If I really want to pay for it, I am willing to pay for the king of Luo Lin, Carl, I After dying, I hope that you can let go, forget hatred, and stop living in the boundless hatred..."

"You!!" Carl is red and red, don't know what to say.

I quickly stepped forward and grabbed the hilt of the frosty sword. A sudden chill came into my arm. This is definitely a sacred soldier! Holding the hilt, holding the blade to continue to cut into the frosty skin, I sighed: "Flower, you are an executor, you should not take life for this kind of thing, you are not saying that I am your person? After you die, who can I rely on in Longcheng?"

The frost rose and looked at me dumbly: "I... I, sorry..."


Carl looked in his eyes and suddenly sneered: "Hey, that's not as good as it is..."

The frost is far away: "How?"

Carl glanced at me and said: "Since this kid is yours, let him take the adventure for you once, let this kid enter the depths of the tomb, accept the tempering of the world, if he lives out, I will be Karl again. Don't mention the old things. If he dies inside, I will forget the former suspicion, and when this kid is buried for Carter, how?"


There was some urgency in the frost, and the eyes were full of anger: "Karl, you are too mean, how can you let young people take risks like this? Don't forget, he is your disciple..."

"Oh..." Carl sneered: "Cart was so young, and he was already away from me. This kid is not my disciple. I have no disciples in my life!"


I was surprised, then, a system ringtone came -


System Tip: Please note that you have been expelled from the division, you lost the title of Long Tian Shouling!



I snorted and stood there, and asked, "Who is my future mentor? I... what do I do?"

Behind him, there was a faint voice: "Don't worry, if you can really come back from the depths of the dragon tomb, your tutor is me, you will follow me afterwards..."

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