Zhan Long

Chapter 328: Group of death


Mu's beautiful figure turned into a white light and flew off the field. Once again, it proved that this is an unpredictable woman. She has at least 30% chance of winning, forcibly smashing the flames and smashing the space. The chance of jumping can pose a great fatal threat to me, but she chose to give up at this time!


System Tip: Congratulations, you won in the competition, successfully promoted to the top 16 of this hero's rise contest!


Choosing to confirm, leaving the contest, flew back to the original foothold, and suddenly came to Lin Xiaoer, Dongcheng Yue, Yue Tishou and other MM laughter: "Congratulations to the happy brother to win the Muyu..."

I took Qin Wangjian, touched the nose, and smiled: "Fortunately, Mu Yu did not continue to struggle..."

A few meters away, Mu Yan carried a staff, leaning against the white railing and looking at me lazily, a pair of 36E screamed out, the slender snow legs looming between the robe and the cloak, she said with a smile: "Not without struggle, but It’s no point in struggling. The 30% magic MISS effect of the magic hate is terrible. As long as your sword advances and avoids my arrow of the sea, basically my odds are equal to 0, so it’s better to simply surrender and surrender. Ok, otherwise it’s too ugly to fall to the ground..."

"No..." I laughed. "Even if you lose, you will not look ugly, otherwise how would you call it the first beauty of Jiuli City?"

"Not..." Mu Yan’s mouth was raised and his face was reddish. He said: "My long-gray robe has too high a fork. When I lose it, it will have the effect of falling to the ground. Even the pink inside is can see……"

I am ashamed: "I... I didn't see it in the first game..."

Mu Yan Xiu Yi Yang, sneer smiled: "Well, you are a little young, even this is too lazy to see it? Is it so unattractive to you? Really can't stand it, next week, the appearance association is open, From Jiuli City to the Eight Desert City, I am going to kill the dragon, and then take you back to Jiuli City, when we are the vice-president of the Appearance Association..."

Suddenly, Lin Biao's nervousness, the red-blade dagger "squeaky" a squirt, standing next to me, a pair of beautiful nephews with a warning: "Hey, the appearance association really dare to start with the dragon, you can try it!"

Mu Hao stunned and smiled: "Well, my sister is joking... This little girl, Cang, is a blessing in the small, there is such a beautiful girl around me... Staying together, but being with you, is really confusing..."

I spread my hand and smiled: "The sky is sooner or later, we are the ones who are dragons!"

"Oh, it turned out to be..." Mu Yan smiled slightly: "Now I understand why you refused to join our appearance association, and there are so beautiful MMs around, no wonder, hehe..."

He took the battle axe and pointed to the stage and said, "The next one is about to begin!"


I looked up at the stage and watched each game carefully, because everyone who came on stage might become my opponent. I can fully understand them and be foolproof, and when I was playing, Jianfeng was cold and asked. Sword and others are also absolutely focused on understanding each of my skills and tactical styles, so that in the next game can improve the odds, each master is not born, but through repeated calculations, The analysis again and again gradually improved the strength.

The second game of the Top 32, the floating 10,000-wing VS Yan-Zhao unparalleled, are the celebrities of the eight deserted cities, one is the vice-minister of the sharp, the first ascetic monk of the eight deserted city, the other is the lord of Prague, the top three swordsmen of the eight deserted city .

Yan Zhao's unparalleled appearance, a fine armor, with an orange luster throughout the body, visually at least 4 or more coffins, even the sword in his hand should be the level of the coffin, the number of Prague is large, in the eight desert city is a The power that can not be ignored by the stocks can even be compared with the sharp-edged courts. They are not killed by the super BOSS in the eight deserted cities. The level of equipment of Yan Zhao’s unparalleled equipment is absolutely not inferior to the sword and cold.

The floating knives carried the steel knives and looked at each other with gaze. The corner of the mouth smiled and said: "The Yanzhao lord did not think that we had encountered so early, hehe..."

Yanzhao is unparalleled and scornfully said: "Is it early? I thought at first that you can't enter the top 32 with a high-defense and low-attack assassination. In the top 128, it was almost eliminated. You can meet in the top 32. To you, I have some blushing, luck is too good, and entering the top 16 is a matter of iron nails..."

The floating face is purple: "Yan and Zhao are unparalleled, you are too arrogant!?"

Yan Zhao’s unparalleled smile: “Don’t be angry, I’ll tell you the truth. Prague and Fengyuan were originally guilds with good relations. Looking back, we secretly formed an alliance, what is it like?”

"Knot your grandmother's leg!" The floating knives were angered and raised a long knife. "You have no me today, come and fight!"

At the beginning of the countdown, Yanzhao unparalleled with the pet rushed over, the blade fluttered without double-clicking the first time to launch, directly killing the pets of the floating edge, and turning back a sword to penetrate the body of the floating blade. Going back to another 8-level combo, the blood of the floating blade under 5 hits is less than 30%.

Hurry and retreat, the floating knives with long knife slamming out, it is the ascetic skills of the ascetic, but unfortunately Yan Zhao's unparalleled combat skills are too strong, quickly retreating MISS off, the blade once again rushed, ordinary attack to cut off each other's skills He is not in a hurry to kill, the tactical system of the floating knives is completely chaotic, completely passive, and a blood bottle of 3000 is poured when the blood is broken!

"The floating blade is over..." I smiled a little: "I will die when I drink a blood bottle..."

Suddenly: "Not necessarily?"

"Look at it..."

In the field, when the blood bottle of the floating knives was drunk, the Yan and Zhao Wusui really broke out. The skill CDs all recovered, the blade rushed through, and the combo and the continuation erupted together, and the life of the floating knives was instantly tenacious. Chopped, even if it is a high-defense ascetic, it can't be exempted. Yan Zhao's unparalleled attack power is not generally high!

There was almost no change in the second game. Yanzhao Wushuang first killed the pet and then killed him. Even if he was put down by the other party, the attacking power of the knife was reduced by 10%. It was still very sharp, and even the two squadrons and the top 16 were promoted to the top 16 by 2:0. Also destined to Yanzhao Musou is my opponent of 16 into 8 games!


"Hey..." He held the powder fist in the light, and whispered: "Uncle Yanzhao won the battle... The next round, the opponent of Happy Brother is him, this...this..."

Lin Biaoer looked at the moon and leaned down: "Guagua, what's the matter?"

The moon squinted and blinked: "Actually, I am not willing to see the happy brother against Yan Zhao, uncle. After all, I was originally a vice-president of Prague. I always felt a little into my heart, and... the last time my brother was fighting against Yan Zhao. , lost..."

As soon as I clenched my fist, I smiled slightly: "Do not worry, I lost the last time because it was still a pure hanging pot doctor. There is no physical skill in an offensive system. It is different now. The first round of the next round, I will be shameful in the snow of Uncle Yan Zhao!"

Song Hanxi smiled: "Supporting the happy brother, hey, Yanzhao is invincible in the eight deserted city for too long, really need a person to defeat him!"

Dongcheng Yue is on the side: "In fact, Yanzhao Musou seems to have lost to Jianfeng cold, cough, just when I said nothing..."

Me: "It doesn't matter. As our competitors, we have to think about defeating them. This is a fair and just competitive game. Xiaolong wants to stand firm in the Eight Deserts. Defeat these CBN Battle.net celebrities who have become legends and myths, one does not stay..."


Lin Yaner looked up at the stage and looked at the stage. The long neck was particularly charming. She swayed and smiled: "The hero rise contest is an important certificate. After the rise of the hero, the fluctuation of the CBN battle network ranking will be great, our As long as the rankings of the happy brothers are relatively high, they may be able to reach the top 20 in one fell swoop, and even reach the top ten list of the top ten, CBN, which is much heavier than the ranks of the main cities. What?"

I nodded and smiled: "Well, what my sister said is..."

Dongcheng Yuezhao: "This guy is getting bigger and bigger, even Missy dare to tease..."

Lin Biaoer gave me a sigh of relief and smiled. "You are crazy, hey, see how you got out of the death group of Group A!"


At this time, the third game of Group A, Lu Dongbin VS Jian Fenghan, Lu Dongbin is the ally of Xianren Valley, and Xianren Valley is also an ally of the edge. The two people meet naturally, the big water rushed to the Dragon King Temple, so Jianfeng Han Binbin The courtesy and Lu Dongbin smiled and said: "Dongbin brother, long time no see, has it been good recently?"

Lv Dongbin snorted and carried the staff: "It's good, the blood sugar is a bit high..."

Jianfeng Han: "..."

The battle lasted for 7 minutes, and Jianfeng chilled down the two cities. He easily got the tickets to the top 16 from Lu Dongbin. Although he was an acquaintance, his men didn’t have any mercy, and Jianfeng’s cold was also well known. The pattern of a big one has begun to fall apart. The growing of Prague, the rapid rise of Xiaolong, and the emergence of emerging guilds such as the Scarlet Contract and the Floating Palace, the desire to continue to maintain dominance in the Eight Deserts, the sword must be cold In the heroic rise of the competition there is outstanding performance, but unfortunately, the group is more boring, he has to encounter the sword in the 16 into 8 game, the two battles of the resurrection of the legendary figures, destined to have a hero to rise away The game is over.


In the fourth game of Group A, the suspense is not big. Asking the sword to easily kill the fallen wolf, representing the heroes to advance to the top 16, so that the next round of the A group will be clear -

Happy VS Yanzhao Wushuang

Ask the sword VS Jianfeng cold


Everyone is a master player, and they are also important figures in their respective main cities. The name of the group of death in Group A is definitely not fake.

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