Zhan Long

Chapter 381: Bloody collision


Li Mu, Yan, Wang Hao and others have pulled out their swords. The 5000 dragon elite rushed out from the jungle and went straight to the flank of the famous family. At least the famous family of the family was in front of the dragon. The members did not have a trace of fear, especially a group of people on the front line. In fact, Li Mu, Wang Hao, Bai Qi and others were originally the game elites who did not admit defeat. The opponents who were so strong in the family did not feel timid, but rose in the bottom of their hearts. The feeling of excitement, compared with the strong, can prove self-worth.


"Not good, is... a dragon!"

On the edge of the famous family, there are some archer players. One of them is a cold-eyed flag. He shouted: "The dragon sneaked, and immediately told the lord, all the brothers in the queue, using seven-star arrows to delay their offense. Speed, hurry, or it will be finished, directly cut into the dragon, the consequences are unimaginable!"

A group of dense archers raised their arms together, the next seven-star arrow shot, the sky black pressed, almost all the color is a locked attack effect, the so-called lock is the automatic guidance of the game system, but once attacked If the player has a rapid displacement or change direction, then this lock is already in vain!


The boots rushed on the grass, I looked up and looked at the arrows in the air, loudly: "Everyone, self-judging the time of the blade rushing, no matter how many people sacrificed, first cut in and say! The remote behind On the one hand, we must defeat the edge of the famous family in one fell swoop, otherwise we will never have a second chance!"

As soon as the body sank, he slammed into the five yards, and several arrows suddenly disappeared behind him, bringing out a large MISS word, while along with me, Li Mu, Wang Hao, and a touch of light. The swordsmen also rushed in to escape the lock of the seven-star arrow. Of course, there were also a large group of players who could not react. The arrow of "噗噗噗" fell, blood splashed, and even many arrows and mad warriors were on the spot. Being spiked, the average strength of the archers of the famous family far exceeds our imagination!

"Prompt at full speed!"

I took Qin Wangjian and finally started the rapid skills. It was only 10 yards away from the other side. Even I could see the other group of archers have the color of fear in their eyes, one arm, six stars, and the flames roaring. From the pet space, the four claws with the flames culled in the crowd, roaring, slamming into a group of archers trampled into a bloody!


Take a look at the seven-star broken Yuelu, and directly kill one piece. Under the foot, a z-word dodge route is formed. This kind of walking skill is the most basic melee system. Now my ability is almost the same, even if it is Compared with asking the sword and Jianfeng, this level is not too much, but the specific combat skills may still be lacking.

God Bing!

Suddenly a hand, but also a super skill, plus Xuanwu pool, suddenly a whole series of famous family players like a trap, moving speed, attack speed sharply reduced, and behind me Li Mu, 冉闵, Wang Hao, white Since the people have been killed, all kinds of skills danced, raging in a group of slowed archers, completely turned into a massacre!


In the air, accompanied by the flapping of the wings, the snowy area of ​​the yang MM shuns a sizzling ice, the moon's shallow fire fox grip also appeared very early, Lin Xiaowu's distant arrow, the meteor arrow penetrates the crowd, killing A **** road, in an instant, all the attack rhythms are in the grasp of the dragon!


"What about our people?"

A famous person in the world, the flag of the sorcerer, looked angry: "Don't let TMD patronize the rookie who kills the tyrants, let the lord mobilize our heavy armor players, and our right wing will soon be torn by the dragon. Is it because you don’t want your body?"

"Wait a moment, the lord said that the player in the heavy armor can arrive in five minutes, we will block it!"

"Hey! We are a group of archers, musketeers, and wizards. What do you want to resist the elite melee regiment? Do you have a face block, or take a JJ block? Don't be kidding. If you can't find a trial, come over and reinforce. Isn’t the heavy armor team under the hand called the first in Jiuli City? This is the time for them to play!”

"Hey, you are joking with the flag... Ye Lai is the trial ally, how can we accept the dispatch of our famous family? Besides, Ye Lai seems to have a good relationship with the free and easy, he has threatened that it is not a last resort in the national war. I will never start with Xiaolong. I suspect that even if the lord is going to ask for the leaves, the goods may not agree."

"Oh, no way, everyone, give me the strongest fire to kill the dragon, how many kills can be killed, keep the CD of Jinghua, ready to avoid the remote group killing skills of free and easy!"


When several management players of the famous family chat, the 5,000 people of Xiaolong have already spread out, just like a very hungry dragon after sleeping, swallowing the right-wing team of the famous family, which is exactly their remote elite. Without the protection of the melee team, it is so exposed to us. This is the best chance of attack. I and Li Mu both understand that no one will miss such a good opportunity!


The arrow is raging, and the players on the dragon's front line fall down like a piece of film. One second of the hero carries a long gun and slams. Then he looks back at me: "The lord, it seems not so good, there are too many people on the front line." So, just fight down, our melee system will soon die!"

I have already pulled out the cold iron sword, and the two swords danced in the crowd to slash and kill. On the other hand, I said loudly: "Don’t take the casualties. The full attack is just like this. We have only 5,000 people in the dragon. The contribution is to destroy the famous family, TNND, they kill us a melee system, we cut the remote system of three famous families, the value of this business!"

A second hero smiled: "Well, I know! Brothers, rush, kill one more and earn one!"

In just five minutes, the right-wing remote team of the famous family suffered a devastating blow. The team of nearly 5,000 people was slashed by us and there were only less than 2,000 people left, and the remaining players were incomplete. The grass and the sand are full of corpses, and there is no one to get the equipment out of the ground. This is the discipline of a team. Once everyone has to pick up the equipment, I am afraid that the whole team will attack. I have to make a big discount.


"Happy brother!"

The month is shallow and then a few steps back, pointing to the right side of the road: "Look, the melee family of the famous family came over!"

I saw it a bit far, and sure enough, at least 3,000 people in the melee system whizzed, many people are half-blood and blood, apparently just removed from the front line.

"What should I do?" Li Mu squinted: "Have come, or retreat?"

I looked behind me and said: "Picture! Our remote DPS and treatment have been connected with the front line. They have rushed to come without any supplies. We are now waiting for the work, plus the people of the famous family." Look down on us, use their underestimators and arrogance to eat the 3000 melee team!"

Li Mu is very angry: "MLGBD, the most wise decision I have made in my life should be to join Xiaolong? With the ally of you, you can have such a hearty battle!"

White is carrying a battle axe: "Is it up?"

I nodded: "Up, fight directly!"

Hey, Dongcheng Leihaha laughed, and the front line that directly hit the other side shocked the past, screaming, the whirlwind swept the crowd, the power points were higher than the other, directly rotating a group of swordsmen and mad warriors With his feet flying off the ground, Dongcheng Lei was bullied to the front, the Tomahawk swept, the natural power effect triggered, and a group of people in the air were chopped.

Lin Xiaowu holds the longbow, and repeatedly attacks multiple arrows and triple arrows. More importantly, I and Li Mu, Wang Hao and others are rushing forward on the front line. Once they are fatally hit, they fly and retreat, completely confusing the famous door. The attack rhythm of a group of people!


"Kill, you can't export the two popular events of the dragon in the momentum!"

A 70-level family warrior with a tomahawk, wearing the emblem of the elder on the shoulder, ID Snow Wolf soul, this is probably the strongest melee player in addition to the fierce and popular, and also the melee players. The leader, the tomahawk in the hands of the snow wolf spirit swears the sultry luster, directly kills a dragon swordsman in a hollow, and roars at the same time: "The narrow road meets the brave, the famous family never loses to any On the front, the front battle is a dragon, one hit will win, everyone, come with me!"

Perhaps inspired by the spirit of the snow wolf, a group of famous family players rushed over and instantly smashed dozens of Snapdragon players, and the momentum has slightly rebounded.

Inside the team channel, Song Handao: "You must first kill the snow wolf soul and attack their morale. I will stun him. The rest, see Xiaoyao and Li Mu, Wang Hao!"

"Go!" I nodded.

Li Mu chuckled: "I keep a distance of 10 yards from the snow wolf soul. If the wolf is dizzy, he will die!"

"it is good!"


Song Hanhua made a virtual shadow into the crowd, consciously escaped the other party's remote film killing damage, approaching the snow wolf soul in our eyes, suddenly the skills broke out, ambush success!

Li Mu laughed and screamed forward with Wang Hao. Before the snow wolf woke up, it was a precise hollow!


Wang Hao’s combo also waved together, and the snow wolf’s reaction speed was astonishingly fast. One-handedly raised the battle axe, the axe handle “铿” exquisitely smashed the attack of Wang Hao.


I suddenly lifted the cold iron sword, pointing to the direction of the snow wolf soul, the skills launched - the wilderness!

In the sound of the golden stone, the snow wolf soul is cold: "This is? Worse..."



A fierce blow, coupled with the ordinary attack of Song Han, directly killed the deputy leader of this famous family!

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