Zhan Long

Chapter 423: Memory pieces

"Li Xiaoyao..."

In the morning light, I slowly opened my eyes, but I saw a beautiful woman who was like a dream. She slowly swayed the cradle and looked at me with a happy smile: "Hurry up and grow up." I can protect my mother..."

I turned my face and found that I was lying in the cradle. The young hand was lifted up desperately, trying to touch the woman's face, but I couldn't stretch it longer. Instead, it was a screaming voice.

"Mommy mommy……"

I open my eyes and desperately want to see her more clearly. Is this a fantasy or reality?

Suddenly, the picture disappeared, and the woman’s gentle face disappeared with the picture, and turned into a wilderness, uninhabited, and I carried a long sword with a broken blade, stumbling and walking in the night field. Among them.


A gunshot, I can even see the fire slid down from the mountain, right in front, one of my teammates fell to the ground, the top of the head was pierced, the brain flowed to the ground, the body still twitched gently, but the young life has been from the body The fly quickly flew away.

"Be ambushed, look for shadow points!" I don't know who snorted loudly.

Everyone was lying down in the grass, but the guns on the mountains were endless. Every shot was accompanied by the death of a life. I rolled in the mud and suddenly jumped up, the body was at the fastest speed. Rushing to the distant forest, the bullets almost keep their hands on the ears, and raise your hand and throw a sword in your hand!


In the snoring, an enemy was killed by a long sword, and my arm was suddenly hot. I shot a fist, waved my fist, and swooped in the other direction, killing the enemy one by one, like a head. The beastly beast was fighting and fighting, but the gunfire continued. Until the end, the gunshots disappeared and Woye returned to the original silence.

When I came back from the blood, I saw that my companions fell one by one in the pool of blood. They were aiming, looking for the location of the ambush, but all of them were killed, just like the slaughter of animals.

"Oh ah..."

The long sword fell, the head roared, the lightning tore the earth, the rain poured, the cold rain slap on the face, no one cares about my pain, no one knows the sorrow of losing the brother, holding the body of Tiantong in his arms, feeling His body temperature gradually dissipated, and his anger and anger were added.



Suddenly woke up, I was trembling, my mind still swirled in the body of Tiantong, a dozen or so guns, almost smashed, screaming, fists, and the body directly sitting up from the bed: " me……"

Around, a beautiful little girl just sat there, and when I saw that I woke up, I immediately flew into my arms and cried, but I couldn’t say a word.

My body is still shaking, my mind is all fragments of memory, those that are almost forgotten, or the scenes I have never remembered are hovering until my arms are raised and the girl in my arms is hugged. Only then did I know that I was back to reality. Lin Biaoer cried, and tears quickly wet my shoulders.


I hugged her and gently touched her back: "I woke up, nothing, nothing..."

Lin Shuer’s delicate shoulders trembled and said with a cry: “Do you know how long you have been in a coma? For three days, for three days, everyone thought you couldn’t wake up anymore, hey, if you go, We...we..."

"Three days?"

I am ashamed, Lin Biao left my arms, his eyes red: "Well..."

On the other side, Shen Bing wore a white doctor's uniform and said, "Well, for three days, we didn't think that the battle would be so big for you, that... that Ouyangchuan, what is it?"

I looked at the bandage on my arms and shoulders and said, "That is a god-like existence. You don't have to worry about it. In this world, there should be no such people, but I didn't think of such a world master. Actually, I will participate in the war between the world and become the watchdog of Wei Fan. This matter is getting more and more difficult..."

Shen Bingdao: "It is indeed more and more difficult. The three days of the Kings are simply overwhelming. If you can't afford to sleep, I suspect that the spirit of the Kings will collapse!"


The door of the ward was suddenly pushed open. Wang Xin rushed in with a few members of the Guardian squad. With a look of worry, he hugged me up and excitedly smiled: "Li Xiaoyao! Li Xiaoyao! You The kid is finally awake, how does it feel to turn around in the ghost gate?"

I said nothing: "Fortunately, the Wang team don't hold it so tight, my wound hurts..."

"Oh, sorry..."

Wang Xin hurriedly let go of me, and Shen Bing ate and laughed: "Wang team, you really can't understand the style. When you come up, you squeeze the girlfriend of Li Xiaoyao. What are you doing?"

Lin Biao's face brushed red: "I, I..."

I didn't talk, and gently reached out to hold Lin Biao's hand. She then let me hold it and look at everything around me. I asked, "Where is this? I can't see the sun..."

Shen Bingdao: "This is the nursing room of the base. You haven't been here. Hey... Miss Lin Jiada is so nervous about you, this is not as simple as a customer relationship..."

"What do you mean?" I have some doubts.

Shen Bing smiled softly: "In the three days of your coma, Miss Lin also guarded you for three days, and did not leave. Lin Tiannan twice took the lead twice, and almost brought someone to grab someone. Fortunately, you woke up. Otherwise, the base must have offended the Scorpio group this time..."

I looked at Lin Biaoer, her face was redder, and she lowered her head: "I... I just worried that you would hang up..."

"How can I hang..."

"In case, that Ouyangchuan is so fierce, scared me..."

"Okay, things have passed..."

I opened my hand and smiled a little. Lin Biao’s face was red, but she said nothing. She approached my arms and said in my ear: "Dad sent a bodyguard to lurk around, and you are not afraid of killing him. about you……"

I can't help but smile, turned my face and kissed her directly on her ruddy face: "It doesn't matter, he dares to kill me, I will fight with him, and run away with you..."

"Cough..." Shen Bing looked helpless: "Do you want to be like this dog? Is there anyone else here? Hey, my heart, I am so hurt, I have been secretly loved for five or six years, so I was given by a big lady." Soaked away..."

Lin Biaoer hurriedly left my arms, spit out her tongue and smiled and explained: "No, just care too much about him..."

"The explanation is to cover up." Wang Xin said with a cup of tea.

Lin Yier said: "Okay, then I don't explain..."

"That is to admit it, I will tell you back to Dad..." Wang Xin continued to calmly say.

Lin Biaoer suddenly stood up and pointed at Wang Xin: "You, you, you are a big bad guy, Li Xiaoyao can do things under the hands of your bad guys, hey, I want to go to Grandpa!"

"Grandpa?" Wang Xin stunned and asked: "Where is her grandfather?"

Shen Bing embraced his chest and squeezed a pair of peaks into a hurry. He smiled and said: "If I remember correctly, there is a general in the Lanzhou Military Region, called Lin Yuanshan. I checked his information. The only son under the knee is called Lin Tiannan. There is a granddaughter, Lin Biaoer... If you don’t have the grandfather of the rank of general, why do you think the Tianzhu Group can cooperate with the military smoothly?”

Wang Xin’s body trembled and immediately revealed a refreshing smile. The charming smile to Lin Biaoer said: “Miss, what to eat at noon, you want Sichuan cuisine cook or Hunan cuisine cook, the kitchen cooking of our guardian base is called a must. You said, I immediately told people to do it for you..."

Lin Yier grinned: "I count you, don't ask me what I want to eat, ask what Li Xiaoyao wants to eat..."

I looked up: "As soon as you said, I am hungry... Anything you can eat can be called..."

Shen Bing said: "Don't, the doctor said that you should eat light!"

"No need to!"

I waved my arm and said with a low voice: "My own body, I know better than anyone else. Although the injury is very heavy, but it does not affect these, I want to eat Hunan food, I want to eat 蜀 perfume to cook fish..."

Shen Bingfu: "I am really afraid of the dead, I will go and tell."



When Shen Bing left, Lin Biaoer continued to snuggle around me. Wang Xin coughed and coughed, saying: "Li Xiaoyao, Wei Fan, you know it? About Ouyangchuan..."

"Well, what happened in the three days of my coma?"

"It didn't happen, but..." Wang Xin said with a sigh, "But I was convinced that Wei Fan arranged for Ouyangchuan to stay in the office building of Lanshui Street, which means that we can no longer be on the blue water street. The **** gang has started, there is Ouyangchuan, this **** is there, how many people are going to die!"

I grinned: "Simple, you apply with the Nanjing Military Region, let them send eight SU-27 fighters, carry a lot of heavy explosives, and directly blow the blue water street, and don't believe that Ouyangchuan is not dead..."

Wang Xinyi said: "The practitioners of this level are as strong as the monsters. What if they don't die?"

I grinned: "Then let the SU-27 carry a heavy nuclear bomb, one goes down, and everything is reimbursed..."

Wang Xin took the case: "Bad boy, I told you about business, but you are here to play me! Quickly, what should I do? Ouyangchuan’s appearance makes me a bit confused..."

I thought about it and said: "Nano bombs really can't penetrate the bodyguards of the Yangyan class. You can contact the Tianzhu Group to let them raise the melting temperature of the warheads. It may be effective... Anyway, no. Before the breakthrough progress, it is too dangerous to suspend the investigation of bloody, and sending someone to death is simply a death..."



In the afternoon, I was in a wheelchair. Lin Biao gently pushed me and walked in the garden of the base. In the autumn, the leaves were covered with faint flowers.

I looked up at her and smiled. "Hey, they said that you are my girlfriend. What should I do?"

Lin Biaoer’s face was red and looked at the sky: “Hey, what do you say, how can I not understand, is it full?”

"I am full!"

“Is it a delicious fish to cook?”

"Good, um!"

"Oh, idiot, it’s so easy to be transferred to the topic..."


A lame anger, there is an impulse to live.

Behind him, Lin Biaoer gave a silver bell-like laugh: "You are a pig!"


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