Zhan Long

Chapter 803: Ancient school

Peer instigated the white horse to slowly come over a mound, so that all soldiers can see themselves, and I followed it, the town knife is in the hand, the dragon pool sword is behind, the town The South General Token was turned into a stamp on my arm, which made a group of NPC soldiers look respectful and respectful. The imperial military system is strict. The following crimes can be directly decapitated. They are so nervous and excusable.


Pei raised the powder arm and said loudly: "The Magic Flames, the officers of the Stars and the Legion, you are fighting in the heroic battles of the sea, the father and I are in the eyes, the two commanders are killed and we are deep. Feeling heartbroken, but the army of the demon is still not completely annihilated, and the city of Tianzhu is still facing a heavy threat. We cannot use all the energy to pay homage to the deceased, but we must prepare for the future and always fight. To protect our empire, now, the father decided to put all the rest of the Magic Flame Corps and the Stars Corps into the Imperial Army."

Suddenly, the crowd set off the Xuanran big bO, the Magic Flame Corps, the Star Wars Corps are regular troops, and suddenly the number disappeared instantly, of course, will not accept, every soldier has a sense of honor and shame, being assigned to other legions is bound to shake the heart This is what I could have imagined before. I used to be a soldier. This sense of honor and disgrace is more important than life.

In the crowd, a thousand captains came out and said: "His Highness, we...we are not unwilling to obey the will of His Majesty, just...only the Magic Flame Legion has 1.5W of military power, why not let us reorganize itself? We...we will be able to recast the glory. Please go down to the temple and say a few more words for us. Please."

Said, the commander of the commander fell down directly, and the people behind him also fell down. I also sink into my heart. It seems that it is easy to compile the remnants of these two legions, but it is too difficult to compile their military. It is.

Even if she is a little-minded, she seems to be stumped by this scene. After all, she is just a little princess, she will never be over 20 years old. How can she think about everything? She has never been in this situation. I thought that it would happen, so Pei looked at me and then said loudly: "The one around me is the commander of the Royal Forest Army, the new general of the town of South China, Li Xiaoyao, he will be your new commander, if there is anything To say, then please tell Li Xiaoyao."

I tickles at the roots, but still scalp, said: "This general, please come up, you are an Imperial soldier."

The captain stood up, his face was full of blood, holding a broken sword, saying: "Li Xiaoyao commander, your commander of the Royal Army is really heroic, I respect your loyalty, but ... will be incompetent, I really I don’t want to see the Magic Flames disappearing with my own eyes. If Qiu Jun is under the guidance of the Springs, I will not be willing to let the Magic Flames disappear. All the soldiers of the Magic Flames are not."

Suddenly a large group of people echoed, it seems that although this position is not high, but in fact it is extremely prestige in the military.

There was no irritability in my heart, and it was too difficult to conquer the military.

Turning over the horse, standing on the mound, I looked at a group of remnants, suddenly squatting on one knee, and the town knives smashed a rock, and the blade nearly half entered the rock. Let the nearly 3W imperial soldiers in Lin’s eyes be dumbfounded, and the captains of the tens of thousands of people are afraid of it: “To lead the adults, you...you are going to smash us, hurry up, we can’t stand you.”

I looked up at them and said, "This is not for you, but for the tens of thousands of soldiers who died in the Demon Flames and the Stars. I am here today, Li Xiaoyao vowed here, the name of the Magic Flame Army and the Stars. Will not disappear, the Royal Forest Army will set up the Flame Flame Camp, Star Camp, and I will command you, I can't guarantee anything else, but I can at least say that I will lead you, win, I will lead you. , and open up the land, and will lead most of you back alive to reunite with your family."

For a moment, the military is in great vigour. For the military, what is more important than the glory of victory and the hope of returning home? I am also a soldier. I understand this deeply.

In an instant, the captain was kneeling on one knee and looked up at me: "To lead the adults, I... I am a slap in the face of the adults. The Magic Flames began today, swearing allegiance to the empire and following the adults."

Behind the crowd, a large group of people brushed their knees, and the Magic Flame Army and the Stars Army were truly incorporated into the Yulin Army.



Pei smiled and looked at me with appreciation. He whispered, "You guys... still quite a means."

I also smiled slightly, and lowered my voice: "If you don't even have this ability, how can you cast the Royal Forest Army into the world's first army for your Highness?"

Suddenly, Pei’s slight glimpse, apparently she knew that I had the ability to turn the Yulin Army into a strong soldier, but did not think that my heart would be so big, I already thought about building the Yulin Army into the first army in the world, but one must be sure, I want to be The first army in the world, tens of thousands of people can not do, the Royal Forest Army must have at least 100,000 troops, so that they have the capital of the hero, and I believe that I can do it.

This time, there is no war of the sea. Most of the 3W people of the Yulin Army are recruits, and the number is too small, so they are killed in half, and I am given to the 10W Yulin Army elite. I believe that the loss in the World War I will not return to the sea. Will be greatly reduced, and even, I can lose no more than 2W to repel the fishermen and the Yaksha Legion.


I pulled out the town knife from the earth and stone, and then looked at the people and the people behind Han Yuan, Xiao Li, Long Yao, Xia Ye, etc., turned and looked at Pei, saying: "His Highness, Pei, can do this. How many generals have been promoted to the military, their military positions are too low, and when Wan Wanchang seems to be somewhat uncontrollable."

Pei took a smile and took a paper scroll from her arms and said, "I have already asked for a good order for them yesterday. Han Yuan, Xiao Li, Long Yao, Xia Ye, and so on."

The four behind me will bow down to the ground, and Pei said: "Now, Han Yuan is the general of Long Yu, Xiao Li is the general of Yang Wei, and the 6th is the leader of the Wanfu, and then the dragon and the summer are favored. The general, the 5th, etc., the position of the head of the Wanfu, the purpose."

Four will soon be grateful and stunned. The hypocrisy wipes a tear and stands up. Han Yuan wipes his tears and says excitedly: "I finally got promoted..."

I almost vomited blood, this camouflage level is too inferior, could not help but swear: "Han Yuan, serious, take the matter."

"Yes, general."


The ranks of the four generals are now relatively high, and they were sealed in front of a large group of soldiers. I went forward and said: "Now, I released the first military order after the reorganization of the Yulin Army. The Yulin Army was reclassified into four. The camp, in which the barbarian knife shield camp is the core of the infantry battalion, is controlled by Han Yuanren, and the elite cavalry of each battalion is formed into a cavalry battalion, which is controlled by Xiao Lijun, and the magic flame army is all incorporated into the magic flame battalion. In the control system, the Xingyi Army was all incorporated into the Xingyi Camp, which was controlled by Xia Ye. From now on, the camp will be opened in the Yuejian Forest, recruiting and training tactics, and must return to the strongest level within half a month."

Everyone listened to the order, and the flames of the 3W people in front of the flames and the soldiers of the Xingyingying were brushed together. The military command, the four major systems went to the department to receive the heavy weight, and the trees began to cut down trees and transport. The earth and stone came to build the camp. The Yulin army was stationed outside the city and will also become a moat army. This honor is beyond the reach of other legions.

After a busy day, I finally got the things of the Yulin Army.

Zema rushed to the direction of the cold dragon city, went to find the frost, career promotion, six turns, I will be the first professional six-turner in Tianzhu City.


Feifei Iron Horse has a fast footstep. After arriving for dozens of minutes, it arrives at the Cold Dragon City. At this time, the dragon and the dragon city are full of artisans and folks. They are repairing the destroyed wall. The last time, the BOGS and other BOSS came again. Attacking the Dragon City, but there is a frosty guardian who must not be able to fight, but the damage to the wall of the Dragon City is still very serious.

From the guards, I asked the location of the frosting, carrying the town knife to the command hall, and when I opened the door, I found that the frost was on the table and signed a pile of documents with some faces on the face. Tiredness, frosting is a strong man of cultivation skills, and it may be easier for her to fight than to sign these documents.

Looking up and seeing me coming in, the frosty face immediately smiled and flew over, and the hand plunged into my arms. This made me feel awkward and couldn’t help but laugh: "Flow Frost, what's wrong with this."

When I ran away from my arms, my face was full of blushing, and then said, "I just... I just think it’s great to see you. I heard about your battle in Luhu, thanks to you. Kill Kyle, hehe... Actually, I never thought that you would have the ability to kill Kyle. Now it seems that my students have grown to the point where I can’t imagine..."

I looked at her, but found that her shoulders were covered with gauze, and there was blood on it. It seems that the battle in the Dragon City must be very dangerous, otherwise the frost will not have such a relative behavior, she is the cold dragon city. The Lord is also a prince of the town of Scorpio in the Ice Ridge Mountains. It is also the inheritor of the gods. This identity does not allow her to be too close to others.


"This time you came, it was for." She looked at me with a smile.

I waved my arm and smiled. "I think I am really a real Kong Wu now, so come to you and help me advance my career. See if I am qualified enough."

The frost screamed and smiled, then reached out and shook my chest slightly, and said with a strong voice, "It seems that it is really good. Ok, give me 20W gold coins, I will promote for you, and pass you an ancient school." ""

"The ancient school."

I am in a hurry and immediately pay the money and say, "Come on."

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