Zhan Long

Chapter 805: Chasing water thieves

Outside the Tianzhu City, in the Yuejian Forest, the Yinglin Army’s battalion is being built at a rapid speed. The surrounding trees have been cut down to build the barracks, and a wide open space has been developed in front of the battalion, which has been divided into shooting ranges and knives. The shield camp training ground, the cavalry training ground and other venues are in front of the camp. The flag of the Yulin Army above the high flagpole flutters in the wind and is very eye-catching.



The hoof of the flying scorpion horse walked into the camp on the soft land. Han Yuan, who was commanding a group of soldiers to dig the pool, immediately came to the horse and smiled and said: "General, you are coming."

I was surprised to ask: "What to do in the pool at the edge of the camp."

"Training the water army."

Han Yuan’s fist boxing: "This time you will not see the generals in the battle of the sea. You can see that the Imperial Water Army is almost vulnerable. Even the warships under the management of the Luolin are enough to strike our Imperial Waters. It has collapsed, and the Yulin Military Camp is adjacent to the Wushen River. The undercurrent of the Wushen River is even worse than the return to the sea. We must have our own warships and waters, otherwise we will not be able to cope with future wars."

I admire the nod: "Well, tell the Princess Pei about the training of the water army."

"His Royal Highness has already agreed, and even the money for the warship is approved by His Royal Highness himself." Han Yuan smiled a little excitedly: "Wu Shen River from the northern ice ridge mountain around Tianzhu City to the south of Tianfeng, is the day The natural barrier of Yucheng, previously only the Xiajun Army has a water army of about 3,000 people to protect the fate of the pontoon, and now the Yulin Army also began to build warships, training the water army, at least on the water, we will be the only one The imperial army that supported the court and the Xiajun army."

I smiled and asked: "Who is responsible for the safety of the city that day."

Han Yuan smiled and said: "The general please rest assured that the defense of the Imperial Capital will be rotated by the two generals Long Yu and Xia Ye. The Guardian Army will also have 5,000 people stationed and replaced in the city. Please rest assured, let me say... ... The Great King of Theodore has transferred 1W people from the Yanlong Legion into the Imperial Capital and is stationed in Wangcheng. Now the security inside Wangcheng is no longer responsible for us."

My heart sank: "Oh, this way..."

Han Yuan sighed down and said: "General, I think that the Great Prince of Theodore has begun to distrust our Royal Forest Army, and it is everywhere. Why is this?"

I put Zhenyue knife on the ground and smiled and said: "The speed of the rise of the Royal Forest Army is too fast. The strength we have shown in the war of not returning to the sea has made Theodore feel scared. He is afraid of his Yanlong Legion. The status of the first trump card of the empire will not be guaranteed. So, let Theodore continue to be afraid."

Han Yuan stunned: "General, you must not forget, he is the Crown Prince. Once he has a squat... he will succeed in the first place. When he holds the power to kill, I am worried that the Great Hall will be unfavorable to our Royal Forest Army. Have you ever thought of this result?"

I nodded: "I thought, if this is the case, the Royal Forest Army will change the flag. Let’s go to the border zone. The Emperor of Heaven is far away. Theodore can’t help us. It’s really impossible...”

Han Yuan smiled: "General, if you are self-respecting and self-reliant, you will definitely follow life and death."

I can't help but laugh: "That won't. The majority of the soldiers of the Royal Forest Army have relatives in the territory of Tianzhu City. I don't want them to be implicated with me. Just like this, don't be afraid of the tail, just order the elite people, let's go. On the Wushen River, look at the situation of the group of water thieves. Whether they are three or six arms, even the water army of the Xia’an Army is not afraid."

"The end will have already ordered 4,000 people, half of the cavalry, half of the knife and shield camp, and now set off."



After a command, the horn hummed, and the 4,000 members of the Royal Forest Army went straight to the west under the leadership of Han Yuan and Han Yuan. After 20 minutes, they could hear the sound of the river in the distance, the breeze, the fresh smell of the lake. That is the taste of the Wushen River. I have already experienced it on the fate of the floating bridge. However, there seems to be some distantness in the Wushen River. In the distance, there is a crying sound. In the jungle in the middle of the night, a fire rises.


Han Yuan took a long shot and pointed at the fire. He said: "I remember there was a small town, a small town of about 1W. It seems that water thieves are looting the town."

I nodded: "Go forward at full speed, the cavalry will go first."

The sizzling iron horse screamed, I had already rushed out, Han Yuan also followed the 2000 Yulin army iron ride. When we rushed out of the jungle, the town in the distance had many houses on fire, and a group of hand-held The strong man of the knife is killing people everywhere, while shouting loudly: "Make all the men, take away the young women, take away all their treasures and food, and the speed is fast. The Xiajun Legion and the Thunder Legion can be completely Different."

The cries of the town were connected in a row. Most of the townspeople were concentrated on the square and were being slaughtered by a group of water thieves with wide knives.


I have already pulled out the Longchi sword from afar, and whispered: "The Royal Forest Army, the charge, these people who slashed the knife to the civilians have no humanity, all killing the light, not the prisoners of war, the knife shield camp surrounded the town, a water Don't let go of the thief."

On the other hand, two water thieves rushed over to me with a wide knife. The 152-level Titan-class strength is indeed very strong compared to the current NPC, but the Yulin army behind me has long been tempered in the battle of the sea. Some of them have already been level 150, and the iron cavalry has a Titan-class strength. Some of the captains and centurions have the strength of the Tianzhu and Lingshu BOSS, and they are not afraid of these water thieves.


Longchi sword penetrated the two water thieves with the effect of the empty spin. The flying iron horse passed, and I took the town knife to the neck and brought out two amazing damage figures.



Looking at the number of such injuries, I was still slightly proud. The ancient gods and tigers were also released to help out. After Han Yuan led a group of cavalry to cover up and kill them, they intercepted nearly 100 water thieves. It really is not a Stay, don't even have prisoners of war.

In the square, at least thousands of water thieves, one of the leaders looked at the emblem on my shoulder, could not help but tremble, whispered: "Well, it is the Guardian army, that person... that person is in Luhu Killing the blood giant's Guardian army commander, the new imperial general of Zhennan, damn, how come they came, is not the territory of the Xiajun Army and the Thunder Legion?"

Another water stealing channel with a long scorpion: "General, what do we do now."

The leader turned over and said: "Do not want property and women, go with me, return to the Valkyrie River, on the river is our world."

He said, his provocative look back to me, and shouted: "The commander of the Royal Forest Army, there is a species to chase us, we will win the battle on the Wushen River."

I didn't take care of him. I cut a water thief with a knife and continued to command the Yulin Army to rush. The result was less than 10 minutes, and more than a thousand water thieves were killed.

In the town, there is fire everywhere. On the square, an old man came over with a cane and looked at me. There was tears in his eyes. He said in a trembling voice: "The general is a small man... the villain is this little The town’s command, thanks to the fact that you led the army, otherwise our Starlight Town may be really in jeopardy. Starlight Town will always be grateful for the virtue of the Guardian Army...”

I said, "The old man will hurry to fight the fire. Right, isn't this the jurisdiction of the Xiajun Legion? Why do you sit back and ignore the water thieves burning and killing here?"

The old man’s body trembled slightly, but it seemed to be like a word.

I guessed seven or eight points and said, "Do not worry about anything. If you have anything, you can say directly, I will give you support when the sky falls."

The crutches in the hands of the old man were a little trembling, and there was a trace of anger on his face. "This band was originally the territory of the Xiajun Legion, but a year ago, an army of the Thunder Corps was also stationed here. They took over the law and order here. However, the number of water pirates has been more and more robbed. The Imperial Army has never appeared. I heard some gossip. It seems that the property stolen by the water thief is equally divided with an officer of the squad. Even, our town originally had a beautiful girl named "Lan Xin". She was looted six months ago. It is said that she has been given to the officer as a waiter. It should have been ruined. ......"

"The Thunder Legion."

I frowned, remembering the Luis, who had seen a red silk scarf on the arm that had never been seen in the war. He was the commander of the Thunder Legion. It was said to be a sentimental seed. Could it be that the water thief was looted nearby? The things related to him.

The old man continued: "Generals, dozens of villages nearby, more than a dozen villages are often harassed by water theft, we live not as good as death, no dignity, and then continue this way, I am afraid that the Moon Blade Forest will no longer live. ""

I nodded: "Please rest assured that the old Imperial Army is still stationed in the Moon Blade Forest. We will definitely eradicate this water thief and give you a peace."

"That old lady thank you general, by the way... If the general is convenient, bring Lan Lan back, it is an old granddaughter..."

"Reassured, I will try my best."

"Thank you for the general."


System Tip: You accepted the task [Rescue Girl Lanxin] (SSS level,)

Task content: chasing the water thieves, and looking for the whereabouts of the girl Lan Xin, bring her back to the grandfather, you will get very generous rewards, and will get the people to return, but please be aware that these water thieves than You think more powerfully, and the enemies you have to face are far more than them.

SSS level tasks, not the main line, but the experience value is still there, must go.


Seeing that the fire in the village has been controlled, I immediately turned around and said to Han Yuan: "Go, chase after victory, and look at the Wushen River to see how powerful these pirates are."

"Yes, general." Han Yuan’s face was slightly excited. He was a poor soldier and hated it. He naturally wanted to completely eradicate these water thieves.

"The Royal Forest Army, heading west."

Han Yuan ordered that the 2000 cavalry would continue to go west without any damage. Outside the village and town, there was another corpse of water pirates. The Guardian Barbarian Shield Camp was intercepted here for a while, a barbarian With a broad blade, I went forward and respectfully said: "The leader, slipped away a dozen water thieves and went straight to the direction of the Wushen River in the west. There should be their warships."

I nodded: "Catch the past."


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