Zhan Long

Chapter 812: Pillow

"Prepare, charge."

Luo Wei raised his sword in his hands and his face was full of blood. He said: "We will kill all the empire dogs, and our faith will never waver."

I am carrying the dragon pond sword, and my voice is cold and cold: "The civilians along the coast of the Wushen River are blinded to killing and killing, and the faith built on this cruelty is not enough."

Luo Yi stunned, but he gnashed his teeth: "The king is defeated, and I don't think that the current Yulin army is so strong that it is so arrogant, boy, who are you?"

I raised my arm and said: "There is no need to tell you that your nephew, who ignores life, is not qualified to know that the Royal Army is ready to throw arrows and aim at their eyes."

Thousands of 御林军s behind me rushed out of the iron bow. The next moment, the arrows went like rain, and a group of people, including Luo Wei, were all shot into hedgehogs, and they mourned the fall, and the blood flowed into the fishing village. One piece, Xiao Li took people to the front, and saw that the body still smashed all the people to make up a sword to kill.

Han Yuan also brought people back, saying: "General, we have captured more than 100 people, how to deal with it, kill it."

I shook my head: "You don't have to kill. These should be the former Imperial soldiers. All of them will be taken care of by the prisoners. Then they will interrogate them. How do they contact the Dragon Army? When will the Dragon Army next supply it?"

Han Yuan smiled and nodded: "The end will understand, please rest assured, you will soon know."


I followed Han Yuan and walked over to see how he interrogated. I saw a group of prisoners there. Han Yuan carried a long knife and said, "Let's say, when will the dragon army come?"

An old man, about 50 years old, was indignant and snorted: "I don't know, you empire these dogs."

I stepped forward and sneered: "We are empire dogs, but at least we don't kill civilians. What are you? You help the dragons to kill the innocent people on both sides of the strait. What are you?"

The old man was asked by me to be speechless.

Han Yuan looked at another prisoner and said: "Don't say it, or I will smash you."

It was a young soldier about 20 years old. His face was full of fear. He should be a recruit from a nearby village. His face was very pale and he said, "I... I know everything..."

Han Yuan licked his lips: "Yes, then he knows you."

The old man pointing to the side, Han Yuan’s blade flashed past, the old man’s head had already rolled out, I frowned, Han Yuan’s murder was too fast, and I didn’t even have time to stop it, but the old man must have He also killed and did not kill, and thought that he had taken the path of justice and died.

The old one died, and the young man’s face was green. He said, “I said, will you spare me?”

Han Yuan nodded: "Sure."

The new soldier trembled: "The people of the Dragon Army... I have just arrived in the morning, let us prepare the blade and the grain, and tomorrow will go to the looting of a certain city parked by the Xiajun Army in the army..."

Han Yuan was shocked: "What, they are so bold, they dare to attack the Xiajun Legion's grain city."

"Yes... yes, at least they said that..."

I took the town knife and kneeled on the side of the recruit. I smiled and said: "Do you know which one is the grain city? The Xiajun army has a total of more than a dozen food banks, and there are several small towns."

The recruits hurriedly shook their heads: "This... I really don't know. They never said which one is specific. It was just that the sergeant of the Dragon Army had drunk after drinking."

Han Yuan asked: "Then they have said how many people to use."

The recruits still shook their heads: "I don't know..."

I looked at Xiao Li and asked: "Talk about the situation of the grain city."

Han Yuandao: "The Xia Junjun has a total of 14 small towns in Putian. They are small towns built with earth and stone. The defense is fragile. Each of the small towns in Putian has about 2,000 troops, and then there are three squadrons, each of which is about 1W people up and down, leading the adults, at the end will feel that they want to attack 2,000 people in the grain city, at least to use double or even three times the power, that is, in order to attack the grain city, the dragon army is likely to go out of."

I nodded and smiled: "Well, wait for this opportunity."

Han Yuannuu said, "The kid, isn't the people of the Dragon Army not saying why they will attack the Xia Junjun's grain city?"

The recruits shivered and glanced at the old man's body without a head. He said, "They said that they had recently had a nosy of the Yulin army, which destroyed their cooperation with the mad thunder army and robbed several ships. And the docks and camps were established on the east bank, so the wind was too big to be hunt on the east bank. The dragon scales of the dragon army thought of attacking them, so they chose Xia Junjun’s grain city to attack and planned to install 70 warships. Full of food, then they can live in the Wushen River for three years without going ashore."

I was secretly surprised, and I was amazed at the fact that the NPC AI in this game was too high. If it weren't for the attack on this Dangyang Village, I wouldn't think that the next hunting spot of the Dragon Army would be Xia Junjun.

Han Yuan took a long knife and said: "General, we need to know Xia Junjun, let them prepare early."

I asked: "What do you think?"

Xiao Li shook his head: "I can't help. We can guarantee that there is no traitor in the Guards of the Dragon Army, but we can't guarantee that there is no squad in the Xia Jun regiment. Once the wind leaks, it will be a loss."

I smiled and said: "Xiao Li is right. Don't tell anyone. This news is only between a few of us. Before dawn, the people who knew the news were all under house arrest."

Xiao Li bite his teeth and reach out to his neck and say, "It is the best way to lead an adult."

I was soft in my heart and bowed down: "I don't know, but I don't want to be that kind of thing. In that case, what difference does it have between me and Theodore, Owen, and Reis, who are unscrupulous for the purpose."

Xiao Li’s eyes were softened and he smiled. “Well, I will listen to the adults and always follow the adults.”

Han Yuandao: "It’s just that there are so many food towns, which one will be."

I am sure: "Which grain city is closest to the water bank and farthest from the port of the Xiajun army, that is what, the dragon army will certainly not choose the grain city that is too far from the shore, it is inconvenient to transport food and is also vulnerable. The interception of the Xia Junjun cavalry, they will not be stupid to do so, Xiao Li, look at it, which one."

Xiao Li has a well-being: "According to the conditions listed by the leader, the most likely sneak attack is the 'Green City'. This city is far away from the Bengbu City and far from the port, but less than 20 from the waterfront. Minutes of the trip, choose Greentown to attack is the best choice, of course, all this is to be the result of Xia Junjun's defense."

Me: "That would be easy... they will most likely sneak into the night, right?"

Han Yuan nodded: "It must be."


I immediately ordered: "Tomorrow's morning, the Royal Army is on standby, eat more in the morning, bring a day of dry food, we bypass the desert, do not cause the attention of Xia Junjun, all into the cauliflower field, the cavalry dismount, the infantry hum All the pillows are sitting on the armor, ready to fight, sending out scouts to pretend to be civilians. Once they have confirmed that all the dragons have come ashore, immediately after the cavalry is broken, the infantry besieged the city and let them fly in the wings."

Han Yuan is excited to make a fist: "Yes, I will listen."

The time in the game is 4 times of the actual time, waiting for one day is 6 hours, so I still have 6 hours to be busy, and now the real time is going to be dinner, which means that I command the Yulin Army to ambush the Dragon Army. Around 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, um, if you can really eradicate the Dragon Army, it is worth staying up late.

Continue to arrange, receive good Dangyang Village, leave a group of prisoners to continue to dress up as blacksmiths, fishermen, and then leave 1000 Yulin Army mixed into the fishermen, to ensure that there is no loss of the wind, and after doing all this, I sit On the shore of the port, I couldn't help but feel self-deprecating. It seems that I am more and more like a military commander. Compared with the captain of the guardian squad, Li Xiaoyao, my commander of the Imperial Army is also very competent.


A message came from Lin Biaoer: "The pig's head, eat down the line."

I immediately went offline in the cauliflower field, washed my face and went out. The dinner decided to eat in a nearby dry pot shop, with Dongchengyue and Lin Biaoer together, Tang Qi followed, a group of people sat in the dry pot shop. After a good meal, I started chatting.

Lin Biaoer: "The pig's head, this day is still busy with the Yulin army."

I nodded: "Well, with the Royal Forest Army to clean up the strength of Tianzhu City... I found that when they took the Guardian Army to do the mission and kill, they upgraded very quickly. Soon, the main force of the Royal Forest Army can have about 7 The strength of the different demons is up to the limit. When it comes to the time, it must be very powerful when pulling out the national war."

Lin Biaoer smiled and said: "Well, you guys are going to be enchanted."

Tang Qidao said: "In fact, not only Li Xiaoyao, but also the sword has been desperately earning merits in the Yanlong Legion. He is still only the rank of a centurion, but it will not be a problem to upgrade the commander. The speed is relatively fast. Once you can get close to the great emperor Theodore, you will almost be able to make a smooth progress, about the same as Li Xiaoyao."

I can't help but laugh: "Fang Geyu is already a regiment of the Yanlong Legion. I ask the sword to climb up again. Maybe I have to compete with Fang Ge, and there will be a bad fight."

Tang Qi smiled and said: "There is no good mix of you in the Yulin army, a commanding commander of the army, and a general of the four towns."

I gave him a look: "You?"

"I, oh, I am a long time for the Yanlong Legion..."



After dinner, at the request of Dongcheng Yue, a group of people went to KTV to sing a song. The two MMs had a good time, but at 11 o'clock, I immediately urged them to go back earlier, and another hour later. The time when the Dragon Army came to shore could not be delayed. Maybe it has been delayed now. Han Yuan, Xiao Li, Long Yao, Xia Ye and others led the soldiers to prepare for the battle. The commander of this army has two beautiful women. Sing K here, too much to say.

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