Zhan Long

Chapter 815: Go back

Just after the release of the order by Locke the Great, the system version also released a message, this time the expeditionary army has become a version information, and players can participate, and can get merits and rewards in the expedition -


System Announcement: Please note that the sss-level main line corps mission [Tianzhu City Expedition] has been released. At 12 o'clock tomorrow, the Tianlong City Yanlong Legion and Yulin Army will go on time, turn over the cold dragon city, and directly attack the demon territory. The Awesome Empire, any player can sign up at the Cityguard, the expedition will be rewarded with merits, and the top 3 players in the rankings will have the opportunity to receive sub-god and national-level rewards, and, If the expedition wins, the player will receive a double hidden bonus!


When I walked out of the palace hall, I opened the chat channel of the core management of the guild and said, "This version of tomorrow, all the dragons must participate, we went to the expedition to the territory of Luolin!"

Lin Xiaowu: "Hey, are you finally going to start the battle of revenge?"

The moon smiled and said: "Yes, yes, the battle of revenge!"

Lin Biaoer looked deeper and said: "The pig head, why is the npc army only Yan Longjun and your Yulin army, must have been offended in the empire?"

I laughed happily: "Almost... so I will have no bottom in my heart. I hope all the players of the dragon can participate. Otherwise, I will probably rely on a Yulin army. Alexander, the great emperor, Theodore, I don’t expect him to give me too. Big boost."

Li Mushuang laughed and said: "Do not worry, this player camp should be mostly participated, even if everyone is throwing 1 level, it will never let the Yulin army all die."

"Well, get ready, go tomorrow at 12 noon!"



I sent a message to Lin Biaoer, urging her to go to bed soon, very late, and she ordered me to sleep quickly, not too late, I quickly agreed, but I also know that if I really want to sleep, it is at least After an hour, the Yulin Army still has too many things waiting for me to deal with, where can I sleep when I want to sleep.

Outside the city, the wooden stakes were erected, and the death row of the dragons and dragons were hoisted, struggling, and then slowly waiting to die.

I took the sword with Long Hao, Xia Ye and other Wanfu, but there was a Qianlong of the Dragon Army who recognized me. He was being put on the rope by his neck, but his face was red and roared: "Li Xiaoyao You said that as long as we disarm, we will not kill us. Why? Why... now we are going to kill us? Are we doing something wrong, or are we not mistaken people? Li Xiaoyao, you are so arrogant, you must not die, you Wait, you Li Xiaoyao must have died under the knife!"

"Shut up!" Long Hao turned and looked at the captain, and shouted: "Do you think that our commander has not won for you? But this day, the city is the one who has the final say. You smash the dragons and kill the civilians on both sides. Still less, do you think you shouldn't die? Let's die, don't let your dirty voice stain our ears!"

The captain looked angry and groaned: "It’s not good to die!"

Long Yan said nothing, raised his hand and took the bow from the horse back, "brushed" a cold arrow and flew out. Suddenly the neck of the captain was shot through, the blood flowing, the throat was shot, and the voice was wanted. But no more sounds can be made.

An executioner was angry: "Why do you kill our death row? You... how can you be unreasonable?"

Long Hao cold and cold: "If you disagree, come kill me?"

The execution officer did not speak immediately when he encountered such a hard battle. He just muttered a few words: "These unreasonable soldiers who are unreasonable should be unloaded in the devil's territory!"

Han Yuan is holding a long knife: "What do you say?"

The executioner was shocked.

I whispered: "Han Yuan, don't say it anymore, let's go back to the camp!"

Holding the flying iron horse, I walked silently, Xia Ye rushed to catch up with the steps, and said: "General, I know that your heart is not good, but ... but we should not regret what we did. Everything that we have done in the Royal Forest Army is watching. After a hundred years, there will naturally be a judgement on the righteousness. If the prisoner is dead... please don’t put it in your heart."

I nodded, my heart was irritated, but there was some comfort. The four commanding generals of Long Hao, Xia Ye, Xiao Li, and Han Yuan finally became a fist. This kind of Yulin Army will also scream the most terrible explosive power. Shocking the entire city of Tianzhu, the entire continent!


Returning to the Yulin Military Camp and entering the Chinese Army's big account, Long Hao continued to ask: "The commander, the 81 ships we collected and the original 4 ships, are already 85 ships, all docked at the dockside built by the Yulin Army. But our trip is to go to the magical territory, all land, can not carry, what should I do?"

I thought about it: "Leave 1000 people to guard the camp, and then leave 1000 people to guard the dock. The rest of the people are going out. This time is far more terrible than we think."

Han Yuandao: "General, why do you say that?"

I smiled a little: "We did not return to the sea, the Luhu battle actually killed a lot of different demons, and also killed two different demon kings, but ... Serin is the Siren King, originally and the alien army Dissent, the blood giant Kyle is a giant king, and there is no courage, so these two are the two weakest kings in the demon territory. Instead, they are ranked 15th in Luo Lin Zhiyong, and Yin Ge and Lan. These unfathomable kings of Nasir and Hev are still there, and their strength is also preserved. The victory of Tianzhu City in the first battle is already a arrogant soldier. The strategies of Lan Nasir, Hefu and Luo Lin cannot be imagined. Scorpio City will take the initiative to play, there are not many warships in Tianzhu City, and it is unlikely that they will never go to the sea to fight. It will only go out from the cold dragon city. The only way to go is the empire of the feared, if I am a demon King, I will also send heavy troops to ambush the Scorpio City army around the feared empire. This battle is equivalent to the fact that the other party has prepared a thousand horses and a lot of traps, just waiting for us to die!"


Han Yuan took a breath of cold air and his face was pale. He said: "In this case, why didn't the generals and his majesty explain, but let us go to the Royal Forest Army?"

I smiled bitterly: "When you make a good decision, how can you listen to me as a small general of Zhennan? Besides, the paintings of Reis have created a great illusion of the emperor, which is the most desirable thing for His Majesty. This is even more difficult for us."

Long Hao fell heavily on the sand table and said: "Damn Les, this kid should be a thousand! The adults, this war is back, we must find a chance to do it!"

I can't help but laugh: "From a long-term perspective, he is a leader. It is not a trivial matter to kill an emperor. Let's say that Luis is very good at flattering and has a deep love. We are just military people. Don't think so much. Well, let’s win this battle and say it again! Right, did the 50 dragon crystal cannons and 100 fire guns that the Imperial Library allocated to us arrived?”

"It will take a while to get there." Xia Yedao.

I turned and said: "General Xia Ye, you sent two thousands of commanders, led the 2000 people to receive the weapons, do not return to the camp, directly sent to the cold dragon city, and then all the heavy equipment in our Royal Forest camp all ahead of Shipped to the cold dragon city, wait until the moment of the expedition, heavy equipment first, since we can not beat the magical territory in the hard power, then we must make good use of these heavy artillery, in addition, do not relax in these two days, step up training, This will kill some people when it comes to fighting."

Xia Ye nodded and smiled: "The end will follow the orders of the adults!"


I have been wandering in the Yulin military camp for a long time, and then went to the Dragon City in the territory. The Dragon City is still recruiting the Rock Dragon Iron Ride. I tried to command the army, but it was suggested that the Rock Dragon Iron Rider can only leave the territory for 2,000 yards. Far away will lose control, this is also a balanced way, otherwise with this group of 120% attribute of the Rock Dragon Iron Ride to go to the battle, the players of other guilds may have to wash their faces in tears.

Until nearly 3 o'clock in the morning, the line must be rested. Once the expedition is estimated to be at least 24 hours of fighting, it is a long-lasting battle!

Take off the helmet and go to sleep after eating something.

There were a lot of people in the dream, but almost all of them were in the game. I saw that Lai was smirking and saw that Long Hao, Han Yuan and others were covered in blood and directed by me. Theodore, Owen, Peer, Locke, etc. all lie on the blood-stained empire territory. It seems that dreams are all things that I worry about, and I have to open my eyes to 11 o'clock the next day. All of this is just a dream, and I can rely on my hands to change the result.


I took a shower in a hurry. When I walked out of the room, Dongcheng Yue and Lin Biaoer were already waiting for me. Tang Qi was also there, and Dongcheng Lei came, and brought a lot of snacks to Dongcheng Yue and Lin Biao. This guy is really too I love my sister, and Dongcheng Yue also enjoys the care of this brother. I smiled and gave it to Dongcheng Thunder, and then said, "Brother, I want that pink Chanel bag, the latest one, Do you buy it for my European friends?"

Dongcheng Leilian did not ask for the price, said with a smile: "Well, go back in the afternoon and say, mail the address directly to you here."

"it is good!"

Dongcheng Yue opened his arms and held the neck of Dongcheng Lei from behind. He smiled and said: "Brother is the best!"

I sat down and said, "There is still half an hour to go to war, how to eat?"

Lin Xiaoer smiled and said: "There is a takeaway, and someone will send it in a while!"


A few minutes later, an electric car stopped in front of the villa, and the takeaway brother sent meals. It was not rich, but a group of people were happy after eating and eating. After eating in a hurry, they went online. This expedition was in another. The meaning of the player is only a chance to earn a reward, and for me, this is a life and death battle of the Royal Forest Army!

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