Zhan Long

Chapter 837: Step into the sun

The inexhaustible darkness shrouded me around, it was difficult to breathe, I couldn’t move, I heard a lot of people calling me, I smelled a strong drug smell, but I was lying in the dark, it seems that this body no longer belongs to me. .

Death, what is it?

Death means that there is no more pain, no more happiness, no more perception, no more in this world, and people around you will live the life they have, as they have lost. Your traces.

If I am dead, what will Lin Biao be.

If I am dead, what will happen to Xiaolong.

If I am dead, bloodyness is completely eradicated.

If I am dead, will it be that no one will miss me anymore.

If I am dead, will someone cry for me late at night?


There is always consciousness, sometimes nothing, I can hardly control anything, I can only wait for the judgment of life, I don't know if I am alive, or dead, lying alone in the dark, unable to do anything, can not change anything.

But suddenly, a "Happy Brother" echoed in the ear, that is the voice of the East City Thunder, my heart suddenly stinging, "Ah ah" snorted, the moment of the sea is bright, it seems to remember all thing.

"He woke up, he woke up."

Around him, Lin Biao’s cry came from crying.

Then, I heard a messy footsteps. Then, I heard the voices of Li Mu, Song Han, Yan, Matcha, and Moonlight. They all came.

I opened my eyes hard and finally saw everyone, and I saw that I was almost wrapped in gauze, lying in a ward, surrounded by people, Song Han, 冉闵, fox three eyes reddish I should have been staying up late for a long time, and Lin Biaoer is more red and swollen. I really don't know how she came during my coma.

The palm of the hand was wrapped in gauze, and I touched the little hand of Lin Biaoer. I said, "Hey, I am fine, I don't cry."

Lin Biaoer nodded, but the tears could not be stopped and slipped down the face. The long eyelashes were still tearful, and nodded again and again: "You are fine, you are fine."

I snorted and vomited the breath that had accumulated for a long time in my chest. Then I struggled to sit up, but I found that my body was not my own. I couldn’t move. Lin Biaoer hurriedly helped me to lean on the bed, I see To everyone, ask: "How long have I been in a coma?"

"7 days."

Song Han’s voice was a little trembling, and his eyes almost cried: “Happy brother, we really thought you were going to die. These days, Lin Biaoer and the shallows have been crying. We don’t know how to comfort them. Fortunately, you are fine. This is great."

"7 days, so long..."

I sighed, suddenly a pain in my heart, bowed: "Dongcheng... Dongcheng, how is she..."

Song Han said: "You turned your face and looked behind you."

When I turned my desperately, I found that Dongcheng’s tearful eyes stood there, tears fell down my face, and cried, “You and your brother are stupid, big idiots...”

My voice is a little choked: "East City... East City is fine, nothing is fine..."

Dongcheng Yue gently fell to the ground, kneeling on the bed, tears falling on the white sheets, hoarse voice said: "But my brother is gone... but my brother is really gone..."

My heart is like a knife, and I touched Dongcheng Yuechangfa and said, "Dongcheng don't cry, Alei won't want to see you so sad, he loves you so much, as long as you live happily, Alei is It will be happy in the sky."

Dongcheng Yue nodded and cried.

I looked up and said, "Li Mu, Wang Hao, Bai Qi, Lian Po, shallow, and cool, you are all here."

Li Mu touched his nose and his eyes were red. "The dragon's lord is like this. How can we not come here? Hey, if you just leave, throw down our brothers, how should we go?" The road..."


At this time, the door of the ward opened, and the doctor and nurse rushed in. The doctor hurriedly said: "Hurry up and let the patient take a rest. You are tired here for a few days, and quickly go back to rest. a bit."

Said, he immediately came over to check the body, the nurse checked the heartbeat, etc., I smiled bitterly and said to everyone: "Well, hurry to rest, wait until I am discharged tomorrow, please eat."

"Don't leave the hospital tomorrow." The nurse looked at me and said: "You hurt like this, how can you be discharged tomorrow?"

I smiled and said: "My body, I know better than you."

When I spoke, I used the Italian sea to check the physical condition. The tissue damage has been quickly restored. Even the damaged heart and lung leaves have been self-repaired. Moreover, almost every cell in my body now. Strengthened dozens of times, this is the effect of the realm of Yang Yan. Even, my inner interest can be derived from the burning of life force at any time. Although the injury is extremely heavy, as long as I keep my consciousness clear, I will be discharged from the hospital after self-repair. .

Li Mu, Yue Ti, Song Han, Matcha and others have gone back to rest, one by one is tired, Lin Biaoer, Dongchengyue two MM are not willing to leave, I had to let them sleep on my side, good In this bed is the bed of the VIP room, big enough, the two MM and the clothes are not crowded when they fall asleep, but the doctor seems to look at me with a strange look. I think I can have it during my hospital stay. Good welfare, this is too unscientific.


It didn't take long for the ward door to open again. I saw police officers with several guardian bases outside there, but there were also a few people who walked straight in. It was Lin Tiannan, Wang Xin, Shen Bing, Dong Chengfeng, Xing. Lie and others.

Lin Biaoer and Dongcheng Yueshen sat up with their eyes and looked at me, so there was nothing to avoid.

Wang Xin stepped in and looked at me. He looked happy and smiled like a child. He said to Lin Tiannan: "I said, this kid is a big man, haha... This is not dead, Li Xiaoyao Your kid's life is too hard."

I said, "I still have concerns in my heart, I can’t bear to go..."

Lin Tiannan also smiled gratifiedly and said: "If you really go, my daughter is not recovering for a few years. Fortunately, your boy has a little conscience, so he didn't let it go."

My gaze fell on the body of Dongchengfeng. I suddenly felt a pain in my heart. I said, "Uncle Dongcheng, I am sorry, I... I have not been able to protect Alei..."

Dongcheng Feng has a red eye and said: "Alei... Alei has a brother who fights for him like this. You must be very happy under Jiuquan... Li Xiaoyao, you don't have to blame yourself, without you, the moon may not be Will be saved so easily..."

I asked: "How was Dongcheng Month saved?"

Wang channel: "When you decided to fight Ouyangchuan, the young man named Tang Qi sneaked into the **** interior and killed seven colonists. He saved the Dongcheng month unscathed."

I nodded: "Oh, this way, Tang Qi is really courageous..."

Shen Bing hugged his arms and looked at me, saying: "Tang Qi has no courage and no Li Liyao has the courage to know. How many people have you killed that night, including Ouyangchuan, and died on your side?" There are a total of 113 people."

I closed my eyes and slowly leaned against the bed, my body trembled: "I... I didn't think so much at the time..."

Lin Tiannan comforted: "You don't have to blame yourself. The people you kill are **** people."

I look at the Dongchengyue and Lin Biaoer around me. I can't help but be glad that they didn't see me killing. I am afraid that even I feel terrible. I asked: "How is the **** thing handled?" ”

Wang Xin said: "Wei Fan pushed all things to Ouyangchuan, but we still smashed their research base, and the colonists were almost wiped out, but Wei Fan actually directly sue us. The wicked person complained first, but it didn't matter. The **** person was almost cleaned up. Wei Fan's **** was not too clean. This account was calculated slowly. Anyway, Wei Fan lost a large group of his men. Nothing is going on."

"Ouyangchuan, dead," I asked.

Wang Xin nodded: "You are killing people. You should always be clearer than us."

I breathed a sigh of relief: "It’s good to die, so... I can confirm... no one will be my opponent in a thousand miles..."

Wang Xin smiled and said: "Li Xiaoyao, have you already broken through the realm of Yang Yan?"

I am ashamed: "You... how do you know."


Wang Xin continued to laugh: "I saw your murder scene on the camera. Xiao Hei can actually ignite the flame. This kind of flame is exactly the same as Ouyangchuan, and if there is no Yangyan strength, I am afraid you can’t kill Ouyang. Chuan, so I decided so."

Said, Wang Xin excitedly said: "Great, our Hangzhou Guardian squad has a Yang Yan level master, see what other demon ghosts dare to call us."

I said, "Where Wei Fan is, have he arrested him?"

"It's already in the bureau."

"That's good."

"But soon his friend will be on bail pending trial. We don't have direct evidence that Wei Fan is involved in the **** and colonial plan, and he can only shut him for a few days."

I sighed: "Let's put a **** out and continue to harm others."

Shen Bingdao: "The law is about evidence, we will try our best."


I looked up and looked at the Dongcheng Wind and said, "Uncle Dongcheng, Aree’s funeral is over?"

Dongcheng wind nodded: "Yes."

I whimpered: "When I am discharged from the hospital tomorrow, I want to worship him, can I?"

"Yeah." Dongcheng Feng sighed and said: "This is what it should be."


As soon as I thought of the death of Dongcheng Lei, I was still like a knife, how good a brother, so it was gone.

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