Zhan Long

Chapter 842: Accident

An hour later, a total of 1,400 Dark Moon Spirits in the seven warships were almost captured by the Yulin Army. All the bows in their hands were disarmed and concentrated in the camps established on our shores. The ropes were tied up. I am also working, that is, I am not very interested in tied with Han Yuan.

In order to guard these dark moons, the 2W Yulin army was stationed on the coastline. The camp stretched for miles, and the lights illuminate the forest along the coast. I took Han Yuan and Xiao Li in the camp after a round trip. As a result, because of defeating the Dark Moon Spirit once, earning 210 points of merit and 25% of the level of experience value rewards, it is also very rewarding.


Holding the sacred dragon horse, I walked on the beach and asked, "How, the officers in this group of dark moons have found out."

Han Yuan nodded: "I found out, but the Dark Moon Spirit does not have such a strict military rank. Only one of every 100 people has a captain. There is one squadron leader for every 1,000 people, and then there is a captain in every 10,000 people. ......"

I am ashamed: "Then the commander of 100,000 people is the five-bar super captain. Tell me if I am."

Han Yuan is also amazed: "General, their 100,000 people are led by the dark moon Queen Fiona..."

I am happy with my face: "Fortunately, there is no dog blood in the end..."

Han Yuan: "..."

Xiao Li said: "Adults, this group of dark moon spirits has a total of 14 squad leaders and a squadron leader, have been escorted to the adult's bed, let the adults fall, oh."

I looked back at him: "What do you mean by this sentence? I am the kind of person, but I have a girlfriend, don't tell me the dark moon spirit's body, my girlfriend's sky. Actually more like..."

Xiao Li: "When will you bring us a look, or don't believe it."

"Beautiful you." I couldn't help but smile. The NPC's AI was so amazing. He smiled and said: "Let's go, let's go with me, review the captains and squadron leaders, and see the dark moon spirit. I want to do something in Tianzhu City, Wangyue City, and Iron Cranial City."



In the handsome account, 15 dark moon girls were tied there, and their mouths were covered with broken cotton wool. They were full of anger on their faces, but at first glance, they were all beautiful, with white skin and long legs. The double peaks are straight and straight, and the face is round and beautiful. However, once the dark moon girl is natural, she may shoot several of us and Wanfu to become a hedgehog in the next moment.

I stepped forward and asked: "Which is the squad leader."

Han Yuan pointed to one of the chests, and said: "This is the only one."

I walked over and sank next to her, looking at her shoulders, and there were no two bars. She looked at me on alert, with anger on her face, a pair of stars screaming at killing, when I took off When she had cotton in her mouth, she was screaming at my face.


I turned around, wiped off the saliva on my cheeks, then looked at her, cold and cold: "I don't kill you, it doesn't mean that other people don't want to kill you. It's better to cooperate, or... oh."

The girl snorted and said, "Who are you?"

Han Yuandao: "Hey, he doesn't even know that this is the commander of our Royal Forest Army, the general of the Imperial Town, the commander of the 7W Man, and Li Xiaoyao."

The girl screamed: "This two-handed man is actually a leader."

My ears must be red, and my heart can't help but scream at CNM. So I am also a general of Zhennan. In reality, it is also a super-level master of yang-yan. How is it that it is two scorpions? It seems that the squadron leader of Dark Moon Spirit also has When you blink.


The dragon pool sword was squirted around and picked up the rope on the girl's arm. I released her, but whoever wanted her to stand up, grabbed the dagger on the table and stabbed my armpit.

I couldn't help but smile. The wrist of the sword was cleverly flipped, and the dagger was held close to the blade of the hilt. "铿" slammed the dagger, and then the body slammed forward, and the soft slammed the squadron. She fell down on the stake, and she looked pale: "This... well... good guy's skill..."

It seems that the Dark Moon Spirit is also a strong advocate.

I smiled a little: "Let's say, what is your name."

"I..." She groaned and whispered, "My name is Lena."

I continue to say: "Our Scorpio City does not want to be an enemy of the Dark Moon Spirit, so if you ask me, you should tell the truth truthfully, come on, what your Queen Fiona wants to get in Tianzhu City and Wangyue City. ”

"Food." Rena said.

"Food." I am ashamed: "Dark moon spirit territory should not be barren, how can it lack food."

Reina said: "We used to grow and hunt really can live a prosperous life, but since Darlen cooked the plague pot to train the undead army, our land has become a corrupt place and can no longer grow. Plants, even fewer beasts and small animals, we have lost the source of food, and can only reach out to the south that does not return to the sea."

"It turned out to be."

I thought about it and said, "Let's go to Lena. I will let you go. You will see your Queen Fiona and convey my wishes to her. Tianzhu City is willing to provide certain food and repair it with the Dark Moon Spirit. How to fight against the alien army, how."

Lena smashed a pair of stars: "Adult, what you said is true."

I nodded and said, "Of course it is true. I didn't kill you when you spit me. Do you still not see my sincerity?"

Lena’s face was red and said: “Adult, I am really sorry. I was just too reckless. I also asked adults to forgive my mistakes. Adults, you... are you really willing to let me go?”

"it is true."

I immediately turned around and said to Han Yuan: "Give her a boat and let Lena go back."

Han Yuan nodded: "Yes, general."

Reina said: "Adult, I believe that you are a human being, but... Before we come back, please ask the adults to ensure the safety of my sisters. Otherwise, with the temper of Queen Fiona, I believe there is definitely no There is room for cooperation."

I smiled a little: "Well, I promise you, rest assured, the Royal Forest will never live up to the Dark Spirit."

"thank you……"

Lena stood up and rushed to me. These moon-girls are indeed very charming. It is no wonder that the nobles will grab these girls to act as the object of play, and the evil is too special.


When I came to the handsome account, I watched Lena leave in a small boat. She promised me that there will be a response before dawn, and my attitude is so sincere, Queen Fiona will promise me, I hope so. Let's go.

It’s been waiting for a long time. It’s been more than an hour. Finally, there are a lot of warships on the distant Haiping line. There are about 20 ships, but it should not be used to attack the Yulin army. Otherwise, the 20 ships will probably still be Not enough to see, we are not even looking at the battleship team of Rollin, let alone the dark moon spirit of this group of shipbuilding crafts.

On the sea, a small boat came quickly and quickly arrived at the shore. It was Lena. She carried a long bow with excitement on her face: "Adult, the queen agrees with your request, as long as the day Yucheng gives us a certain amount of food every month, we will no longer harass the coast of Tianzhu City, and will also fight against the alien army with Tianzhu City. However, the Queen must first look at those captured. Sisters, after determining their safety, will agree to cooperate."

I nod. "No problem."

However, at this moment, suddenly a pair of cavalry flew in the distance, and a centurion was full of anger on his face: "Commander, just... just took his house soldier and took it away from our camp. With a dozen dark moon spirits, our people simply can't stop it, **** it."

My heart sank: "What, I am going to grab people here, and where are people going."

“It’s in our eastern forest, where there are a few of their camps.”

"Oh shit."

I can't help but scream: "Follow me, it's going to be bad."

A group of people rushed away. When we arrived, hundreds of soldiers from the moon rushed to the periphery, holding swords one by one and shouting loudly: "Who is forbidden."

I urged the horse to rush, to disperse a group of soldiers, and turned over and kicked off the curtain of the camp, but I saw that the fat body of the moon was swaying on the body of a dark moon girl, suddenly around me. Lena shook her shoulders and her face was full of despair: "God..."

Ben Yuehou suddenly turned around: "Who is."

I sighed low: "Get it."

When Han Yuan stepped forward, he would lift up the moon from the girl, but the girl sat up and looked in tears. After seeing Lena, she even cried with pears and rain, saying: "Lena sister, goodbye to the next life. It is."

As she said, she held an arrow on one side and pierced her throat.


I furiously stepped forward and squatted on the chest of the moon, and the rear sternly said: "Adult, Queen Fiona's warship has landed, you still... hurry up."

I bite my teeth: "Go."

A group of 御林军 out camp, a beautiful dark moon in the distance, wearing a long cloak has come over, she seems to get some news, angered: "Despicable human, you give me the promise, why is it like Insulting my people,"

Said, Fiona raised his long bow and whispered: "Dark Moon Spirit, ready to attack."

Han Yuan also whispered: "This is not what we want, Queen Fiona should not go it alone."

Xiao Li is one-handed: "Knife Shield Camp, ready to defend, iron riding camp, ready to charge."


Seeing that the war was on the verge, I slowly stepped forward and looked at the Queen of the Dark Moon, saying: "Queen Fiona, I am Li Yuyao, the commander of the Royal Forest. This is indeed our negligence. The Yulin Army is willing to accept any punishment, but Please don’t go it alone, take the temptation of the lives of two ethnic groups."

Fiona has a pair of eyes and looks at me with pride: "Li Xiaoyao, you promised me, will not hurt my people, then why my people will be captured virginity, will lose her life, today, you have There are two ways to go, one is to surrender the murderer, the other is to formally declare war with us, and the Dark Moon Spirit will not die."

The moon behind me suddenly screamed, twisting the fat body and shouting loudly: "Li Xiaoyao, you can't hand me over, I am the Marquis of the Empire, I am the next month, you are a small town. The South General is not qualified to determine the life and death of Ben."


I looked angry and said: "Han Yuan, give the moon to Queen Fiona and let it go."

Xiao Li is stunned: "Adults, I am afraid that the Majesty will not be able to get rid of it..."

I decidedly said: "It doesn't matter. If there is anything, I will bear it alone."


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