Zhan Long

Chapter 849: Who to fight first

8 o'clock in the evening, on the line!


Appeared in the city of Tianzhu, open the guild chat channel, said in the core management channel of Xiaolong: "Just got the latest news, the national war system is ready to open in three days, everyone is ready, the first fate The world war is coming soon! Pay attention to the dynamics of the surrounding servers to prevent sneak attacks."

Hey, it’s a war madness, haha ​​smiled: “I’m finally looking forward to it!”

Li Mu said: "There is nothing moving around, it is a nuisance type of attack, basically not moving at all."

Matcha laughs: "The boss can rest assured that Xiaolong now has 1W5 iron blade ride and 3000 fire dragon ride, enough to deal with the threat in any direction. We have to plan to attack which city is better, this is true. Fang Geling is the chief commander, and he should get the news. There will be a pre-war conference soon."

I nod. "Well, it should be. Anyway, we are actively preparing for war. We have been vigilant for these few days."

Everyone is in harmony: "Good!"


I glanced at the level of the dragon player. The player with six turns has only 11 players. Most of them are 150. This is not enough. The power of the six-turn player is very huge. For example, the swordsman and the six-turn swordsman have the sanctuary. The power, the sword and the two skills, one to enhance the full attribute, one to enhance the ability to kill the film, in the national war is simply the offensive model of riding the battle system, if you really start the national war within three days, we can have 100 More than a fire dragon rides a six-turn swordsman, it is almost invincible to sweep the average opponent.

After chatting for a while in the guild, I went to the Dragon City. The crowds in the Dragon City were bustling. Many players used it as a supply place, and the surrounding walls of the Dragon City were densely covered with Yan Ying riding the shooter and deep. The cold iron ride, near the Wanyan Long Iron Ride, is all stationed in the cavalry battalion.

Recently, Scorpio City has refreshed two players' territories, and the heroes and Prague respectively seized them. These two stations do not have much features, so the myths, trials, and other guilds have not been asked. The competition is not too intense, and I also There is no intention to compete for this common level of territory, and Dragon City is actually the strongest player in the territory of Tianzhu City, no other.

However, thousands of people have recently been hit by the annihilation. After the death of my scorpion, it is impossible to go online again, and Wei Fan has been closely monitored and supervised, and it has not been able to get on the line in a short period of time, directly leading to tens of thousands. The greedy wolf rides the dragon without a head, and the salary of this month has not been paid, and people are worried. Fortunately, the deputy ally has called the Lord to be in danger, and temporarily manages everything for thousands of people, but the guild whose total number of people exceeds 5W is losing its source of funds. In the case of the case, it will not last long. If you call the Lord, you will not be able to pay for your pocket money, and it will not be enough.

Nothing to do, send a message to Lin Biaoer, Dongcheng Yue, and then accompany the two MM to brush a map of the hero ancient temple, brushed in 5 hours, the speed is very fast, and gave a few MM to play two ghost devices, I I also have no income, but the level has increased to 154, once again into the top 3 of the Tianzhu City list!


In the early hours of the morning, I took a break from the line. On the second day, I received a message when I didn't wake up. From the news of Lin Biaoer: "The pig's head got up early, and at 9 o'clock this morning, it was held in the palace of the Imperial Palace in Tianzhu City. The former meeting, the party singing, the rumors personally hosted the meeting, the squad-level players of the major guilds of the Scorpio City must come together!"

I rolled over and washed it to accompany the two MMs to eat something. If I had a little time, I went out for a walk in the school. In the early spring, the dead wood sprouted, the fragrance of the earth was very rich, and the peach blossoms on the campus were even more It’s already a small flower bone, and it’s going to be released in a month. After a walk, Dongcheng’s face finally has a smile. She is gradually getting away from the haze of Dongcheng Lei. When I came out, it made me and Lin Yier feel very happy. Is this the biggest reason why Lin Biao proposed to go out?

Go back to your accommodation and go online!

Still appearing in the city of Tianzhu, called Lin Biaoer, the two deputy heads of the moon, starting, the Imperial Palace, the palace was heavily guarded, and the king sent a banned army of soldiers selected by the Xiajun army to guard. Wang Cheng, but the Royal Forest Army I stayed in the city can only walk on the street to maintain law and order.

"grown ups!"

When I entered the Wangcheng Gate with two MMs, the banned forces on both sides showed awe. These fighters did not participate in any power struggle, but the respect and worship of the heroic commander was the same, perhaps In their eyes, I am the invincible Yulin army commander who can fight for good warfare and invincible.

Walking along the King's Corridor, you can see the Knights Templar, the guilds of several guilds in Prague, and the vice-presidents. They are also going to the temple. The so-called partial hall is actually a huge hall of ventilation. Xia is also cool. When we walked in, the main characters such as Fang Geyu, Gossip, Asking Sword, Ye Lai, and Jian Fenghan were already there, and they were surrounded by steps around the main hall.

"HI, happy!"

Ye came up with the battle axe and smirked: "The national war is finally coming, excited?"

"Alright!" I grinned. "There is a feeling of sharpness, what about you?"

"The same!" Ye came to the battle axe, his eyes revealing the war, saying: "Wang Yuecheng, Huoyuncheng, Linhaicheng have long been glaring at us. Their forums are screaming almost every day, especially in the sea. In the forum of the city, every day, people are screaming something like 'Chinese DOG', '***', and Laozi has long wanted to teach this grandson. Mom, there is not much skill, all day, poor, listen It’s almost horrible to get an ear!"

He said, he looked at me and Lin Biao, behind me, and looked down on the moon. He smiled and said: "Yu Long has been smashing this horse for a month. You Li Xiaoyao is also in charge of the Yulin Army NPC army. It is not to wait for this. A moment?"

I nodded and smiled: "Hey, take a step and look at it. I don't know what the national war is like, and the official has no one to announce anything. It's too considerate!"

The moon squinted and blinked, laughing: "The activities and versions of the destiny have always come, come to surprise, get used to it~"

Not far away, a beautiful woman walked over, a robes, it was Mu Yu, smiled and said: "Hey, small is not seen in a few days, it seems more handsome!"

Lin Biaoer looked helpless, and holding the powder fist almost went to fight with Mu Yan, and I smiled a little: "I hope we can advance and retreat together in the national war, admire the Queen!"

Mu Hao nodded: "That is natural, but ... you look over there, there are only one person who comes from thousands of people who are called to the Lord. What is going on? The little girl stood there and looked pitiful. ……I heard?"

She swept a pair of eyes on me and said, "I heard the gossip saying that the tour will not go online again. He was killed in reality. The person who killed him is small, isn't he? ”

I didn't hide anything. I nodded. "Well, I have participated in a terrorist attack and I am an important person. I am a special policeman in reality, so I killed him in the course of carrying out the task. Is there any problem?"

Mu Yan suddenly looked red, and his eyes were full of small stars. He said, "Are you early? My sister, I have police control since I was a child, what... I have time to go to Hangzhou, how do you wear a uniform and a shadow? kind?"

I am ashamed: "Don't, I am a serious profession, please don't yell at it..."

"I give 1000RMB, take a photo!"


"it is good!"

Lin Yier: "..."

The moon is shallow: "..."


At this time, I took the sword and walked over. On the steps, my sire called the Lord to sit there, holding a sword in my hand, looking up at me and saying, "Be happy, you?"

I said: "It is not necessarily ordinary, that is, Wei Fan. At present, under the supervision of the police, there should be no mood to go online. The national war is coming, I still hope that thousands of tens of thousands of greedy wolves can contribute to the country."

"I know." His Majesty called the Lord on the road: "I have a clear distinction, but..."

Her eyes looked at me deeply and said, "You killed him, are you?"

I beheaded: "Yes."

"Can I ask why?"

"For the majesty of the constitution!" I looked at her and said, "Will you blame me?"

His sire called the Lord’s eyes with a trace of grief and said, “Can I blame you? I am just a player who has been recruited into thousands of people. I meet them, they treat me as a friend, now my Friends can be brought to justice, what can I do? I will not blame you, nor can I clap my hands, I can only continue with thousands of people."

I sighed and said, "Do not hate me, the rest, follow him..."



At this time, Fang Ge阙 took a light blue paper fan and walked over to the high platform of the partial temple. He cleared his throat and said, "Everyone is quiet, the meeting begins soon!"

The crowds were quiet and looked at the man like the Chinese **** of the war zone.

Fang Ge coughed and coughed, laughing: "The latest news, the national war will officially open the system at 12 o'clock today, that is, the real war will officially start at 0 o'clock tomorrow, all of them are in Tianzhu City. The guild-level players of the Grand Duke are all people with great powers. Many of them do not need me to say, just discuss how to fight this national war, keep, or fight. If you keep, how to defend, if you fight, who will come? First open the knife?"

Asked the sword and said: "We are here to listen to the order. You can directly say, after the start of the national war, which one to fight first?"

Ye Lai laughed: "When you ask the sword, listen, who are we playing first?"

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