Zhan Long

Chapter 866: City gap


Jiang Yan, the leader of the Fire Corps, suddenly took the sword and walked up. He said with anger: "The task that the Holy King gave me is to keep the Tianshui Pass and then look for opportunities to attack. How can you just abandon Tianshui?"

Qing 眸 拓 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨

"Yes, okay..."


The person who gave the Firearms Corps and the Beautiful Life Guild retired into the night. I asked, "Who is this Qingmo Tumo, and why does the NPC call her county owner?"

The month was shallow and replied: "That is because the last time in the version of the Indian region, the highest value of the 眸 眸 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨Identity is similar to Happy Brother, you are the commander of the Imperial Army, except that you have to deal with the King’s targeting of you in Tianzhu City, while Qingmoo Tumo is in the city of Huoyun, but the red man in front of Ziyan Shengjun, Ziyan Sheng Jun is almost obedient to clearing up the ink."

Li Mu smiled slightly: "This is the gap. In a sense, Ziyang Shengjun can indeed be called a holy prince. It is better than Owen who sees the throne more than everything."

I grinned: "No one wants to go to Owen and Ziyan Shengjun."

Li Mu touched his nose: "Your sister..."

Li Mengyao’s beautiful eyes: “What do you want to do?”

Li Mu: "..."

Xiao Li seems to understand our words, and smiles with a long gun with blood: "To lead the adults, I think that the adventurer Shaoxia said that there are some truths, Ziyan Shengjun is indeed in a certain sense. Sheng Ming has passed Ou Great, and we are so guarding the city of Tianzhu, but for what? Is it a selfish and timid weak Lord?"

I reached out and touched the cold shackles on the wall and said, "Whether Owen is stupid or holy, Scorpio is our homeland, and it is our foundation. Our right is to fight for the city of Scorpio, and ... Tianzhu City and Princess Peer, she is more than Owen to be holy?"

Xiao Li smiled: "Well, then the right is to fight for the city of Tianzhu, and fight for the Highness of Pei!"

"Don't say this, call the cavalry back, don't chase it, leave 1000 people to guard the real customs, and the rest enter the customs. Let's sneak into the inner city of the fire!"

"Yes, adults!"


Since Qingyi Tuomo already knows that we have seized Tianshuiguan, it will definitely inform the Indian players in the inner city to win the game. This day, the water gate will definitely not be able to keep it, and since we entered the customs, we have already prepared for mortality. Chinese players can't break the city quickly, so we are almost caught in the middle of it.


The soldiers are very fast, riding the gods and fierce horses to step out of the gate, with a group of dense Yulin army, dragon players out of the city, a total of 3W people up and down, most of them are cavalry, Lin Yaner led 1W people remotely, The supply team is at the rear, and I led the 2W iron ride to rush. From the perspective of Tianshuiguan, Lin Biaoer’s ice and snow cleverness has exceeded my expectations. She can clearly capture the opportunity of attack. This is the month of shallow and Dongcheng. Even the **** commanded Matcha did not find it. There is such a vice-master who sits behind the town. Our 2W cavalry does not have to worry about being attacked at the rear.

It is still the night in the game. It is about an hour away. The east has already raised the white belly, and the starlight is also faint. 2W iron rides all the way, and soon there is a level buried in the front. About 2000 NPC defenders were guarding the town, which reminded me of the treatment of the Xiajun Legion by the autumn harvesting army, but the defenders in front of them were the people of the Third Army Corps Search Group in Huoyuncheng. A keeper with a long knife stepped forward and shouted: "Who?"

Xiao Li was very courageous, carrying a long-term gun before the moment, and then concealing the shady, said: "I am the shadow of the Wanfuchang of the Fire Corps. Who are you, why is there a level here?"

The keeper will be amazed: "Is there a Wanfu commander named Mingying?"

"I am Jiang Fu who led the new transfer of Wan Fu, who are you in the end, what is the attempt to intercept on the road, is it the spies of the Scorpio Empire, and immediately answer the old man!"

After that, the defender will only be a captain, and he will be stunned: "The end will be the commander of the wind-fighting army. When will the generals come, is the fire army not responsible for the defense of Tianshuiguan?"

Xiao Li shouted: "The fire is like a city guard, and the group of thieves in Tianzhu City will be too fierce, so the leading adults will lead the 1W iron ride to help out, immediately release!"

"Yes, however, please also show the waist card for adults!"

"Well, you come over and you are."

When the long-time leader turned over immediately, Xiao Li suddenly flew close, and the torch was roared on the other's face. The waist was swayed by the sword, and the killer was directly killed. The captain turned over and fell. The horse ran for dozens of meters, and the rifle swayed. When the roar screamed, he picked up a pile of thorny obstacles and shouted: "Chong!"

I and Li Mu couldn’t help but smile. He said: "You Wanjun’s Wanfu is very fierce and very witty..."

I laughed and said: "Must be necessary, otherwise how can we reuse it. Come on, our time is precious, the more you move, the more people will come and chase us!"



A group of fire dragons raised their swords, and the garrison of the 2,000 people was a harvesting slash. When our 2W cavalry rushed over, there was only a dead body here, but the experience and national battles that were obtained by killing NPC. There are still a lot of points, this time there is no merit value, no accident, the final national war points and merits can be equal.

Running on the cold land, the sound of iron hooves is shocking, everyone is silent, and soon there is a smashing city in front of it. The city of fire has arrived, and with the last remaining starlight, it is faintly far away. Seeing the huge city of the city like the city of Fire, the city is full of hundreds of miles. The outer walls of the city are cast with red copper. There is a corner building every 100 meters, but now we are inside the city, we can see that there is no casting inside the city. Red copper, I think when I am building a city, I think of attacks from the periphery, but I never thought of the attack inside.


A piece of information comes from Lin Biaoer: "Pig, my intelligence system has returned to me. Qingyi Tuo Mo has already announced our coordinates. Now, Fenglin is drunk from the city of Huoxiangcheng, with a total of 7 The guild, at least 20W people are going to encircle us. You see the direction of the fire like the city, is it soaring, if it is, then it is right..."

I look into the distance, it really is soaking in the sky, their cavalry is very fast, up to 5 minutes can be connected with us!

Suddenly, I replied: "Hey, you speed up, look at this posture, we can not directly attack the city of Huoxiangxiang, I will summon the purple Lei car directly from the inner wall to attack the city, in the city of Fire Make a hole in the battlement, use this hole as a breakthrough to break through the peripheral defense of the Fire City, let the players and the army of Tianzhu City realize the siege, cut off the grain of the fire like the city, let them lose their supplies and die."

Lin Biaoer sent a smiley face: "It’s so smart, just like this, we will be there soon. You will attack the city first, come on!"



When Jianfeng turned, I suddenly took the direction of the reins and shouted: "Xiao Li, Li Mu, Wang Hao, we went directly to attack the inner city walls, and broke through the iron barrel defense of the fire elephant city here, Yong Jie, 冉闵, You bring 1W people to resist the Indian attack, at least for 10 minutes, or the city can't be destroyed!"

He and the hero of the second took the blade and nodded. "Reassure, let's go!"

I rushed straight to the battlements, but there were also many NPC defenders near the battlements. Several cavalry rushed over, and more were the infantry who held the long scorpion in the hand. Xiao Li took the martial arts with a slap in the face. Hide the past.

Along with a wave of horses screaming, the sacred dragon horse stopped, and I raised the hand to summon the purple mine car, 100 gods and soldiers to rotate, a purple thunder landed on the ground, the **** soldiers quickly consumed, transformed into a summoned purple mine car The power of a huge chariot was summoned, and the defender on the city shouted: "Someone touched our inner circumference, archers, shot me to kill them!"

I took the Longchi sword and rushed to the city, with the purple mine car already bombarded on the wall, and Li Mu and Wang Wei led the dragon to ride along the steps and rushed to the wall to cover the purple mine car.


Every attack of the purple mine car is like a blast of a thunder, and a crack in the inner wall of the city is also appearing. This thick wall, if the player uses a sword to smash, it is like scratching. Itching is the same, that is, my seven-star broken Yuelu has a certain effect of destroying the building to be able to cut, but if there is no purple mine car, I suspect that I can’t cut it for an hour here, it feels like it is The task of a pangolin is to drill through the mountain of Huangshan, which is full of stones.


A few minutes later, suddenly there was a loud bang, and the inner wall of the city suddenly collapsed about 5 meters. It was already able to see the stone inside the wall. NND, when the fire was like a city building, there was really no work cut, if it was not exactly the same. Stone, but a pile of broken cotton wool, it would be much easier.

In the distance, the killing sounds rise to the sky. The dragons and the one-second heroes of the dragons have been strangled together with the main guilds of the Indian theaters, such as the World War II, and the follow-up main force of the dragons led by Dong Yuyue also followed suit, short time. It is difficult to distinguish the winners and losers, but the long-term loss of time must be the dragon. We are alone and unable to last.

On the city pool, the killing sound is getting more and more dense. The players in the city of Huoyuncheng are constantly coming in. The fire dragons led by Li Mu and Wang Wei are forced to retreat. We are pure cavalry, and the other is archers and wizards. The hanging pots are all available.


Looking at the thunder of the Zilei car, I said loudly: "Keep on, and then stick to it for 3 minutes, this city can get it!"


One person descended from the sky, Li Mu was slammed down by a group of people, and his face touched the ground. He slammed his doorknob and flew, touched his red face and sat down. He poured a blood bottle and helped the warrior fight again. "You can rest assured that the brothers will try their best!"

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