Zhan Long

Chapter 868: The siege


Another wall of the city collapsed violently. The outer walls of the city like Fire City have been destroyed for up to 200 meters. The players of Tianzhu City and the army chiefs drove straight in. Xu Wei wielded a saber and led a group of Yanlongjun’s iron riders to directly enter. In the camp of the Huoyuncheng players, it is unstoppable, plus the heroes, Prague, and the trials of several guilds. The Huoyuncheng players instantly show a tendency to collapse, and they can't resist it.

Li Mu and Wang Hao also took the player of the dragon to charge, and took advantage of the rich national war points to be king. Otherwise, Xiaolong’s participation in this national war is almost equal to white.

Many of the merits of the work are only between people's lips, but they are good or bad, but they are equipment and grades. I can see this truth thoroughly, just as I am now the commander of the Imperial Army. I am not Then I will care about my rank and the level of concern. What I care about is whether the strength of the Yulin Army is compromised and whether the equipment is sophisticated.


Thousands of frosted wings blessed, slammed in the crowd for a while, such as into the uninhabited, Zhenyue knife, Longchi sword cut full of blood, with the thousand frost wings, my killing efficiency has at least improved 50%, plus the 50% damage bonus of Yang Yanjin, it’s almost twice the result with half the effort, so no matter where I fly, the players in Huoyuncheng always look like ghosts to avoid me, even if it is Fenglin’s drunken leader’s campaign is also deliberately avoiding Xiaolong. He is a smart person and knows that he can’t continue to fight against Xiaolong. Otherwise, they can only suffer from them. There are many players in Huoyuncheng and their guilds. More, but the level of precision is far less than that of China. Even if the Chinese theater loses the dragon, there are at least several major guilds such as the trial, the heroes, the Prague, and the soldiers. But if the city of Huoyun is in the world, the beautiful life is two. The Great Guild was destroyed by the whole army. The remaining 3-10 guilds were almost only the Order of the Knights of the Templars. The second round was not necessarily the opponent of Prague. There was even more difference in cohesion.


The blade was flattened, and a knight's shield was chopped together with the chest. His face suddenly fell from the battle, and the shield was broken. I picked it up and looked at it. Actually, it is a 125-level Xianlin shield. It is considered to be the current superior equipment. When I look back, I lost it to Mengyao to let her decide who the shield was assigned to, and she searched the ground and found a dozen pieces of Lingbi. The equipment of the Scorpio level is all decomposed into the sacred soldiers. The Shen Bing is 100 sets, which is not very occupying the parcel space. I have obtained 7 groups of weapons in this national war. The gods have become more and more, since the purple Lei car began to show the Weimang, the demand for the gods has become more and more, whether it is the next attack on the fire like the city, or the longer-term attack on the city of Huoyun, it seems that the soldiers The symbols are all good and good.

On the plains of the inner city, the battle of the cavalry's fight has lasted for 4 hours. I also commanded the dragon riders of the dragon and the martial arts to rush for 4 hours. The people killed each other and lost their blood. There are few people, but the number of killers is even more. Fenglin’s drunkenness has already been ordered. The players with Huoyuncheng have retired from the city like this. As a result, Huoxiangcheng has become an isolated city as I expected. Chinese players surrounded the group, fire rock cannons, dragon crystal cannons stand, ready to attack the city, but no one has attacked the city, Pei has ordered, cut off the fire like the city grain road, the city will say three days.

Around the mound outside the city, the core management team of Xiaolong temporarily took a break. Soon after, the swords, Tang Qi, Ye Lai, the misty clouds, Yanzhao Wushuang, Liu Wei and others all came. These people are attacking. The management team of the city's main guild, I do not know when, they have defaulted to the dragon is the leader of the expedition to attack the city of Fire Cloud City.

I rely on a low peach tree to wipe the blood of the town knife and the dragon pond sword. At the same time, I use a bright whetstone to slowly slide on the edge. This is the whetstone of the special products of Tianzhu City. After sharpening the knife, it can increase the durability of the weapon by about 2%. The knife can be sharpened once every hour. The dragon pool sword has special effects and never wears out. It is all right. The lasting of the town knife is only 44%. Durability, this is the basic combat skill that every melee master must master.


The ethereal cloud smoke is also sitting on the grass, taking out the sharpening stone for the blade to polish, the hero of the ally, the main sword asked the horse to go forward, turn over and pat the neck of the horse to let it lick the grass on the ground, while watching To a group of us, said: "Fenglin drunk has retreated to the city like a tortoise, we are waiting for it?"

I nod. "Well, the strategy of the Scorpio Army is to encircle the city, consume the fire of the city like a city, and wait until the NPC army in the city is almost hungry."

Asked that the black scorpion of the sword trembled slightly, his mouth rose and he smiled. "Then I want to speed up the speed of their grain consumption."

"How to speed up?" I asked with a smile.

Yanzhao Wushuang also smiled and asked: "Yes, what good way do you have to let everyone wait forever?"

Asked the sword dagger, Shen Yan said: "In fact, I have a few friends who are studying and doing business in India. Several of them have already entered the Indian nationality, so their identity is Huoyuncheng players, although they are not very keen on National war, but I can still confirm the coordinates of the granary in the city like a fire. Let's sneak in the assassin, or enter the fire elephant with airdrop tactics, with the arson props, burn the granary of the fire like a city. I believe they can't cry when they cry."

Yan Zhao's matchless clap: "Well, the method is good."

I said: "There is a watchtower every 100 meters on the wall around the city of Fire. There is a magic eye crystal on each watchtower. Under the magic crystal, any assassin's stealth will be detected, so Assassins are hard to sneak into."

Asked the sword nodded: "Well, so I intend to create chaos and let the assassin take the opportunity to enter. With one chance, we will succeed."

I smiled a little: "What do we need to do?"

Asked Kendo: "Several guilds here, each dispatching a small number of players to launch a siege on the four sides of the city wall, I will launch a real attack, at least send thousands of assassins to sneak into the city, can you mix in and see God's will ""

Yan Zhao unparalleled smiled and nodded: "Well, if this plan can be completed, you ask the sword is a great achievement!"

Asked Jian Wei smile: "The only thing I want to do is to get rid of Huoyuncheng earlier. Otherwise, this main city with 5000W players will make us feel like we are in the throat. There are Huoyuncheng. Our players in Tianzhu City want to sleep well. ""



I continued to sit there and rest and recover the weapon for durability. By the way, I glanced at the national war standings so far. The scores in the Chinese theater are really ups and downs.

1, free self-defense national war points: 5246

2, Fangge 阙 national war points: 5117

3, the painting on the paper charm country battle points: 4560

4, Cangyue National Warfare points: 4412

5, Cangwu National Warfare points: 4240

6, Mu Yi national war points: 4128

7, simple single country battle points: 3722

8, a gun a pot of wine national war points: 3622

9, ask the sword country battle points: 3514

10, Ye Laiguo battle points: 3500


I almost always walked on the front line and I was ranked first in the standings. The second one was Fang Ge, the paper painting charm had water gods, and the output was amazing, so it ranked third, and Dongcheng Yue relied on Luming. The profit of the stick is ranked fourth, followed by Lin Biaoer, who is a simple and simple two sorcerer MM ranked 67, followed by a powerful gun, a sword, a leaf, and three powerful melee players. The top three players in the standings have the opportunity to get the secondary artifacts, artifacts and national devices. This temptation is too big, and it is because of the talents that so many people are desperately killing the enemy. Of course, there are also a large part of the reason is blood and fanaticism. And by the way.

"Is the direction of Tianzhu City open?"

I am somewhat puzzled: "The square songs, the points on the paper are really high!"

Lin Xiaoer nodded and smiled: "Well, 11 hours ago, I started fighting at Wushen River. Linhai City used at least 1000W people. Then there were about 500W people in Huoyuncheng who arrived at the south bank of Wushen River and took the Chinese Theater on Panlongling. After some small trips were extinguished, they tried to drown the river. As a result, thousands of people were drowned. Frostforest ordered that he would return to Tianzhu City from Tianfeng, but he was sung by the party and painted with 4W. The man sneaked and the loss was heavy."

"Oh?" I was amazed: "The Wushen River is in a hurry, unless the party songs have transmitted magic, but no transfer is allowed in the national war. How does the songs cross the Wushen River?"

Lin Biao's mouth smirked and smiled: "Fang Geyu ordered the mythical tens of thousands of young cows to stand in the troll bamboo forest, and then cut down the bamboo in the bamboo forest to make a large bamboo raft, carrying the 4W elite crossing the river in the night, defeated in one fell swoop Frost Forest, the team that was stationed in the Xingyue Marsh, and then triumphantly pursued and killed several times their own enemies before retreating back to the north bank of Wushen River."

I took a deep breath and said nothing, and the wisdom of Fang Songyu is really unusual.

Not far away, the sword also heard the dialogue between me and Lin Biaoer. I couldn’t help but frown. He didn’t think that Fang Song’s battle in the direction of Wushen River would be so smooth. The smoother the song, the CBN. The hardship of the first person in the battle network is probably harder to move. Asking the sword and Jianfeng is a player leader who is called Wang Zhizhi. Naturally, he will not be happy to hear the news.

I don’t think much about it. The stronger the party song, the better, so that this national war will be much better, but... it’s just a party song and myth. I’m afraid it’s hard to fully fight against some of the forces in Linhai City and Huoyuncheng. The battle situation is only temporary, and what will happen afterwards is unpredictable, and I should be more concerned about the battle of the Scorpio City VS Fire City.


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