Zhan Long

Chapter 872: Npc's insistence

The fire in the plains of the city is like blood staining. The bodies of countless players have not been brushed down. It must have been killed more than 2 times and will not be resurrected. The third time in the battle will be reduced by 4 levels and the explosion rate will increase. 400% of the price, there are very few players who can desperately fight for this level of national warfare. After all, everyone has different purposes for playing games. Some are for the sake of being unparalleled in the world, some are for picking up girls, some are for brothers, but Playing games is for the dignity of the country, which seems a bit too hypocritical.

In the direction of the fire elephant city, Fenglin drunk suddenly swept out the long sword, with fragments of fiery red rock around the blade, like a giant blade slashing in the surrounding crowd, this is his unique skill of the fire rock swordsman. Under the single blow, the 12 greedy wolves have been hanged up, and the horses have rushed into the sword. It’s almost like a squad. After Fenglin’s intoxication, it’s a group of battles. The elite player, his blade and his robes are like those caught in the blood. Looking at the Chinese players in front of the crowd, the eyes burst into revenge and anger, "Brothers, directly rushing their NPC military accounts." Kill the princess of Tianzhu City, kill a **** road, return to the cloud city, and fight with them!"

The roaring sounds skyrocketing, and the tens of thousands of players in the world are crazy. This kind of madness seems to be contagious. Countless Huoyuncheng players are also caught in this state of madness, and several main corps are dispatched with only a few cavalry. With a shot and burst into the crowd, for a moment, the positions of the guilds such as Fengyun, Longxiang, Fanjie and Epic were instantly broken.

A gun with a pot of wine carrying a gun, with a group of black rock rides desperately rushing forward, long guns like a dragon continuously penetrate the body of many enemies, this kid's murderous approach is more and more refined, facing the direction of Fenglin drunk Just killing the past, his face is full of arrogance and courage: "Brothers, block them, kill the light, don't let this group of India look down on our people!"

I couldn't help but smile. I hurriedly sent a message to the gun and a pot of wine: "Don't fight, let's put a little bit on them and let them kill our Chinese army. Princess Pei has long since evacuated. We are ambushing in the Valley of Fire. fighting!"

A bottle of wine is also a clever person, immediately relieved, and does not return, the gun head turned to black rock ride back to kill, so several team leaders stunned: "The deputy leader, why not kill?"

The flower gun smiled: "Kill the chicken with a knife, go, and retreat to the two wings with me!"


In just ten minutes, the NPC of Huoxiangcheng and the players "break through the bamboo" broke through the Chinese military account in the Chinese theater. After killing hundreds of people, they continued to move forward, and I led the dragon and the Yulin army back and forth in their retreat. In the formation, we are one of the strongest forces in the Chinese theater. It is very necessary to wash them here.

Above the battlefield are full of broken swords and swords, and there are countless bodies. They must be very cautious when riding on the mount. Otherwise, they will be tripped. Each group of dragons behind me will be bathed in blood and killing people. Lin Shuer, the moon is shallow, Song Han is carrying the dragon's assassin team also on the front line, but whoever learns the unyielding soul, soul looming or five-turn assassin has the ability to fight hard, this group The speed of the assassin's murder is not inferior to the riding battle system, especially the top assassins of Lin Hao, the moon, the moon, the cool moon, the cold song, and the cold. The equipment and skills are superior, and the national war points are not lost to the ride. Battle system and remote system.


The earth trembled, and everyone looked at the south. It was the direction of the Valley of Fire. The sound of the dragon crystal cannon was heard. The night fell, the fire was over there, and the ambush had begun. I thought Fenglin was drunk. The people who took the battle to the world did not expect to be attacked by such a fierce artillery, and the damage of several major NPC regiments in Huoyuncheng is definitely not a problem.

There are too many players in the city like Fire. In the past two hours, they have not finished. They are still breaking through. I led the dragons to enter the Valley of Fire Elephant directly, killing the Indian players who harvested the warehouses in the canyon.

The fire in the distance flickers and flies, and with the sound of the shelling of the soul, the taste of Indian players at this moment will never be better.


"Be careful!"

In the darkness, Lin Biaoer said with a dagger: "It seems to be... the person who circulates the guild... Oh, sure, yes, the main force of the cyber guild is here, the one in front of the mad warrior called the ray bear, is the stream The lord!"

I fixed my eyes and saw it. Sure enough, in the moonlight, a mad warrior riding a dragon-headed beast danced tomahawks and rushed to the crowd of players in the tyrants, such as entering the unmanned environment, a standard high-order armor, and the battle axe in hand. It also flutters with a **** luster, and behind it is a group of elite cavalrymen who converge on the top of the cloud.

Thunder Bear LV-153 Diamond Berserker

Main City: Huoyuncheng

Guild: Flowing Clouds

Position: Owner

IBN ranking: 4


No wonder so fierce, the Thunder Bear is very skillful when he flicks the Tomahawk. The power is just right, and it is freely retractable. A charge comes to the front of the long-distance love song of the tyrants, and the axe is soaring.

The exclamation of the love song "ah" was like the one who thought that someone would come so fast, but the archer who was the master of the tyrants also got it, and instantly entered the state of Jinghua. In one second, MISS dropped the bear once. Mammoth, bow and arrow is a close up of the dragon arrow hit the chest of the bear!


Attack power is very good, but the bears at least 8W blood limit, simply can not kill, but his direct start is a battle axe projection skills fell on the chest of love songs!


Love song hurriedly retreat, but the bear was snoring, and the skills of the smashing boat had been launched. An axe smashed the love song up to 4W, directly killing it!

A large group of fans of the Flowing Clouds Association roared and rushed, and directly shattered the offensive formation of the tyrants. Liu Ying raised the sword and the horse in the crowd, but did not expect the other party to counterattack in the process of fleeing. His face was pale and low. : "Let me, kill me!"

The Thunder Bear also roared, the Tomahawk swayed through the crowd, and there were two six-turn swordsmen behind him. Two sword-wheel dances killed the more than a dozen riding warriors on the tyrants, and they could resist. A group of tyrants are dumbfounded. At least 2000 elite cavalry who watched the clouds immediately turned and retreated toward the side of the valley. There was an ambush camp of the Fire Axe, and there were two dragon crystal cannons on it. Ying is planning to ask for help from the Fire Axe.

Who once thought, Luo Hao old guy is very worried, carrying a long sword and whispered: "Heavy shield camp, put your shield to the ground, do not let anyone break through our defensive line, the dragon crystal cannon continues to shell!"


The tyrants of the tyrants hit the shield of the NPC one after another, but they could not pass, and they could only continue to bear the slashing of the bears behind them. No one was the opponent of the Thunder Bear, and even the drunk rain and cold maple was the dominant fighter. A knight can't resist it, and it was killed by a match between the bear and the archer.

Liu Ying took a long sword and looked at Luo Wei with a red face. He roared: "I am a player in Tianzhu City. Let us go, let your old dog, let me go!"

Luo Wei was furious and raised his brow: "I don't know how to talk to the ban, so come and give me a shield to smash them!"

A group of people in the fire axe slashed and smashed a group of people who had dominated the storm. The memory of NPC was transplanted into the memory of real people. The person who wanted to transplant to Luo was also the type that must be reported, and it was bullied and hard. The elite players of our dragons, I am afraid that Luo Hao will be released immediately. At this time, Luo Hao’s intention is too simple. Let the male tyrants be the cannon fodder in front, and they will use the bows and arrows to fire the Indian players. Oh, no, in the eyes of NPC, those who are supposed to be Huoyuncheng are damned.


Li Mu and I couldn’t stand it anymore. Almost no discussion immediately raised the blade: "Brothers, kill the past, and teach the people of the Liuyun Guild!"

Around us, there are about 2000 fire dragon rides and iron blade rides, plus dozens of assassins such as Lin Biaoer and Yue Ti, the number is almost the same, I also really want to teach the strength of the fourth person of IBN, and Huoyuncheng The true strength of the three guilds.

Under one order, the fire dragon ride has already rushed at full speed. I and Li Mu, Yi, Wang Hao, Meng Yao, Matcha are in the forefront. They cut into the blade and fluttered. The combination of Li Mu and Wang Wei is very good. The sword rim broke out in the crowd almost at the same time, followed by the revolving sword, and the whirlwind followed by a whirlwind. The five skills of the three majors were launched together, and the small pieces were Ten people are all spiked, even if the player with more than 10W of blood is difficult to resist the cooperation of these three people, especially the first time such a tacit cooperation.

The Thunder Bear is not a fuel-efficient lamp. With a group of people immediately giving up the tyrants, they rushed to the dragon, and the target is me. Is this the product wanting to kill me?

Sure enough, as I expected, the swordsmanship of the 7 Royal Swordsmanship locked me, and I instantly entered the effect of the Thousand Frosting Wings, greatly improved the maneuverability, and the body floated backwards to avoid the three Royal Swordsmanships. The void suddenly broke into two yards, and the other four swordsmen were also evaded. The oncoming is the attack of the Thunder Bear, the fan-shaped broom!

The town’s knife is horizontal, and the “铿” block has opened his attack. In other directions, several high-level swordsmen have also come, and the swords in one hand are equipped with skills such as sword breaking and sword rim. And there are several swords on the top of the Sanctuary, these people will be very serious to me.

I looked in my eyes and suddenly rose to the ground, my body suddenly disappeared from the place, appeared in the air and MISS off the attack of this group of people, the dragon pool sword swayed, the seven-star broken Yuelu slammed with the sword and the storm, suddenly Four swordsmen brushed in the battle, and after I landed, I turned to the Thunder Bear, and the skills started - take the wind!




After the wind, I only had two attacks. The Thunder Bear was already empty, but it twisted the ring between the fingers. Suddenly, it flashed back 10 yards. It was a displacement stunt. This product actually has such a life-saving skill. However, Ray Bear Not yet had time to escape, suddenly a long arrow flew out in the long night, "噗嗤" pierced his chest.


Actually got a knife from someone else!

In the darkness, a group of dark moon maiden stalkers came, and their arms were carrying the emblem of the Guardian Army. In the hands of the scorpion, the bow of the string was shivering from the trembling long bow: "Commander, are you okay?"


There was a ring of flickering in my ear, I confirmed that it was really okay, this national war score is still mine, NPC does not count the knife!

System Announcement: Players [Happy] (China) successfully killed the player [Ray Bear] (IBN Battle Network ranked 4th) once, and won 372 points in national warfare!


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