Zhan Long

Chapter 878: What is the price?

"Shield wall, hurry up!"

With the match of the matcha, a group of knights players launched the effect of the Xuantian Shield Wall. The next time the opponent’s arrow also penetrated the crowd of our dragons. Many people were shot and killed. The lethality of the arrow is too strong. And with the penetration effect can attack many people, the car has been fired for three consecutive rounds, at least after killing hundreds of us, it is another round of arrow rain, followed by the rumbling sound of the horseshoe in the inner city, is to find The NPC cavalry of the Wind Legion, the leader is actually the commander of the Wind Legion - Luo Qing!

The whole body was shrouded in a heavy armor, and a pair of cold scorpions were exposed under the helmet. Luo Qing’s hand was carrying a rifle and whispered: "Come with me, kill our deadly enemies, and use their blood to pour the land of the home. Fertile our strong soul!"

I have a long sword, and the effect of the thousand-winged wings is blessed. I look at the dragons and Yulin army behind me and smiled: "Brothers, our luck is good. The badge of the Wind Legion will be erased by us, kill!" ”

Everyone made a terrifying roar. I also swayed the sword at the same time. The effect of Zhenyue’s battle songs came down. Everyone raised 4000 points of basic attack power. Matcha also timely added the effect of the lion shield. Qilong and Yulinjun Everyone is wrapped in a golden gas shield, and the attacking power and defense power are greatly improved. They are courageously strangled with their opponents, not only riding the battle system, but also assassins, archers, wizards, and gunmen. Recently, indiscriminately fighting with opponents, the scene is unusually chaotic, the assassin collides with the knight, the archer and the swordsman battle, the hanging pots all open the national war attack mode, where you need to treat a group therapy, BUFF It is a constant blessing.

Behind the Windward Legion, a large group of fine wind elf archers appeared. These archers flew in midair. Players without long-range attack skills could not reach them. A total of about 5,000 archers, a round of volley, we Dozens of iron-blade riders in the front row were all full of arrows and killed.

I looked back and said, "Meng Yao, the person who brought you!"

Li Mengyao nodded and smiled. The shield crossed the chest and said loudly: "The moon is riding on the dragon, come with me!"

In the next moment, hundreds of Moon Spirit races have already rushed out of the MM, and the shield has the effect of an iron umbrella defense. It attacks the opponent's arrows and magic, and the sound of the cymbals is endless. The strong MMs actually killed the inner circle of the Windward Legion, and I also put a long sword and went to the sky. The body shape slammed into the wind elves, one hand, and the wind surged, after 6 hours. The thundering nine-day skill has been refreshed again!


The thunder is endless, and a group of Thunder Dragons swallowed up in the crowd of the Wind Elves. Li Mu, Wang Hao and others swept across the ground, and the skills such as sword rims, swordsmanship, and swordsmanship were swept to the sky, and the wind elf archers were densely packed. Falling, 冉闵, 白起 led the mad warrior team to smash the past, continually slashing the NPC to the ground, the Wind Legion began to rout almost instantly, the surrounding Indian players were shocked, no one thought they called the first The search for the Legion of the Three Legions could not withstand one of our faces.

Han Yuan took a steel knife and led a group of Guards of the Imperial Army to ride in the crowd. The rear was the dark moon archer led by Jurassic. The accuracy of these dark moon spirits was too high, almost all aimed at the opponent. Weaknesses, eyes and necks have become the targets of shooting. When the cold arrows are smashing, we will see the wind-fighting army and the players of Huoyuncheng constantly falling and being spiked. Even I am glad that I am not the enemy of these dark moon spirits. Such a cold arrow will be the object of any great master.


Under the city, the number of players remaining on the interface is constantly changing. The guilds in Prague, trials, heroes, and soldiers are also fighting with their opponents. The dense body is full of dead bodies, and the city is flying with dense arrows. Many Huoyuncheng players shoot long distances on the inner wall of the wall, constantly shooting Chinese players under the city, but everyone can't take care of this. All of them are fighting, and they can only rely on the treatment of the hanging pot. If there is no treatment, they will die. Many times, life and death are pure luck.

There are ringtones in the ear, both CBN and IBN players are killed. In the direction of Wushen River, FBN and EBN players also have ringing bells. The front, the famous family, and the appearance association are fighting hard. The NPC of Tianzhu City should also be A lot of people have been sent, and if Owen wants to keep the throne, he can only die.

The war continued, the inner wall was extremely difficult to play. I set up three purple mine cars to be destroyed remotely by the Indian players on the city. There is no way to consume them and then blast the walls.

Time passed by, and more than four hours passed. The battlefield between the inner wall and the outer wall was like a **** wash. The swords were broken everywhere, the player’s body was quickly refreshed, and the NPC’s body was Still lying on the ground, the earth is full of criss-crossing traces of swords and the trajectory of the brakes. The horseshoe tramples between the bodies, and the scene is terrible.

Looking at the interface, the players on both sides have been drastically reduced a lot -

Indian Theater: 3122347

Chinese Theater: 4773721

Under the heroic baptism of Xiaolong and Yulinjun, the Chinese theater completely occupied an advantage on the frontal battlefield. The Indian players outside the inner wall were already running out. Many people retreated into the city, about wanting to have a street battle with us. .


At the Chinese Army Office, Princess Peier carried a sword full of blood and said: "The artillery shells the city gate, open it to me, and today I have to break the inner wall anyway!"

Luo Hao nodded: "Yes, Your Royal Highness!"

At this time, a ride came from afar, holding a king flag in his hand and shouting loudly: "The emperor ordered it!"

Pei, Luo Yi, Xia Houren, Bai Lining and others have fallen, and I stood on the side of the sword. The commander launched a reel scroll and said: "There is a command, the moon empire is invading the Imperial border, the war. Urgently, the special Princess Peier conquered Huoyuncheng in one day and returned to the Imperial City to protect the imperial city with the first stage of Ziyan Shengjun!"

Pei frowned and got up and said, "This is already the third order of the emperor. Is the battle in Tianzhu City so urgent?"

The ordering officer said: "Reward the Highness, the Mochizuki Empire used at least 20W to attack the fate of the pontoon. The Guards of the Xiajun Legion in the fate of the pontoon has been killed more than 5W. If you fight it, you can’t hold it. There is a loss, so I hope that my Highness can step up the attack, at any cost, in the day to capture the city of Huoyun, kill the Ziyan Shengjun back to life!"

Pei holds the order, and if he thinks: "At all costs? Even if the five major empire of the empire are all over, you must go back with the head of Ziyan Shengjun, isn't it?"

The commander thought for a moment and said: "The mind of your majesty, the minister does not dare to try to figure it out.

"Well, I know, when you go back to life, you say that I must do my best to win the city."



The commander went to the horse, and Pei immediately turned around and bit the silver tooth: "The siege must be attacked into the hall of Ziyan Shengjun before sunset, and it must not be delayed, at all costs!"

In the distance, suddenly there was a burst of cheers. It turned out that Ye Lai had already killed Luo Qing, the leader of the Windward Legion. Luo Qing’s head stuck in the helmet had been lifted up by the leaves. It also means that the strength of Huoyuncheng outside the inner wall has finally fallen apart.

The sound of the cannon sounded again, and the inner city gate collapsed after being continuously bombarded by a close-range bombardment. A cavalry of the Yanlong Army immediately rushed in, but was shot and killed by the dense arrows at the moment of entering.

Pei looked at me: "Li Tongling, dispatched to the Yulin Army!"

I am ashamed: "I still climb the wall, otherwise... how many people are sent to die..."

"I don't have time!" Peer's tone suddenly became a bit harsh.

I nodded: "The Royal Forest Cavalry, on!"

Han Yuanyi put a long knife and rushed over with the crowd. Far away, I can see that the inner city is on the city's avenue. There are countless shields there, and there are a lot of archers behind them. This is clearly a pocket. Array, let us go in people do not want to come out again, Han Yuan led about 2000 Yulin army iron ride rushed in, but for a moment, all killed.

The fine horses screamed and screamed, and the dislocated rushed out. On the back of the horse, Han Yuan’s eyes were closed with his eyes closed. Seven hundred and eight arrows on his back, I felt a pain in my heart, and hurriedly went forward and tried the breath. There is still anger, and hurriedly said: "Xiao Li, take Han Yuan to heal!"


Looking at the dragon, I said, "Long Yao, the barbarian soldiers who led the 5000 Shield Camp, charged, and I followed my people. I don’t have any hesitation this time, breaking through their shields in one fell swoop. !"

"Yes, general!"

Long Hao is also a one-of-a-kind singer. The flying horse is rushed out with a group of barbarian knife shields. I have a long sword, Li Mu, Wang Hao, Lin Yier and other people meeting, with thousands of dragon players to follow me. Into the inner city gate, there are people in the crowd in front of the knife and shield camp, and all three are archers. The angle of defense is too much.

Once inside the city, I immediately turned the wings and whispered: "Crash and break the shield!"

The fire dragon rides continuously screams, and dozens of people are killed in an instant, and I am full of arrows and rushing forward. The blade sweeps over a group of people, and behind them, all the people rush in. There are a lot of players and NPCs in the inner city. They rushed over and finally resisted us who were fighting the world and the Qingliu Legion. This is the last elite of Huoyuncheng.

Nearly an hour of street fighting, we finally washed the blood on the city street. Far away, the gate of the Huoyuncheng Palace was closed. I immediately shot a purple mine car. After several times, the door collapsed, but within the imperial city. Intensive arrows and arrowheads were shot, and a group of Guardsmen behind me fell to the ground.

Far away, the first army of Huoyuncheng led a longbow in the hands of Baili, and his face was cold: "Come on, the choppers!"



As soon as I ordered, the people of Xiaolong and Yulinjun rushed in together and asked the sword, the leaves, and the misty clouds to charge with their own people. Our people seemed to fall like wheat.

I was awkward, and the players who followed me in the dragon had little left. Even a second hero, a moon, a star blade, a snowy field, and so on, all died under the arrows. The scene was too messy. However, no one can protect anyone, but Chinese players and NPCs are still pouring in, and even more, a white horse quickly rushed in, and a sword broke the shield in front, and Princess Pei personally killed the enemy. It is.

However, at this moment, there was a sneer in the distance, followed by the tightness of the bowstrings, and the longbows in the hands of Bailien flashed!


The arrow flew over my cheeks. As soon as I turned back, I saw blood splattering. Pei sat quietly in the battle, and looked down at the arrow on my heart until I was desperate.


When Pei fell, almost everyone’s heartbeat was about to stop beating.

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