Zhan Long

Chapter 883: Battle of Linhai City

Linhai City, a solid barrier on the plain of the butterfly, Linhai City has no danger to guard, perhaps it is necessary to say that the natural danger is that there is a bright temple behind the city of Linhai City, which is said to be home to a group of Templars and omnipotent. God, but these are also legendary forum legends. Until now, no player has ever seen the gods in the Temple of Light.


I am not in a hurry, but waiting for the guards of the Yulin Army to arrive at Tianfeng, and this will continue to move forward. The people of Xiaolong are not in a hurry to kill the national war points. Now the players in Linhaicheng are already waiting. The players of the two servers in Japan and South Korea are not very irritating, and it is the most rational to avoid them.

Li Mu gently beat the horse and said: "The intelligence is back. At least 700W people in Linhai City are waiting for us on the plain of the butterfly. The three main NPC troops in Linhai City have all gone out of the city. It seems that they are planning to be outside the city. Just fight with us."

I smiled and said: "How many people do we have?"

"The 1000W people will not be more."

"This is probably the reliance of players in Linhai City. They are waiting for work, and many of us have experienced the war in Huoyuncheng. The grades and equipment have fallen a lot, and they may not be afraid to work harder."

Li Mu smiled slightly: "Actually, they may be wrong, because Linhai City's intelligence system may not detect the presence of the Duke of Luo, the 25W 戎Dianjun cavalry may have to let the players in Linhai City eat a pot."


When we were marching, there was a rumbling sound from the front, and it was already fighting!

Zema quickly moved forward for a while. When I set foot on the plain of the butterfly, I also saw the scene of the war in the distance. The main cavalry of Di Dijun was violently charged, and the three major regiments in Linhai City were already lined up. Open, the heavy shield camp is in front, the bow and arrow camp is behind, the guns cover the sound, leaving a deep pit on the plain, and also the squadron of the squadron of the squadron.

The earth shook in a burst of motion. I shot the horse slowly and found that the rumors had led the people who were rushing to the fire. The deputy commander of the Chinese theater seemed to be in a hurry, for fear that his guild would not be able to make the first effort. The Duke of Luoyang is in a hurry.

Behind me, Xiaolong’s iron-blade ride and fire dragon ride slowly advanced. Li Mu, Wang Hao, Matcha and others were in front of the queue. I asked: “Is there anyone in the kingdom of Linhaicheng?”

"Not for the time being." Wang Hao shook his head and said: "The first guild war of the Japanese theater and the new moon of the second guild did not appear. The first three guilds in Linhai City were not seen."

I nodded and smiled: "This is right. If I am they, they will not choose the plains to fight, and the defenders will have an advantage in the city. About 700W people are here to consume us."

Li Mudao: "What do we do, do you just look at it?"

"That is definitely impossible, and the NPC Marshal will not let us stand here."

My voice has not fallen, and a commander has rushed over the battle flag and shouted: "The Guardian Li Li commanded the order, and the Marshal ordered that all the soldiers of the Guards Army launched the charge from the enemy's left wing and must destroy their guns within an hour. Array, otherwise look at it!"

I frowned, and Marshal Luo Song was really mighty. I actually issued such an order. I am afraid that I will have to go to the front and get rid of him. At this moment, Luo Wei’s hand holds the 25W’s military power. The Yulin army is exhausted and not an opponent.



I raised my hand and pulled out the Longchi sword and said, "We attacked from the left wing and avoided their artillery coverage. Let's go!"

Li Mu and others have been waiting for a long time, and they have already rushed out after I ordered it. Every time I win a city, I will give a reward once, but after the end of the 7th day of the national war, there will be a real final reward. It is the main event. We are now able to capture more points. The players in this group of Linhai City are mostly second- and third-line players. It is a good target for points.


After the screaming dragon horse screamed like a screaming scream, I also rushed out, and a group of cavalrymen with dragons and martial arts troops launched the charge. The group of people in front of us was a guild, the ninth ninth Japanese server. The strength is definitely also general. Under the impact of a face-to-face attack, it is really good and bad. The group of people can hardly stop the hoof of the dragon, and they are quickly broken through the defense. The rear player rushes in and is a slash, no suspense. It is.


Li Mu’s sword fell into the crowd, and a **** splash was thrown. The attack power of this cargo was too high. The backhand was a sword. The knight with a shield was broken with a shield, and the blood was splashed. Face, he smiled and said: "I found the left wing are people in the Japanese theater, very good, I like this arrangement!"

The roar screamed and rushed out. The whirlwind swelled in the crowd. A group of Japanese players could bear it. Immediately, the swordsmanship was covered with sorrow, and the suffocating blood instantly fell to 30%. The rapid roar was another The barbarian flea jumped back to the position, and a swordsman fell from the back. The moon demon, the elegy of the **** of death, the star blade and so on also quickly rushed into the enemy. If no one could resist it, no one could resist it. We, even the only player who ranks 50 in the JBN Battle.net, is directly killed by Lin Yier's double-edged combo. The gap is too big!

Nearly half an hour of rushing, Xiaolong and Yulinjun broke through the blockade of seven guilds and directly reached the position of the NPC army in Linhai City. This is their main force. Looking far away, the other side’s position is very strict, a total of 10 shields. The array is placed in front, and each shielded soldier is equipped with a pikeman. The gun blade is cold and waiting for us in the moonlight. This is a combination of heavy shields and pikemen. Far away, the opponent’s flag is flying. Above, there are a few leaves of the emblem.

"Chiba Corps."

Lin Biaoer holds the dagger and calmly said: "This is the third legion of the total number of combat forces in Linhai City. It belongs to the Japanese theater. It should be regarded as the absolute main force. I check it... Hey, the Chiba Legion has a total of 40 dragon crystal cannons. 120 fire rock cannons, the total number of people is 14W, a lot, what should I do?"

I glanced at it and said, "They are basically Titan-class NPCs between 140-155. There is nothing to be afraid of. You see the Yulin Army behind me, either the Taikoo NPC or the Lingbi, Tianzhu. The quasi-BOSS of the order, Xianlin order, the lowest are much stronger than their average level, kill, earn points!"

"it is good!"

Although I was originally planning to not be the main force, but at the moment, I was somewhat involuntarily. On the frontal battlefield, Yan Dijun could not break through the defense line of the other party in a short time. If the dragon and the Yulin army stopped here, it would inevitably fall into the battle of the battle. It would be better to fight a battle, to gain national loyalty points while at the same time to be loyal to the country, at least to contribute to the Chinese theater.

"Fire dragon ride, rush with me, use their picking techniques to pick up their rifles, use the mount to hit the group of pikemen, don't try to kill them, destroy the defensive formation!" I rushed out and immediately entered Thousands of frost wings effect, the sword swayed and danced, and instantly smashed the shield and long guns within a few meters.

But the position of the Chiba Legion is at least one kilometer. I can't open it all alone. The people of Xiaolong have also launched the impact. Li Mu, Wang Hao, Yan and other high-tech players have waved their swords to pick the rifle. Flying, the mount ran rampage, hit the shield and fell to the ground, the players behind the follow-up, a group of people quickly rushed into, the lining army people are not slow, Han Yuan, Xiao Li and other people will go forward with me, However, they and the dragons are also familiar with, even talking and laughing, holding the longbow of the dark moon, Wanfu, the long-term archer, while archery, while watching Li Mu smiled: "In the command of the army, this The general looks like Kong Wu is powerful, that is, the equipment of this body is ragged and too poor?!"

Li Mu was teased by NPC beauty, and his face was red.

Wang Hao was indignant: "Rely, what is this, who said that the boss is poor, the boss looked up and let them see, the boss is not only poor, but also ugly!"

Lin Xiaoying eats and laughs: "Would you like to talk, how is Li Mu ugly, long ugly can you decide? Li Mu stood up and let them see, Li Mu is not only ugly, but also short!"

Matcha MM smirked and laughed: "I said you, good 歹 is a guild, don't be like this, how is Li Biaoxiao, how short is it, not his fault, hey, Li Mu also jumped up and beat me, I The knee hurts..."

Li Mu: "..."

In this way, the loyalty of the loyalty camp was unrecognizable, and even laughed at the Dongcheng Yue, which has been boring for a long time. This is a great achievement, and I admire them for the five bodies, we are killing with the powerful Chiba Legion. This group of guys can still talk and laugh like this, really rare.


Continuously rushing in, after a few minutes, it has already broken through the long guns and shields of the Chiba Legion, and then it is a group of infantry armed with long scorpions to meet, with a group of archers, no say, kill!

The two sides quickly entered the scuffle, and they were all close to each other. Li Mu, Wang Hao and others were already murderous, and the number of people in my head was even more unclear, driving the thousands of wings in the crowd. Conflict, but anyone who sees JBN and KBN will immediately catch the beast lock and catch it, and once the other party sees me, I will follow the ghost, and I can’t stop it, but I can’t run the speed of the thousands of wings. Even if I set fire to kill me, I couldn’t kill it. Obviously, I have become a nail in the eye of Linhai City and a stab in the flesh.

The white-blade battle lasted for nearly an hour. When we arrived at the artillery battalion, the squadron had already rushed to it. When the first one was a teenager about 18 years old, a sword was directly smashed in a dragon crystal cannon. On the other hand, the power was amazing. When the life was born, the muzzle was cut down, and the soldiers of the Chiba Legion were scattered.

Recommend the new book "Zhutian Wanjie" of shrimp, book number 840179, as the saying goes, all the heavens are good, read all said diao~~

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