Zhan Long

Chapter 891: Power agreement

Late at night, Ouyang Yanyan called me and asked me how to deal with the ownership of Linhai City. I did not answer directly, but she seems to be very concerned about this main city. After all, a main city means huge game tax, which is related to The interests of her CEO of China Life is closely related, and finally it is no longer. The official can't interfere with all the players' actions in the game. This is the rule, but Ouyang Yanyan seems to believe me too, I don't think I will mess around. .


In the early morning of the next day, I woke up early and washed it. Lin Biaoer and Dongcheng Yue had already prepared breakfast. After eating, two mm went back to the room to change clothes. When I was dressed up, it was already more than 10 am. At this time, my mobile phone rang, a strange number. After the connection, the other party smiled and said: "Happy, I am clear."

I am amazed that this Indian woman is actually a fluent Mandarin, even more standard than my Mandarin, should it be the result of many years in China?

"Well, hello, where are you going to see?"

"There is a Starbucks coffee shop on the side of your school. Just on the second floor there, I will arrive in about 5 minutes. What about you?"

"It takes ten minutes in the past."

"Okay, then we are waiting for you."



I hurriedly took Lin Biaoer and Dongcheng Yue to this international date, and this meeting will also determine the final ownership of Linhai City. Poor Japanese and Korean players are still in the game, but they don’t know that the fate of their main city will be in one. Little Star Bakri decided.

Lin Xiaoer’s small high-heeled squat hit the stairs. I took her to the second floor of Starbucks. Dongcheng’s month carried a bag, and when I finished talking, I went shopping.

The second floor was empty. There was no one at the moment. There were a lot of people sitting next to the long table in the corner. There were a total of five people, one of them, the other one was a man. This woman was dressed in a small white suit and dressed very well, but her face. The style revealed above is obviously not in China, but a very different oriental beauty. The figure seems to be also good. The long hair is scattered and scattered on the shoulders, adding a bit of mature charm. As for the 4 Two men, two of them are bearded, obvious Indians, a game of otaku, and the other two are very capable in a suit, it should be the subordinates of Qingmoo Tumo.

I strode up the meteor and smiled and said, "How are you!"

Qingyi Tuo Mo also stood up and looked at me and smiled: "It turns out that it is easy to imagine, so the handsome people will be so embarrassed in Huoyuncheng!"

My heart is a bit imaginary, and laughed: "This is a different statement. Our Chinese region is better than the npc army. The number of heavy artillery is also higher than that of you. Otherwise, let you flood once in the falling wild geese and the landslide of Tianping Mountain. It’s almost lost, and we’ve learned from the resourcefulness of the Qing’s lord.”

The Qing dynasty extension ink screamed and said: "The lord of the liberty is quite humorous, this ... is the sky?"

Lin Biaoer stepped forward and smiled and said: "Clearly, I haven't seen you for a long time."


Qing Yi Tuo Mo looked at Lin Hao's beautiful face. For a moment, his eyes showed a stunning look. After a few seconds, he smiled and said: "Before, I used to be an opponent. This time I saw a real person... So beautiful! ”

The praises of the Indians are not concealed. In China, we can't hear such praises. At most, it is just a sentence like "the punctuality of the beauty, the ability to know what to do".

Lin Xiaoer’s face was slightly red, and she smiled shyly: “No, what do you want to discuss today?”

Qingyi Tuo Moyi spread his hand and said: "Sit down first, order some drinks, eat, and talk slowly. This is Dongchengyue. I made up for the information of the Chinese Theater Guild yesterday and learned about the Dragon guild. There are two pairs, known as the Yueluo duo, the sky is so beautiful, did not think that the moon is not inferior, huh, huh, the lord, these two are your friends?"

Her look was awkward, and I sat down: "Talk about business, don't gossip."

Qing Yi Tuo Mo smiled and said: "Well, I can't see you are quite serious."

At this time, a man around Qingmo Tuo Mo coughed and coughed, and said a few Hindi words in her ear, I don’t understand, it’s about letting the Qing dynasty to be a little dignified, not too frivolous, to talk about business seriously. And so on.

Qingyi Tuo Mo really dignified a lot, sitting there and motionless, told the waiter to give us some coffee, and when the coffee came over, he cleared his throat and said, "I think, what am I going to Hangzhou for? You should already be very clear?"

I nod. "Well, what we need to talk about is how the Linhai City will manage it."

Qing 眸 拓 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑

"Let's give it to India?" I couldn't help but smile. I used a spoon to stir the coffee in the cup and said, "The Qing dynasty lord is not joking. Linhai City, but the Chinese theater has spent countless manpower and resources, so let the Indian area It’s OK, and... the binding of the alliance agreement in the game is too unreliable.”

Suddenly, a bearded anger around Qingmo Tuo Mo, about a deputy ally, put a coffee cup and angered with awkward Chinese: "Our lord is good to say this thing to you, I also drove from Shanghai to here, you...you are too arrogant, how do you say it?"

Dongcheng Yue was also angry, and he patted the table and said, "You are the deputy ally of the beautiful life called Lei Heng? How do you talk to the master group in an ibn battle network master group?"

I also smiled slightly and said with a sigh of relief: "Yeah...say again, the fire in the city of Huoyuncheng, in the end, the Chinese region won, if you come again, I believe that it is still the Chinese region to win, lose and lose. Can't you afford to lose?"

Qing Hao Tuo Mohong red lips, said: "Well, don't be noisy, I admit that the Indian theater is not really an opponent of the Chinese theater. Our resources are too scarce. If we hit half of the heavy artillery, there will be no shells. The shells have to be digged in the mountains to shape the keel, and the player's level of precision is really inferior to the Chinese theater, but you can't take it for granted."

I nodded and smiled: "Yes, so I am willing to come here to sit down and chat with you. After all, online players in China will be up to 5000w. It is good to have 3000w online. This kind of power is not enough to hold three. Dachengchi, China is in a certain degree, it is necessary to join hands with friends from India. Today we are open here and say that there is no need to hide anything."

Qingyi Tuo Mou nodded with a smile: "Well, then you said, how do you intend in your heart?"

I tasted the coffee, put down the cup, looked up to see the Qingmoo Tumo and her four people, and said: "I have seen two new models when I give up the way to confirm the choice of the city. First, the transfer, that is, The player who gave the city pool to another server for free, the other mode is the commission, so I have no choice but to entrust Linhai City to you."

“Delegation?” Qingyi Tuo Mo, a pair of Ming Ming, lit up and said, “What kind of existence is that?”

I said: "If I take the commission mode to give you the authority of Linhai City, it means that the five-star red flag must be hoisted over the sea-facing city. The sovereignty belongs to China, but the Indian player can settle in as the owner, but the npc kingship in the city. All of them belong to the Chinese theater. After the npc army is refreshed, they will directly obey the command of the Warring States theater. The Indian players are only passengers, but the guild territory refreshing, learning skills, leveling and hegemony are still all maintained. In addition, the city tax will be Is it the five-fifth division of China and India? Is it enough?"

For a time, another big beard was angry, and took a table: "Be free, you are too deceiving. Since you entrusted us, why is the command of all npc troops all in the Chinese theater? This is not to We are raised as pigs?"

I looked at him with a brow and said, "Would you like to have a main city, or if you are angry, there is nothing, so that tens of millions of people in the Indian theater are crowded into two small sub-primaries, and players learn six. There is no place to transfer skills?"

"You!" The beard was so angry that it was blown up.

Qingyi Tuo Mo is still calm, a pair of black scorpions with wisdom and luster, said: "Yes, I agree with this way of commissioning, but if I did not guess wrong, although the npc army belongs to the Chinese theater, but the player's legion The system will remain the same, which means that players are also about to recruit npc troops themselves. Is it right? Speaking of it, the Chinese theater is not absolutely right to Linhai City?"

I was secretly shocked. This woman was too powerful. She nodded and said, "Well, this kind of checks and balances will definitely exist. I also think about it all. However, at least in a short time, the Indian theater is best not to tear the skin with the Chinese theater. This is definitely not a good thing for you, and..."

Qing Yan Tuo ink eyes brightened and smiled: "I know... In addition, you went to the Guangming Temple behind the Linhai City yesterday and took the Temple of Light as your own. As a counterweight, we in India’s war zone jeopardize the Temple of Light. Power, can't you resist when the player doesn't have absolute strength in a few months?"

I smiled and said: "Smart, it’s nice to talk to someone like you."

Qing Yu Tuo Mo eats and laughs, and said: "In fact, your mind I understand, although Linhai City won but it is definitely a hot potato, lee and frost forest will definitely counterattack when the next national war cycle arrives. The district will be tired of coping, so it will allow Indian players to settle in Linhai City and use the power of the Indian region to force Japanese and Korean players, isn't it?"

I can't believe it: "Yes!"

Qing Hao Tuo Mo Wei smiled: "Well, I agree with this agreement, but ... I do not guarantee that the Indian region will never return to China. After all, Huoyuncheng is our real home."

I leaned back in the seat and smiled with my arms: "Look at when you are full of wings."

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