Zhan Long

Chapter 894: Killing a wife and feeding a wolf

"General, continuous battle, Yulin army has been reduced from 10W to more than 67,700 people."

Long Hao took the iron gun and followed me all the way. He said: "The cannonballs of the Dragon Crystal Cannon and the Fire Rock Cannon are basically used. We need a lot of time to make the Dragon Crystal Cannon and the Fire Rock Cannon Ammunition. The recruits recruited in the ethnic group also need time training to fight. If this time, then the loss of the Yulin army will be even more severe."

I looked back at him and said, "Owen wants to drive the pro, this is not something I can do, understand?"

Long Xiaoran: "Understand..."

"Then, let's get ready for the marching march, bring enough food, don't let everyone hungry and hungry."

"Yes, the subordinates will let the military service officials make military orders. If the grain is not delivered, let him hold his own head to see the leading adults."

"Oh, good!"


Half a day in the game was very fast. When the NPC army of Yucheng City marched to the Van City in March, the news of the Eighth City was also spread. The players in the main city of Japan and South Korea were divided into two groups, of which Frost Forest led the Japanese theater. The player went to clear the player's station near the south bank of the Wushen River in Tianzhu City, but the LEE and the Japanese did not hesitate to lead the main force of the Korean theater to go to the eight deserted city. It seems that they want to take the opportunity to destroy the eight deserted city, but eight In the deserted city, Angela personally guards, the cold and the dragon city can be reinforcements at any time, which does not require me to worry about anything.

When the day was just bright, the drums sounded, the densely-stricken Tianzhu City army passed the fate pontoon, and even the west bank of the pontoon could still see the dense body of the players. Many people did not go online after the death, waiting for the national war cycle. After the line leveling, after all, not all players are militant, many people are purely for gold coins and beautiful women, or for the fascinating scenery in the game, with the little girl around the mountains to play with water, suddenly met the national war At the time of the army, I was scared to cry.

In two consecutive expeditions, the number of NPC troops in Tianzhu City has shrunk dramatically. It has fallen from the original 100W people to less than 50W. Among them, there are still 15W left in the army, and the Yulin Army is less than 7W. As for the Yanlong Army, the Fire Axe Army, etc. There are already less than 3W people left and right, Xia Junjun has been relatively well preserved, a total of 4W people, so in comparison, the Yulin Army is already the strongest army in the original army of Tianzhu City, but the existence of Yan Dijun Breaking this balance, when Owen asked for the levy of the prince, the Duke of the Emperor Luo Yi did not put one in the fart, which made people somewhat puzzling, an uncle, would you really be willing to go to the expedition?

We don't know anything about Zeyuan City's players and the army. It's too far away from us. Even the explorers haven't gotten deep into Zeyuan City, and the Russian players in Zeyuan City have crossed at least 15 hours of map travel. To Tianzhu City, it is a deep friendship, and it is impossible to entertain them.

At the moment when Xuyang shot the clouds, the soldiers of the Three Armies officers had a warm luster in the sun. I rode on the sacred dragon horse and slowly marched in the middle army of the Yulin Army, while Luo Wei, Luis and others all It’s a bit funny to keep guarding the O'en in the royal family. We are not eunuchs, why should we always be with the monarch?

Like me, Fang Geling, Wen Jian, Hua Gun, and a pot of wine all took their NPC army and the players in the guild together. The marching army with the Yulin Army is about 5,000 people. I rushed to the horse and looked at a group of people in the autumn harvest army. I laughed and said: "Sure enough, the soldiers are strong!"

Just after finishing, a veteran who fell asleep in the battle fell down and suddenly turned up: "Is it going to war?"

Another soldier immediately went to help, and his hands were squatting on the ground, but with a bang, the handle of the long scorpion was actually decayed and automatically broken. A horse was sneezing and skinny, even the flag of the autumn harvest army was overwhelmed. Only the lineup of about 1,000 people in the pikemen was neat, and these people were brought out by a pot of wine.

Looking at me, the gun grinned and said: "You must be jealous of me..."

He said that he looked at the iron squad of the Yulin army, his eyes were red: "Your ah... your Guardian army is called the real soldier, and it is like my autumn harvest army. You see this one is listless, what is there? Fighting power, I don't know how long it will take for me to lead the army of the autumn harvest. The opportunity for the dog emperor to recuperate is not to give a direct expedition to the book city. Mom, my little soldier is not enough to die."

I snorted and smiled. "Be careful that there are ears in the wall. I dare to marry the Emperor. Be careful, I will go to the dog emperor to take a book. When you can't eat it, you can't take it."

The flower gun and a pot of wine helped the smile: "Li Xiaoyao, this dog thief, even if you are a general, I am not afraid of you, and I will fight back!"

"forget it!"

I clap my hands and say: "First bring your autumn harvest army to a strong army. Come and fight with me. Really, I will go to Fanshu City. After we fight with the people of Zeyuan City, your autumn harvest army hides in me. Behind the Yulin Army, with my heavy shield camp barbarian, this loss can be reduced a lot, the autumn harvest army on the 5,000 old and weak soldiers, you have to cherish a little, they are all seeds, as long as you save a part, later in Tianzhu City It’s not difficult to get some Legion missions and get the Autumn Harvest Army to 5W."

The flower gun has a grateful color in the eyes of a pot of wine. He smiled and said: "Let the autumn harvest army hide behind the Royal Forest Army. Will I be laughed at by Fang Ge and ask the sword?"

"What is the joke?" I looked at the two people far away and said, "They are all Wanfu, and there are 10,000 people under their hands. They are all elite NPCs. You can't compare them. You should bear it." Forbearance, anyway, I won’t laugh at you. Besides, who knows the future war pattern of the Tianzhu City Guild? Once the national war enters the dormant stage, the guild war will definitely come. At that time, the real civil war, you can count on the dragon. Xiang people really desperate for you? Your real card, must be the autumn harvest army."


The flower gun and a pot of wine are a little bit heavy, saying: "But when there is a court meeting in the future, you can help me to talk more, and the two brothers help me a lot. Oh, my personality is a matter of nature, and often I don’t speak. Consider, where will you play the savvy NPCs of Luo, Reis, and Luo Wei? To be honest, when you see this group of people with their swords, I really admire you, and you are indeed a civil and military talent. This game is for people like you."


I humbly waved my hand and said, "Everyone is the same. After a constant experience, you can truly become a person who can’t get in the way. You are the same. You should study hard and observe."

"Yeah." A gun and a jug of wine looked at the soldiers of the autumn harvest army. He smiled and said: "This game is more and more interesting. It is more and more like a game. You said how long you have not taken the task and killed. Have you ever been to BOSS?"

I thought about it: "The Legion mission is a success, but BOSS rarely kills. I want to kill now is also killing the monarch-level BOSS. There is no way to attack the soldiers and fight down. The higher realm of this game. Should it be a strategy-based game, not a simple game that kills with one sword and one sword? But to be honest, I have a little self-confidence recently, I feel that even if it is a fight operation and equipment, I have no rivals in Tianzhu City... ”

The flower gun has a pot of wine and blinks: "Your sister, can't you be modest?"

I also laughed: "Don't say that these are useless, let's go. Every book city will arrive soon. When you see how to break through the encirclement, it is said that the book city has been encircled, and we can't get in the periphery. This time, our heavy artillery in Tianzhu City is basically used up. It depends on how to use the cavalry flesh and blood to open the encirclement."



The location of Fanshu City is actually very bad. It is far away from Tianzhu City and is at the junction of Huoyuncheng, Zeyuan City and Tianzhu City. It is easy to be attacked, but once it can be held, it is also a natural danger barrier. If Zeyuan City wants to dye the city of Tianzhu, it must go to the ordinary book city to say that this is also the reason why Zeyuan City entered the city of Fanshu.

About an hour later, when we crossed the dense forest, a sacred city appeared in front of it. The outer walls of the book city were as white as jade, and the city wall extended to the two wings, connecting the high Vulcan mountains, forming a natural danger. The city of Fanshu has been broken many places, and the thousands of troops of Zeyuan City have already surrounded the city.

After the national war, the transmission function has all failed, and the bookstore is located in a remote location, and it is expected that it will be attacked by a sneak attack.


The drums of the drums echoed on the plains. In the distance, the NPC army of Zeyuan City had already set aside the plains on the plains waiting for us to go to the stage. The alleys of the snow wolf cavalry were on the plains, and the bodies of these snow wolves were very large. The horses are not inferior to the general, the impact will not be bad, but the attack power is much stronger than the war horses. When catching the killing, it will occupy an absolute advantage.

Looking at the cavalry in the distance, Long Hao fiercely chilled, said: "The Snow Wolf Legion, the most powerful force of the Zeyuan Empire, is also the first leg of the Zeyuan Empire. It is said that the men of Zeyuan City are all day The wolf is a Wu, training snow wolf to become a mount, and even some love snow wolf is more than a relative, I heard that some Zeyuan City men in the adversity to kill their own women to feed the snow wolf, so that they can be combined with the snow wolf Become the most brave snow wolf cavalry!"

I heard it is also a cold: "I went, this is rarely heard, killing his own woman to feed the wolf? Why didn't he have a baby with the snow wolf?"

Long Hao haha ​​smiled: "The adults said that I just want to elaborate on an argument. The snow wolf cavalry is very ferocious, far more than our imagination. It is said that the Snow Wolf Legion of Zeyuan City has a total of 20W snow wolf cavalry. This is the most terrible place."

Han Yuan counted it and said: "We really have more than 10W snow wolf cavalry in front of us. The 20W is not necessarily a virtual one, and this time we don't have the heavy fire reinforcements. How do you get this 20W snow wolf cavalry? it is good?"

My mouth is rising: "It doesn't matter, we have players!"

"Oh, the player?"

"Oh no, it's an adventurer."

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