Zhan Long

Chapter 896: Cold desert dragon city sent troops


The hot Mars splattered continuously on the shank. Li Muqing slammed the sword of the town of Zeyuan City with a hard knife, but it did not retreat. Instead, it was a long knife and a sword. In the crowd, behind the dark moon girl, the bow and arrow, the arrow shot, a group of Zeyuan City players immediately fell to the horse to become a cold body.

I also stood on the front line, Zhenyue knife across the chest to block the attack, Longchi sword but continuous strokes, the enemy in front of me was slashed, the front line, Wang Hao, Yi, Baiqi and other people also rushed back and forth To protect the players behind, this is the first time that the dragon and the Yulin army have such a tacit cooperation, and it is under the protection of the dragon that the dark moon spirit can be output without pressure.

However, there are still players on the front line that are constantly falling. There are too many players coming from Zeyuan City. At this time, it is almost a life change with us. The ratio of 1:3 is still too bad for us. The front row of fire dragons Ride and iron blade ride less and less, but the more people gather in Zeyuan City, the loss of Xiaolong has exceeded 30% in the blink of an eye, and the mighty 4w army can still fight now. No more than 7,000 people.

The whole front of the Chinese theater is not very optimistic. The **** contract, the soldiers under the city, the Prague and other guilds have been defeated, and even the guilds such as myths and heroes, and singers have shown signs of failure. Certainly not the way, the front row of players were bitterly bombarded by the dragon crystal cannon and the fire rock. Almost a group of people went up to die.

The official army of Scorpio City was also not good. Long Zhong led the Yanlong Legion to charge only a few thousand iron riders for a while. As a result, only a few hundred people came back. It was terrible, and Xia Junjun’s position was also heavily fragmented. The overall situation is already at a loss. The collapse of the edge, and the Duke of Luo Dian's Dian Dijun still did not move, just dispatched a 10,000-person cavalry regiment.


"Retreat to the back!" After I waved the town knife to cut off a cavalry, the loud voice: "Keep the defensive formation, slowly retreat, lead them to chase, pull their front, and leave the remote output of Zeyuan City players. Just kill it for a few seconds, then continue to go back, can't fight again!"

Li Mu, Wang Hao and others nodded, and the overall shield of Xiaolong began to retreat, while the people of Zeyuan City were killed by blood, where they would let us go, and urged Ma to continue to pursue.


My thousand frost wings have not known how many times to open, dancing swords are rushing back and forth in the crowd, to maximize the cover of the players behind, in the distance, the painting on the paper is also carrying the water **** rushing in the crowd, square Singing and fighting, and throwing away one by one, the people of Zeyuan City are also afraid of three points.

At this moment, a group of people from afar rushed over. It was the squatting of thousands of people who called the Lord, with leisure, Yue Yuchen, Su Yan, for you to catch a cold, overbearing and other people rushing straight, behind the dense wolf Riding, loudly: "You retreat, thousands of people will come and go, the hills behind will be able to guard the day!"

I glanced at it, and the squat called the Lord with a 2w ridiculous wolf ride, but many people have fallen below the 140 level, the equipment is not uniform, the overall strength has fallen sharply, but this is again If you are hesitant or not, you will say, "You will also retreat quickly!"

"Got it!"

His Majesty called the Lord with a long sword and passed me by, followed by countless greedy wolves riding whistling to the Zeyuan City players behind our dragons, the two sides collided together, a moment of killing, no I thought that the dragon would still need a cover for thousands of people, and I couldn’t help but pick it up.

The rapid retreat is about 1000 meters. In front of it is a hillside with dozens of miles. It is only tens of meters high. However, it is really good to use it for the protection of the day. Everyone is standing up, and Jurassic led the Dark Moon spirits to find At the commanding heights, then the dragon-riding players of the dragons turned their defenses. They saw the players in the distant tides of Zeyuan City killing them. Many of them were rushing through the lineup of the greedy wolf, and they looked far away. 2w ridiculous wolf riding is like a leafy boat in the lang lang, can be overwhelmed at any time.


He grabbed the battle axe and shouted: "They let the little girls who are thousands of people cover us, it is too shameful, brothers, ready to fight back, give Zeyuan City a little powerful look!"

Everyone is looking for the commanding heights. After the remote players have a high degree of advantage, they can improve their range and attacking ability. Dongcheng Moon **** their wings and flies above the hillside. The staff is raised and suddenly throws a large fireball out. The fireball is like a meteor falling in the crowd. In the crowd, the players of Zeyuan City have been burned into fly ash. The archers such as Lin Xiaowu and Lianpo have used the archers’ six-rotation to kill. Skill to shoot, one of the common skills of the six-turn archer is the power of the sanctuary. After the force of the sanctuary in the bow, the six-turn skill starts to kill the front fan-shaped area, and the arrow is dense. With the height advantage, the people who rushed up the hills began to fall into pieces.

At this time, the duty of riding the warrior is to guard the high ground. Li Mu, Wang Hao and others are all in the same place. When they come up with a **** blood, they will slash one, but their position will not move, just like the copper wall, they are there. I took advantage of the effect of the thousand-winged wings to swim back and forth on the side of the hill. Anyway, there is no treatment for the people who can hold the pot. No one can kill me, but my town knife and dragon pool sword are washed in the crowd. The national war points have soared.

The battle continued, and there were always players coming from the direction of Tianzhu City. Among them, Xiaolong had at least tens of thousands of people. They were all people who hanged twice, and then hanged to fall 4, but this group of guys I heard that there is not much to do with the war situation here, and it is blatantly defying the order to gather gallop reinforcements again. I can’t say anything, then hit it and kill it!

Depending on the situation of the mountains, the advantages of players and npcs in Tianzhu City gradually emerged. After nearly three hours of fighting, the bodies of Zeyuan City and the bodies of npc were covered with the southwest side of the mountains. At least 300w people were buried. Here, this is definitely a fatal blow for Zeyuan City, because it takes ten to several hours for their people to die, and it will take another hour or two for Chinese players to reinforce. Mobility is not the same.


The blade cut obliquely into the shoulder of an archer. I pressed the hilt firmly. "咔嚓" directly let the blade cut through his body, suddenly the damage increased, and the archer was spiked by a sword. The party's ally members of the Zeyuan City Association are screaming loudly: "Don't go back and continue to suppress them. The Chinese players in Tianzhu City can't support it for too long, kill them, and the book city and the scorpio." The city is all ours, don't go backwards, the most prosperous city on the map is the iron skull city of the United States, but the most powerful city is the city of Tianzhu, mastering the city of Tianzhu, we can enter and retreat. In an invincible position with the Iron Cranial City!"

It turned out that they thought about this kind of mind, but the fighting people are too small and the explosive power of Chinese players. If you want to use the Tianzhu City as a nest to deal with the Americans, you must first ask us to promise not to agree!

At this moment, suddenly there was a dragon screaming behind him, followed by a dozen huge shadows passing over our heads, dive down at low altitude, and Longyan and the dragon knight’s dragon guns swept above the earth, especially Long Yan’s attack has caused at least a thousand people’s damage to Ze Yuancheng’s players in an instant!

I suddenly looked up and couldn't help but rejoiced: "Brothers, the reinforcements of the Cold Dragon City are coming!"

Li Mu was excited: "In the end, the frost has not forgotten his identity as the guardian of the Tianzhu City border..."

I nodded and mentioned the town knife, saying: "Well, all the riding battles are launched. As the dragon knights sneak forward, it is our counterattack. We strive to break through the encirclement of Zeyuan City once and enter the city of Fanshu. Strong to defend the city!"

"it is good!"

The appearance of the dragon cavalry allowed the players of Tianzhu City to regain their self-confidence. They rushed over to the mountain one by one, far away, and the savage wolf riding that led the Lord to lead about 1w people was also charging. Destroyed a lot of people, but the spirit is not broken, so that everyone did not expect that the greedy wolf riding in the civil war is aggressive, but it is unambiguous to play the national war.

The cold dragons and the dragons are in the same spirit, and the 15 dragon knights are in harmony. However, they have not seen the figure of the frost and the queen of the Shu Shu. They should not come. After all, the defense of the cold dragon city cannot be lost. In this way, there is no reason not to take the opportunity to sneak attack, there is a frost and the Queen Shu in the cold dragon city, at least the chance of the demon army will not be too great.


Chinese players rushed into the plains like a flood, chasing after the victory, under the cover of 15 dragon knights, they fell into the madness of no one, this round of charge almost all of our power, I took the town with the town knife Yue Zhange and Matcha's lion shields merged together, and instantly formed an invincible buff. The crowds were like a gale that killed the other's shields and added the sword to the heavy artillery battalion of Zeyuan City. The heavy artillery battalion has become a ruin. A large number of heavy artillery pieces were captured by the npcs in the Chinese theater. Han Yuan, Xiao Li and others led the cavalry of the Guards of the Imperial Army to the city of Fanshu.

In the city, the npc defender has suffered heavy losses. Even the Duke of Dingfan has been wearing a golden trench and sitting on the tower. The forehead is covered with white gauze. It seems to be injured, and there is an arrow in the arm. Ding Yu shakes, blood flowing, looking at the Chinese players under the city, Ding Fan could not help but smile: "Finally... finally came, the Empire did not betray the Book City!"

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