Zhan Long

Chapter 899: Veteran's death

The artillery was inexhaustible. When we entered the valley, we discovered that this map was called "Dragon Imprisonment." In the distance, the artillery was covered in the crowd of Tianzhu City players. The shock wave swept the crowd, and there were countless damages in an instant. The heat wave formed by the gun shock wave blew the jungle, and uprooted a large tree, and the shrapnel flew through the crowd with broken meat.

My heart is cold, the whole person is like an ice cave. This time it was really ambushed. The price is terrible. I blame us for being too big. At least 300 dragon crystal cannons in the jungle of the dragon’s extinct ground are indiscriminately bombarded. It is hard to imagine that the Russian server transported all the dragon crystal guns in the main city to here. With the speed of the dragon crystal gun, it took at least three days and three nights. This means that... Zeyuan City was already in the three days ago. It is planned to go east and has already been implemented.

Wang Hao looked at the jungle where the gunfire was raging in the distance. He couldn’t help but tremble and said, "Can this still be played?"

Something was dry in my throat, and I licked my lips and said, "Li Mu, Wang Hao, you led the brothers of the loyalty camp to march forward along the Vulcan Mountains and directly attack the artillery array of Zeyuan City. I took the dragon camp positive charge, Yu Linjun. Will go forward with us to destroy the artillery."

"it is good!"

I turned around and looked at Han Yuan Xiao Li and other generals and said, "Go, follow them back to the offensive artillery array, I will cover you in front, and the Dark Moon Spirit will withdraw from the dragon's imprisonment, and go to the Book City!"

Luo Luo slammed the alum: "Adults... Why? Why let us fight back, we... Since the Dark Moon Spirit has joined you, we are already planning to live and die with the adults."

As soon as I gritted my teeth, I whispered: "I have to fulfill my commitment to Fiona. There are gunfire everywhere. Your archery can't help you. Return to the Book City immediately!"


Luo took a bite of red lips, and finally turned around and left the battlefield with a 1W Dark Moon Girl.

I turned and looked at the distance. Matcha, a second hero, Lin Biaoer, Song Han and others stood here. Matcha laughed and asked: "Boss, the positive charge will definitely lose a lot. We would have been less, you see Well... Ding Dijun, the Duke of Luo Wei, is at the forefront. He has been killed at least half of the time, and the loss is really big..."

I smiled and said: "We have no other choices, let's go! No more, myths, trials, Prague, heroes, these guilds will really die!"


The war horse screamed into a piece, the iron blade ride, the fire dragon ride out and came out, I was in the forefront, the left hand knife, the right hand sword, with the ancient **** tiger quickly rushing forward, regardless of the other side of the dragon crystal gun trajectory in the end, a group When people are slightly dispersed, they will rush straight ahead!


A sound cannon screamed around, and each dragon crystal can leave a deep pit on the ground, uprooting the big tree, the leaves drifting, the trunk was directly blown up by the shells, and the dust of the sky fluttered. In the surrounding, just one charge, my trenches and robes were dyed black, and Lin Biaoer, Song Han, Yue Ti and others were carrying the dagger to open the unyielding battle.

Passing over the area covered by gunfire, lost hundreds of players, the front is already a Russian player's position, the dense shield is already waiting for us, about 1W people, all the same guild players, the polar abyss, is The first guild of the Zeyuan City Guild, a knight with a long gun and a horse standing at the forefront of the crowd is the lord of the polar abyss.

Brown scorpion LV-157 Snowy Knight

Main city: Zeyuan City

Guild: Polar Abyss

Position: Owner

RBN Battle.net rank: 1

Title: Zeyuan City Level 2, the second person/hero wing, the 7th place in the 2017 Finals


"Resist, keep on fire!"

The brown scorpion looked angry and said: "Let these Chinese players know that our iron wall defense is amazing!"

Not far away, there is a group of people who judge the guild in the shadow of the Abyss of the Abyss, but these frosty sheep rides too far forward, losing the supply of the cannon, and will not be able to shake the shield of the other side. Quickly breaking through, the result can not be kept under the cover of arrows and magic. There are several super-soul masters and archers in the polar abyss. Alone skills can almost hit 3W damage, it is terrible. As a result, 400 people in the trial lost their losses in a blink of an eye. Only a few dozen people were left. One of the team-level players, carrying a battle axe, roared: "But it, the firepower is too fierce, go!"

"I still want to go?"

The brown scorpion rushed out as soon as the horse was plucked, and the iron gun sent a cone of ice. The back of the trial team leader was a slamming blow, and the big damage to the numbers flew up, which was amazing.


A fatal blow, the team leader sighed and fell to the ground, the remaining dozens of players rushed to escape, and the polar abyss but only a lord in the horse to kill, still maintain the original defensive formation, this quality is quite rare It is.


The hollow spurs pierced the chest of a trial guild swordsman. The brown scorpion picked the body of the swordsman directly from the war. He smiled and looked up at the dragon. He smiled and said: "Oh, come! ”

In the face of such provocations, 冉闵, Song Han and others have long been unable to bear it. I also swayed the sword, and the thousands of defensive wings quickly condensed behind them. They said: "Don’t let the friends of Zeyuan City disappoint, I am rushing together!"


The lightning bolted out and flew out. I almost mentioned the speed to the extreme. The whole person rushed out like a cannonball. The target pointed to the brown scorpion. I want to see how big the first person in this RBN battle network is. As a result, the brown scorpion hurriedly traversed the shield across the chest, and the horse returned a few steps back, posing a defensive posture, and it was a moment of screaming, "嘭" a loud bang, I quickly penetrated, but the brown scorpion was hit by me. The man took the horse and flew out. The wolverine fell into the crowd. I didn’t manage it. I started the dance of the stunts and ghosts in the crowd. Then the sword stormed the whole person and killed one whole piece. The ancient gods roared out, and the fire raged in a crowd of archers and wizards, but the pets were pets after all, and they were caught by a large group of people. In a flash, the tigers were almost killed. There is no way. In this level of group battles, even the thick blood of Lin Liner's Zilin Dragon was spiked, and the little tiger did not even mention it.

冉闵, Song Han and others have also swayed on each other’s shields. The two sides quickly smashed into a group. Because of my raging in the abyss of the polar abyss, they directly caused them to slay and I could not kill, but they had to face The attacks of Lin Biaoer, Dongcheng Yue, Lin Xiaowu and others have exposed the posture of collapse.

"Give me a hold!"

The brown scorpion walked on the edge of the crowd with a long gun. The ingenious one-side MISS dropped a sword of a dragon swordsman. The backhand was a cold-blooded blade and the blood was judged to kill it. In the brown scorpion, the lord Encouraged by this, the polar abyss showed a strong enough endurance, and the hard-organized re-organized shield would block the players of the dragon.

Seeing the flames rushing, the fire damage of the fire dragon ride is too fast, I no longer keep it, the sword front rushed into the crowd, one hand raised, the power of the thunder squatted between the fingers, the sky quickly clouded, The thunder of light disappeared. The next moment, a head of brontosaurus descended from the sky, bombarded with numerous lightning bolts in the crowd, and the thunderstorm was launched again in nine days. In an instant, a whole piece of Zeyuan City players was killed in seconds, and the other’s shield center was also It became a vacuum zone.


冉闵 冉闵 战 战 战 战 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵 冉闵The battle axe with a group of elite players went straight to our direction to kill, and merged with the players of the dragon to advance forward, several major guilds joined forces, the polar abyss was defeated and defeated, the brown scorpion looked cold: "Brothers ,go!"

After the crowds rushed forward and killed thousands of polar abyss players, the front was empty, 200 meters away is the opponent's artillery array, the intensive dragon crystal cannon is still raging in the artillery, on the other side, Li Mu Wang Hao has already destroyed the heavy artillery with the dragon dragon, and the Yu Linjun is also flying in the artillery array under the leadership of Han Yuan.

In the other direction, the humming sounds of the horses are in one piece. It is the seat of Owen, Duke Ding, Duke of Luo, and so on. A group of royal knights are around, but I have a cold heart. These people are directly exposed. The range of the dragon crystal cannon is bad!

Sure enough, a general in the distance has raised his arm, is the leader of the Zeyuan City Snow Wolf Legion - Tuca, this is a man with a blue scorpion, he looked coldly in the distance, the voice is unusually calm, Low drink: "27 degrees north to east, ruler 32, strength coefficient 72%, give me a shot!"

More than a dozen heavy guns around him turned their directions. I suddenly became a cold heart, and hurriedly rushed to the front, shouting: "Owen, hurry to avoid!"

Under the king's, Owen and others also found that it was not good, and hurriedly turned the horse's head to go, but the next round of the dragon crystal gun has been launched!

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

Duke Dingfan quickly grabbed a shield from the side of the Royal Knight, and his body was blocked in front of Owen. A dragon crystal cannon broke out in front of him!


A blood-red shock wave, I saw a tremor in my heart, followed by a sharp round of heavy artillery baptism.

Hundreds of royal knights have become a broken limb. Ye Lai frowned and chased behind me: "Fuck, won't the king of Tianzhu City be directly killed?"

I didn't talk, the flying body rushed over, the dust was gone, the earth was full of deep pits, there were corpses everywhere, and many bodies were blown into pieces. When I fell, the boots stood directly. In the plasma, I slammed down and reached for a pile of corpses to look for, and shouted: "Owen, if you are still alive, you will scream!!"


There was a faint sigh in the body block, and I rushed over, only to find that the poor Duke Dingfan was lying in the pile of corpses, his legs had been blown up with the horse, and the shield in his hand was already smashed. The left arm was also blown up, the chest was pierced by the shrapnel, the blood was flowing fast, and the face was pale. The veteran who kept the bookstore for decades to save the young king had already reached the end of his life.


"All the public..." My voice was a little trembling.

Ding Fan opened his eyes and looked at me calmly. Suddenly he smiled: "It’s the general of General Li. You are fine."

As he said, he coughed hard and he closed his eyes and waited until he spoke.

Newly built Xiaolong Tucao Group [斩龙吐槽营], group number: 333818471, I think that there are some students who can't write well in the dragon, the leaves are also inside, you can communicate in the group, as long as you don't face your nose The leaves are very open-minded and will never be in this group of machine guns, haha~

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