Zhan Long

Chapter 922: At all costs

The drizzle fell on the armor of the wolf, and the rain fell on the grass along the cloak of the warrior. The whole magic dragon valley was suffocating, so dull that almost everyone could not breathe. It seems that they have lost their patience, and they look at the top with fierce eyes, and the mucus is splashed on the fangs.

In front of the crowd, a swordsman slowly instigated the wolf. It was the incumbent ally of thousands of people. He looked cold and looked up at us above the canyon. He said: "What do you mean by the lord? Don't forget, we killed the enemy side by side in the national war. Even our greedy wolf rides for the dragon!"

I nodded, and Zema stood on the edge of the valley and said, "I am grateful for the contribution of thousands of people in the national war, but... I am not grateful to you for killing people everywhere on the map of Tianzhu City, let alone thousands of people. This is Wei Fan’s guild. This is even more destined that we must be enemies. We must kill thousands of people!”

His maid called the Lord to go up and wiped the rain on his face and said, "Why are you so happy? We are only trying to find a foothold on this map of Tianzhu City."

I apologize and said: "In the Lord, this war is inevitable. If you regard me as a friend, then take your friend away from thousands of people, as long as we are still living on this map, Never allow thousands of people to exist!"

"What the hell!!"

His Majesty the Lord shouted loudly, his eyes were red, and he almost cried.

I raised Longchijian and said: "Not for justice, not for justice. We must declare war on thousands of people. We must kill thousands of people. All of them are for one person. ......"

Said, my nose is sour, looking back to Li Mu, Wang Hao, Yan, Song Han and others, said: "For A Lei!"


The sacred dragon horse screamed and raised the front hoof. I rushed down the valley for the first time. Behind me, the dragon ride and the iron blade rushed to the other side of the greedy wolf, all of which opened the guild attack mode, Li Mu, Wang Hao, Yan and others are also full of eyes, Dongcheng Lei's ID is still in the position of our dragon's flag, never erased, we never forget, he is like a shadow, let us It’s lingering, but it’s as if it’s old.

At the foot of the mountain, a group of greedy wolves also pulled out their swords. The autumn rain fell on the top of the blade like a **** wash. The majesty called the Lord a stubborn little woman, pulling out the blade and looking angry. The cavalry of the dragon said: "In order to defend the glory of thousands of people, kill me, don't show mercy, even if it is a dragon, we must step on our feet!"

Yue Yichen, Su Yan, for your cold and other people have pulled out the blade, and come on the scene.

I took the opportunity to adjust the angle with the reins of the sacred dragon horse, and directly rushed to the direction of Su Yan and Yue Yuchen. A hand in the distance was directly a burst of the wilderness and Su Yan as the core. Going to the players around you -




Su Yan's qi and blood instantly fell more than 50%, his face was awkward, and the rush was a sudden advance. He was on the back of the wolf, and the blade swept out. "铿" slammed a big damage on my waist. Less than 1W point, the attribute gap is too big, I did not care about her, Zhenyue knife has already squatted on the shoulders of Yue Yichen, and he even fell to the ground with his wolf, the power gap is amazing.

Ghost dance!

The stunts were launched, together with the Jianlie storm, and the ancient gods and tigers also launched a fire and rushed over. When I swept past, Su Yan and Yue Yuchen had fallen to the ground and died. This is the strength. Disparity, the two team leaders of thousands of people have no way to stop me from a face-to-face attack.

Behind him, Li Mu, Wang Hao, Yan and others were killed. The greedy wolf rider also screamed at the attack. The swordsmanship, the sword rim, the sword and other skills flew around, and some people died. The first collision brought out Countless players hang up.


The flames skyrocketed, and a flame chain penetrated through the crowd. More than a dozen greedy wolves were hanged, and Dongcheng Yue took the staff to flap their wings and flew forward. The deer wand leaped with a sultry glow. When you have a cold, you roar and shouted: "Brothers, go and do that moon!"

Dozens of greedy wolves rushed to Dongcheng month, Dongcheng month did not retreat, deer stalks suddenly landed, "嘭" formed a shock wave, the flames poured around, just formed a line 10 meters in front of her The flames smashed the wall, the second-order skill of the Holy Spirit, and the 20-person greedy wolf that led you to the cold suddenly hit the wall of the flames, and suffered tens of thousands of magical damages in succession. The Thunder pointed out suddenly, and suddenly everyone was burned and burned to death.

I saw some stunned. After a national war, the attributes of Dongchengyue have been strengthened. It seems that there is a faint gesture of the first law in China. I am afraid that in addition to the party songs, it is simple and simple. Have to be a little bit worse than Dongcheng?


Soon, long-distance players such as Lin Xiaowu, Xing Lie, and Lian Po also arrived on the fire line. The two sides fought each other and the fierce battle lasted for nearly 20 minutes. Finally, they started with thousands of people, their front. It started to collapse. I and Li Mu, Wang Hao, and Yan were just like four knives shredding their front lines, so that there were no ways for thousands of players to smash. The knights, which are dominated by Meng Yao, Yue Yao Yan, and a second hero, are like iron plates that lie between the two sides, so that the wolf can not fight.

In order to pursue the attack speed and the explosion rate, thousands of people have never changed their mounts. Therefore, the gap between our mounts and our attributes is too great. They defeated some small guilds by virtue of the number and attack speed. The team is very easy, but once you encounter the Dragon Dragon's fire dragon ride, the iron blade rides this kind of offensive and defensive cavalry regiment, the tactics are not working, completely in the state of being crushed, even if the number is twice ours. It does not help.

The fierce battle lasted for nearly two hours. Both players were killed and resurrected. After the resurrection, they hang again. After repeated, the greedy wolf is less and less willing to go online, and I have led 1000 dragons to directly cut their backs. The players who arbitrarily slashed the masters, archers and other professions also made the last hope of thousands of people disappear.


His majesty called the Lord to retreat a few steps. Several arrows on the shield pierced the shield. Two of them pierced directly into her chest. It was a masterpiece of Lin Xiaowu, an archer with a strong penetrating power. Even the Knights' Shield can shoot through, and the damage caused by the attack is naturally higher. The underarms are called the main gasp, and the blood is only 20%. The beautiful face is still not convinced. Said: "Continue to rush, don't give up, I said how you guys are so good!"

Just finished, a group of flames flowed through, and the squat called the main hard hit on the wall of the flames of Dongchengyue. It was shaken off a large qi, and the wind had not come to the blood and was swayed by Lin Xiaowu. The shot of the bow **** shot the armor, and screamed and fell down. Finally, the flagship female **** of war of thousands of people finally collapsed.

Autumn rain has stopped, but the war is still spreading in the canyon. In the distance, a blood-red dragon spurts the dragon in the crowd, which is the ultimate BOSS blood-stained dragon in the Dragon Valley. Are they going to use BOSS to destroy us?

"What grade?" I asked.

The moon is shallow: "Four-star ghosts BOSS, happy brother, how to play?"

I smiled a little: "Simple, Meng Yao, Yue Yao Yan is T, you bring 500 people to kill the blood dragon, and the rest follow me to continue to rush forward, killing thousands of people to say!"

"it is good!"


The soldiers divided into multiple ways, Meng Yao took people to kill the troubles of looking for BOSS, and we cleaned up the peripheral nuisance for them, the result is that 4W thousand people 冢 players are killed by us, almost no film, and Xiaolong The 2W people were completely resurrected after a little damage after the war, and maintained 100% of the combat power to clear the map.

His Majesty’s call to the Lord, and the leisure are no longer resurrected. The Dragon’s Valley is full of players’ bodies and explosive equipment. Naturally, all of them have been taken over by Xiaolong. Poor Wei Fan has invested 5000W. To build their own steel corps, but only to be a wedding dress, these gifts, we are not welcome to accept.

Soon after, there was only the roar of the Gorefiend Dragon in the Dragon Valley, and all the thousands of people were cleaned up.

"Happy brother, look at the left!" Song Han suddenly said.

I turned around and saw that there was a dense group of people on the edge of the valley. It was the people of the Knights Templar. The lord was standing up and carrying the long squats, looking at the scene in the canyon, frowning.

The Knights Templar must have come to help thousands of people, but did not think that thousands of people will lose so fast?

I waved at the sword and smiled slightly: "Is it a good idea to be a leader?"

It’s a bit ugly to look at the face: “The dragon is really getting more and more... Hey, the Dragon Valley is here, the Knights Templar, let’s go!”

Their brigade turned and left, regardless of the thousands of players who are waiting for the resurrection in the soul state.

I looked at the body in the canyon, so I spent 5000RMB and sent a system announcement directly.


System announcements (players are free to call): Thousands of friends are listening, thousands of lords may not be involved in drug trafficking, smuggling, murder and many other crimes have been detained, before his men cruelly killed me The brother Dongcheng Lei, that is, the thunder of our dragon, so the dragon will definitely revenge, we have to kill this piece of land and can no longer see the words of thousands of people, I hope you can understand our dragon, please Take the initiative to withdraw from the 1000-member guild, otherwise the dragon will not die, we will wipe out thousands of people from Tianzhu City at all costs!

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