Zhan Long

Chapter 924: Rising sun

In the morning, when I woke up, it was already 8 o'clock. I got up and ate something. In the dinner room, Lin Biaoer and Dongchengyue have already said that they have seen the destiny of the China Forum. Wang Zecheng has already used the eName to make the hero the first point. This level 5 guild changed its name.

"What is your name?"

I asked as I licked the bread.

Dongcheng Yue said: "Calling 'Rising Sun is like blood', I think that Wang Zecheng’s name is about to indicate that this guild will rise to the sky as soon as the sun rises, and this process will be full of killings. Don’t think, Wang Zecheng is definitely I want to go through the rain in Tianzhu City!"

I smiled and said: "To tell the truth, this name is quite a feeling. Wang Zecheng has a few more refined and styles than the West Chu King."

Dongcheng Yueyou said: "Don't mention, Wang Zecheng is the China regional CEO of Buster. It is very rich in itself, and it is not bad, and cultural culture is not bad. Although the books have all been read, it is still Very attractive to the girl's attention, he entered the school for half a year, the top beauty in the University of Yuhua has been almost all over him."

Tang Qi touched his nose and said, "Don't you miss Miss You and Miss You?"

Dongcheng Yue said: "Yes, my brother and I are happy brothers."

Tang Qi almost spurted a blood: "I am going, my heart hurts..."

I can't help but laugh: "Don't be kidding. Dongcheng, Xiaolong should pay attention to the students who have gone through the training in these days. Since Wang Zecheng has rebuilt the sun, the first one must be our dragon."

Lin Biaoer smeared the tomato sauce, but smiled and said: "Don't worry too much. The first step of the sun is definitely to strengthen one's own strength, instead of clamoring for our dragons. They don't have such ability yet, but they are pigs. Should we take the lead in launching a disaster, and take advantage of the rising sun to set foot on Tianzhu City?

Tang Qi stunned: "Miss Dawei is mighty..."

I am speechless: "Forget it, the sun is like a new blood, we go directly to the attack is really unknown, the dragon does not have to mess with the square inch, Wang Zecheng wants to develop and develop, let's rebuild the book city, leveling in the Vulcan mountain area is Yes, yes, what high-level mounts are near the Vulcan Mountain?"

Lin Yuer shook his head: "The Vulcan Mountain stretches for thousands of miles. There are many mine veins, monsters, and BOSS. There are only a few high-level mounts, but there are several kinds of battles. But the battle attributes are not as good as the iron-blade ride. Recently I have sent people to endless. The place to see the fire dragon be refreshed, once there is a refreshing level 1 fire dragon ride, we will capture the first time, rest assured, no one in the fire dragon ride with us."

"Well, a lot of exploring the small maps on the big map, don't let go of any details. There are too many mysterious things on the big map that we don't know. This is very important."

"Well, I know, I am too shallow, Li Mu will do it..." She said, she looked at it and said, "Originally, this task was handed over to the shallow and matcha, but unfortunately... ......"

Dongcheng Yue also reluctantly said: "Hey... Little demon, her ability to do things is really enough to be as good as a child, but unfortunately, it is still not our dragon, happy brother, saying that Song Han, I have mentioned it to me. In the past six months, Xiao Yao’s only listened to you, and I can see that she likes you very much. Didn’t she contact you personally after deleting the number?”

"Her phone is off."

I frowned. "Okay, don't think about it. If Matcha really loves dragons, she will definitely come back. Otherwise, as long as she wants to hide from us, we can't find her anyway."

Lin Xiaoer smiled and said: "In fact, there is a way, pig you are one of the special police in Hangzhou base, or a captain, you should be able to find Xuerou's residence very easily in your identity, if you can convince Xuerou, let her return Xiaolong, even let her bring Xue Jing also back to Xiaolong, you think, Xiaolong has more demon and paper painting charm, who will be our opponent of Xiaolong?"

I was also a move in my heart, but I felt unrealistic. I had to laugh at myself: "Forget it, there is no feasibility. If I find her out, it will only make her more embarrassed, or forget it, right. How much is the total experience of the Dragon guild? Is it going to break through?"

"Come on!" Lin Biaoer smiled slightly: "It's still a little bit, it's been two days."


Tang Qi was shocked by the side: "What are you talking about? What breakthrough?"

Dongcheng month chuckle: "This kind of thing, the members of the junior guild management team naturally do not know. You see Tang Qi, your position in the hero is really not high, this kind of thing actually does not know... ..."

"What is it?" Tang Qi was anxious.

Lin Xiaoer laughed and said: "The official information of the original Tianhui is the highest level of 5, the upper limit of 1W people, but after the version of the chaotic rule, the implementation limit will have been broken, there is a limit of 6 guild, but requires experience The value is super high. Once you break through the 5th level and reach the 6th level guild, the maximum number of people is 5W, and you will get a superb BUFF effect - 'The Prayer of the God of War', the attack power of the players will increase by 20%. This is much better than the war barriers of the 4th guild and the God of War of the 5th guild."

Tang Qi’s round eyes: “Is it really going to break through?”

“Well, 99.7%, so I can break through in these two days.”

"Awful, is the total experience of Xiaolong higher than myths and heroes?"

"What do you say?" Dongcheng Yue was quite small and crisp, proudly smiled: "The average level of our dragon players is 1.2 higher than myth. The experience of the guild is of course higher than that of all guilds in China. It can even be said that the experience of our server is always the highest."

I smiled a little: "These days, the children and Dongcheng are working harder. Count the player ranks of each league. Once the main league reaches level 6, they will select the players from the league, and enrich the main league to 5W, and then add points. The power of the alliance, this time the dragon has been greatly recruited."

Lin Biaoer nodded: "Know, what are the requirements for professional composition?"

"Ride the battle system, expand to 3W people, 60% of the main league must be soldiers, our future battlefield in the West, Wang Yuecheng, Zeyuan City, Iron Cranial City are far away from us, must maintain absolute mobility And attack power, defense, future battlefield dominated by cavalry."

"Well, understand! In the afternoon, the alliance will start recruiting people. Don't worry, there are a lot of people who want to join the dragon. As long as we are willing, it is not a problem to build the dragon into a guild of more than 20W."

"That's good, right, is there no change in the guild?"

"Refresh at 5 pm, it will not be too long to see the line."

"Well, go online, go to work, I will go see the reconstruction of the book city."

"it is good!"


After talking about the majority of the day, go online!


Appeared in the city of Tianzhu, directly transferred to the city of Fanshu, suddenly a bright light, a silver main city emerged in front of the eyes, compared with yesterday, the book city seems to be a lot of exquisite and majestic, the white iron is like a silver cast on the wall Guards at Defense are many in the city, and a door with shiny crystal dragon cannon, fire cannon also pushed the rock on the city, ready to shelling distant enemy.

Air, Dragon Nest, Eagles Nest hanging between the side surface of the white target, a large group of inflammatory eagle mounted archers are trained archery, called the endless Eagle inflammation, adding to the bookstore to all points Xiaosha atmosphere.


Han Yuan carrying a long knife horse from far, dismounted smiles: "You finally coming general, when this morning, His Majesty came all bookstores, but you are not to see the city go back to the days after the patrol walk around Ling I let Long led the 5000 General whetstone Bellevue cavalry with Yu Jia Ling days to guard the city, Mochizuki city recently sent a small share of the hundreds of thieves and mercenary groups to harass us, in order to ensure the safety of His Majesty the weekend is so. "

I nodded and smiled: "I am doing very well. I really need to take care of my safety. I must never let Owen the emperor be robbed again. Otherwise, it is our dereliction of duty. Right, who is accompanying you?" Book City?"

"General Luo Sheng, General Lai, and the two generals of Bailining and Qin Yu, the Guards team is the 1W banned iron rider led by Situ, and there is no danger on the way."

Aside, Xiao Li slowly came and said: "The banned army has become stronger and stronger under the practice of General Situ. The adults can rest assured that there are banned troops to accompany them, and their sire is absolutely safe."

I nodded: "Well, what about the direction of Mount Vulcan?"

Xiao Li said: "The Longjing vein and gold mine are already in the mining. We have mobilized a lot of miners from Jiuli City, Eight Desert City and Tianzhu City. I believe that the speed of mining will surely satisfy the adults."

“Is there any more harassment?” I asked.

Han Yuan smiled with a long knife: "The generals are relieved. The mercenary groups that have harassed us have been stunned by the head of our head. I believe that this group of mercenaries who have eaten leopards should also I understand that the Book City is not the reason that they can get involved. If you come again, it will be sent to death. The Royal Forest Army personally guards the Vulcan Mountain. The book city is the iron wall."

"That's good."


Xiao Li coughed and coughed: "Adult, the mercenary who came to us yesterday was intercepted by many of us. At the same time, many people were captured. The prison in the bookstore is full, how to do it, and Some mercenaries, we are in the vertical, or how?"

“How many people?” I asked.

"About 5W people."

I frowned and said, "So much?"

"Yeah, for food and women, too many people are willing to become mercenaries, even if they are wandering mercenaries."

"Can this group of mercenaries be tamed?"

"Adult, what do you mean?" Xiao Li’s eyes flashed away and smiled. "Is it going to use them for me?"


"It's not impossible, just see who is going to train them."

"Are you coming?"

"No problem!"

"Good!" I slaped Xiao Li's shoulder and smiled. "From this 5W mercenary, I chose 3W's stronger training to become the reserve of the Yulin Army. They will know what honor is sooner or later!"

Xiao Li was so blind and smiled: "Although this group of desperate people has forgotten what is loyalty and honor, but adults can rest assured, I will let them think again."

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