Zhan Long

Chapter 929: Advance

Advance squadron, 161 level 4 level demon, due to the higher level of relationship, the attack power has broken through 2.1W, and there is a passive skill in three important skills, called "breaking bone surgery", ignoring the target when attacking 30 % of defense, which also means that most players' defenses can't stop this kind of attack.

"Prepare for shield defense!"

I stood on the front line, and I was waiting for it. The sword of the town was swayed, and the sacred dragon horse rushed out with a long sigh. The sword light lingered in the monster group, and suddenly a group of advance squadrons trembled and burst into a circle. The number of injuries, these soldiers who only have bones can actually splatter the blood, and do not know where the blood came from -





Li Mu, Wang Hao and others also waved the swords, the wars of war, the swords and the swords, and the swordsmanship. The killing skills were a round of attacks before the arrival of the soldiers, but the soldiers also spread like ants. One by one waving the sword "桀桀" screamed to the crowd, the next moment has been strangled with the front row shield of Xiaolong and Yulinjun, Li Mengyao, Yue Yaoyan, one-second hero and others have stabilized the shield To bear this round of damage, under the passive bone-breaking technique of the squadron, the number of injuries is very scary -





Under the impact of the squadron, even Mengyao retired a few steps with the war horse. The impact was too strong. Fortunately, the qi of the front row of the scorpion dragons was nearly 10W. Can resist, but the guilds that fight side by side with us are not so lucky. Far away, the camps of several middle guilds on our left have begun to loosen under the first wave of the squadrons. The few people were directly killed by the fatal blow of the squadrons, especially some swordsmen and mad warriors who were all moderately leveled. They only had 5W-8W of blood, and they were almost empty when they were attacked twice. .

"Everyone is careful, pay attention to blood!"

Lin Biaoer danced in front of the crowd with her dagger. She was an assassin but had a heavy defensive power, not to mention the 17% blood-sucking effect, enough to kill the monster, and the unyielding battle on the eyes. After the sputter effect, after continuously piercing the body of several sergeants, Lin Biaoer continued: "People with less than 30% qi and blood immediately retreat to recover, do not reluctantly, this time the sorcerer's offense can not be finished in a moment. , keep your life and get some points!"

Everyone listened to the nod, and the archers, the wizards, and the musketeers in the back row were already fired. All kinds of smashing skills fell into the squadrons, and they screamed wildly, but they could not break through. In the front row of the shield array, only more crazy impact on the shield array, the sword fluttering, "铿铿铿" splattered a number of damage figures.

The front row of Xiaolong is almost always a fire dragon ride. The defense and attack power are enough. It is only stable after a few dozen people have been killed. The next step is the slaughter and experience of the advance soldiers.


I entered the effect of the thousand-winged wing, with the little tiger smashing in the monster group for a while, then set off, volleyed and looked at the battlefield in the distance. The mad thunder army led the cavalry under the leadership of Luis, and the pikemen followed. Later, the archers’ defense in the same place was attacked by the advance troops in the core area, but each other had damage. Luo Ding dispatched a heavy army to attack the middle army account of Tianzhu City. It seems that Luo Ding also knows that the thief first The king of the king, the first time to break the Chinese military account, after killing the emperor Luo Shulin, they will be a big win.

Luo Shulin is a rare monarch who still has the spirit and modesty. It is also the treasure that God gave to Tianzhu City. Once Luoshen Lin is in trouble, it can only be Luo Qi’s successor. Luo Wei is a villain. It was good at fighting but not good at defending the enemy. At that time, the city of Tianzhu could only be reduced to the point of being mermaid, and there was no power to fight back.

"Imperial warriors, killing is the time for us to make a contribution!"

In the crowd, Raszema ran wildly, and the long sword fluttered, and all the temperament fell into the monsters. I can't see the strength of this cargo is not bad, but this kind of charge does not have much benefit, although it can Killing a lot of squadrons, but the maddening army has a lot of damages, even if the 1:1 exchange is also a loss, after all, Luo Ding claims to have 100W advance troops, and the total strength of Tianzhu City will not be added together. More than 70W, the mad Lei Jun is only the 7W people in the district. Once they have been lighted, the Luis will be the same as the gun.

When I think of it, I will fly higher. I will look at the position of the Longxiang Guild in the distance. They are very far away from us. They are fighting near the coast of Zizhulin, and they can see the banner of the Autumn Harvest Corps. It seems that after the end of the national war, the reconstruction of the NPC army, the Autumn Harvest Corps also has a 2W preparation, and now the gun is also considered to be a military power, and with his ability to believe that it can also use this 2W people, basically the player hand After holding the NPC military power, it will be very valuable to use. It is like the NPC generals like Luis and Luo Wei. I only know that I will use my strength to build my own career. However, I can understand that NPC only transplants a real memory. However, the setting of the self is the background of the game. Once it is completed, all they have is the idea of ​​killing and killing. In the system setting world of the destiny, human life is not worth much. The rich people can exchange the poor children for the soldiers to sell their lives with a little gold coins. The human beings on the mainland are endless, which has led to the war.


After more than an hour of **** battles, the advance squadrons have been consumed almost. The fronts of guilds, myths, heroes, and guilds such as Prague are full of monsters everywhere. Many players have begun to clean up the battlefield. The high-level magic can not be too high, but the luck is also very low and very low probability to explode the equipment of the Xianlin level, of course, this probability may be one in 100,000 or less. After all, the ghost scorpion has a number, and the entire server has a total of 10,000 ghosts. As for the artifacts and epic artifacts, it is even rarer. The celestial device is about the medium and low-end player capable of getting the strongest equipment. So, This kind of monster can actually burst out of the top equipment, which makes many people very excited, an opportunity to make themselves become masters of Xianlin equipment, which has become one of the temptations to attract everyone to fight hard.

On the main battlefield, the mad thunder army left and right, suddenly dropped the 2W corpse and finally repelled the attack of the advance squadron. The white robes of Reis were full of blood, but the face was happily laughing: Brothers, this group of bone soldiers is just a group of idiots. Haha, we really should take this pile of bones back to the soup to feed the dogs, give me a rush, and seize their transport warship!"


A group of squadrons of the squadrons rushed to the transport warships that transported the advance troops. The guns on the guns of these warships had been pulled out and were simply transport ships.

"General?" Han Yuan stood behind me with a **** long knife. "There are more than 40 ships of different devils in front of our Guards' positions. We... Do we capture these ships?"

"Do not!"

I blinked into the distance and said, "Since the evil spirits dare to drive the warship to the shore, they will not let us seize these warships. Since Luo Ding is an old and undead advanceer, it will never be Stupid."

"That..." Han Yuan looked over and said: "Then our generals Luis is a full fool!"

I nod: "Yeah."

As I said, a large warship appeared again in the distant sea fog, and a fire red cannon was erected on the deck of these warships, just like our fire rock cannon. The next moment, the shelling sound In one piece, the bomb of the ship on the edge of the coast suddenly exploded into a piece, and the fire was shining, and the night was as white as it was, and the thousands of long-fired soldiers who were sent by Les Reis was not spared. After the crush, he is indeed an idiot.


"God killed?!" A squadron's long-gun camp Wanfu Changying regiment held an iron fist, tears in his eyes, watching the ship burning in the sea, the voice trembled: "These... these **** differences Devil, actually bombing his own ship, I am... my poor thousand brothers are gone... Commander, we..."

Luis is also a face of iron and blue, carrying a long sword full of blood, said: "General Xu, don't be sad, these treacherous aliens will surely get retribution, continue to fight, revenge for our dead brothers!"

Wan Fu long gnashed his teeth and said: "General, our 70,000 mad thunder army has killed at least 20,000, will we continue to kill?"

Rees coldly said: "Protect the safety of your Majesty and repel the demons for the Empire. Isn't that our mission of life? Remember, we are soldiers, we will never cry when we fight, tears, that is what a coward has!"

"Yes, general!"


In the distance, there are only some local sporadic battles. Most of the advance squadrons have been annihilated by us, and the first wave of attacks by the sorcerer's army is officially a failure. Luo Ding, this has never been masked. The different demon kings do not know what other means to deal with us, but by bombing their own warships to kill the Scorpio City army, it can be seen that this Luo Ding is not only unscrupulous, but also cruel and treacherous, not a A good opponent.

Zema returned to the position of the dragon, Li Mu and others are distributing loot, a lot of equipment placed in front of the management players such as Lin Biaoer, Li Mu, Wang Hao, etc., the rule of Xiaolong is the distribution of the scene on the battlefield. It can be equipped on the spot, so it will not cause waste.

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