Zhan Long

Chapter 934: Knights of the Knights

Ye Lai’s face is a yearning color, laughing: “As long as I can be the NO.1 of Xia Junjun, I believe that with my ability, I can certainly rebuild Xia Junjun into the main force of the 10W compilation. Besides, you are not easy. Has Song brought the Royal Army to become the trump card?"

I glanced at him silently and said, "Cut, you don't know how much bitter I have eaten. At the beginning, the Guardian Army had only 4,000 people in the district, and it was a group of rich second generation, official second generation, and even the sword was unstable. A group of waste army, how much pressure I took to bring the Yulin army from the hurricane to the current 10W people, you can imagine that when the great Emperor Locke was alive, the great Theodore wanted to kill me, Owen II wanted to kill me, Lan Nasir also wants to kill me, Luo Wei, Luis, Qin Lan, Luo Wei, Xia Houren, who do not want to take my head as a chamber pot? Speaking, it is a bitter tear..."

Ye came to take the horse and left, the voice came from him in the wind: "You slowly go to the different devils to go to the bitter water, I went to the people with the trial to help out... Hahaha~~~"

Looking at this unscrupulous trial lord, I am also a smile, but Ye Lai is derogatory and extremely bloody. If there is such a friend, he will not be afraid to walk alone and helpless in this sky.


Zema flew back to the position of Xiaolong and Yulinjun. Everyone had almost stopped and stopped, and the east shot a ray of light. It was dawn, and a new wave of battle is about to begin.

The morning sun dispelled the fog on the sea. Gradually, a neat sail appeared in front of us. The all-in-one transport warships, this time the number of offensives must be much more than the last two. Luo Ding claims to have 100W advance. The army is certainly not bragging. The strength in his hand should be stronger than the strength of the most powerful period of the Siren King Selin.

"Come on!" Li Muzhen said, "How is the situation in the Chamber?"

I said: "Basically speechless, Ye Lai, this straight-ahead boy almost screamed and slashed the head of Xia Weijun's command, Nima, almost scared me..."

Lin Biaoer smiled: "Why is he so straight?"

I waved my hand: "The goods have always been so straight..."

Li Mu said with a smile: "What is wrong with you, you are a friend with a straight person, you don't have to worry about being betrayed, you never have to worry about giving you a knife in the back."

Me: "That's also true. Well, don't be nonsense, ready to fight. The fourth wave of monsters is coming. I don't think this wave will be so good. I am ready to destroy the team!"

Wang Xiao smiled and said: "After destroying the group?"

I stretched my arm and laughed lazily: "After destroying the group, I went to the lower line to eat supper, and then I washed my girlfriend and slept with my girlfriend."

Dongcheng Yuexiao laughed: "Hey, it’s as if your girlfriend is willing to let you sleep."

I look to Lin Biaoer: "Dear..."

Lin Biao's pretty face instantly turned red: "I sleep with my cousin..."



At this time, there was a sound of drums in the sky above the sea. Finally, the fourth wave of the demon had begun!

A warship full of sails, almost instantly came to the shore, facing the dense artillery fire of the Scorpio City, a battleship docked, put down the pedals, a group of riding black horses, wearing black armor The cavalry rushed down the ship, waving the rune in the hand and rushed to us, and it was a new unit, the Knights of the Templar, which was in contrast to the Knights of the Templars, but this Knight of the Knights is certainly not as good as the Temple. Knight, because there are so many people, where are the top fighters of this type?

When the Knights of the Knights rushed close enough, I also read out their numbers and quickly shared them in the guild channel. I suddenly let a group of Snapdragon players stunned. The attributes of this Knights are indeed super strong. -

[Magic Knight] (7th level magic)

Rating: 164

Attack: 18500-23800

Defense: 18500

Qi and blood: 2200000

Skills: [Devil blessing] [骸骨刺环] [剑轮斩]

Introduction: The Knights of the Templars, a group of knights who guard the Temple of the Devil, have sacrificed their souls to death, and have also taken great power from the field of death. Train the Knights of the Templars, and focus on their bodies with the power of death, making the power of the Knights of the Knights stronger and stronger. It is said that this is a force that can compete with the Knights Templar, and is one of the most feared alien army of human beings. Is the backbone of the advance army


Li Mu frowned: "What is the skill of the sacral ring? NM, this kind of sorcerer will actually be a sword rim, not letting people live, saying that this thing can really fight against the Templars?"

I smiled a little and pulled out the dragon pond sword and said, "I know it when I fight, but this Knight of the Knights is definitely not the opponent of the Templars. The Knights of the Templar are only 7th-level magic, and the Knights of the Templar are all clear. Order BOSS, second only to the ghost stage BOSS, there is definitely no comparability, 10 Knights of the Knights play a Templar, this is almost the same."

The month is shallow: "Hurry up and get ready to go, you still have the time to chat here!"

After a few seconds, the Knights of the Templars had already rushed to us, and I immediately greeted them. The town’s knife smashed the shackles of a Knight of the Knights. The goods snorted and devil blessed. Skills are launched, and the offensive and defensive attributes are greatly increased by 50%. The next moment he looks down at me and says: "In the name of death, summon the thorn ring, annihilate it - humble!"


A sharp sacrum formed a circular thorn around him, forming about 4000 damage per second, and then he was a sword rim. This time it hurts, the sword rim runs directly through me. The chest, causing 2W damage, NND, can cause 2W damage to me, replaced by our iron blade ride, at least 5W? The two Knights of the Knights are together with the sword, which is a nightmare!

Thinking of this, I hurriedly said in the guild channel: "The Xuantian Shield Wall is saved. After seeing the swordsman of the Knights of the Knights, I will start again. I will be careful. They have demon blessings and the attack power is too high. It!"

The voice has not fallen, and there is already a row of iron-blade on the front line. It is killed by the sword rim of the Knights of the Devil. The hanging pot has no chance of treatment, and Meng Yao, a hero of the second and so on carry the shield on top. Going forward, forcibly blocking the Knights of the Knights to let the players behind them output, and in this case, the Shields and Shields of the Royal Forest Army also showed a lack of color, and the Knights of the Knights in the rear continued to flow from the ship, too much. Now!

A sword opened the neck of a Knight of the Templar. After the fight, I turned around and yelled at the Royal Forest Army not far away: "Han Yuan, dispatched a heavy artillery battalion, intensively bombed the Knights of the Knights in front of us, shelling every 5 minutes. Once, each time lasts 10 seconds!"

"Yes, general!"

The heavy artillery battalion of the Royal Forest Army is ready to stop. More than 300 dragon crystal cannons are all in full bloom. The next moment the guns are rumbled, the position in front of us has completely become a sea of ​​fire, but the life of the Knights of the Knights is too strong. 2 guns are not dying, but this is also the result I want. After 10 seconds of shelling, a group of **** Knights of the Demon Knights are coming to us. Li Mu and Wang Wei immediately bring people to the full output, and a set of skills is almost the same. Walk one, and the rest of the experience is harvested.


Thousands of frosted wings, I walked in front of the Imperial Army, set up the Qinglong company, the swords are stacked, constantly harvesting the life of the **** Knights, the experience value and merits are skyrocketing, this feeling is very wonderful, no need I want to have the support of the Yulin Army behind me, and I have the backing of the Longjing Mine on the Vulcan Mountain. No one can fight the odd number with me, and it is not good to clear the ink.


After 5 minutes of shelling, both Xiaolong and Yulinjun were protected from the most powerful impact, but soon after, Han Yuan shouted: "General, we have used 30% of the reserves of Longjing cannonballs. Continue to shelling? Or send someone to Fanshucheng to continue to deploy more shells?"

"No need!" I raised my hand and said: "Stop the shelling, fight me!"


Soon, more than a dozen warships were parked in front of us. The Knights of the Templars rushed out. At least 3,000 Knights of the Knights were crowded on each ship, and we were able to eat a pot. I stood. In the forefront, with the sword slashing, Li Mu, Wang Hao, Lin Yier and others also led the players of Xiaolong to die, and only the team they personally led did not have much damage. As for the dozens of dragons The alliance has already suffered heavy losses. The Knights of the Templars are rushing in our queues, but no one can help them. They can only rely on themselves to tide over the difficulties. This is also a chance to sharpen. Players who have survived this difficult situation can truly understand that the calm, calm, and coping in the game is the most important. When they are shocked, they will be in a mess. Such people will never be masters, sometimes even if they are disparate in strength, but As long as you think calmly and target with the right tactics, you can crush your opponent.

After slashing a few Demon Knights in a row, I looked at the main battlefield in front of the Chinese military account. It was already a flesh and blood. Xia Junjun, Yan Dijun and the main army of the Knights of the Knights were attacked together. It seems that in the Knights of the Knights. Also mixed with some quasi-BOSS level, the attack power is more fierce, and some hit.

Ye came to carry the battle axe, and the person with the trial guild left and right suddenly, almost life is protecting the Xia Jun army from too much loss, but this is almost no great use, Xia Junjun’s combat power is there. Under the rush of the hordes of the Knights of the Knights, the dead and wounded, the corpse was tiring, and it was terrible.

But the battlefield is full of Knights of the Templars, and we can't save them, we can only rely on ourselves.


The battle lasted nearly 4 hours and was very fierce. I was able to take the scorpion dragon and the Guardian Army Iron Rally to the reinforcement guild guild in the late stage. But the scene is really terrible. There are corpses everywhere. The 5W people in the trial guild have actually lost more than seven battles!


After the Tomahawk slashed the head of a Knights of the Knights, Ye sighed and looked at me with blood on his face. He smiled slightly: "It’s too bad..."

I nodded and looked at the broken limbs in the ground and nodded and said, "It is really miserable..."

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