Zhan Long

Chapter 953: Nightclub queen

Take the elevator and stop at the 7th floor.

Surrounded by a group of scientists wearing white coats, is this about the technological power we use to deal with the colonists? However, the total feeling is a lot worse, otherwise it will not be helpless to the colonists.

Through the corridor, Wang Xin appeared in an instrument room. There were a lot of people discussing it in a fierce way. I only heard a few words that seemed to be about success rate.


"Wang team!" I say hello far away.

Wang Xin’s face is not too good-looking. Obviously, he encountered a tricky thing and said, “Let's go, go to the office with me.”

The corner is Wang Xin’s office. I followed Shen Bing and walked in. Then I closed the door. The system automatically encrypts the door lock, and the sound insulation effect of this room is very good. I can hardly hear any sound outside. Wang Xin sits. Next, I waved: "You all sit."

I said, "Let's talk about the task directly. What are you sitting on, let's talk, what happened?"

Wang Xin frowned and said: "Do you know about the recent 327 incident?"

"Slightly heard." I raised my brow and said: "The subway operation mistakes collided, 47 people were injured and 3 people died, right?"

Wang Xin said: "In fact, 7 people died, and there are 4 people, all of which are plain clothes of our Hangzhou Guardian squad."

"What?!" I am ashamed: "What happened?"

Wang Xin coldly said: "These four people were all cut by the sharp edge of the neck and died, and it was not an ordinary blade, but the claws of the animal were torn open."

“C-level colonizer?”

"It should be above level B, because the sabers carried by these four people were cut off by hard!"

"What, even the saber can cut off?" I took a deep breath and said: "The guardian squad is equipped with a saber that can be made of titanium alloy. The hardness and sharpness are 2-3 times that of the general tool. Was it cut directly?"

"Yes, it was cut off directly."

Wang Xin was helpless and sighed and said: "When Wei Fan fell into the water, I thought that at least the colonists would converge, but they did not expect them to be more embarrassed, and their technology is evolving, C-class and B-level colonists. The ability to upgrade to a very terrible point, the ordinary guardian team members can not compete."

“Can nano-bullets shoot through their skin?”

"For the time being, it is ok."

"That's good." I frowned and said, "Where Wei Fan?"

Shen Bing is on the sidelines: "Wei Fan's identity is too special, and it is inferior. It is still being held. We are suing him. He will not be able to go out in this life."

I sat in the corner of Wang Xin’s desk and said, "What is the goal of these colonists now?"

Wang channel: "Assassination, threat."

"Assassination? Who is assassinating and threatening?" I am very surprised: "Isn't Wei Fan's blood before all carrying out drug trafficking or stealing technology to carry out criminal operations?"

Wang Xin smiled slightly: "That was before, now more high-end, they use assassination, deterrence and other means to raise funds, sell and other means to obtain strong capital, which is why the stock market has been ups and downs for months, and Their methods are very clever, often threatened by secrets such as the privacy of those who hold heavy money, or they use life safety to control them without leaving traces."

I took a deep breath: "What do they want to do?"

"The subversion of the economy in the Yangtze River Delta has driven China's economic turmoil. I will not know if I plan for the next step."


I was silent for a while and asked: "Is there any eyebrows?"

"A little."

Wang channel: "Our technology has been tracking the movement of these abnormal funds. Finally, we found that the funds of a total of seven companies headquartered in China have been in a state of rapid growth. I think this is the point of raising funds. It happens that these seven companies Everyone is a person, a person who wins, and hey, this is the material of this person."

Wang Xin waved his hand and showed the specific information on the big screen. In 1982, he was 36 years old. He is a Chinese American. He lived abroad for many years. He returned to China three years ago and started to operate a number of companies. As for the previous books, there is a piece of blank.

"This is really impossible to start..." I looked at the big screen.

Wang channel: "Shen Bing has sent people to secretly remotely monitor and win the mobile phone and other contact tools."

"Maybe he is innocent?"

"Impossible!" Shen Bing snorted and said: "When I first tracked his cell phone signal, his mobile phone source was actually encrypted. Imagine an ordinary businessman will have the ability to encrypt the phone? And at that time, Some of his companies are half dead, and the total funds are no more than 3000W. Why should they be encrypted by mobile phones?"

“Have you called his previous contact record?”

"No, all were completely removed and cannot be queried."

"This is really tricky."

"Yeah." Wang Xin nodded and said: "But there are still traces to follow. Win-win wins a substantial acquisition of shares in major companies in Lanshui Street a week ago. Currently, there are almost entertainment and commercial venues on Lanshui Street. 70% of the shares are held in the hands of him alone. That is to say, almost all of the nightclubs on Lanshui Street are owned by one person. This is the place where Wei Fan was before."

"When you win, is this to take over Wei Fan's site and continue to be the king of underground in Hangzhou?" I asked.

"Not necessarily." Wang Xin shook his head and said: "According to our intelligence, when you win things, your hands are particularly clean. It will never be as stupid as Wei Fan, and there is no evidence to prove that the win is related to the colonizer. There are no clues, just in the stage of doubt."

"What should I do?"

"So I am calling you, and someone needs to go to Lanshui Street to find out."

“Will you win in Blue Water Street?” I was amazed.

Wang Xin smiled slightly: "Well, it’s very cautious to win this person, and there are few friends who are social. The only weakness is about 'lust'? And **** is 'hunting', this has been lingering for half a month. Kinds of nights such as KTV and bars, and almost every night from these nights to find prey, and then bring back to the residence."

I can't help but sigh, and said: "This means that I have to dress up as a couple with Shen Bingjie to go clubbing?"

"so smart."

Wang Xin haha ​​smiled: "We have been sent to track down the winners have been killed by the colonizers, and then you can only rely on you to trace, you have the ability to protect yourself and Shen Bing, only you go to me to rest assured. ”

I said, "So get ready to go? What is the specific task today?"

"Step on the point."

"Step on?"

"Well, familiarize yourself with the environment of the big bars and KTVs on Lanshui Street, and then the base will invest in a bar." Wang Xin sighed and said, "I understand it now, I must be in it. Really control this underground every move, our guardian base has applied for 500W of funds, just to create a bar that belongs to us."

"How to recruit? What if I am caught and won?" I asked.

Wang Xin smiled: "This can be assured, Shen Bing personally went to be the owner of this bar, the rest of the staff are recruited, we have encrypted Shen Bing's special police identity, the highest level of authority to find her identity, so very safe. ”

I nodded: "Well, what is the specific task today?"

"Go to the bar where you won, play and play, show your face, but Li Xiaoyao's appearance has already been exposed when killing Ouyangchuan, you need to give you a makeup."

"Ah? Makeup?" I was covered.

Shen Bing reveals a little demon smile, holding my arm: "Little lover rest assured, my sister's makeup is first class!"

I am a glimpse again, and I don’t feel very good.


Half an hour later, I looked in the mirror and could hardly recognize that the person in front of me was myself. I fiddled with my eyebrows and said, "Shen Bing, you painted my eyebrows like Jiao Enjun. What does this mean? And this eye, how do you feel like the punk is not mainstream, this is what it is for the deaf to see, she does not kill me!"

Shen Bingge laughed: "Do not worry, where is your **** who is willing to kill you, hurry up and start the sports car with the base! Put your sword in the car, or expose it."

"Okay..." Although the task is not very dangerous, I also let go of my heart. After all, this time the butterfly will not drink blood. I am not a person who is obsessed with killing. It is best if I can finish the task without doing it. .


After 20 minutes, I drove a red sports car to Lanshui Street. After Shen Bing got out of the car, I took a bar and entered the bar. According to the information, the winner was in this bar.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, heavy metal music stimulated people's numb nerves. Shen Bing took my hand in, found a position to sit down, ordered some beer, and then drank in this lost environment.

Shen Bing wore a gray wrap dress, revealing a powder arm, and under the tube top, a small half of the snow milk looming, plus her own good temperament and appearance, the whole person is quite a nightclub queen's demeanor, attracting around A few people came to say hello, and even asked Shen Bing's phone number or micro-signal, but Shen Bing also refused one by one.

Until 11 o'clock in the evening, a few people came in outside, and Shen Bing immediately drunk in my arms, his mouth sighed in my ear and said: "The man in the blue shirt is Win, don't go too far to see him."

I didn't talk, but my eyes glanced in the darkness, but I saw that I won't be more exaggerated than I did. The face was red and full of confidence, and my eyes were full of confidence, hey, typical Gao Fushuai. However, when his goal fell to a beautiful woman who was guessing a fist, he immediately began to sway. As Wang Xin said, the only weakness of this win is beauty.

Shen Bing smirked in my ear: "Kid, in fact, my sister, I only want to sell a hue, I can definitely let this win, and do you want to bet 100 yuan?"

I have a word in my mouth: "Get it, you are not a special agent. There is no need to do this. If you can solve problems with my fist, you don't have to use Shen Bie to solve it with your chest."

Shen Bing couldn't help but smile even sweeter, stretched out his arms and hugged me, and kissed me in my ear, feeling wet and soft.

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