Zhan Long

Chapter 957: The arrival of the wine sword flow era

"That's horrible!"

The management chat channel of the Dragon Club has already boiled, and Li Mu said with anger: "There was actually a lot of foreign aid that was sent out by Ye Lai, paper painting, simple and simple, and how powerful this is. Even the second person in the Iron Cranial City ABN can come in!"

Wang Wei said: "On the international power, Wang Zecheng is indeed asking the sword. This time, the hero is suffering a big loss."

A second hero said: "Is the hero stunned?"

I can't help but laugh: "This is not going to be. Asking the sword is not such a person who is willing to accept the loss. As long as the hero has a division, the sword believes that it will be able to return to life and let the hero linger in China."

Lin Yuer said: "Wang Zecheng is really mean, so I have so many foreign aids in Linhaicheng and Jiuyicheng!"

Dongcheng Yue also said: "Yes, the heroic squadron is so gone..."

At the beginning, Tianzhu City had not yet been opened. Lin Yier and Dongcheng Yue were originally used for heroes. It can be said that the establishment of the heroic squad has a very close relationship with these two MMs. They also do their best for the heroes. The growth has paid a lot, but now it is hard to accept that the heroes and the squad disappeared instantly.

冉闵大冉闵道: "The hero is stunned, shouldn't you have anything to do with it? I believe that Wang Zecheng's Wang Ba should not be able to start our dragons, and even if it is a **** battle against us, Xiaolong It certainly won’t be like a hero!

I am embarrassed, thinking that if this Yangwei war is really our dragon to replace the hero, can you win? If Xiaolong wants to say a master, Lin Yier, Dong Chengyue, Li Mu, Wang Wei, Lin Xiaowu, etc. are already top-notch, but if you come to so many foreign aid teams on the ascendant, our chances of winning may be fundamental. It will not exceed 40%. Perhaps, if Matcha is in it, can it be divided equally?

For a moment, I was a little embarrassed. For a guild, the female-god-level player of the demon is really too important. This is probably the biggest reason for Fang Ge’s death.



A message comes from the moonlight: "Happy brother, do you know? After 2 pm this afternoon, the system will be updated with a new sub-professional, called the 'winemaker', and finally destined to launch the wine system."

"Wine?" I am amazed: "Is it possible to add anger?"

"Well, yes, the wine sword flow is going to start."

"Haha..." I smiled and said, "Keep a close watch and see what the winemaker is doing. Dragons can't fall behind others. Things that add anger are absolutely good things, like me. This kind of stunts can be sent out."

"Well, I will pay attention."


I searched the forum for details about the winemakers and found that there are already some eyebrows. Some of them gave the formula needed for the winemaker's level 1 skills, as well as the surname of the wine.

Level 1 [rice wine]: 20 points of anger value, cooling for 60 seconds, shortening the stunt cooling time by 10% after use, formula: glutinous rice × 20, malt powder × 3, fermenting altar × 1.


Level 1 wine can only add 20 points of anger, but it is better than nothing. The sharper part is that it can shorten the stunt cooling by 10%. It seems that level 10 wine can cool at least 50% of the stunt time, which means my town. Yue Zhan Ge will cool down once in 3 hours, and it will be cooled once in 15 seconds. This way, it is a god-like stunt to break through the thunder, and it is unparalleled in the group battle.

Looking at it again, the winemaker does not occupy the position of the auxiliary occupation. This is a general auxiliary professional, and any player can learn. Well, you must learn.

At noon, I accompanied Lin Biaoer and Dongcheng Yuemei to eat a meal, and then went online in the afternoon, waiting for the 2 o'clock winemaker to open professionally.

When I was near 2 o'clock, I had already transferred to Tianzhu City. I was riding a sacred dragon horse and ready to respond to any incident. As a result, at 2 o'clock, a ring of bells echoed over Tianzhu City, and the winemaker officially opened. ——


System Announcement: Please note that the new professional [Winemaker] has been opened. Players can find the winemaker's mentor in the 7 coordinates near Tianzhu City, spend 100G to learn winemaking, and become a real Master brewers, the coordinates of these seven tutors are: (17238, 4882), (74366, 12484), (2772, 109944), (24311, 24428), (12984, 41121), (42211, 9876), (13472 , 12444), each instructor only teaches 100 times of winemaking per hour!


I can't help but glimpse. I never thought that this profession could only be used for 700 players per hour, and these coordinates are too rough. Recently, it is near the North Gate Plaza in Tianzhu City, and the farthest is in the Ziwu Mountain. The generation of the desert edge on the west side of the Wushen River is simply too far away!


Thousands of frosted wings suddenly added, the city does not have to go, and certainly has been the first to finish the 100 places, I will choose one that is not far from the city, immediately lock the coordinates of 24311, 24428, the coordinates are at The Moon Blade Forest on the east bank of the Wushen River, where the camp of the Yulin Army was, I am familiar with it.

After the thousands of frosted wings, the flight speed is extremely fast. The whole person is like a meteor passing over the sky and going straight to the coordinate point. When I swooped down, I saw dozens of riders playing horses flying to the place. Under a towering tree, a white-shoulder is sitting on a bamboo raft and resting there. There are several plants and wine grains in the bamboo raft. Although he is old, his face is very rosy, and he picks up the wine hoist at his waist. I poured a bite and then smiled comfortably: "Lanling wine, only flower carving!"

"啪", I grabbed the front of those riding the warriors, and walked quickly to the old man, laughing: "Grandpa, I want to learn winemaking from you!"

He opened his eyes and smiled and asked: "Kid, then I will ask you a question. If you answer right, I will pass on what you have learned throughout your life."

I nodded and smiled: "You please say!"

The old man said: "What is the wine, such as bamboo leaves, angelica, red sandalwood, etc.?"

I don't think about it: "Bamboo leaves."

Although I don't like alcohol, I still know some basic knowledge.

The old man opened his eyes and looked at me. Haha smiled and said: "It turned out to be the same person. Come and drink a bit of my Lanling flower carving wine. The old man will teach you winemaking!"

I ended up with a gourd, and I drank a big sip, and suddenly the whole person was vibrated, and a line of words appeared on the battle interface.

Combat Tip: You drink alcohol props [Lanling Huadiao] LV-9, restore 100 points of anger, shorten the stunt cooling time by 50%!


Looking at this line of words, I couldn't help but secretly, if this mouth is to stay in the process of the national war, how good it is to drink, 9 grade wine, it is a pity!

So, I took out 100 gold coins and handed them over to the old man, and quickly acquired new skills--"Winemaking LV-1", level 1 skills, recipes already available, 20 parts of glutinous rice, 3 parts of malt powder, plus a fermenting altar. I have seen this fermenting altar, which is sold in the grocers in the streets of Tianzhu City. It is very cheap, a few copper coins.

In addition, there is a “discovery grain” mark in the classification of winemaking. As long as I activate this mark, I can detect the materials that can be brewed within 500 yards. This saves a lot of trouble. On the forum, I am Already searched, glutinous rice, malt powder and other materials are not marked with maps, can only rely on the players themselves to find, and before the winemakers professional launch, everyone did not pay much attention to where there are things like glutinous rice, rice and the like.

There are more and more players around, and it is already very crowded. It is enough to prove that the city of Scorpio is full of people. There are players everywhere. This winemaker is drowned by people, at least 1,000 people are here, and will definitely Many people wait for an hour to study again. Unsurprisingly, in order to compete for the winemaker's learning opportunities, there may be a guild war.

In the guild channel, more than a dozen people such as Li Mu, Yue Ti, and Lin Xiaowu learned the brewing technique first, and the rest were not so lucky. Even Lin Biaoer and Dongcheng Yue did not grab the opportunity to study for the first time. , can only continue to wait for the next hour.

"Is going to fight, what should I do?" Wang Hao said in the management channel: "Long Xiang's dragon has brought at least 500 people in the sky, surrounded by the winemaker on the edge of the desert, I was surrounded by the middle. What should I do? I have to fight it..."

Li Mudao: "Don't worry, I will take the 1000 fire dragon ride to cheer you up!"

He said with a smile: "Li Xiaozi, if we fight with Longxiang, wouldn't you blame us?"

I thought about it and said, "Pick up the people who are fully engaged in the fire dragon ride and bring people into it. Use the strength advantage to push others apart. Don't trigger the offensive action. Don't give the name to the handle."

Li Mudao: "Understood, I understand this kind of means. If you have a thousand wings, you should have learned it?"

Me: "Well, I learned."

Li Mu: "Hah, then go to the skill level. I will rush some later, don't worry."



At this time, I have already flown over the sky above Tianzhu City, quickly fell, and after adding a sufficient amount of fermenting altar, I continued to fly toward the east. When I passed the Yubeilin, the accompanying skill effect of the winemaking technique was already flashing. There is a small glowing spot on the big map. It is exactly what I need, a piece of glutinous rice!

"嘭" slammed down to the ground, quickly stopped, and returned the butterfly to the sheath. Then the imperial Guardian army commander began to collect glutinous rice in the field. It has not been developed by any players yet, and the glutinous rice is also dense. So I turned it into a quick pass for 5 minutes, and there was already a share of glutinous rice in the package.

I continued to swim around and didn't let me down. A wild valley appeared. I could collect the malt powder directly on this millet. After collecting some, I put the fermenting altar on the side and added 20 glutinous rice and 3 parts of malt powder, and then confirmed the synthesis, the next moment, "叮", a rice wine appeared in my parcel, but unfortunately did not trigger the first brewed rice wine news, it seems that someone is faster than me .

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