Zhan Long

Chapter 962: Fire lance

"What is the weapon of the Magic Mountain?"

I suddenly asked, watching the war for a long time, the flaming spear in the hands of the magic mountain makes people fascinated, this weapon is very watery and sultry, the group killing between the waves is very horrible, also positive It is with this spear that the magic mountain can come and go in the crowd of the Rising Sun.

Lin Biaoer blinked and said: "It is a fire **** spear, the national weapon of the German theater, the attack power is similar to your town knife, but it has the effect of group damage such as sputtering, triggering, and the overall output should be stronger than the town knife. Grades, stunts are not as powerful as the town knife."

"The Vulcan Spear..."

I snorted and smiled: "Another **** soldier is born!"

Li Mu clenched his fist: "There is an opportunity to explode the Vulcan spear, and see what else is in this magic mountain."

I couldn't help but smile and patted Li Mu's shoulder: "Do you think that the magic mountain depends on a weapon? You are optimistic, his skills, stunts, etc. are also very good, I just saw him drinking to raise the value of anger, There are at least 3-4 stunts on this item. If you are single-handed, it is very difficult to play."

Lin Xiaowu walked up with Huang Zhongzhu and walked forward confidently. "Nothing, as long as he enters the range, the Vulcan Spear is useless."

I also smiled a little. This is the fact that Huang Zhonggong, the weapon in the hands of Lin Xiaowu, is also the national weapon of our Chinese theater. I really played it. I and Lin Yuer and others kept the front line and relied on Huang Zhonggong’s long-range shooting ability. It is very likely that the magic mountain It has been killed without being close to us.


Soon after, the Rising Sun’s blood guild officially collapsed, completely unable to withstand the attack of the Magic Mountain, and even several main forces such as leisure and Su Yan were all killed by the “Twelve Gods” under the magic mountain, Wang Zecheng I used my super high blood defense to escape my life under the spear of the Vulcan in the Magic Mountain. My face was green and shouted: "Retreat, withdraw into the dragon's imprisonment!"

His Majesty called the Lord a glimpse: "The lord, the monsters and BOSS in the dragon's banned land have not been cleared, rushing in is not looking for death?"

Wang Zecheng said loudly: "On the Lord, we can't manage that much, go fast, you go to protect Bai Moyan and other long-distance walks first, I take the people behind the temple! TMD..."

Wang Zecheng looked at the position of the fire axe in the distance, couldn't help but cursed, and regretted that he had brought out the 2W fire axe army. Now it is already difficult to ride the tiger. This group of fire axe must become the soul of the players of the Jiuyi City. It is.

It seems that I also feel the disadvantage of the situation. A fire axe army commander, with a long knife, will go out and speak loudly: "The deputy commander, you will retreat first, I will bring people to cover you, my mother, this group of nine cities." The dog thief wants to kill our deputy commander, then we must step on the body of our fire axe brothers, our dragon crystal cannon will never let them feel good."

Wang Zecheng nodded: "I will almost retreat, don't fall in love!"


This loyal Wanfu long mentions the long shackles in his hands and shouts loudly: "The long guns, giving me the impact of the heavy hustle and bustle of this thief, must be blocked, the dragon crystal cannon no difference, just fine!"

A group of soldiers from the fire axe army gun bats erected the spears. The end of the nearly 3 meter long spear arrived on the ground, and the other end of the spear blade greeted the other side of the heavy cavalry. The group of soldiers were many people. It is a new soldier. It seems that the powerful enemy in front of him has lost the courage of fighting, but as a soldier, he can only continue to fight.


The magic mountain carries the fire **** spear. After a big drink, with the thunder hammer guild and the Xia Huojun's riding battle system fiercely attacked, a group of swordsmen players are very experienced in the front, throwing before the spear array The long sword, that is the skill of the sword, the iron hoof is trampled after the spear is killed, and the mad warrior also launches the battle axe project skills to disturb the spear array. From this detail, it is known that the Quake Hammer Association It is not the first guild of the Jiuyi City that is so famous. Not only that, the NPC of the Summer Fire Army brought by the Magic Mountain is also very strong. Many NPC officers are already high-ranking Xianlin BOSS. In our national war, Jiuyi City also There are a series of wars between the Japanese and Korean players in Linhai City and the sub-main city around. This summer fire army is the first legion, and it has really been tempered.

The Magic Mountain and the Twelve Gods will quickly break through the long guns. A group of shield cavalry will resist the shooting of the arrows in front and throw thousands of bodies under the bombing of the Fire Axe Dragon Crystal Cannon. Finally, they will arrive at the heavy artillery camp area. As soon as the mountain waved, what was drinking far away, we couldn’t hear it, but we saw that they were killing the fire axe soldiers in the heavy artillery battalion.

"Not good!" Li Mu licked his lips and said: "It looks like the magic mountain. This is to win the dragon crystal cannon of the fire axe heavy artillery battalion!"

I nodded and slowly pulled out the artifact butterfly and smiled. "We have the opportunity to play, prepare, join me, cover up the flank of the Quake Hammer Guild, and rush them!"

Said, I looked to the distance of Chi Yuhan and Han Yuan, the loud voice: "Chi Yu Han led the rock dragon iron ride from the positive east impact, Han Yuan led the scales back to the south to cover up!"

"Yes, general!"


This time, I brought a 1W famous rock dragon iron ride and a 2W famous Yulin army iron ride, in order to make a quick fix, and to kill the army of the magic mountain without causing too much damage, more importantly, the dragon has come more than 7W people, almost exactly out, we have this confidence to beat the opponent, and many people are not necessary.

A group of fire dragons and iron-blade riders of the Dragon League have followed me directly to the northern position of the Quake Hammer Guild. They are also prepared to watch the tens of thousands of people from afar. They know that we will attack and a group of people will be intimidated. The shield cavalry has been on the front line, the rear is the team of archers and wizards, and there are also dense fire guns aimed at us.

"In one fell swoop, don't fight for a long time."

I raised my sword and shouted: "Everyone, after the fire is full, don't hesitate!"

Said, Zhenyue knife suddenly swayed, Zhenyue war song stunts launched, to enhance the 4000 base attack power of teammates around 1000 yards, suddenly on the top of the dragons, there was a very cute town knife knife Mark, and then impact with the other's shield.


The sacred dragon horse slammed the other's iron rides back and forth. As soon as I raised my hand, the thunder's power lingered on the arm, and a thunderstorm broke out nine times in the most dense place of the shield. Li Mu, Wang Hao and others immediately ran straight into it. Of course, the most arrogant or embarrassing, the whirlwind swept past, swaying hundreds of people to fly, this group of people has not yet landed on him to sweep again, the flames on the battle axe, all burning and die, come again A barbarian flea, like a black big squid in the crowd.


A sound cannon rang, and the fire rock cannon burst out in the crowd of the dragon, but the fire and rock cannon is far less powerful than the dragon crystal cannon, which can only cause 2W damage, and can not kill the dragon's riding game player, but fall In the crowd of archers, musketeers and wizards, they are still very deadly. Their defense is poor. They are hit by at least 4W in front. Many archers and musketeers are very likely to be killed by direct kills. All the blood is clever, and the Ghost Shield continues to open, and the Dragon Crystal Cannon is also dying.

Magic Mountain and his twelve gods will not be here, the dragon dragon's players sneak in, 10 minutes shock swept past, quickly destroy the defensive line of this Quake Hammer guild player, in the distance, Chi Yuhan led The Rock Dragon Iron Ride successfully cut into the East Front, the Royal Forest's iron hoofs, and has implemented the split tactics to delay the strength of the Summer Fire Army.


Finally, after we killed more than 3W people, Magic Mountain finally realized where the real enemy was, gave up the attack on the Rising Sun as a blood guild, and carried the elite blade to kill the elite player of the Quake Hammer. Come back, but they are greeted by the 1W Yanlong Iron Riders commanded by Chi Yuhan.

"damn it!"

In the crowd, the Magic Mountain is a little anxious, saying: "This is the last time in the Chinese theater where the Qing Dynasty Tuo Mou was in the guild of the guild? Where is the national war MVP?"

I was about 200 yards away from him, but I was not afraid. I suddenly started to rise. The gods and dragons became the ice and condensed into wings. The thousand-winged wings instantly blessed, and the volley rushed to the magic mountain. The artifact butterfly suddenly fell from the sky, lol Road: "Magic Mountain, are you looking for me?!"


A glimpse of the magic mountain, I did not think that I came so fast, and hurriedly raised the fire **** spear, "铿" a sound of Mars splashing, and the night sky around it was bright, and this hit the magic mountain even with the horse was shocked After a few steps back, I took advantage of the fact that a hurricane flooded the wilderness and slashed it to his neck. The reaction of the magic mountain was fast, and the legs were caught in a horse. The shield quickly moved up and attacked me, but the blood was still plunging. -



If it is not a shield defense, at least 4W damage, and the total blood of the knight of the Magic Mountain is around 17W, and the attack power is also extraordinary. It is not simple. When my sword is exhausted, it is a spear of a spear, no With skill, so without any guidance time, directly on my armor!


The wall of vindictiveness sizzled, and I quickly turned on the dance skills of ghosts and gods. It suddenly swelled in the golden glow of the week, and the god-level skill--taking the wind, if I kill the magic mountain, it will be a hammer to Quake. The real psychological blow is enough to make them lose their fighting spirit, so that the damage suffered by the dragon will be reduced to a minimum.


The blade cut into the armor, and the blood was splashed out. The face of the magic mountain was stunned. The blood was cut off and the face was unbelievable. His equipment was at least superb and equipped with shields. I imagined it was high, but I didn’t expect it to be cut very painfully under my butterfly.







The players around the Thor hammer guild will not add back to the roots, and the face of the magic mountain will be instantly iron blue, and the wrist will be shocked quickly. A golden light will be placed around the body, and my remaining attack by the wind will directly shake the invincible. On the shield, the "嘭嘭嘭" left a crack on the shield and triggered the effect of the retreat, and he was cut back.

At this time, the face of Magic Mountain is even more pale, and the invincible shield can hardly resist my horrible attack power. Under the shackles, the soul figure of the Jiuyi City did not retreat, but the shield was for a while.嘭 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

I bite my teeth, the assassination mission failed, and I turned over. A seven-star broken Yuelu was in the crowd. After killing a dozen people, I left the archer's shooting range. I stood in the wind and looked down at the Magic Mountain.

Moshan also looked up at me, but did not take the initiative to attack, the look on his face was very complicated, and he sighed low: "A good one is free!"

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