Zhan Long

Chapter 969: The betrayal of the empire

Aside, the bodyguard walked over and took two tokens from my hand and whispered in my ear: "General Lee, the empire has lost you..."

I trembled in my heart, but did not speak. Instead, I looked at him deeply and took a bit of killing.


Luo Shulin slowly stood up and looked at me with red eyes. He said, "Li Shi, what are your plans for the future?"

I took another emblem on my shoulder and said, "I am the dragon rider of the Dragon City, the world is big, where is my place, no big deal."

Luo Shallow Lin Road: "Li Shi does not have to be like this... You are still a broken Dinggong, still the owner of the Book City, but the Yulin Army can no longer continue to be stationed in Fanshu City, I..."

I waved my hand and said, "Shallow forest, I don't have to say much. I am no longer an empire general. Every bookstore is just my land. I will never station the Imperial Army. I understand this truth, but the shallow forest... ”

Luo Sholin looked up at me: "Li Shi?"

I smiled and said: "But don't forget, you said that the strength of the 10W that I held in the Imperial Army is a heavy hand, and you are holding a squadron with a full 20W. You should have cut your head ten times earlier!"

"I..." Luo Shulin stood there with his teeth and didn't know how to answer me, but he could only say: "I'm sorry Li Shi..."

My mouth is rising: "It doesn't matter. After all, we don't have a blood relationship. Even if I say that I am not a person in this world, I will leave one day. It is natural for you to fight down in this world. You don't believe it."

Luo Shulin’s eyelids were full of tears, and he fell to his knees again on the knees. “Li Shi, I believe you, Shallow Lin always trusts you, but... but please let me through this difficult time, I will personally Go to the Cold Dragon City and invite you back to Tianzhu City!"

"Don't say it, I am leaving."

As soon as he turned around, the purple cloak fluttered in the wind, but instead felt that there was no official body, the whole person was very relaxed, but at this time, the guardian suddenly shouted: "General Li Xiaoyao, please stay!"


He smiled and said: "General Li Xiaoyao will be dismissed. Naturally, a new general will be appointed as the commander of the Yulin Army. His Majesty has already given instructions. This candidate is the general of the four seasons!"

I gave a slight glimpse, and I was amazed that Luo Shaolin had planned to deprive me of the military power before this. On the other hand, Luo Shaolin was indeed the only one in the election. Among the four, Han Yuan was the most reckless and brave. Can not be handsome, Xiao Li is more cautious but lack of strength, Long Hao is a person who is fierce, preferring the type of Han Yuan, but Xia Ye is calm and calm, and is a material that can be made.

Luo Shallowlin: "I will write a handwritten book immediately, ask Li to help me do another thing, take my handwritten book, and appoint Xia Ye as the new commander of the Royal Forest Army. Can you convince them only about you?"

I couldn't help but laugh, Luo Shaolin also counted this point. The four characters are so arrogant. How could it be easy for the empire to remove me, the commander they have been following for a long time?

"Alright, please hurry up." I stood alone waiting

Luo Shulin quickly wrote the appointment form, and then stamped the seal. After handing it to me, his eyes were red, but he turned back and forth. Then he put the handbook in my hand, but held my wrist and lowered the voice: " Li Shi, do you know that there is a fire lion mercenary group in the ice fire wasteland?"

I am ashamed: "I don't know..."

Luo Shulin continued: "The fire lion mercenary group has a total of more than 20W. It is the strongest mercenary between Zeyuan City and Tianzhu City. It has been plundering many tribes in the ice fire wilderness all the year round. Those barbarians have long been Resentment has been added, but... I have sent people to contact the fire lion mercenary. After you leave, the fire lion mercenary will attack the Putian of Tianzhu City in a certain opportunity, and I will send a banned army to defend. Royal, the ban will be defeated, and then the Royal Army will be defeated!"

My heart sank: "Shallow forest, are you?"

Luo Shulin’s eyes were determined and said: “I will use the life of 10,000 Yulin Army and the banned soldiers to change Li’s re-entry into the Imperial Army!”

I only think that the scalp is numb: "This is not worth it!"

"No, Master Li, you listen to me."

Luo Shulin still grabbed my hand, with a burning heart in his eyes, said: "Long Zhong, Luis, Qin Lan, Xia Houren, they are all aunts, and I have several people in my hand? Only let Yu Linjun, The ban on the military can make these people shut up, and when Li Shi returns to Tianzhu City again, I will take away the military rights of Longzhong, Luis, Qin and other people on the grounds of the three people’s loyalty to the good and the bad. At least they can divide the forces in their hands, Li Shi, please be patient, wait for me..."

I was shocked. I never thought that Luo Shenlin’s young emperor had such a terrible idea and plan in the depths of his heart, but once it was successfully implemented, most of the military power in Yucheng would be equal to him. In his hand, not in the hands of his father, the good boy is the material of the emperor!

But when I thought of sacrificing the strength of the Yulin Army, I was heartbroken.

Luo Shulin sees my concern and says: "I will let the fire lion mercenaries pay attention to the size, and Li Shi can rest assured that the elite of the Imperial Army and the ban will never have much loss."

I don't have any better way, I just have to nod.

"Li Shi, that road is precious!" Luo Shallow Road.

"Got it."


With the emperor's handwritten book, my heart is full of mischief, directly transfer the city owner interface of the book city, choose to return to the city function, and instantly transfer back to the book city, and quickly rush to the camp of the Yulin army, a group of long-distance riders will ride the horses. Respectfully: "Master the adults!"

I nodded: "I will immediately order, and all the generals of the Wanfu level will report in the Chamber of Deputies!"


I went straight into the Chamber of Deputies. After a while, the four will enter the Chamber of Deputies with the Milwaukee and others. Han Yuan is still full of red light and smiles: "General, the killing of this dragon in the imprisonment can be really I am very addicted. I have heard that the Xia Huojun of Jiuyi City is brave and invincible. Now it seems that this is not the case. Our Royal Forest Army is the world’s first trump card army!”

Xiao Li also smiled with excitement: "Yes, adults!"

Xia Ye held the hilt and sat in the second seat. He said, "The general will finally hear that the Yulin army has not been assigned to the veins in the dragon's ban. This is why, we lost thousands of brothers in order to seize this vein. Ah? How can you do this unfairly..."

I smiled and said: "Everyone should not say it."

Said, I took out Luo Sholin’s handwritten book from my arms and said, “This is the Emperor’s handwritten book, let’s see it!”


Han Yuan took the handwritten book and read it again. Suddenly, the black face suddenly rose red, and suddenly stood up and roared: "Why? Why?! General, you are a broken lord, loyal to the empire, why Deprive you of the military power? This... This emperor Luo Sholin is really a faint king, we really misread him, I knew that, I should have cut his head in the first place!"

Xiao Li was shocked: "What the **** is going on?"

"look by youself!"

Han Yuan handed the handbook out, and the ten tens of thousands of princes of the Guards of the Imperial Army stood there stunned and stood there, and they had no idea what to do. Xia Ye directly tore the handwritten book into pieces, suddenly sprinkled, kneeling on the ground. Shen Shen said: "I am willing to entrust my life to General Li Xiaoyao, this life will not change, the end will never be overstepped, please believe me!"

I nodded: "Know, but this is the end of the matter. Everyone should stop talking about it. The horse uploading order goes down. The Yulin army goes to Mount Vulcan, and it is no longer possible for the Yulin army to station."

Han Yuan’s face is green and violent: "General, it’s better for me to wait for a knife to kill Tianzhu City, cut down the pines of Luoshaolin and Luojing, and the general is your own emperor. How happy?"

I angered: "Han Yuan, don't talk nonsense! For the time being, don't say that the name is not right, even if we hit the city of Tianzhu, it will only attract more wars. You think that Longzhong, Luojing, Luojing, Bai Will Li Ning, Xia Houren, and Situ’s salary be watched by the side of the hand, and we will not be able to mention it later, or the military law will be carried out!”

Han Yuan was also furious, but was forced to hold down by Xiao Li.

"Adult." Xiao Li's voice is still calm, said: "What do we do?"

"Remove the city of Fanshu and say, Xia Ye, let's order it. From now on, the commander of the Yulin Army is you!"

Although Xia Ye did not want to, but under my orders, I could only take the tokens of the generals and the commanders, but they were on the ground, and the tears flowed long: "The end will be temporarily kept by the generals. The Yulin army will always be the Li Linjun of Li Xiaoyao. !"


Two hours later, Mount Vulcan was full of transporting troops and troops everywhere. The 7W people of the Royal Forest Army had already withdrawn from the Book City and temporarily camped under the Vulcan Mountain.

Han Yuan took a long knife and asked: "General, what is your next plan?"

I looked in the direction of the Eight Desert City and said, "The frost in the cold dragon city is my mentor. I will go to her, rest assured, I will not have anything."

Han Yuan, a pair of tigers, said: "Is there something going on? Adults, do you know how many people like Luo Wei, Luis, and Luo Wei want you to die? At the end, no matter where the general will go, I will go there. I am sorry for this empire bird officer. Not right!"

Saying, Han Yuan threw the Wanfu’s token on the ground and said: “I will also go to the cold dragon city and always follow the general! Even if it is a mercenary or a rebel, I am willing! ”

Xiao Li and Long Hao also almost throw away their tokens together and said: "I am willing to follow the generals, even if it is a hateless deserter!"

I whispered: "I don't want to live one by one?"

Said, bent over the ground to pick up Han Yuan’s token, wiped the soil above, and said: “Don’t forget your talent mission, you are a soldier, obey the order, it’s what you should do to protect the country. Things."

Han Yuandao: "I don't care, I just want to follow the generals to the cold dragon city. If the generals don't give up, I will be willing to be a pawn. Anyway, we are not willing to stay in the Imperial Army without a general! The general disagreed, I’ve cut my Han Yuan’s head with a sword, and I will be loyal to the general!”

Xiao Li took a deep breath and said: "Adult, I have decided to wait, please don't say it again."

I sighed: "Well, then bring the grain and grass, and go with me to the cold dragon city, where there should always be our survival place..."


As a result, what surprised me was that Han Yuan, Xiao Li, and Long Hao, and most of them tied the soldiers out of the Guards, and the mighty 3W people left the Vulcan Mountain with me. I am very sympathetic to the loyalty of these NPC troops, but I feel sorry for them.

Xia Ye was forced to stay in Vulcan Mountain to stabilize the overall situation, and the dragon crystal cannon, the car and so on did not carry us, so the mighty from the Fanshu City to the Eight Desert City.


After more than an hour, the army turned over the Meridian Mountain and entered the Elf Trail.

The mighty crowds are connected together. Most of them are cavalry. There are also many barbarian swords and shields with shields that follow me to "defect". Although they left the Yulin Army, the group of people talked and laughed. The feeling of being abandoned by the empire, these guys are more optimistic than I am.


The wind blows the jungle grass and bows, but Xiao Li looks at the distance with one eye, and suddenly sighs: "Not good, there is an ambush!"


The loud noise is endless, and a series of flame shock waves broke out in the crowd of the Yulin army. That is... the dragon crystal cannon!


"God killed, they didn't want us to go back alive!" Han Yuan took a long knife and covered his eyes against the shock wave of the Dragon Crystal Cannon. The robes behind him were torn by the gale, and there was some blood on the skin. He In a strong, tragic and strong wind, he stumbled and yelled: "This time, the empire betrayed us!"


After reading each chapter, I remember to like a teenager, I almost forgot, remember to watch the genuine 17K in the 17K, it is free~~

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