Zhan Long

Chapter 973: Clouds fluttering

At night, it was a quiet night. It was rare that there was no snow on the cold dragon city. So a large number of people and soldiers were working, transporting a large amount of materials to the north of the Dragon City, and I personally guarded the camp with butterflies. At the construction site, the new camp of the Yulin Army is less than 1000 meters in the northeast of the Dragon City. If it is attacked, the Dragon City can reach the reinforcement within 10 minutes. The Dragon Cavalry may arrive faster in a few minutes.

"Green radish!" I shouted.

Aside the green radish is eating an apple, perhaps the evening wind is too cold, her face is red and bright under the torch, turned and smiled and asked: "Dragon rides will be an adult, what are you doing?"

I pointed to the scene of the camp in the distance, saying: "The Yulin Army is still safe and secure here. Before we build our walls, do you guard the four dragon dragon knights here?"

Qinglu smiled slightly: "Good is good, but people directly obey the frosty adults, which requires her to nod!"

Frosty is standing on the giant rock not far away to cultivate the magical power of the frost, and smiled and said: "The green radish is based on Li Xiaoyao's words. From today, under the self, Li Xiaoyao's command power is superior to anyone. I don't have to think about everything I want."

"Yes, adults!" Qinglu smiled and nodded.

I asked: "Flower frost, Queen Shu and Otelia, why haven't seen it."

"They went to the assault gorge to hunt for treasure. Otilia said that she sensed the power fluctuations of the artifacts in the assault canyon, so she called Shangzi Shu together."

"I am going, the assault gorge is not a hurricane of one of the demon kings, Kate is guarding it? What if there is a flash?"

The frost is eating and laughing: "Do not worry, the power of the Queen Shu and Otelia has been cultivated to the second god. If you really meet, you should pray for Kate and don't be attacked by Otelia. Turn your head off."

"It turns out that the progress of cultivation is so fast, Otelia is a god."

"Well, she is very talented and diligent in cultivation, naturally very strong."

I looked up at the frost, and she stood on the rock above the fairy. The sword swayed slowly around her, and there was a magical force around the blade. She put on a beautiful long skirt, and I felt a move in my heart. I couldn't help but say: "The power of the dragon, although the strength of the dragon city is strong, but in fact should continue to strengthen, such as the number of people, 2W people are far from coping with the future In the war, the advancement Luo Ding has a 100W army, and the rest of the different demon kings may not be less. In my opinion, the strength of the cold dragon city must be at least 10W to be truly a unique one."

The frost can not help but laugh: "You guys have been in the military camp for too long, and sure enough, they are very handsome. In fact, I also think that the number of people in the cold dragon city is too small, but the hard work is not made. More, so we can maintain the 2W people's establishment, but since you said so, I will continue to select talents from the Eight Desert City to join the Dragon City, the number of people raised to 5W will not be a problem."

I nodded: "When soldiers train and practice, they can let them open the wasteland in the south of Longcheng, build their own Putian, and send some people to the East China Sea to build a dock, build warships and fishing boats, and hunt fish. Improving the food for Longcheng can also increase the sea battle ability of Dragon City."

The frost has smashed a pair of stars: "This, okay, I really didn't think of it..."

Qingluo ate and laughed at the side: "There is a big man in the frost. I think that after the dragon rides the return of Li Xiaoyao, it will provide a real commander for the cold dragon city. You are diligent in cultivation but rarely rectify these military affairs. The return of Li Xiaoyao’s adults is too much time."

The frost nodded and smiled, but looked at me again, but if he lost his way: "Unfortunately, he will not stay here for too long... Goshawk, it should fly to the farther sky."

My heart trembled and looked at her and said, "I am going farther with the army and the horse. Here is always my soul in this world."

The frost smiled: "Well, I remember this sentence, never forget the cold dragon city, never forget me..."

I nod: "Yeah!"

When I said something, I thought of another thing. I said, "There are many adventurers who have joined the Cold Dragon City. Many of them have already had a very high military merit. What kind of rewards have you given? ?"

The frost is stunned and said: "This is the case... The Dragon City has only 2W troops, so only two Wanfus and 20 Qianfus can be set up. The merits can only be higher, and I am not what. The monarch of the empire, so it is impossible to enshrine the ranks of the generals, the generals of the town, the former generals..."

I said, "That can be rewarded in a different way. For example, people with high merits can learn one or two of your skills, are you here?"

The frost smirked and jumped from the giant rock to me, leaning against me, a pair of beautiful stars looked at me at a close distance and smiled: "You guy, what is the idea? I know, those Many of the adventurers are your friends, let's just say, if you want anything, just say, if you don't, I think I will answer."

I nodded: "Well, cool people..."

Frosting: "..."

I laughed and said, "In fact, I only hope that you can teach them some basic skills. I know that the absolute field of Yutian is not necessarily learned by this qualification in this life, but... ... the bladed air spine, the frosty ice armor, this kind of combat skills, can still be taught, is it?"

There is some helplessness in the frost: "I originally wanted this... Although the blade and the frosted ice are my own combat skills, but those people are not my own students, if I teach them these skills. If they go astray and use these extremely powerful combat techniques to make a mistake, then am I not a bad person?"

When the cold wind blows, I can't help but fight a chill, and I hold the little hand holding the frosty. She glimpsed and did not resist. Let me hold her hand. I said, "Do not worry, join the cold. Many people in this group of Dragon City are my life and death brothers. Their character is very solid. You can be absolutely assured, and they are all of us. The stronger they are, the colder the Dragon City and the Royal Forest Army. The stronger you are, the more you don’t want to see the troops of Tianzhu City rushing out of the nest and let us get rid of it?"

The frosty eyebrows rise, the stars look at me, smiled and said: "Okay, you can't but you, but there is only one of these two skills to provide learning. You choose one, I will be for you, break. Let's take a look!"

I don't think about it: "Then the blade will spin!"

The power of the blade spine, of course, I know that the super group killing skill, if the melee players of the dragon can learn to spin the blade, Imagine Li Mu, Wang Hao, Yi, Yue Yao Yan, Death elegy, Admiral White Waiting for people to release the blade and spin, the blade of the squadron swaying and killing the highest 9 times, is that the nightmare of any guild?

The cream nodded and said: "Well, I know!"

I also pointed to the emblem of the dragon on the arm and said, "Remember, only those who have this emblem can learn to spin the blade, and the rest, you can say that you are not satisfied with the learning conditions..."

The frost rushed and smiled: "Okay!"


I have been squatting until the early morning of the next day. The small town built by Yulinjun in the north of the cold dragon city has also begun to take shape. The walls are made of heavy stones. After the height is enough, some white iron is cast and the defense is stronger. At least, it should be able to defend against the excavation of the digger ghost. As for the white iron, there are many in the book city, and send someone to send me a letter to deliver it.

At the same time, from the news of Tianzhu City, Luo Wei led 20W to enter the city of Tianzhu, and assigned several Wanfu to guard the Linhai City. These towns and kings finally mastered the power of Tianzhu City at this moment. It’s not that Luo Shaolin is his son. I’m afraid that Luo Wei couldn’t wait to dethrone this kid.

But this possibility is not ruled out. Luo’s longing for power is too strong. One day, I will intend to touch the position of this emperor. I don’t have much time. Luo Shaolin is waiting for me. "Li Shi" returned to Tianzhu City to clear the whole piece of dirty.

At the same time, another news, the Dragon Army in Qinglin Valley was almost killed by us, reorganizing the number, tidying up 7,000 people, barely made up a 1W army, led by a new woman called "cloud fluttering", According to the news of the month, this cloud is actually an acolyte of Luo Wei, quite Wu Yong, and this was the leader of the Dragon Army. In addition, Yan Longjun’s Long Zhong battle died, and Luo Wei originally planned to arrange his own people to be promoted to the command. However, under the force of the two “loyal ministers” of Bailining and Situ’s salary, Luo Shaolin’s courage was promoted. Fang Gewei was the leader of the Yanlong Army and expanded to 8W. As a result, the main force of the Yulin Army was gone, and the Yanlong Army became the first trump of the army except the Di Dijun.

Once again, I am most concerned about the news that the 5W people who are stationed in the Vulcan Mountains area are still under the guidance of Xia Ye, and they have not trained them. It is very possible to defeat this 5W person. He will let his Di Dijun pay a heavy price. On the other hand, Xia Ye can enter the Book City at any time, requesting the reinforcement of Chi Yuhan and Chi Yuqing. These three people join hands, I am afraid that Luo Yu will be helpless. More importantly, the darkness The Queen of the Moon, Fiona, personally went to the Vulcan Mountains and visited the dark moon girl of 1W, such as Miluo. This position has already indicated that once the city of Tianzhu is on the 5W people who are stationed in the Vulcan Mountain, The most immediate consequence is the terrible enemy of the 30W army of Dark Moon Spirit!

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