Zhan Long

Chapter 977: Enemy

"Hey, add me, I will come to T!"

Blessing the wall of vindictiveness, I flew away. Suddenly, my body sank with a heavy shoulder and hit the horse on the sea of ​​Zhouhai. Suddenly, I slammed a loud bang. Zhou Hailian took the horse and took a few steps, waiting for him. Turning around, I was close to a sword and slashed on his arm. The white gas burrow broke out at the foot, and the word "the third step of the Holy Spirit" jumped around, and even the squadron burst into a thousand, and the thorns swept three hits. Suddenly a powerful force poured into the body, a close collision, the hurricane with a gale instantly shredded Zhou Hai's defense, bursting 21W high damage.

The hate value of the navigation bar violently beats, I step back, raising the hand is a floodland, the butterfly turned into three handles, instantly penetrated the body of Zhou Hai, and the damage number of 18W, finally the hatred value of this BOSS exceeded 70 % has been attracted, and the result is the swoop of Zhou Hai!

"Bad boy, find death!"

On the long raft, there is a flame like a fire dragon. When the sea screams, the long scorpion pierces my defense and directly penetrates the chest, bringing out a big number of damages -


Then, Zhou Hai roared and took a palm, and the flames in his palms surged. I was the first to be hit by the flames, and it was a big damage to the numbers flying up -



The strength of the flame impact is too strong. I even retire for dozens of steps, sliding deep grooves on the ground, and at the same time, I put on a blood bottle, and I pour a blood bottle. The treatment of the hanging pots such as Yaochi also quickly followed up, the blood strip brushed up and jumped up, and looked up, Zhou Hai took the long scorpion and came to my eyes, lifting the long 戟 is a flame sweep!

I hurriedly put the town knife on the chest to make a defensive posture. "嘭" sounded again and again, and the hate value navigation bar violently beat again. It was OT, and the reaction was instantaneous, the butterfly had already flown out, "噗噗噗" continuous penetration of the body of the sea, and I edited the trajectory of the blade, while grasping the handle of the town knife with both hands, and suddenly launched a combo, several dazzling golden six-pointed star swayed on the knife, Zhenyue knife with the resounding of justice, "啪啪啪" slashing a pass, can bring back the value of hate.

As soon as I raised my hand and grabbed the five-star artifact butterfly, I immediately formed a defensive posture with the sword and the sword. I blocked the long wave of Zhou Hai and waved it. I didn’t shy away. The butterfly was instantly dispatched, and the town knife was a round of slashing. In this way, they are fighting with BOSS, and they are able to stabilize the situation on the battlefield. However, Zhou Hai’s attack is too high, and it is a piece of killing skill. The skills such as flame impact and smashing of flames not only hurt me, but also Players behind can also cause damage, so in order to kill this BOSS we can be said to be desperate, many riding warfare players will be resurrected after death, and some have been resurrected twice, and can only be revived once in an hour.

A few minutes later, Lin Biaoer, Yue Tishui, Dongchengyue and others cleaned up some of the remaining temple rides, and began to return to help. Finally, we met this sub-god BOSS with 100 people. Although Zhou Hai is very strong, As long as the second can't kill me, basically we will win, but Zhou Hai's hate value is so powerful that I am detached from my restraint, carrying a long smash in the crowd, making our remote system miserable. Even Lin Xiaowu and Xing Lie were killed once.

The edge of the wild boar has a whole piece of skillful luster, and the sky is too late. Only the rest of our fight is gone, and Zhou Hai’s blood is getting less and less. He has tried several times to kill me. Unfortunately. The two MMs of the 凫水囡囡, 千千瑶池 are very in place, and they are constantly releasing stunts to enhance our stability advantage. So Zhou Hai tried several times before the lore of my main T and the main output was unsuccessful. Abandoned, I can only look at my own blood and kill it a little bit, but there is no way.

Li Mu, Wang Hao, Yan and others also waited for an opportunity to attack, constantly long-range melee to consume Zhou Hai's qi and blood, Li Mengyao, Yue Yaoyan, one-second hero is not retired, they can withstand the BOSS film kill attack, anyway, mainly The person who is hurting is me, they will not be spiked, especially the one-second hero, carrying the eight-snake spear, the attack power is not generally high, the spear blade has been lingering around the neck of the BOSS, Zhou Hai actually thought about it long ago. It’s a black face fat in seconds, but unfortunately it’s too late to succeed.


"Be careful, the blood of BOSS is close to 10%!" Lin Yier continued to retreat after a double-edged attack. He smiled with an iron umbrella: "The last skill should be opened!"

Sure enough, the voice did not fall, Zhou Hai had already screamed, and suddenly the sky was raging, and suddenly the clouds scattered, and there was a **** painting of the sky, and the "嗖" fell into the body of Zhouhai. At the same time, a huge figure in the air quickly fell into the body of Zhou Hai, and turned into a god-destroying war form that appeared behind Zhou Hai!

"Rub..." Li Mu couldn't help but say.

Wang Hao is also full of surprises: "The last skill of Zhou Hai - the enemy, is it Lu Bu possession?"

I am carrying a long knife: "It's probably about the same. Everyone is careful. I may have some T to stop this wave. This week's strength is not worse than those of the different kings!"

Lin Xiaowu, carrying Huang Zhongzhu, said: "Yes, these BOSS are actually substitutes for the king BOSS. Maybe the next version will replace the dead Luo Ding, Kyle, Luo Lin and the like to become new. One of the 16 kings."

"Then kill it in the hustle and bustle!" He said with a high spirit of laughter.

I nodded: "Up!"

Said, I took the ancient gods and tigers to the body under the effect of the thousand frost wings. The little tiger screamed, the speed was faster than me, and the claws quickly fell on Zhou Hai’s body, it was very painful, but Zhou Hai’s backhand It was a long slap in the face, and suddenly the little tiger lost nearly 10W of blood, almost killed by the spike!

"Pets can't keep up!" Li Mu said with a long knife: "You still have to rely on people!"

Many people do not put pets when playing the second-level BOSS, even if it is a ghost-level BOSS-class pet, killing players is OK, killing the god-level BOSS is only the goods of the second!

I waved my hand into the pet space and prevented it from fighting again. At the same time, the butterfly smashed it on the chest of Zhou Hai with a thousand rides, and the town’s knife smashed and swept out!


Zhou Hailian retired, but his face was arrogant, and his long scorpion suddenly swept out, suddenly bringing out a **** shock wave, and his mouth was even more angry: "I am not dying, I am not dying quickly - thousands of troops are broken!"

When the thousands of knives were broken and the scorpion was on the scorpion, I only felt that the ribs of the chest seemed to be cut off. The blood and blood brushed straight off, and even worse, Li Mu and Wang Wei, who were moving forward with me. The four people, 冉闵, and the Star Blade are more hurt, and the power of BOSS is a direct kill to our two-dollar ——







I was beaten 13W, Li Mu 15W, but his total blood has reached 17W so he was not killed. Wang Hao was not so lucky, 16W damage fell directly to the ground, and he opened the shocking skills to escape. As for the Star Blade, he is the least defensive of the five of us, directly hit 20W high damage, instant spike!

Everyone was shocked, Li Mu hurried back, and he ran away after a whirlwind. Li Mengyao, Yue Yaoyan, a second hero rushed over but did not catch up, can only look at the BOSS long 戟 "啪啪" two I made two **** colors on my chest, and the damage was full. At the same time, my butterfly and Zhenyue knife also squatted on the BOSS, blood and blood, sucking a little blood may not die. !

Sure enough, as I expected, Zhou Hai’s two injuries hit a number of at least 20W, which is enough to kill me, but the double dragon effect was triggered, and the ice and fire double dragons linger around me to protect, but the toughness of Shuanglong is only About 25% of my qi and blood was instantly destroyed. Fortunately, I attacked the bloodsucking and sucked back at least 5W of blood.

In a hurry, the arm trembled, and once again blessed the effect of the wall of vindictiveness, Li Mengyao finally rushed over, Jiao said: "Do not bully my brother!"

The temple sighs skills instantly, the holy words attack attracts a lot of hatred, and then the rifle is a collision, the ruling skill repels the sea, making it dizzy for 3 seconds, I take advantage of this precious time under the treatment of a group of canisters Back to the blood, fortunately, the hanging pots we brought this time are the best of the Dragon guild. At the current stage, the level of the hanging pots is 1W, which is not enough for our 20W blood cow players. The leeches and thousands of volcanic pools are all known as the treatment celebrities who have treated 3W in seconds, and their recovery ability is proper!

Behind Zhou Hai, God made Lu Bu’s astrology more and more embarrassed, waving a long scorpion is killing, and in the twinkling of a sudden killing the moon demon, a second hero two-member general, which makes people can’t bear it, Lin Biao’s are almost Spike, this time the level of BOSS has been arrogant to the point where it can not be more arrogant!

Continue to fight with the long sword, this time everyone's treatment is more concentrated, all locked me, and my wall of vindictiveness has just opened is full of resilience, plus the recovery well of the drowning water is at the foot, can actually hold the week The sea attacked and stood still, and it lasted for three minutes. Finally, after a terrible disaster, Zhou Hai fell and fell to the ground!


I rose to 172, and the experience of killing BOSS directly is still very rich.


Wang Hao, Xingchen Blade, Yue Yaoyan, One Second Hero and others have resurrected, and the expressions on their faces are all famous celebrities who have been famous for a long time. They are actually crushed by BOSS here. Still some are not good-looking, but fortunately, this time God-level BOSS, it seems not too shameful.

"Open the equipment!" Li Mu said.

I nodded and stepped forward, looking at the equipment that broke out in the sea. It seemed to have an artifact.

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