Zhan Yue

Chapter 1054: Ask heart

"Land from."

The person of the heart lake, an old man with a fairy wind and the bones stepped in, it was the teacher Xiao Chen.



My body shape also appeared in the lake of my heart, and said: "Master, has the cultivation of the spirits gone smoothly?"


He nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Just now, Master sensed the ripples of the avenue in your heart. What you are doing in front of you fits with your fundamental avenue, so Master will come out to remind you."

I hurriedly clasped my fists: "Master, please say."

"There have always been two ways to cultivate the mind and strength in this practice. In order to improve the realm and gain stronger strength, those practitioners often choose the same path of strength cultivation, refining the body, refining the spirit, and opening the sea of ​​energy. Pidong Ruins, Jinjin Pills, Refining Nascent Soul, etc., the more people at the top, the crazier the thirst for power."

With one hand behind him, he looked like an immortal, and said: "But the cultivation power alone is far from enough. Master has seen many geniuses for so many years. They are all born cultivation embryos, and they can reach the life of others at a young age. Achievements that can’t be achieved, but often their bottleneck is also high. When they climb high and look into the distance, their mood often goes wrong, so that the foundation of their practice is unstable, like a mud embryo, and they fall when pushed. Therefore, in the eyes of Master, the cultivation of the mind is actually greater than the cultivation of strength."

He looked at me and said indifferently: "How many years did the stone sink on the shores of the South China Sea with one hammer and one hammer before reaching the state it is today? Then each hammer is not a cultivating heart? Besides, your senior sister Jing Yunyue, she is herself Sealing the memory, taking a trip from the mortal world, experiencing life and death, experiencing peak bullying, all the things mentioned are the tempering of the state of mind, and you, you have been really fast in your cultivation and progress, it is because of you The state of mind is good, not greedy, not angry, not impatient or impatient, but this is not enough. If you want to ask about the deepest path in your heart, your state of mind still needs to be polished. What you did just now is quite good, ask I, whether what I have done over the years is not ashamed and unintentional, ask myself if I will understand the many truths in this world, in this world, what is your meaning, how many worlds have you changed, and how much has been changed by the world, these states of mind The polishing is the only way to go."

As he said, he smiled and said, "Master is not saying that you are in a bad mood now, but that you are a little impatient, so you might as well put Jing Yunyue's words aside, and also put aside the investigation of the dragon knight. Let yourself be a little slower, and treat this ancient battlefield experience as a mental training, which will have a profound impact on your final height in the future."

I thought it right, and gently clasped my fists: "I see, please don't worry, Master, I've written everything down."


He nodded lightly, his figure slowly disappearing in the lake of my heart, and returned to the sky floating map.


I stood in place and thought for a long time. The things Master said about cultivating the mind and power were constantly ringing in my ears like Hong Zhong Dalu. He was right. I have always pursued cultivating power too much. Especially as a player, I walk too fast, I want too many levels, equipment, skills, military ranks, etc., and my mood is a little impatient. This is not a problem in the game, but it improves my cultivation in reality. ?

Recently, Yang Yanjin’s improvement has indeed become extremely slow, and it seems that it has reached a bottleneck. Master Lin Cheng once said that the peak of Yang Yan is a key. If you can break through, you will become immortal, and if you can’t break through. , After all, due to the corrosion of the mortal body's body, in the end, just like the old man Beichenguan, he will still run out of life and die.

Practice together, the picture is a slender life, this is obvious.


"The son."

Aside, the faceless ghost Nan Fei said: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay."

I waved my hand gently: "Don't call me son, it's awkward."

"So... Master?" The faceless ghost looked a little shy.

I have a black line: "Whatever, it's okay."

As I said, I endured the panicked feeling, looked up at Xiao Jingyu, and said, "In other words, can the faceless ghost cultivate Peng Xiu's patience and change her face?"


Xiao Jingyu respectfully said: "As long as she draws enough spiritual energy to improve her rank as a ghost, she can naturally use some simple transformation techniques. This faceless ghost should have been a beauty embryo before his death, if it could change aside. If you have long hair, it is considered a beautiful thing, and the immortal master will be blessed."

As he said, his eyes swept back and forth between the faceless peaks and slender jade legs.

"court death?"

I suddenly stepped forward and pressed Xiao Jingyu's head into the muddy soil of the White Bone Garden with a "peng", kicked him out of the tens of meters, and slammed into the courtyard wall in embarrassment. .

"At the next moment you will be overwhelmed, **** damn, what the fairy master taught."

He dusted off his handsome clothes, looking very free and easy.

I smiled faintly, turned around and stepped into the bedroom of Shilipo ghost king Pengxiu, but there were more things in the bedroom, but there were hardly any great artifacts. They were used by women, and they were very delicate and aura. The powder box is a little adorned with beautifully colored golden step shakers, and there are also some jade articles, primitive bronze mirrors and the like. The eyes are scanned one by one, and it is basically the cheapest and worth a surname.

So, he stretched out his hand to open the opening of the package and swept all in.

Xiao Jingyu looked stunned: "Master, do you need help?"

"No, I can do it myself."

I mopped up one by one, and even wanted to buckle down the engraving of the arch, but it was a little bit of suspicion of damaging the treasure, so I had to give it up.


Or the Bone Garden.

Raising with one hand, driving two daggers, the constant wind and the blade of dawn turned into two rainbow lights, constantly turning over the soil, and cleaved a deep gully on the side of the Bone Garden.

"What is the immortal master doing?" Xiao Jingyu asked.

I picked up the skeleton of a scholar and put it into the deep pit. Then I stood outside the pit and gave a fist gently, and said sincerely: "May you no longer be fascinated by female **** and lose your life in the next life."


Xiao Jingyu frowned, "These scholars can't stand a little temptation. They don't understand the principle of a knife on their heads. If they die, they will die. Does the immortal master still want to save their dead souls?"

I turned my face to look at him, with a bit of anger in my eyes: "Even if you can't stand the temptation, there is no reason to die here. After all, this group of scholars is still the victim."

Xiao Jingyu was stunned: "The fairy is right."

"Since you think I am right, then help."


Xiao Jingyu also helped to clean up the bones that had been exposed for some years, and said with me in a decent way: "May you no longer be fascinated by female **** and lose your life in the next life."

The faceless ghost stood behind him, looking at us, as if looking at two very strange people.

After busying for a long time, the Bone Garden was finally clean.


I looked at the timid, cowardly faceless ghost behind me, and couldn't help but feel a headache, and asked, "Xiao Jingyu, how can I improve the rank of the faceless ghost? Is her current rank too low?"

"It's not just too low."

Xiao Jingyu shook his head: "It is impossible to be lower. For so many years, because of her pure Yin physique, Peng Xiu has always used her as a tool to gather Yin Qi in the Bone Garden. The accumulation of Yin Qi eventually turned into a ghost. The rich aura that I like, but these auras have basically become Peng Xiu's cultivation base, and the faceless ghost seems to dare not eat a bite."

I frowned, "Is that a faceless ghost or does it have to absorb Yin Qi in order to improve its rank?"

"No need."

Xiao Jingyu smiled and said: "Isn't the fairy master holding some spirit star money, these spirit star coins originally contained a lot of aura when they were cast. , This small drop of aura is enough to increase the aura of the faceless ghost. As long as the fairy is willing to spend money on her, it is not a problem to smash a ghost king."

"Got it."

I turned around, and there was an extra Lingxingqian in my hand. I applied lightly, and under the holy energy, the Lingxingqian suddenly began to shrink, losing its original luster, and there was a drop of pale gold from the gap in my fist. The aura slowly fell, dripping in the palm of the faceless ghost.


The faceless body trembled slightly.

"I don't know the method of refining, come on." I looked at Xiao Jingyu.


Xiao Jingyu was taken aback for a moment, and then he was pleased: "Thank you, Master, this is my honor, Xiao Jingyu."

As he said, he spread out his five fingers with a peculiar method, pulling that drop of spiritual energy, and finally turned it into a little bit of Xinghuaqin into the body of the faceless ghost, and suddenly the body of the faceless ghost Nan Fei became A lot of solidification, visible to the naked eye.

"It seems that one is not enough."

I directly took out ten spirit star coins, held it with one hand, and squeezed out a large drop of strong spirit energy, while Xiao Jingyu slowly used magic techniques to refine the spirit energy and gave it back to the faceless ghost. The mist of the faceless ghost has risen, and the aura has improved a little, and it seems that the rank has also improved.

"Can you continue refining?" I asked.

Xiao Jingyu wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "Okay? This faceless ghost has existed under Peng Xiu's hands for hundreds of years. Although there is no strong cultivation base, he is like a mouthful. The ancient dry wells are average, and they can hold a lot of spirit money from the spirit stars."

"Got it."

I stretched out my hand again and grabbed it again, and it was ten Lingxing coins.

Xiao Jingyu felt a little painful ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said, "Master, do you know the meaning of this spiritual star coin? In a small town outside the city of Qisha, such a spiritual star coin It's a house with three entrances and three exits... Is it worth it to spend the precious spiritual star money in the eyes of the monks on a faceless ghost destined to be nothing?"

"It's fine if you have a clear conscience." I said.

Xiao Jingyu asked: "Why?"

"At the beginning, when I stepped into the Ten Mile Slope Realm for the first time, she was the first ghost I had ever seen, and she tried to scare me once."

"That's it."

Xiao Jingyu squinted his eyes: "Little ghosts, there is such a simple and kind heart. It's really not easy."

After that, he didn't say much, just concentrated on upgrading the rank of the faceless ghost.

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