Zhan Yue

Chapter 1078: Master with sister

In less than half an hour, the question of Jian Changsheng Palace had come to an end.


After returning to the Dragon Region, nothing happened for the time being, and I didn’t have to work hard about the merits of the Dragon Region anymore, so I returned to Chaoge City with a double dagger, got up, and just sat on the top floor of the Star Retriever Platform, watching This piece of land we have worked so hard to lay down.

In the package, 500 spiritual crystals are enough for the silver sword embryo to consume for a long time, even if it gnaws two a day, it is enough for half a year, so there is no need to worry about this. As for the level, you don’t have to worry about it. Level 202 disregards the whole server, and no one can compare it. Even Lin Xi is only level 188, not to mention other players.

At the same time, I promised my sister and Xu Yao that they can no longer use red deer to rush through the city in the short term, otherwise the company will not be able to make it. What's so good?


In Chaoge City, Lin Xi wore a silver armor, rode a white deer, held the sword of an archangel, looked up at me like a goddess, and said, "What do you do to climb so high? If you have nothing to do, just accompany you. Let's go to the level."

"Well, yes!"

I immediately jumped, and my body floated down like this. The cloak behind me flew up, causing a group of MM players from the Deer Guild who bought the potion from a distance to open their mouths slightly, and all of them were about to look straight. It can still be like this in the game. Handsome, there are only immortal players, and the wind is coming and going, floating like an immortal!

After landing, summon Wu Hazhi and turn on his horse, just like an ordinary player.

"where to?"

I glanced at Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi behind me, and said, "Is everything ready for the potion?"

"All ready!" The two little beauties nodded together.

Lin Xi said, "Go to the North. Yesterday, I bought a coordinate from Bai Xiaosheng for 500G. It is said that the monsters over there are of high level, which is very suitable for us to level up now, but..."

She glanced at my level and smiled: "I have to say first, your level is too high, too much higher than ours, so your experience value will be quite low when killing monsters, especially killing 202. When monsters below level, most of the experience is lost, and a small part is given to low-level players like us."

"That's just right."

I smiled: "I will be a wage earner today, and I don't want to be too high-level."

"Then you are rushing so fast?" Shen Mingxuan said.

I was speechless: "I can't help it. I don't want to be bullied anymore? Last time we were beaten so badly by Feng Canghai's tactics of breaking the sea, I don't want to repeat the same mistakes again. suppress."

Lin Xi smiled and asked, "So, if Feng Lin Huo calls again now, shall we be sure of the victory?"


I nodded: "I will let Feng Canghai know why the flower is so red. Unfortunately, he must not dare to come. This kind of person judges the situation and he will not act rashly if he is not fully certain. That was the case last time, in order to attack. Chaoge City, they plan too much, at least 3-4 times the number of ours, and they have a tactical system of breaking the sea to clear the way, but at that time I had not obtained..."

"What do you get?" Gu Ruyi asked with a smile.

"You'll know in a while."

I made a haha ​​and said with a smile: "Lin Xiaoxi, lead the way, let's go out to clean up monsters~~~"



Lin Xi cleared the way, carrying a long sword, and Bingluan flying above her head, just walking ahead. Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi followed, while I was riding behind the Wuxiazhi Temple, and several people walked out of the city slowly and outside the city. Afterwards, starting to ride together, Lin Xi stretched out her hand to pull Shen Mingxuan on Bai Lu’s back, while I pulled Gu Ruyi onto Wu Hao’s back. Ruyi was very careful, not daring to open his arms around me from behind. Waist, just stretched out his hand to pull the chain around Sirius's waist.

Just let her go, don't fall down.

In the next second, Bailu and Wu Hazhen began to run wildly, turning into two figures, one white and one gray, and they left Chaoge City and went straight to the depths of the alien territory in the Northern Territory.

After about 20 minutes of walking, a series of towering mountains appeared in front of them. The mountains seemed to be connected to the sky. On the big map, this continuous mountain range was the legendary Lishan, the Zhongyue of the Zhongtu Dynasty. However, it is not an exaggeration to call it Beiyue now, it is enough to see how many territories the human race has fallen into during so many years.


On the top of the hill, handsome figures in white clothes and long sleeves fluttered out. It was the mountain **** Yin Yu, who gave us a deep bow, while Lin Xi and I smiled and nodded, just passing by. Shan, Yin Hao now has his own chance and good fortune. Although He Chaoge City is still a family, we will not bother him too much. After all, the area governed by the God of Lishan Mountain is really too big. Listen to Yin Hao. I have said that various surveys of mountain roots and water transportation, underground features, etc., are required for this mountain **** to maintain the transportation of mountains, waters and air in a place, and some are busy.

Far away, a mountain temple is located on the mountainside of Lishan Mountain, and there are even many people helping to burn incense on the mountain road.


Shen Mingxuan blinked his eyes and said, "Didn't the pioneering forests have been the territory of the pioneers? How come there are humans? This mountain temple actually still has incense, which is strange."

"No wonder."

I looked sideways and said, "You open the big map, and there is a very rich green in an area surrounded by Lishan Mountain. It is an area where human races live. When Xiang Ying served as a mountain **** before, he was already blessed. The Shaobei survivors live in Lishan, and now Yin Hao has taken over. Without these incense, I am afraid that the golden body of the Lishan mountain **** would have rusted through."

Lin Xi opened her beautiful eyes and smiled: "There is a little reason!"


Soon after, I passed through Lishan and came straight to the northern part of the open forest sea. Further north, the big map was red, and when you saw it from a distance, it was an endless maple forest. At this time, it was red and it was hard to imagine that it was full of life. There will still be such a vibrant woodland in the north, and it occupies a very large area on the big map, which is no inferior to the open forest.

"Northern Maple Forest is here."

Lin Xi raised the tip of the sword and said, "The thunderous territory of the Enveloped Demon Blade is also our trip. It is said that the monsters in a specific area in the Northern Maple Forest are all 195-200 level mountain and sea level monsters. It's suitable for a few of our current levels. Today, Lu Li is here again, so he can do a good job."

I nodded and smiled: "Well, it will satisfy everyone."

In this way, a group of people walked out of the snowy jungle of the open sea of ​​woods, and further forward, the temperature seemed to rise a lot, stepping into a maple forest, not far away was a group of 190-level rare world-level corpses, a kind of people. Seeing an annoying monster, being approached by the corpse demon will be contaminated with the plague, and it will continue to lose blood every second, and the corpse demon can release the slowing skill, and can also swallow the dead energy around to restore the blood. , And the experience value of being a rare-world monster is quite small. It can be said that players are "ghostly difficult" when they go out for leveling at this stage.

Lin Xi rode a white deer, and just led us around the corpse demon refreshing area. After passing through this area, the front is still the boundary of the northern maple forest, but it passes through a grassland about two or three miles. After that, the maple forest further ahead became even more fiery red, and in the maple forest appeared a roaming giant wolf. These giant wolves were gray-brown, with regular markings on the body, and from time to time there were strands of thunder and lightning. He swept around his body, his head was as big as a bucket, his gray-brown eyes were hungry, and mucus in his mouth was dripping and splashing on the grass along the sharp and slender teeth, and they obviously did not eat grass.

"found it."

Lin Xi looked relieved and said with a smile: "The 199-level mountain and sea monster raging wolf is said to be a mutated monster. The experience value is quite high, about 25% higher than the ordinary 199-level mountain and sea monster. This 500G cost is fairly worthwhile, here... you should be able to reach level 200 within a week!"

I nodded happily: "Indeed, it's really not that difficult if you can keep swiping level 200 monsters.

"What are you waiting for!?"

Shen Mingxuan smiled and said: "I'm going to shoot the monster from a long distance, Lin Xiaoxi will hold it for a while, and Lu Li and Ruyi will output together ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and try to clean up a violent wolf within 30 seconds."

"It's so troublesome..." I said with a black thread, "I'm here today, so you don't have to be so troublesome, Lin Xi, after you've gotten the blame for a while, stand directly next to Ruyi and Shen Mingxuan, keeping them two different. When being attacked, my skill attack will have a 120-second cooldown blank time every time it is released. During this time, the two of us can use the blood-sucking effect to carry it through."


Lin Xi didn't understand.

Gu Ruyi was even more stunned: "Then...what about me and Mingxuan?"

"Don't move, you two, be an experience baby with peace of mind."


Shen Mingxuan's beautiful eyes widened: "You let the top marksman and element mage of the national clothes stay in place as an experience baby?"

I glanced back at her and said, "What, did you sting your pride?"

"a little bit……"

"Hmph, just don't call Zhenxiang for a while."

I waved my hand and said with a smile: "Lin Xiaoxi go to attract strangers, please attract more, preferably more than 500?"


Lin Xi was also audacious, and immediately instigated Bai Lu to rush over, moving various zigzag positions among the groups of violent wolves, and then there was a large group of violent wolves chasing behind the little beauty with drooling, and wanted to take a bite.

"Remember it later!"

I turned and looked at the two MMs behind me, and said, "You two, don't export, don't lose a skill, otherwise you will be attracted to the raging wolf. If you want to save it, Lin Xi and I can't save it."

Shen Mingxuan directly arched the phoenix destruction behind him, folded his arms in front of his chest, and said with a smile: "Okay, let's watch you perform."


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