Zhan Yue

Chapter 1121: Taste of home

"What is it, so solemnly?" Lin Xi asked with a smile.

"It's the blade of dawn."

I took out a crystal clear golden dagger from the package, and smiled: "I use the Vulcan Blade and the Endless Wind. The Vulcan Blade is responsible for the main attack, and the Endless Wind stacks damage bonuses. So this mountain-sea-level dawn blade is left unused. It is a mountain-sea-level dagger anyway. If it is not used, it would be too wasteful, but it seems inappropriate to give it away."

Lin Xi smiled slightly, leaned forward to hold one of my arms, smiled and asked, "Then what did you think before?"

"No specific ideas."

I looked at the clusters of torches outside the city and said, "Now Sirius Armor is also idle. As you said earlier, if Sirius Armor sends the mortal dust, then there is a reason to give the Dawn Blade to Liu Ying, after all. Liu Ying and Fan Chen are our two great honourable ministers, it is worth sending such a good thing, but you know, Liu Ying is still young, this dawn blade is a mountain and sea grade equipment that can grow, if I give it...I am worried She will think more."


The corner of Lin Xi's mouth lightly raised: "Listening to this, I'm worried about sending the Blade of Dawn to Liu Ying. Liu Ying will think you are a little bit interesting to her, so she will think more, right?"

"Roughly the same……"


She let go of the hand holding my arm and said, "Do you think I can't see it? Liu Ying always liked you very much, otherwise, with her personality, how could I stay here so desperately?"

As she said, she looked at my face and smiled: "But don’t be nervous, I can see that Liu Ying’s liking for you is a very ignorant one. I’m afraid she doesn’t know whether she likes it or not. Or something else, it should be more worship. After all, your ID of the July Flowing Fire was really too popular. It is normal for her to be an assassin girl to worship you."

I nodded in agreement.

"Then you should already have plans?" She smiled and asked, "Do you need my help if you want to solve this problem?"


I confided my heart and said directly: "This blade of dawn was also given to me by you, so I think... I will put the blade of dawn with you first, and then you go to Yueliuying to speak, just say me Leave the obsolete equipment at your disposal, and you feel that Liuying is the most suitable for this dawn blade. Therefore, as the leader of Yilu, you reward the blade of dawn to Liuying, one of the assassins of Yilu. , So everything is reasonable, and I can also pick myself out."

"It's a good way."

Lin Xi immediately agreed, but immediately stared at me with a pair of beauty.

"Why..." I felt a little guilty.

She stretched out a jade onion-like finger and lightly tapped on my chest, and smiled: "Ouyang Luli, when did you start having so many twists and turns in your heart?"


I looked innocent: "Being able to think more for the people around me, and do things more comprehensively, I think this should be regarded as an advantage? Lin Xiaoxi, you can't take the opportunity to make trouble because of this."


She snorted, took the Dawn Blade from my hand, and said, "Leave this to me."

"Well, but don't be self-defeating." I said.

"How can I be self-defeating?" She looked at me confused.

"Wan Tian Yingying is in love with you, what should I do?" I said.

In the next second, Lin Xi blushed pretty face, full of shame and anger, and punched me with a punch, and smiled: "I'm done today, I'm back to the city, and I'm off the assembly line to rest."


Watching Lin Xi return to the city, I took a deep breath, and finally a major event that was pressing in my heart was resolved, and I could catch my breath. As for why the Blade of Dawn was attached so much importance, it was mainly because of the mountain and sea level. There are only a handful of mountain and sea level equipment. Although the mountain and sea level is only one grade higher than the prehistoric level, it is a world of difference, because the prehistoric level is fixed, for example, a 180-level prehistoric level. Equipment, once dropped, it will remain a level 180 prehistoric level equipment for a lifetime, but the mountain and sea level is a golden equipment, and the level can be grown. Even the level 180 mountain and sea level equipment dropped together can be upgraded through system materials in the future. The 280-level mountain and sea equipment, and even the 300+ mountain and sea equipment, are still top-notch equipment.

Therefore, although it is only a front line, the watershed is quite obvious. The mountain and sea-level equipment is truly top-level equipment. It is an artifact in the minds of many players. Level, there is no comparability at all.

It is precisely because of this that mountain and sea level equipment is quite scarce. According to the statistics of relevant persons on the forum, the total number of mountain and sea level and above mountain and sea level equipment dropped by the national service is currently 23 pieces. Because it is too rare, even It’s a master such as Qingdeng, Haotian, and Chaos Fengxian. There is no such thing as a mountain or sea level, and I, an assassin who doesn’t respect the rules of the game, owns as many as 8 pieces. One of the reasons for walking and being hated by others, right?

I don’t care about him, I’m happy~~~


Offline, supper is ready to stop, still Qixintian.

I am enjoying eating crabs and fried rice with eggs, but Lin Xi on the side looked at me and said, “Actually, we eat things in the restaurant every day. It’s really not healthy. Mingxuan, we’ll have it tomorrow morning. I’m not online anymore, can I prepare a sumptuous lunch by myself? I’ve downloaded the recipe..."

As she said, she tapped her watch lightly, and suddenly a dazzling array of recipes flew in front of her.

I held my forehead: "It turns out that our Tianming Group's advanced technology watch can be used in this way. For the first time I know..."

Shen Mingxuan chuckled: "No problem, Lin Xiaoxi, didn't you say you want to make chicken soup for everyone to drink? Where did the chicken come from?"

"We have already contacted, and will be transferred from the country tomorrow, the native chicken, the one that was killed just now."

"Yes, great."

Shen Mingxuan raised his thumb, then raised his eyebrows at me, and smiled: "I see, how much Lin Xiaoxi loves you? How about you, you know every day that you are fighting pick-ups online, and you don't know how to accompany Lin Xiao. Xi."

I was sweating and I didn't know how to answer.

And Lin Xi, who was kneeling on the sofa and eating, gently touched the booster system on her calf, and smiled: "Okay, I know how good Lu Li is to me, you don't need to remind..."

For a while, I was very pleased. Lin Xi was still considerate, like Shen Mingxuan, a stubborn girl. If she hadn't been for her beautiful figure and good figure, I would really worry about whether she could get married. As for Ruyi, who To marry us Ruyi, it was his virtue in his last life.


It was late at night, and each went back to the room to rest.

Lying on the bed, I felt the Yang Yanjin in my body swimming between the veins, like little fire beasts patrolling the territory, and every time I patrolled, the strength increased even more, and I could even notice it. I feel that my body is being “reformed” by this kind of power a little bit, becoming stronger and deeper, so even if it’s sleeping, eating, or playing games, my body is still taking care of itself. While cultivating, I don’t need to do anything on my own initiative at all.

The peak of Yang Yan, and my Yang Yan foundation seems to be very strong, otherwise it would not have been possible to defeat Huang Yuan so easily, but there is one thing that I cannot understand, and Master Lin Cheng also cannot understand, that is my cultivation time. It's actually quite short, less than half a year. How come you have cultivated from an ordinary person to the limit of a human being?

Among them, are there some hidden secrets?

Feng Canghai stepped into the realm of Yangyan by some means through the guide, and obtained the identity of a paper Yangyan. Then, I, I have only been in the vortex a few times, and there are some adventures in the game. Why is Yang Yan's foundation so stable? Even Master praised me, saying that Senior Brother Li Xiaoyao is already the best among human cultivators. After years of hard work, he has his solid Yangyan realm background. , But my previous experience can't be compared with that of brother, Yang Yan's foundation is actually a little thicker than that of brother, which is a bit weird.

All these, the road is a mystery to me.

I don't know, I can only wait for the answer to open by myself.


The next morning, the upstairs was busy early, and I was awakened by the footsteps of Lin Xi and Shen Mingxuan and others when I was lying in bed. I slept in and planned to have a complete abortion. So I got up to wash, and I saw everyone there. Busy, all kinds of vegetables, condiments and the like ordered from outside have been delivered, and they are being packed in the hall.

It seems that today everyone is determined not to play the game in the morning, so I also smiled in my heart, then I will not go to the game this morning, and accompany you well.

"How can I help?" I asked~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Xi raised her hand to look at the recipe on the watch, while looking at the dishes on the floor, and said: "Why don't you... go and peel off the garlic? A moment? It will be used in a while, and the chicken soup will be boiled first."

"Well, yes!"

I just sat aside and picked garlic, while Ruyi was conscientiously picking celery, and I bought very fine parsley, which are generally not available in supermarkets, and I don’t know where they bought them. Celery stir-fried shredded pork is a must, but I don't know if Lin Xi's cooking skills can be mastered.

Soon after, a big pot of soup started to run in the kitchen on the second floor, and I helped as long as I could help, but basically I was in a mess, and all help was unhelpful. Fortunately, Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Gu Ruyi were three. Originally, MM was not a big chef, and he was just as busy, so that I wouldn't look quite embarrassed.

It was so busy until noon, the fragrance of chicken soup was overflowing, and it smelled good, and along with Lin Xi and Shen Mingxuan’s screaming and screaming, the scent of several small dishes came one by one. For a time, the small studio The second floor is full of home taste.

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