Zhan Yue

Chapter 1136: Shengguang Canglan


After 12 hours of continuous fighting, everyone was tired and hungry, so they went to sleep after a full meal. I was okay. The physical strength of Yangyan Peak was strong, and the mental strength was also very abundant. It doesn’t matter if you don’t sleep. But for the sake of team unity, I didn't bother to go downstairs, so I took a blanket on the sofa on the second floor to deal with it.

It seemed that not long after I closed my eyes, I heard Lin Xi's voice in my ear: "Lu Li, I'm getting up for dinner. After dinner, I'll accompany me to level 200. I'm going to overcome the catastrophe!"


I glanced at the time, and it was six o’clock in the afternoon. Five hours of sleep seemed to be in the blink of an eye. At this moment, Auntie Shaocai had already taken the food upstairs from the elevator. Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Gu Ruyi were all in their mental states. Yes, based on the power of the powerful tribulation skills that I have shown in the eternal mystery, so they are full of longing for the ascension of the tribulations one by one, and they don’t feel tired. Today, Lin Xi can rush to level 200, and two days later, Shen Mingxuan, Ruyi should also be able to reach level 200, after all, once the Eternal Secret Realm map is opened, the upgrade speed is too fast, it is completely the top map provided for players to reach level 200!

After dinner, go online.



My body was refreshed in the Secret Linglu area of ​​the Eternal Secret Realm, and the figures of Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Ruyi also appeared one by one, and just after we appeared, not far away, a deer stayed up all night and the **** of war came and arrived. He smiled and said: "Report to the lord, the sharp people have been cleaned up. There is currently no sharp person in the eternal secret. They are all guarded by the corpse until they collapse, and they gave up entering the map, and some even went back to the city and resurrected. The resurrection point is also firmly controlled by our Yilu people, and Haotian has been guarding them for a long time."

"Not bad."

Lin Xi raised her eyebrows and smiled: "Any other news?"


The lamp cleared and said in a deep voice: "There is a husky horse approaching from the northeast in Yunhaixuan, looking at it from the eternal secret map. It seems to be trying to fish for some oil and water. In addition, there are a few Fenglin Volcanoes and Prague Guild players. Observing outside of the Eternal Secret, it seemed as if we wanted to enter the map. Kamei and I hesitated, not knowing whether to stop them."


I nodded: "However, those who forcibly stop these guilds will definitely disperse our forces too much. After all, it is not a good thing."

As I said, I turned to look at Lin Xi and Shen Mingxuan, and said, "Although there are many people who can be farmed in the eternal secret, our main target is the secret deer in the central area. We need to invest heavily in the middle circle and the periphery. It’s not necessary for us to spend too much manpower on the great apes and brown bears. I think...it’s time to attract foreign aid."

"foreign aid?"

Lin Xi and Qing Deng said in surprise at the same time.


I smiled slightly: "The eternal mystery map, even the iron arm giant ape on the refresh belt on the middle layer, is the dream of the top guilds. Let's sell our personal feelings and let the eternal mystery area that was originally occupied by the edge of nearly 20%. For Wushuang City and Lingyan Pavilion, I believe these two guilds will be very willing to take over, and after they take over, they can also help us defend against threats from the east and north, and to a certain extent alleviate Yilu’s manpower shortage."


Lin Xi smiled lightly: "I don't think there is a problem."

Qingdeng smiled and said, "Lu Li is very safe in doing things, then do it?"


I turned around and said: "Lin Xi, you are the leader of Yilu, or you should send a message to the leaders of Wushuang City and Lingyan Pavilion, let them come over to take over the site, and the map should be divided in detail to avoid any friction between the two sides. "

Lin Xi smiled and nodded.

In less than a minute, Lin Xi looked up at us and smiled: "It's done, the two major guilds will soon send the main force over, clear the lights, you are responsible for contacting them, and the follow-up work of this matter is left to you. ."

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

The pat on the chest of the clear lamp shook the sky.


So, the four-person team of Yilu Studio continued to paint the mysterious Linglu.

After half an hour of writing, there was a "click" and a golden skill book fell at Lin Xi's feet, and I completely ignored it, feeling that my level 200 assassin skill book was impossible, and Lin Xi was very skilled. The same is true when shaking the shared attributes. This time it was a boxer's 200-level tribulation skill book——

[Fist Breaks All Things] (SS-level skill books): Activate your whole body fist to make yourself enter the realm of selflessness. After that, the power of each punch is doubled, and the fist is raging and crushed. The more hostile targets around you , The body-protecting boxing fist formed becomes more vigorous. All basic attacks have a 20-yard fist splash effect. The effect lasts for 25 seconds. The learning needs level: 200. The requirements: crossing the robbery, the occupation: boxer is required, and the consumption: 10 charm points.

"Ma Ye..."

Shen Mingxuan was holding the bow, laughing and crying: "Looking at what this means, even the unpopular profession of boxing is about to usher in the spring?"

"Yes it is."

I looked at the introduction of the fist breaking all things and said with a smile: "The boxer is no longer the crispy melee output career that dared not fight frontally. The fist breaks all things and forms a bodyguard fist box, which matches the boxer’s various AOE boxing methods. , I’m afraid the boxer will be able to fight against the heavy equipment, and it is inevitable that a group of old boxers will appear in every team battle."

"Tsk tsk."

Lin Xi smiled and said: "It really makes people look forward to it. The profession of boxer has been silent for so long, and since the start of the service, it has been disliked by all kinds of people. It seems that it is indeed possible that this skill will turn around now, at least, in the boxing. Within 25 seconds of everything, this profession can be considered a T0-level profession, right?"


I smiled slightly: "Just like the sharpshooter, the shadow of the sharpshooter and the punches are all T0 strengths for the duration, but once the triumphant effect is over, the sharpshooter is T1 and the boxer is T3, and this is nothing. It's arguable."

Shen Mingxuan pouted: "I know, you assassins are eternal T0."

"no no."

I laughed and said: "The T0 professions in the game of "Halloween Moon" are only swordsmen and wizards. Assassins are the same as marksman, paladin, and nanny. They are all T1. The rest, musicians and sorcerers are T2. Boxer is the hottest chicken, T3!"

Ruyi chuckles: "Well, it's so interesting."

Lin Xi drew the sword again: "Okay, go on, today I have to help Lu Li explode the level 200 assassin's tribulation skills, I really don't believe it."

"Come on!"


As a result, at about 7 o’clock in the evening, a brilliant light passed by, accompanied by the death of a mysterious spirit deer, and another skill book dropped, but my heart was nowhere to be seen. No matter what, I am definitely not an assassin. That’s it!

Lin Xi stepped forward to pick it up, stretched out her hand, and it was true--

[Summon Bai Ze] (SS-level skill books): Condense the demon power of the whole body, summon an ancient Bai Ze to help fight, Bai Ze’s combat power and the summoner’s spiritual attack power, the higher the spiritual attack power, Bai Ze’s full The higher the attribute combat power, and at the same time, players can add new skills to Bai Ze by purchasing talisman to make Bai Ze more powerful. The summoning time of Bai Ze lasts for 120 seconds. The learning level: 200, the requirements: crossing the robbery, need Occupation: Wizard, need to consume: 10 Charisma points.

"The wizard will rise too."

I looked at the skill attributes and groaned: "Bai Ze’s full attributes are linked to the magician’s spiritual power. In other words, if a sorcerer wearing a mountain-sea-level wizard suit summons Bai Ze, this white Ze’s combat power will be quite terrifying, maybe he can wrestle with a top-tier heavy equipment like Lin Xi. By then, the player’s team battle line might be a different scene."

Lin Xi nodded: "This attribute link is indeed a bit scary."

Shen Mingxuan said: "Actually, if it looks like this, looking at the 200-level tribulation skills of major professions, it seems that the lightning chain of the wizard and the sword of the swordsman are not so terrible. Instead, it is to summon Bai Ze and the shadow of the shot. These skills are a bit buggy, which has changed the career prospects considerably."

I smiled and said, "Obviously, planning is using skills to gradually adjust the balance between professions. If the unpopular professions such as wizards and boxers are not strengthened, I am afraid that no one will really play them."

"It makes sense."

Lin Xi smiled slightly: "Unfortunately, the assassin skill book still didn't burst out."

I comforted: "There will be, the effort will pay off the hardworking people."



At night, there are continuous battles in the Eternal Secret Realm, and Yilu Studio’s gains are the most lucrative. So far, it has published 7 skill books, plus two Secret Deer Mount Seal Stones. The explosion rate is so high because the ultimate killer is the monster. Lin Xi and I, the charm value of the two people is too high, especially my 500+ charm value, which is unimaginable by other players. It is also expected that the burst rate is far higher than that of other teams.

However, on Yilu’s public screen, there are still people sharing the trophies. Some people burst out orange and red equipment, some people burst out a sword hanging down the stars, and some people burst out the sacred morning star. With the deer entrenched on this map, it is destined to be the biggest winner of this version change. This eternal secret is enough to raise a deer fat and strong!

As a result, from more than seven o'clock in the evening until nine o'clock, Yilu Studio had almost zero harvest and no shipments.

And at a quarter past nine, there was another "click", and a shiny skill book fell on the ground, and I still picked my nose and said, "Lin Xi is going to get it. I feel that it is definitely not an assassin skill book. "

"Well~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Xi stepped forward and stretched out the Pickup Skill Book. Indeed, it is a new Tribulation Skill Book, but this time it is replaced by the Paladin's Tribulation Skill— —

[Holy Light Canglan] (SS-level skill books): Condensing the power of the holy light of the whole body, summons the legendary Canglan realm, causing 1000% of its own healing per second to friendly targets within 40×40 yards , Lasts for 9 seconds, and during the release process, self defense power +200%, damage reduction effect +30%, after the skill is released, it enters a weak state, the blood, defense, and mana values ​​are reduced to 60% for 30 seconds. Learning level: 200, requirements: crossing the robbery, need occupation: Paladin, need to consume: 10 charm points.


"The Holy Cavalry Cross Tribulation skill is finally out."

Lin Xi's eyes were faint, and she looked up at me and said, "Is it so difficult for the assassin's tribulation skills?"

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