Zhan Yue

Chapter 1148: God knows what you did

The other party can’t see me, but everything about him has been exposed to my gaze——


Level: 200

Guild: None

Position: None

Rank: Tier 5 Town State

Strength level: Grandmaster


Interesting, a master-level sorcerer? When I glanced through the list of strength ranks, the top 100 kings did not have the figure of a magician at all. This summoning profession seemed to have been forgotten long ago. After all, before the triumph, the profession of the magician was. Even if your output is not good enough, the monsters summoned are also quite broken, and even a large number of nine-tailed monsters summoned by many sorcerers are swept away by a few top swordsmen in one round. Crying without tears.

And this word, it turned out to be the seventh-ranked guy in the grandmaster rank, and there is no magician in front of him, that is to say... this person is the chief magician of the national uniform, but unfortunately, the chief is also a **** profession, so it is fundamental Nobody cares.

I lay on the old tree and looked at this young man lazily. This enchanter seemed to be a little different. Holding a magic sword in his hand, wearing a blue Confucian shirt, his face was well-defined, and his eyes were as clear as stars. It looks like a weak scholar, different from the male players of Yilu. Whether it is Qingdeng, Haotian, Slaughter Fanchen, Tianya Moke, or Afei, Nanmu Keyi, Tianchai, and Yixue, they all look It is like a group of big bosses. Although Jiu Ge and others seem to be scholars, the bookish spirit on them is not as strong as the bookish spirit on the word Wang. In a literal phrase, the word Wang looks like a seed of reading. Born to live between books.

Unfortunately, his trouble came.

Not far away, five scattered players had noticed that the enchanter had put down the Nascent Soul Golden Seat, so they walked one by one, one swordsman, two sharpshooters, one mage, and one walking in the shadows. The assassin of, it’s a pity that others can’t see him, but I can easily see through his movement, even without opening the eyes of the Shifang Hot Wheel, I can see the stealth state up close by only relying on level suppression.


"Hey friend!"

The headed swordsman was riding a black-mane war horse, and looked at the young enchanter condescendingly, his mouth raised slightly, and smiled: "How about doing a business?"


The sorcerer frowned and said, "We don't seem to know each other? What business?"

"Here, that's it."

The swordsman said with a smile and said without a smile: "Recently, it is not safe to cross the Tribulation Mountain. So many people are crowded to cross the Tribulation. There is also a deer who smashes the Yuan Yingjin seat on the Cross Tribulation Mountain every day. After Yuan Ying is released, not only will he have to endure three times of thunder, but also one of the world’s disasters. At this time, Yilu’s people rushed in, and there was no helper by your side. What do you think you should do?"

The sorcerer gritted his teeth: "As far as I know, Yilu is only aimed at the sharp-edged Nascent Soul. It has nothing to do with other guilds, even casual players."

"You don't know anything about that."

The swordsman chuckled: "The heart is separated by the belly. Now who is Yilu, he is the second guild in the ranking of the national service official. Last time he snatched the historically famous city of Chaoge City. The eternal secret realm is exclusively occupied underneath. With so many players in the national service, Yilu accounted for nearly 20%. You said Yilu can still keep its original intention not to bully individual players? Ghosts believe."

The enchanter looked cold: "Then what do you want?"

"What else?"

The swordsman stretched his hands and said with a smile: "Make a good relationship and do business. Now that you have already put down the Nascent Soul Golden Seat, let’s not say that some of us are willing to help you save the Nascent Soul Golden Seat. , As long as you don’t get killed by the thunder, we will be able to protect your Nascent Soul Golden Seat from being destroyed by other players even if it lasts for 1 point, and you... just give us a few small ones. A small reward is enough."

"What reward?" The enchanter said coldly.


The swordsman laughed and said, "Just transfer 2000 directly on my account, not much at all, or come up with a high-end orange outfit worth more than 2000R. It would be better if it was red outfit. ......You have the equipment of the Primordial Level. After you take it out and give it away, we will be in Baoding if your Tribulation is soaring!

The enchanter couldn't help but sneered: "Then what if I don't want to make this deal?"

The swordsman's face suddenly became cold: "That is toasting and not eating fine wine? There is nothing to say, our brother has no other skills, and smashed the Yuan Ying gold seat. We have smashed ten in the past few days. For a few casual players, if you are so confident, you can try it, but I don’t think it is necessary. I don’t think you want to fly through the catastrophe again in a week, do you?"

"you guys……"

The sorcerer raised his magic sword, pointed at everyone on the other side, and even pointed at the assassin who was clearly sneaking, and smiled: "Every one of you is rubbish."


The boxer roared, his whole body stirred with the brilliance of skills, and said angrily: "It's nothing more than a dog enchanter, what are you pretending? Give shameless things, not to mention the Yuan Ying Jin Zu, you are the man I am today. !"

The two sharpshooters even sneered, and one after another they flexed their bows and arrows.

The swordsman smiled faintly and said: "Brother, I would advise you, 2000R is really not too much, what age is this, what can 2000R do? Your Yuan Ying Jin Zu has been released for almost five minutes, right? These five If you just follow us within minutes, your skills will definitely enter the CD, right? With the loss of vitality and mana, even if you are great, you can kill all of our five spicy chickens. After that, you still have Are there enough skills and status to resist the triple thunder catastrophe? It is destined to be a failure. Why not spend 2000R to destroy the disaster?"

"no way!"

The young sorcerer swept his magic sword across his body, and said indifferently: "Even if I fail to overcome the catastrophe, let me bow my slippers to your rubbish. I can afford this person, and I can't afford to lose my personality. this person!"

"Ok, Ok."

A sharpshooter smiled and said, "Then prepare to die!"

With that said, the two sharpshooters opened their bows together, and shot them in a long range. Concussion Arrow + Armor Sunder Arrow + Meteor Arrow + Explosive Arrow are all powerful single-attack skills for sharpshooters. It is clear that one set of skills can be achieved in seconds. Drop the enchanter in front of you.

As soon as Ciwang gritted his teeth, he had to activate his own skills, and the nine-tailed fox behind him also spread his fur, looking fierce.

Can't watch it anymore, don't let it really happen.

Just as Ciwang was about to activate his skills, I floated down, blocking him in this way, and raised my hand to summon a white dragon wall. The white dragon wall was bright and clear across the front. The two marksman’s long-range shooting blocked all the blocks in front of Ciwang, and then without looking back indifferently: "They are right, any consumption of you will affect your success rate of crossing the catastrophe, so this group of **** will be handed over to you. I, you just have to overcome the catastrophe with peace of mind."

He said, he fished out in troubled waters, and then the shadow transformation + murderous intent broke out almost at the same time. The grass and trees were all soldiers + the wind and cranes shrouded in the sky above the two sharpshooters. The damage was too strong. They were strangled before they even had time to evade. Then a shadow leaping stabs on the body of the residual blood assassin, turning around a white cloth + annihilation + shadow leaping to drop the opponent's boxer, and in an instant, there is only one swordsman left on the opponent.

"July Flowing Fire..."

Ciwang murmured at my back.

"July Flowing Fire..."

The swordsman stood in front of me and said the same ID.

I tilted my head and looked at him, waited for the fish to disappear in troubled waters, and laughed: "Using game mechanics to blackmail others, and it is a large amount of 2000R, do you know that this actually constitutes a violation of the law?"


The swordsman gritted his teeth and said: "This is just a game. It is illegal in the game? Your head is squeezed by the door? Kill if you want to kill. Everyone in the whole server is afraid of your fire in July. I'm not afraid. Can you lose your anger?"

"is it?"

I smiled slightly: "I have recorded the entire video of your extortion. According to the recently promulgated virtual game rights protection law, you have broken the law. I will follow up with the relevant legal department and find a professional lawyer to sue. You, when the time comes, you will just wait."


The swordsman's face flushed, and his thoughts were already confused: "No matter how powerful you are in the July Flowing Fire game, you are a player. You know who Lao Tzu is, you are going to sue me?"

"Is it difficult to find out who you are?"

I immediately summoned Star Eye and typed in ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the result was less than three seconds. I laughed and said, "Zhang Qiang, Room 602, Building 21, Jianye New Village, Pudong District, Shanghai, isn't it?"

For a moment, the swordsman's face was pale, and he couldn't control his words and deeds: "You...you..."


I tilted my head and smiled and said, "What about the momentum when I threatened to blackmail someone? That kind of determination, that kind of calmness? I didn't say you, you, people like you, hiding behind the network cable, feel like you are lawless, and you feel like you are in the world. First, it's just a social scum. Do you think games are where you vent your emotions? Wrong, when your emotions affect other people's emotions, you are **** real rubbish."

"July Flowing Fire..."

Ciwang murmured: "Forget it, don't really scare him to death."


I smiled slightly, raised my hand directly, waved away the address and subtitles of the other party, and said with a smile: "Forget it, since the victim has interceded, then let you go, but remember what I just said, in the game Be a man here, don't be a dog, man is doing it, and the sky is watching."

"Got it……"

The swordsman trembled all over, and said, "I count mine this time, I'm the one who is obsessed with it."

With that, he was leaving.

"and so on."

I stopped him and said with a smile: "Just leave?"

He froze and turned around: "Is there anything else?"

"Don't die?"

The next moment, I stepped forward and directly hunted out the enemy's front + the three disasters of Karma Fire, followed by a spiral thrust, and my body turned into a flash of light that penetrated and shredded his corpse, and then appeared a few meters away. In addition, the whole body was murderous, killing him cleanly.

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