Zhan Yue

Chapter 1151: The legendary fall

When I opened the big map, it was completely dark. Only the map within 500 yards around me was displayed. The Eye of the Stars map is really mysterious, and the big map shows that my current location is called "peripheral ruins." , Obviously, I haven't really stepped into the eyes of the stars at all.

Looking up, there was an empty space between the stars, only fragments of the continents floating in the stars in front of them, like a planet that has not had time to be completely annihilated after being crushed.


At this moment, there was a voice in my ear——


System prompt: Please note that you have entered the map [Eye of the Starry Sky]. There are two ways to go to the next stage of the map. The first is to find the teleportation mark, and the second is to kill the monster and explode. Go to the next stage of the teleporting scroll, good luck!


I breathed a sigh of relief. The game mode is already open, so the next step should be to search for maps and spawn monsters, so I jumped forward and gently landed on a straight ridge that traverses the earth, saying that the ridge may be a little inappropriate. , Because it is more like a "beam" that constructs the entire continental shelf. It is pitch black with some vines and weeds growing on it, so it leads to the pitch black night sky.

Walk around, if you can find the teleportation mark and enter the next level without killing any monsters, it would be best.

Walking silently under my feet, as a top-notch assassin with Quan Min's points, my agility points are enough to win the whole service. With such a strong agility, it is like a master with great skill and no trace. The sounds made when walking and the traces of changing terrain will be reduced infinitely. This is also one of the pursuit goals of the assassin profession. A true high agility assassin can be assassinated silently, even on the grass, and can walk. Escaped the opponent's eyes.

"Jie Jie..."

When I walked less than 100 meters away, I saw a monster entrenched on the dark stone ridge. It was a monster in the shape of a chameleon, but it was covered with shimmering scales, its tongue was extremely long, and its eyes were glowing. Taupe brilliance, with eight legs in total, looking straight at me like a prey.

Alien beast, level 217, mountain and sea level monster, one of the guardians of the ruins surrounding the Eye of the Stars, in fact, it may just be a native, there is no guardian.

In the next second, the alien beast's hatred value was triggered, and it took the lead to shoot, its body suddenly kicked, and it soared.

I slid back between the flashes of lightning, and at the same time the blade of the Vulcan was raised, the gouge skill was activated, and the gouge was stunned in mid-air instantly, and then a few sets of skills were taken away. When the alien beast was killed, it just exploded After a few gold coins, it didn't drop the teleporting scroll.

The 217-level mountain and sea-level monsters are actually higher than the monsters in the Eternal Secret Realm, but... those who have the courage to come to the Starry Sky are basically the top first-line players in the current national server. Who doesn’t have some housekeeping methods yet? Not to mention the 217-level mountain and sea-level monsters, even the 220-level monsters would not be a problem.

Without thinking, I rushed straight forward, but didn’t go far. The second and third alien beasts appeared together and started to hug. Of course, it’s not a problem. When I raised my hand, orange Ye was summoned out, holding the magic spear in his hand, and smiling straightly: "Master, the subordinates know what to do."

He said that he rushed out, fighting more fiercely than me.

Orange Night is now a seventh rank, I don't know if it will be stronger and more fierce when it rises to the eighth rank, but it makes me have some small expectations.

After cleaning up all the way, this long stone ridge is obliquely connected to the earth, and the other end points to the dark night sky. I don’t know how high it is, and I didn’t think much about it. Just kill it like this, maybe. Something pointed.

So, after I cleaned about 100+ alien beasts, I went forward and saw a faint light appearing in the night sky, shining in the darkness, so I walked straight forward and found that it was like a leaf. The silver mark of, the eyes touched in time, the system prompts for the transmission mark, it appeared so soon?

I was overjoyed and stepped in immediately, and the moment I stepped on the imprint, the imprint disappeared with a "swish", and turned into a strand of transmission luster engulfing the whole body, and the next second the body swayed and turned into a particle storm again. Entering the endless starry sky, the time was very short, less than a second, the body plummeted, and the moment he condensed his body had fallen into a lifeless fragmented world.

The first layer of the eye of the starry sky.

When I looked around, I found that there were only black and lacquered giant rocks around, the landform was like a lifeless planet, and it was also a fragmented continent, but it was bigger than the map of the outer ruins, just above the bare earth. There were no roots, grass, or a tree, only the cold wind whispering in Ling Lie's ears.

Go on and look for the transfer mark or the transfer reel.

Aimlessly, this map has no exits. It can only be shuttled by the transmission mark, just like the shuttles of different planes in the starry sky. There is no channel, and it makes no difference where to shuttle, so I just mention it. I walked with the double-edged blades and walked forward, no matter what, I'll clean it all the way.

Half a minute later, when I was walking in the wilderness, there was a sound of "sand" from the depths of the earth under my feet, and then a patch of mud cracked in front of me, and a starry sky monster appeared in front of me again, this time It has grown even more weird, and it crawls like an anteater covered in black armor, except that it has a long tail on its tail and a thorn with cold light at the end.

Heliconia, level 221, mountain and sea level monster.

My heart shuddered, and I instantly felt refreshed, level 221 monster, the map of the starry sky is really super face-to-face!

When the two blades were lifted, they rushed to the front of the scorpiontail in an instant. The chance to not give it a response was a set of annihilation + enemy hunter + god-killing blade, and the tail of the scorpion was raised and struck like lightning. At the moment, I was a gouge directly, interrupting its attack skills, and at the same time giving myself one second to recover energy, a lunge rushed to the back of the Helicopter, directly back stab head, followed by a set of Karma Fire III Disaster + Dragon Impact + Shadow Leap, the two sets of skills are connected by gouge and backstab respectively. It can be said that for assassin players, no matter how high you go, the signature combination of gouge + backstab will always be so practical. .

Calculating the damage of the two sets of skills, it is nearly 500W, plus the offensive of the original flying sword white star, the actual damage of the two sets of skills may be over 700W, and the total blood of the scorpion is 3000W. In fact, the four rounds of offensive are almost over. I believe that few people in the national server can single-to-sing high-level monsters as fast as me.

Within half a minute, the scorpion tail fell to the ground with a horrible cry, still exploding some gold coins.

Keep going!

Moving forward, hidden scorpion tails are constantly spawned under the map. As long as the player steps within 100 yards of them, these scorpion tails will burrow out of the surface and look at the player, and I have no waste. , As long as there is a Helicopter daring to drill out of the surface and stare at me, there is nothing to say, just pick it up. Anyway, the monsters in the map of Star Eye have extremely high experience bonuses, which are higher than killing monsters in the eternal secret territory. The oil and water are much higher!

When the fourth Helicopter I killed fell to the ground, it clicked and it was shipped!

My heart stunned, and I hurriedly picked up the skill book and looked at it. It turned out to be a sword Chuxinghe, which really made me rich!


I said in the studio: "Have you entered the first level of Eye of the Stars?"

Lin Xi took the lead and said: "Just entered."

Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi said no.

I smiled and said, "The monster on the first level is a starry sky monster called the Scorpiontail. I just burst a sword from the Scorpiontail. You say it's amazing?

"A bit powerful."

Lin Xi smiled and said: "It seems that the Star Eye map has something in common with the Eternal Secret Realm maps. It has revealed the skill books that players urgently need. Go ahead, maybe there are other surprises."


I analyzed the details of the first layer of the map with Lin Xi again, and tried to see if it was possible for two people to meet, but I was desperate to find that there was no hope at all. This layer of map is really too big, and the scenery in the sky is almost the same. The sky is full of stars, and the scenery on the ground is even bald, there is no iconic reference at all, so I still have to paint each one to see if luck can meet.


I am not dead brush, but go straight to the distance along a path, and keep my coordinates moving until behind, I start a group brush, and directly lead 8-10 scorpions to brush together, or turn on the shadow to transform, or With a murderous intent, the advantages of AOE skills such as the sound of the wind, the fish in troubled waters, and the impact of the dragon are fully utilized. It is only a pity that on this map, the skills of all soldiers have always been dim, because the land is barren and there is a blade of grass. No, if there is no vegetation, there is naturally no way to start the army.

"Can each player only enter the Eye of the Stars once?" Shen Mingxuan asked.

"Yes it is."

As I ran forward, I responded: "So cherish this life, once it is dead, it will be gone, and it will fall from level 200 back to level 199, which is terrible."

"Oh my God……"

Gu Ruyi was very nervous: "Then...if you fall back to level 199, will the effect of crossing the catastrophe disappear?"

"Yes, this is the legendary fall!" I said it with a sense of precision ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Gu Ruyi must have faded.

Lin Xi smiled and scolded: "Bah, baah! Ruyi, don't listen to his nonsense, it is impossible to fall, soaring through the catastrophe, refining the Nascent Soul, this kind of thing is completed, we are the player, even if you fall back to 1. Level, you are still a player who has already crossed the catastrophe, don't need to cross the catastrophe again, don't worry."


Gu Ruyi agreed with a smile.

I was bored for a while, and continued to run madly in the first layer of the Eye of the Stars.

At this moment, a silver brilliance of "Shu" flickered in the air in front, like a silver leaf, and when the brilliance fell on the ground, a player completed the teleportation, apparently just from the outer ruins. The player who stepped into the first floor through the teleportation mark, and when I saw his ID, I couldn't help laughing.

The mountain is not old, Fenglinhuo's chief marksman, one of the four veterans.

This fate is incredible!

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