Zhan Yue

Chapter 1162: Reality and dream are intertwined

After finishing everything up, he leaped forward and fluttered forward. In the ocean, it seemed that he could walk slowly against the wind without the power of the immortal realm. This feeling was quite good. The cloak was fluttering behind him, and a pair of daggers glowed with precious light. , As an assassin, his murderous aura has reduced a lot, but he is a little more immortal.


I didn’t run into the map aimlessly, but kept going north, walked to the ZONE of the map, and then touched the edge of the map to find the end, so that the chance of finding the end of the map would be the greatest. If that doesn’t work, then it’s on the map. Looking in the center, as an experienced game veteran, these two places are the easiest to be set as the end of the map, with a probability of over 90%!

Soon after, I encountered a second flaming worm, still belonging to the market-level quasi-boss. This flaming worm is hidden in the mud and sand on the seabed. Once triggered, it can only be hit, otherwise it will continue to chase you and bite. Until it kills you, on other maps, the pursuit of some small monsters can be ignored, but here, the pursuit of the market-level quasi-boss, whoever dares to ignore anyone is looking for death.

It was another ten minutes, and there was an unsafe strategy to get out of this flame-footed insect and move on.

At this time, Lin Xi's voice came from outside: "How about the seventh floor?"

"not so good."

I am anxious: "Lin Xiaoxi, if you can, you must not step into the seventh floor. There is only one kind of monster called the flame-footed insect, which belongs to the market-level quasi-boss. It is too difficult to kill. My shadow is transformed. They were all stumbling, and what you said... I feel a little reluctant."

Lin Xi couldn't help but laugh: "If you want to say I don't look enough, just say it straight. It's not that I can't accept criticism."

"No way?"

Shen Mingxuan said: "Even Lin Xi may not be an opponent?"

"It doesn't have to be."

I took a deep breath and said, "Lin Xi's offensive and defensive skills are sufficient, but the battery life is insufficient. The reason why I can solo kill is because I have incorporated many of the Paladin's skills, the Hammer of Holy Healing, the Light Messenger, Glory Shield Wall and the like can be used, but Lin Xi does not have these skills, so recovery is a big problem in a single kill. The flame-footed insects not only have terrifying attack power, but also release venom. They can't hide from the venom in the seabed terrain, so It's better not to come."


Lin Xi smiled lightly and said: "Listen to you, I will practice level 6 obediently. If the 7th floor is like you described, I think you are the only one who can mix on the 7th floor. Other people are also looking for death when they enter. Canghai, the dawn of purgatory, Yanshi will not attack, and the enchantment on paper will not work!"

"Yes it is."

I took a deep breath: "In short, you are also telling some people in the guild not to enter the seventh floor. If you have the opportunity, you can team up on the sixth floor. The monsters on the sixth floor have a lot of oil and water, and the explosion rate is high. There is no need to come to the seventh floor. , Just do a good job on the sixth floor."



Therefore, I can only eat the suffering of the flame-footed insects. Fortunately, this kind of ruin-level quasi-boss is cruel and cruel, but it is unambiguous in terms of explosion rate. Basically, every one of them must be published and released. Jie Ge, although it did not come out of the ruin-level equipment, but it can be regarded as full of harvest, and I am also constantly exploring the map, so I can't be too greedy.

As a result, one morning, a lot of gains were made.

There are 17 skill books, plus 16 jewels of the Tribulation. As for the equipment, there are all kinds of mess. Although it can't talk about the best quality, it should be no problem to sell seventy to eighty thousand on the market.

In the afternoon, continue.

Just brushing until around 7 o’clock in the evening, the income of the whole day is quite terrifying, a total of 54 skill books, 57 tribulation gems, and the level has also risen to 213, which is twice a day without a version of the mission. Level, I’m afraid it can only be achieved by constantly brushing the BOSS here. As for equipment, a total of 240+ pieces of equipment, ranging from orange equipment to prehistoric level, are all treasured by me in the storage space of the ancient bracelet. They are all high-level equipment of level 200-210. Once they are thrown into the guild’s treasury, they will surely be quite popular. After all, there are only a handful of ruins-level and mountain-sea level equipment. Most first-line players still have to put their eyes on the red, On the orange equipment, this is also helpless.

As for map exploration, after 10 hours of exploration, I have already reached the edge of the map in the north. When I reached the edge, it was like walking to the end of the land. In front of me was the abyss and the sky full of stars, and the whole world was hanging upside down. , Unspeakable mysteriousness, and within ten hours, I walked along the map for a long time. Under the drawing tool of Star Eye, this seven-layer map of Star Eye was almost half drawn, so I found the end. It's just a matter of time.

Any complicated things, as long as you think about it systematically, you can always sort out a clue.

At this moment, there was a "di" sound and a WeChat message came from Wang Lu from the KDA base: "Lu Li, in the game?"


I nodded: "Something happened?"

"Well, didn't your own system detect the violent magnetic fluctuations? This time the cross-border creature appeared on the coast, in the territory of the eastern part of Nantong. Our Sunan KDA decided to join forces with Shanghai DKA, so you come here quickly, in the game... ...Will not disturb the rhythm?"

"It doesn't matter if it is disturbed."

I said solemnly: "It's important to deal with the creatures in the world. I'll go there, but... there are no people left in the base. I'm worried that the Transcendental Project organization will take the opportunity to destroy it."

"Don't worry, there are a lot of people left. There is even a special forces team on its way to your place. After you leave, basically no one can hurt Lin Xi and the others."

"I see, thank you, Sister Wang Lu."

"What are you polite? Come here quickly. Let's take a helicopter and go straight over."



I quickly informed Lin Xi, then went off the assembly line, put on my down jacket and went downstairs. Stareye had already drove downstairs, accompanied by the sound of the engine, the sports car galloped away, and arrived at the base in less than fifteen minutes. I parked the car directly on the tarmac and trot over. Wang Lu was beckoning at the hatch, and the helicopter set off directly after sitting firmly.

"Arrive at the destination in about forty minutes."

Tie Hanyi looked solemnly, reached out his hand to flip the communication device on his wrist, and ejected the local 3D map, saying: "This time, the space crack appeared in the shallow sea, about one kilometer away from the land. The current crack is still small, but it is It slowly grows larger, and it is estimated that things on the other side will come over soon."

I nodded.

Wang Lu said: "There are not many masters on the Shanghai KDA side, and there is only one elementary Yangyan...So this time we can only play the main force on the southern side of Jiangsu, and they will assist in the battle.

Captain Qin Feng looked awe-inspiring and did not speak.

I looked at everyone. Basically, there hasn’t been much change in the realm. Tie Hanyi is still Yangyan mid-level, Qin Feng’s imperial qi peak, Wang Lu, Haotian, and Yu Yi are late imperial qi, in fact, if you pass If the world creatures are relatively powerful, it will ultimately depend on me and Tie Hanyi, and the most disturbing thing is that no one knows what is hidden behind the scenes that day, after all, it is another world.

So everyone is very silent. We are members of KDA and a member of AJ of the country. Since the creatures across the boundary are attacking, we can only stand up and there is no way out.


Haotian looked at me and smiled: "Are you on the seventh floor of Eye of the Stars?"

"It's in!"

I pointed at myself with a thumbs up, and smiled: "With my strength, is it difficult to enter the last level?"

Haotian laughed: "That's that~~~"

Wang Lu and Qin Feng also laughed, and the atmosphere in the cabin eased slightly.

I looked at Tie Hanyi and said, "Boss Tie, will the military cooperate with us this time?"


Tie Hanyi said solemnly: "A task force for coastal defense is already in place. In addition, two 054A ships are cruising nearby and will provide fire assistance if necessary. In addition, ground armored forces are also rushing over. In short, this The magnetic field disturbance in the secondary space is very strong, and the above is not a general concern. We have given us a death order. We must not let any cross-border creature enter the coastal development zone. We must protect the local people."

"Got it."

I frowned: "We will do our best."


My ears were full of the huge sound of helicopter flying. Suzhou and Nantong were adjacent to each other, so the time passed by was faster than expected. After half an hour, I could already feel the sea breeze at night. As the air kept approaching, I squinted my eyes and looked into the distance. Just in the sky, a glowing cloud that looked like a burning cloud slowly spread less than ten meters from the sea, and in the air, a helicopter gunship was already waiting~www .wuxiaspot.com ~ There are pieces of armored units on the ground.


In the burning clouds, there were voices that seemed to have been heard.

"It's too late to land."

Tie Hanyi stood up abruptly and patted the pilot's shoulder: "Lower the height to 30 meters, and we will just jump down."


Soon after, after I put on a KDA combat outfit, I also jumped down with Tie Hanyi, and bursts of sun burst into the sky, and landed like this, and in the distance, a person who looked clear and clear. The middle-aged man walked over, full of vigorous yang energy, smiled and said, "Boss Tie, I finally met again."

"Team Zhang, how is the situation?" Tie Hanyi asked.

Team Zhang from Shanghai KDA frowned and said: "Not optimistic, the aura is getting stronger and stronger, and there is a lot of aura. It is estimated that they will come soon. The army has blocked the sea and the firepower will be quite concentrated. By then, their only way out is to retreat. On land, in short, this time we must complete dumplings, so that they can't go in the sea, and they can't live on land."

"I see, let's go over."


A group of people dashed off and came to the beach, and as soon as I stood still, I saw the burning clouds in the sky suddenly seemed to be burnt down, "pupupupu" jumped out of the space cracks hugely. The body plunged into the sea, and then the fiery red body snaked and floated towards the landing place.

The fiery red shell, many feet, flame-filled tentacles, and those two pairs of dark eyes.

Flame with foot worm? !

I trembled all over, and at this moment I almost couldn't distinguish between reality and dreams.

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