Zhan Yue

Chapter 1170: Ruthless people clear the lights

In the afternoon, re-enter the eye of the stars.


It seems to be a lot smoother. On the first floor, I saw a teleportation mark refreshed by the system after almost walking a few steps. On the second floor, when the fifth monster was only killed, it also dropped a teleportation mark. On the third floor, after killing more than a dozen monsters, in addition to the transmission mark, he entered the fourth floor in less than ten minutes and saw the Guixu-level monsters.

"It seems that the Star Eye system has been changed, and the teleportation mark is too good, isn't it?" I asked in the studio.

"Yes, it is!"

Shen Mingxuan whispered: "The system was refreshed after you cleared the level yesterday. It is said that the explosion rate of the teleportation mark is more than ten times that of the previous one, which is convenient for players to quickly jump to the number of layers they want to go, so that the current The fourth and fifth floors are full of players, crowded with people, but there are very few people on the sixth floor."

"Less nature."

Lin Xi smiled and said, "How many people can beat the Broken World Ranger?"

I am anxious: "That's it!"


So, less than an hour later, I successfully returned to the sixth floor of the Eye of Stars. Just like Lin Xi said, although the number of people on the sixth floor of the Eye of Stars is more than before, it is still in a place where there are monsters everywhere and no people can be seen. The six-layer map has almost been explored by the players, so everyone has chosen to team up and try to take care of each other.

The players who come to the sixth floor are all the legendary "treasure hunters". Everyone wants to get rich overnight, and instantly becomes a person who holds the market-level "big treasure" in their hands, but in the end, how many people will get what they hope is hard to say. In short, in terms of the explosion rate of mountain-sea-level and Guixu-level equipment, the Destiny Group’s attitude is "stingy", which shows how strong it is to control top equipment.

When I started fighting monsters, I started to watch everyone’s chat boringly. When I opened the WeChat group of Yilu Guild, I saw Qing Deng talking about his game legend endlessly. Someone just joined Yilu. The beautiful archer admired so much that she almost couldn't help but cut the light on the spot for incense, and became a brother and sister of the opposite sex.


I spoke directly and said: "Now the Eye of the Star map is like a cattle farm, so many people are rushing, so is anyone shipping it? I just went online and I don't know the situation very well."

"It depends on the evaluation criteria of the shipment."

Cassie smiled and said: "If the tribulation gems and the 200-level skill books are shipped, there will be a lot of people who ship them. We have a lot of people who have shipped them, but if we say that they fall into the mountains and seas and return to the market. If the first-class equipment is shipped, then... from yesterday to now, it seems that only one shipment has been shipped."

"Who made it?" I asked.

"The wind and the sea."

Calorie said solemnly: "At around nine o'clock this morning, he and Martian River teamed up on the sixth floor and produced a pair of mountain and sea-level boots called Mingwen boots. The speed and special effects of the improvement are quite good."

"Tsk tsk..."

I didn't say much, and smiled: "It's normal. The explosion rate of the sixth floor is indeed much higher than the rest."

Qingdeng said: "It's a pity that there are too few people who have the ability to come to the sixth floor. This map is so big, but according to statistics, no more than 50 people enter the sixth floor. It is said that from yesterday to now, many people enter the sixth floor. The people in smashed world have been given a second to go out by the Broken World Ranger, so now not many people are willing to enter the sixth floor, at least... the players who have not crossed the robbery will definitely not look for bad luck, they lack the hidden resistance effect of the robbery soaring, too It's easy to be returned to the market by high-level monsters, even I was frightened."

"Actually, it's okay."

Cassie said: "One more reload, two people share the burden, it is not difficult to kill the Ranger of the Broken World."

"Then why don't you team up with me?" Qing Deng had a grudge on his face.

Kamei didn’t give face, she smiled lightly and said: “A lot of handsome little brothers in the guild are chasing me recently... If I form a team with you, I’m likely to be gossiped about, saying that my calories hug you and clear the thighs of the big lights. That's too much to explain, maybe some little brothers who like me are embarrassed to speak."

"It's also..."

I said again and again, "Kamei has been single for so long, so please don't delay others when you clear the lights? Anyway, you are not lacking."

Qing Deng made a black line expression, and said: "I just want to team up with Kamei on the sixth floor of the Eye of the Stars to go to the horizon. Who said I want to fall in love with her? Kamei is a big girl, I can I don't have the courage to chase it, and wanting to team up with her is just a technical cooperation."

"Tsk tsk..."

A Fei smiled and said, "Brother Qing Deng speaks because he is literate, so people can't help but think about it."

At this time, Lin Xi said: "It's a pity, there is no mute function in the WeChat group, there is always a little missing."

A Fei and Qing Deng were silent immediately, while Kamei laughed wildly. A wave of deterrence from a good sister was indeed very useful.


Soon after, everyone was boring, and they were probably bored again. Qingdeng said again: "The Chinese New Year is coming soon. I have bought a batch of high-quality red wine here, Lu Li, give me the address, and I will mail you a box. ?"

"Okay, but I won't pay for it!"

"Brothers talk about how tacky money is, and I will send you and Lin Xi!"

"That's fine." I readily agreed.

Qingshuang interrupted: "Yo yo yo, a few boxes of red wine every day are like a baby. It's hard for my little sister and I to drink a sip. This is one box for Lu Li and Lin Xi. I didn't say it to my brother. Are you doing it for the sake of Yilu's career? It's too shit..."

"What is a dogleg?"

Qing Deng calmly responded: "Lu Li is my most respected assassin player, and Lin Xi is my most respected swordsman player, plus I was promoted by the two of them at the beginning. Is this kind of gift of knowing and encountering a box of wine that can be said clearly? Sister, you are still young, and you don’t understand many things. You have to look at the essence through the phenomenon. My brother has told you so many times that you haven’t made any progress at all."

Qingshuang tut.

Qing Deng continued to smile and said, "Lin Xi, you are the leader, so I have a suggestion."

"What advice?" Lin Xi asked.

"It's about team building in the coming year."

Qingdeng said: "Look, our Yilu has become a quasi-T0 guild of the national server from the beginning. Now, whoever player in the national server mentioned that we Yilu didn't give a thumbs up? So Ah, I think everyone is playing around in the game every day. This is not enough. In order to increase the cohesion of the guild, we will start a team building. It happens that my family has a hotel in Shanghai, which can be used as an address to set a maximum number of personnel, and then I want to come over. Come here, all meals and lodging are free, air tickets and other expenses are at your own expense, what do you think?"

"Where is Lu Li?"

Lin Xi kicked the ball to me: "If you think it is feasible, let's do this team building."

"Nothing is impossible."

I thought about it, and said, "Well, it’s set in March-April next year, just in time for the warmth of spring. By that time, the overall situation in the national server should have been settled, with the 10th-level Chaoge City as the trump card. , The eternal secret realm is in your hands. Compared with other guilds, our advantage will be quite obvious. Even if the elites go to team building at that time, there will be no problems online, Lin Xi, look."

"Then do it!"

Lin Xi said: "But... the guild should pay for the team building, and you can't let Qing Deng lose the money for the treat."

Qing Deng hurriedly said, "Don’t, I think it’s okay. There is no big problem. I don’t have to consider my problem. Really, even if the whole hotel is closed for three or five days, I won’t be starving to death. Everyone is here. Where to live, what to eat and what to eat, the entire hotel will not accept other orders for a few days."


Shen Mingxuan said: "Qing Deng is this kind of hand, and there should be very few beautiful women who can escape his clutches."

"Yes it is."

Qingshuang complained to the face: "Anyway, the woman he brings back upstairs is different every time."


I was in a hurry to clear the light: "Sometimes it will be repeated, just with and without makeup, so you can't see it. Besides, don't I secretly go upstairs from the back door every time? How did you see it?"

Qingshuang faintly said: "People can't talk on the phone with boyfriend on the balcony? Besides, every time you come back drunk, it's strange to notice me. Do you remember that there was one time last year, no, I watched it in the living room TV, you brought a woman with heavy makeup almost on the sofa less than five meters away from me..."

"It's over, A Deng!"

I righteously attacked: "This is as scumbag as Afei!"

Qing Deng grimaced: "I have said that last year, you let the second sister cover her A cup and speak with conscience. Her brother, since I joined Yilu, I am not only in charge of a main group, but also in charge of the night battle group. Have I brought back a woman? To put it in a conscience, for the sake of us, I even gave up my X life..."

I couldn't help crying: "Don't tell me, I haven't lived this or that life until now..."

Lin Xi stared, "You... shut up, you're about to be cleared of the lights, right?"

"Lin Xi!"

Cassie smiled and arched the fire: "Ali's words, a bit resentful, you are a girlfriend..."


Lin Xi probably blushed: "I won't tell you anymore, I will concentrate on finding Ruyi coordinates!"

"Tsk-tsk~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I just slipped away and returned to the leader!" A Fei smiled.

Subsequently, ALFY was banned for 720,000 hours in the guild.


While fighting in the guild, news came from Fanshucheng, who cleared the light and said in a deep voice: "TNND, the sharp people are really bold. Floating Wanren organized 50+ and 200-level personnel and entered together. It is said that I want to make a desperate move to cross the Tribulation Mountain, claiming that even if we go in and interfere, we will never compromise."

"That's great, then go chant!"

I said solemnly: "The one deer below the sixth floor of the Eye of Stars has already crossed the robbery players. It is unreasonable to go back to the city to cross the robbery mountain. Since the sharp people dare to cross the robbery in front of us, then send them all back. Level 199 is good."


Qingdeng said: "I'm back, personally lead the team! Not only will they smash their Nascent Soul Golden Throat, but also beat them back to level 199, so that they will never come singly!"

"Tsk tusk, it's really impeccable to say this!"

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